The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 212 Support Tan Ziwei!Fight side by side with the 1st Battalion Regiment!

Attack the first regiment headquarters.

"Reporting to the commander, the firepower of these British troops is too fierce. Even the Seventh Regiment cannot quickly break through the gap, let alone our troops."

A staff officer sighed and said helplessly.

The regiment leader stared at the map in front of him and said with a serious face: "The seventh regiment left our army, but we cannot use them to death."

"The British army's defense is so tenacious. If we continue to fight like this, it will be difficult for us to capture the Mudongli position in a short time."

A staff officer nearby said: "The main reason is that the British army has too much firepower and occupies a favorable terrain, which makes our attack very passive."

"It is not easy to defeat this British army unless they use a long-term forceful attack to consume their troops and completely lose their fighting spirit."

"In other words, if the main force of our army arrives and the enemy retreats, they will lose their support and will inevitably collapse."

"But the current situation is that the main force of our army is still some distance away from here, and it may be difficult to reach here in a short time."

"And the enemy did not retreat directly this time, but began to mobilize troops for support. Now more and more troops are reinforcing Mudong."

"The main force of the third battalion responsible for providing reinforcements is under increasing pressure. Tan Ziwei has sent me several telegrams asking for reinforcements."

"And according to the accounts of the prisoners we captured, the reinforcements now are not only the 29th Brigade of the British Army, but also the 25th Brigade of the Canadian Army."

"In short, the enemies in the nearby area are still very strong, and our troops are limited."

"It is difficult to resist enemy reinforcements and capture Mudongli."

The leader's frown deepened. If this was the case, he would have to change his strategy.

After all, they don't have many troops and insufficient firepower. They don't have an advantage in any aspect.

The regiment leader said helplessly: "In this case, we can only temporarily stop the siege, but continue to surround them to prevent them from breaking out."

"We can't just give up on this fat thing."

"Delay for a while. As long as the main force arrives, everything will be easy to handle."

"When the main force arrives and the enemy is defeated, the encircled battalion of enemy troops will inevitably break through. As long as we hold on to the strategic points and tighten our pockets, they will not be able to escape."

"When they break through and we block and defend, their advantage will be gone. By then, it will not be a problem to annihilate this battalion of enemy troops."

"Send the order to stop the strong attack. Each offensive force will only maintain a small-scale local attack to put pressure on them."

"In addition, we seek help from the Gang [-]th Regiment, hoping that Qianli can work with the [-]rd Battalion to block the enemy's reinforcements."

"Order the first and second battalions to allocate one company each to be prepared and ready to engage in battle to block enemy reinforcements."


The staff officer quickly responded and turned around to convey the order.

In desperation, the regiment commander could only change his strategy and began to mobilize more troops to engage in the blocking battle. First, to prevent them from rescuing the besieged Gloucester Battalion.

Secondly, you can also use blocking warfare to consume the enemy's effective strength and eliminate as many enemy troops as possible.

Soon, the telegram from the first regiment reached the seventh regiment.

After Wu Qianli received the telegram, he immediately withdrew his troops. They had also participated in the attack before, but the fight did not go well.

After receiving the order, he retreated without hesitation.

Yu Congrong didn't understand the situation. After retreating, he found Wu Qianli and asked, "Commander, why did you suddenly retreat? Are you giving up?"

"Damn it, I have been fighting with my comrades for so long. I really can't give it up!"

The battle was not going well, and enemy support units were getting closer.

Yu Congrong guessed that the regiment commander was worried about being surrounded by the enemy, or being defeated by the enemy from both inside and outside, so he gave up the encirclement and annihilation battle, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Wu Qianli explained: "The enemy's reinforcements are increasing, and it's time to change our strategy."

"We are going to support Tan Zi now, and we are responsible for blocking enemy reinforcements."

Mei Sheng on the side heard this, pondered for a moment, and probably guessed what Wu Qianli meant, and said: "Abandoning the frontal attack and turning to surrounding areas for reinforcements may be the best solution at present."

Wu Qianli nodded and said: "The British army occupies a favorable terrain and has certain advantages in defense. Our troops are limited. If we continue to attack by force, we will not gain much advantage. It will not be easy to destroy this enemy."

"Now mobilize more troops to fight for reinforcements. As long as we block their reinforcements, this enemy group will not be able to escape. Once the main force arrives, the main force of the enemy army may be defeated by us."

"When they see that there is no hope of breaking out, they may not need us to fight, and they will have to surrender obediently."


Wu Wanli chuckled and said, "Brother, it seems you are getting to know these foreign devils better and better."

"They won't really fight for a battle they can't win. At least there are very few such troops. Surrendering obediently to save their lives is also their normal operation."

At this time, Pinghe ran over and said: "Commander, all the troops have withdrawn, and the wounded have been placed."

"Comrades who can still fight have been assembled and are ready to fight."

"it is good!"

Wu Qianli nodded, and then shouted loudly: "Wanli."


Wu Wanli ran over and looked at Wu Qianli with excitement.

This kid got more energetic the more he fought, and he seemed to be a natural warrior.

Wu Qianli is now more and more satisfied with this younger brother.

"Wu Wanli, go to the third battalion first, find the battalion commander, and tell him that our seventh regiment will be there soon."

"Be careful on the road and go!"


Wu Wanli responded quickly, turned around and ran away.

Wu Qianli waved his hand and said loudly: "Let's go!"

Then the soldiers of Gang [-]th Regiment followed Wu Qianli and quickly rushed towards the third battalion's blocking position.

At this moment, the enemy is frantically attacking our blocking position.

Major General Brody did not run away this time because he was scolded for running too fast before.

Of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that they also found out clearly that the main force of the nearby volunteers was not large, and only a few thousand people could survive.

And he has a brigade in his hands, and a Canadian Army's 25th Brigade to assist them in fighting. They have an absolute advantage in every aspect.

Moreover, the Gloucester Battalion was surrounded. It was impossible for him to really abandon this battalion and more than 1000 people and run away with the main force!

So no matter what, they had to rescue the Gloucester Battalion.

Therefore, Major General Brody ordered the troops to counterattack with all their strength to rescue the Gloucester Battalion from the encirclement.

Under the enemy's crazy counterattack, the pressure on the third battalion responsible for blocking enemy reinforcements doubled.

The Third Battalion was severely under-strength. Fortunately, they occupied favorable terrain and were able to barely resist the enemy's attack. Although they were blocked, the battle was very difficult.

On the blocking position of the third battalion, Tan Ziwei held a light machine gun, pointed it at the approaching enemies, and fired continuously.

"Da da da~!"

Intense gunshots rang out, and bullets flew towards the enemy like raindrops.Among the enemies that rushed up, some were shot and fell to the ground.

While the enemy was attacking, they kept firing. Enemy mortars and tanks in the distance also continued to suppress our positions with artillery fire. The battle was very fierce.

A bunch of bullets were quickly emptied. Tan Ziwei huddled in the trench holding the gun. While changing the magazine, he shouted loudly: "Comrades, hold on!"

"Hit me to death!"

The enemy's firepower was fierce and the casualties of the troops were increasing, but the attacking enemy suffered greater casualties.

The battlefield was covered with enemy corpses, and these enemies also received death orders to rescue the trapped Gloucester Battalion.

At this moment, Wu Wanli ran to Tan Ziwei.

Tan Zi was stunned for a moment because he recognized Wu Wanli, and asked, "Why did you come here?"

Wu Wanli replied: "Our seventh regiment will come to support immediately, and my brother is behind with his troops!"

"My brother asked me to come see you first."

As Wu Wanli spoke, he secretly glanced excitedly at the enemies rushing up below.

After spotting the opportunity, the kid picked up a grenade, pulled the fuse, and threw it directly.

The grenades landed accurately next to several enemies.


As an explosion sounded, the enemies were immediately knocked to the ground.

Tan Ziwei thought about it for a while and made some rough guesses.

Tan Ziwei sighed helplessly and said, "Damn, these stupid foreign devils are really hard to deal with."

"You are here just in time. We are under too much pressure."

"I hope the Seventh Regiment can quickly support the position on the left, otherwise the comrades on the position may not be able to withstand it."

As he spoke, Tan Ziwei pointed at a hilltop not far away. At this moment, there was also a lot of artillery fire there, and the battle was very fierce.

"It's the top of the mountain over there! Boy, look clearly!"

Wu Wanli turned his head and glanced, then nodded and said, "I know!"

"Go! Be careful when you go down."


Wu Wanli responded quickly, then bent down and ran towards the back along the trench.

At this time, artillery shells fell from time to time. One artillery shell landed nearby and blew up a cloud of dust.

Wu Wanli was covered with dust, and at this moment, this kid seemed to have emerged from the earth.

However, Wu Wanli did not stop at all. While shaking off the dust from his body, he continued to run forward, passing through the enemy's fire blockade without any danger, and descended the mountain.

At this time, Wu Qianli had already led the soldiers of the Gang [-]th Regiment to the foot of the mountain.

Wu Qianli quickly asked: "How is the situation on the mountain?"

Wu Wanli replied: "The enemy's offensive is very fierce. Battalion Commander Tan wants us to go to the left position to support, which is the hill in front."

As he spoke, Wu Wanli raised his hand and pointed to a hilltop a few hundred meters ahead on the left.

Wu Qianli took one look, and then shouted an order: "Those from the seventh regiment, follow me!"

The soldiers followed Wu Qianli and rushed to the left position together.

At this moment, the battle on the mountain on the left is even more intense.

At the beginning, this was not the focus of the enemy's attack, so Tan Ziwei only deployed a small number of troops here.

However, as the number of enemies continued to increase, the enemies whose attacks were blocked began to go crazy, and found that the blocking firepower here was relatively weak.

So the enemy sent more troops and began to attack the mountain on the left.

The defenders suffered heavy casualties and were gradually unable to hold on.

Tan Ziwei also received news that the left position was in emergency, but at this moment all his troops were engaged in combat, and there were no extra troops to support the left position, so they could only grit their teeth and hold on.

Therefore, the seventh regiment arrived just in time, and Tan Ziwei asked them to urgently support the left position.

Wu Qianli could also see from a distance that the fighting here was tense, so he did not dare to delay at all, and rushed over directly with the soldiers of Gang [-]th Regiment.

The soldiers reached the end one by one and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

Because they also know that if they arrive a second earlier, they can resolve the danger a second earlier. Once the position here is lost, the consequences will be disastrous.

Wu Qianli took the lead and rushed into the position. Along a trench, he quickly arrived at a forward position.

Looking at the corpses of his comrades lying scattered in the trench, Wu Qianli ignored his sadness and lay down in the trench, raised his submachine gun and pointed it at the charging enemy.

"Comrades~! Our seventh regiment has just come to support you!"

"You guys from the seventh group, give me a good beating. Beat these bitches off me!"

"Da da da~!"

As he spoke, the submachine gun in his hand spurted out streams of fiery tongues of fire.

Dense bullets flew quickly towards the enemies down the mountain.

"Puff puff~!"

The bullet hit the enemy, making a muffled sound and splashing blood mist.

The screams continued to sound, and the enemies who rushed up were instantly swept away.

At this time, Wu Wanli also ran into the position. The boy put the gun aside, picked up the grenade, pulled the fuse, and threw it out.

The grenade emitted black smoke and landed accurately among the enemy crowd.


A violent explosion sounded, and several enemies were knocked to the ground, dead or injured.

At this time, a soldier rushed over with a box of grenades, placed it in the trench next to Wu Wanli, and shouted: "Magic pitcher, these are all for you, give these idiots a hard time."

Wu Wanli's eyes gleamed with excitement, he grabbed the grenades and threw them out one after another.

The name of this magic pitcher is not for nothing. The grenades landed accurately among the enemy crowd. With the sound of violent explosions, the enemy's victims were thrown off their backs.

At this moment, Wu Wanli was simply a human-shaped steel cannon. The grenades landed one after another, and each time they landed accurately at the enemy's feet, making the enemy cry for father and mother.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Gang [-]th Regiment rushed to the position one after another, pointing various weapons at the enemies who rushed up, and started greeting them together.

Originally, the enemy thought that they would be able to rush to the top of the mountain soon. Their morale was high and they rushed up one by one desperately. However, they were hit head-on and suffered heavy casualties for a while.

These enemies were not fools either. As the firepower on the mountain became more and more fierce and the casualties increased, the enemies also realized that the volunteer reinforcements had arrived.

The attacking enemies knew that they could not capture the mountain this time, and their morale collapsed instantly, and they rushed down the mountain one by one.

In the panic, and because it was too dark, many enemies stumbled and rolled down the hillside. The scene was chaotic. (End of chapter)

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