The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 220 The special operations of the 7th Regiment!

That night, various units of the Volunteer Army launched a fierce attack on the US military positions. The US military suffered heavy losses and retreated steadily.

The news from the front line quickly spread to the US military headquarters, and Colonel Harris was so angry that he was about to explode.


"It's all a bunch of trash!"

He was furious and helpless, and at the same time he was full of worry.

Because he knew very well that if this trend continued, none of them would be able to escape.

"Reinforcements, we need reinforcements!"

A US military staff officer said cautiously: "Sir, I'm afraid reinforcements won't be able to come for the time being."

"General Ridgway has repeatedly asked us to hold on. When daylight comes, reinforcements will launch a counterattack."

Colonel Harris asked, "How far away are the nearest reinforcements?"

A staff officer replied: "The British 29th Brigade is less than 5 miles away from our nearest unit."

Colonel Harris said angrily: "Don't worry about them, they won't really come to rescue us, even if they are only one mile away from us, it's useless!"

Colonel Harris knew very well that last time they did not rescue Gloucester Camp with all their strength, and Brody would definitely not sincerely come to rescue them this time.

At this moment, Colonel Harris was filled with regret, but now that the matter was over, it was too late to say anything.

Besides, even if Brody wanted to rescue them, it might not be possible.

Because in the previous battle, the British 29th Brigade had suffered heavy losses and its strength was seriously damaged. With their current strength, they came here to gain military exploits.

The staff officer continued: "The other troops are about ten miles away from us."

Hearing this, Colonel Harris was so angry that he almost lost his breath.

Because they were surrounded by volunteers. Although ten miles was not far away, it was not easy for the troops over there to come over.

And they can't hold on much longer now.

At this time, a US military officer came over and said dejectedly: "Sir! The Philippine battalion has been completely destroyed."

In addition to Harris's US 65th Regiment, there was also a Filipino battalion cooperating in the fight. In the previous battle, this battalion was deceived by the British army and suffered heavy losses.

This time they were surrounded again. After a fierce battle, they were completely wiped out.

Colonel Harris yelled angrily: "Farke! These losers, I know they can't count on them."

Colonel Harris cursed a few words and then stopped talking. After all, his troops suffered greater losses.

If you call people trash, then what are they?
  A U.S. military major said: "At this point, it is impossible for us to break through. We can only hold on to the danger and try to hold on for as long as possible."

"Fortunately, it will be dawn soon. After dawn, we will have more aircraft to support us."

"And we can also get stronger artillery support."

At this time, a US military lieutenant colonel said: "It is unlikely, because even if we can hold on until dawn, the two sides are now fighting together. We are divided and surrounded, and it is difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy."

"Even in the daytime, aircraft bombings will be wary and they will not be able to give us full support."

"Unless reinforcements can open the gap and join us, otherwise, we will be doomed."

Colonel Harris' frown deepened. He also knew this situation. He sighed deeply and said, "Now we have no choice but to pray for God's blessing."


While Harris was praying to God, Wu Qianli, who had received the raid order, had quietly led some soldiers to the vicinity of the US military headquarters.

Wu Qianli lay on the hillside, carefully observed the situation in the village, and roughly judged the location of the US military headquarters.

He only brought a small number of elite soldiers with him to avoid alerting the US military.

Wu Qianli planned to launch a sudden attack and catch the US military by surprise. As long as he could kill the US military headquarters, it would be a success.

Wu Qianli took a deep breath, knowing that he could not delay any longer.

He waved his hand and led the soldiers to cautiously move towards the entrance of the village.

Wu Qianli and Pinghe walked at the front. Taking advantage of the last darkness before dawn, they approached the two sentries at the entrance of the village. They suddenly took action and killed the two sentries when they were not prepared.

Then several people entered the village cautiously. Wu Qianli waved and made a few gestures. The people covered each other and continued to move forward.

Pinghe quietly climbed up to a roof, observed the surrounding situation, and chose the best sniping position.

Just ten meters into the village, a patrol came over.

There were seven or eight US troops on patrol. Wu Qianli frowned slightly, and several of them took the opportunity to disperse and hide in the darkness in the corner.

It is obviously impossible to kill these people without making any noise.

So Wu Qianli decided to take action! Before the US military noticed it, they suddenly took action and caught them off guard.

Seeing that the American troops had arrived, Wu Qianli winked at Pinghe.

Pinghe immediately rushed out, holding a submachine gun in his hand, pointing it at the American soldiers and pulling the trigger.

The American soldiers didn't react at all, and a hail of blazing bullets swept over from the side.

"Da da da~!"


Pieces of blood mist rose into the sky, and the American soldiers fell to the ground screaming.

One of them was shot but was not killed, and screamed like a slaughtered pig.

At this time, Wu Qianli raised his hand and fired a bullet. The bullet hit him between the eyebrows, killing the American soldier on the spot.

Wu Qianli shouted loudly: "Blow the charge horn~!"

"The rest of you, come after me! Go straight to the US military headquarters."

A soldier immediately blew the bugle.

"Tick tick tick tick tick ~!"

The loud charging horn sounded.

The gunshots that had just sounded had already alerted the U.S. troops in the village, who were now running towards this side in a panic.

The sudden charge horn sounded at this time, which immediately made the US military feel frightened. Many US troops thought that the main force of the volunteers had invaded from the back mountain.

They didn't even have time to think about where these volunteers came from, and they were all running around in fear.

The U.S. troops in the entire village instantly fell into chaos.

The Volunteer Army's Charge originally caused a psychological shadow on these American troops. In addition, they were surrounded and were about to be doomed. Their morale was already relatively low.

The charge horn suddenly sounded at this time, completely defeating the last line of defense in the hearts of many American troops.

They couldn't even tell how many volunteers had come to kill them. They were all scurrying around like frightened birds.

Pinghe, who was hiding on the roof, also took action, shooting several times in succession and knocking out several US military firepower points in the distance.

Wu Qianli led several other soldiers and quickly rushed towards the US military headquarters along a street.

within the headquarters.

Colonel Harris suddenly heard gunshots coming from outside and was startled.

Colonel Harris felt as if his little heart was about to jump out of his throat, a cold air rushed straight to the top door, cold sweat instantly soaked his shirt, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

"What's going on? Where's the gunshot coming from~!"

The charge horn sounded next, as if it was exploding in my ears.

Colonel Harris felt his legs weaken and collapsed directly to the ground.

A US military officer also shouted in panic: "Chinese army, it is the Chinese army that has invaded."

The entire command staff immediately became confused when they heard this.

"How did they get here?"

"I don't know, but they're out there."

"They're about to call in."

The gunfire outside became more and more intensive, accompanied by violent explosions.

And the "Charge" kept ringing, and all the American troops were frightened.

It took a while for a US military officer to react and shouted: "Get out of here! Get out of here."

The American troops who reacted rushed out one by one.

At this moment, in an open space outside the headquarters.

Two US soldiers panicked and ran onto an M16 anti-aircraft vehicle.

But it was so dark and the surroundings were so chaotic that the U.S. military couldn't even distinguish between friend and foe.

At this moment, Wu Qianli rushed out of a small alley with someone in charge.

"They are over there~! Turn the gun and shoot~!"

An American soldier shouted loudly. The two men tried hard to turn their guns.

Wu Qianli had quick eyes and quick hands, raised the gun and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang~!"

After four consecutive shots, the two guys were shot and fell to the ground, dead on the spot.

When Pinghe saw the American troops rushing out from beside him, he raised his submachine gun and opened fire, mowing down seven or eight people in an instant.

Wu Qianli quickly rushed towards the M16 anti-aircraft vehicle. When he got on the vehicle, he found that people kept rushing out of the house next to him.

Without saying a word, Wu Qianli turned his gun, pointed it at the American troops who rushed out, and started shooting.

The M16 anti-aircraft vehicle is equipped with four M4 heavy machine guns, which means four heavy machine guns fire at the same time. It is also a powerful large-caliber heavy machine gun. Its power can only be described as quite brutal.

"Da da da~!"

Intensive gunfire rang out, and bullets flew towards the US military as quickly as raindrops.

The dense rain of bullets swept into the crowd of American soldiers, and a bloody storm suddenly broke out.

I saw that the American troops who rushed out were beaten to pieces in an instant, with blood splattering and stumps flying everywhere. Each one was beaten to pieces, and no one could retain their whole body.

The group of American troops who rushed out of the house were officers from Harris' command.

Under Wu Qianli's crazy shooting, these people were instantly killed and wounded.

Colonel Harris' legs were weak and he could no longer walk. Two guards carried him out and rushed out.

Hearing the soul-stirring gunfire and seeing those who rushed out being beaten into bloody mist, Colonel Harris was so frightened that he lost control of his bowels and shouted: "No! No!"

The heavy machine gun firepower is fierce and powerful, and a wooden house like this cannot stop bullets at all.

Bullets flew through the doors, windows, and even through the wooden walls, flying into the house.

A string of bullets flew in, and Colonel Harris and the guards on both sides were all beaten to pieces, with blood and broken limbs flying everywhere.

"Da da da~!"

Intensive gunfire continued, and a hail of fiery bullets swept past, directly destroying the row of houses beyond recognition.

At this time, Wu Jin ran over with his gun raised, and Wu Qianli immediately turned his gun, pointed it at the fleeing US troops in the distance, and continued to shoot.

Wu Jin took the opportunity to rush into the house and saw that the few American soldiers who were hiding in the house and had no time to run out were all beaten to death by Wu Qianli.

The room was filled with smoke. Wu Jin checked carefully and confirmed that there was no one alive before rushing out.

The soldiers continued to attack along the streets, but the U.S. troops in the village were completely in chaos. They were scrambling around one by one, and the scene was chaotic.

Pinghe jumped into the car and threw the submachine gun onto the passenger seat.

He skillfully started the car and shouted loudly: "Sit tight."

Then Pinghe drove an M16 anti-aircraft vehicle and quickly chased outside the village.

Wu Qianli controlled the machine gun from behind and kept shooting at the fleeing US troops.

The four-mounted M2 heavy machine gun is so powerful that even an ordinary armored vehicle cannot withstand such fierce firepower, let alone people.

As bursts of gunfire rang out, the American troops running around were scattered in all directions, leaving many dead and injured.

Wu Jin and others followed Wu Qianli and the others with great momentum, killing many American soldiers.

In the end, most of the American troops in the village were wiped out, and only a few took advantage of the chaos to escape. Wu Qianli and others successfully occupied the small village.

Wu Jin said: "It is indeed the headquarters of the US military. I saw a lot of officers, but they were all beaten to pieces. It would be great if we captured the US military commander alive."

Wu Qianli said: "What else could I care about at that time? I'd rather die first."

"Catch them alive. If they resist, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

What Wu Qianli said made sense. They were short of manpower, so someone had to guard the prisoners.

At the beginning, the US military was in chaos, and everyone was scrambling to escape. At that time, there was no time to capture any prisoners.

Wu Qianli observed the situation at the scene, and then ordered: "Light a fire and burn this village to me."

Pinghe quickly asked: "Why? There are a lot of good things here, we have to take them away!"

Wu Qianli observed the surrounding situation and said, "I want all of them to know that their headquarters has been killed and their commander is gone."

"The morale of the US military has already dropped to rock bottom. If they know this news, they will have no intention of continuing to resist."

"Of course, I took advantage of the opportunity to take away some of the good things I could."


Pinghe responded quickly.

Several people searched the village and took away some weapons and ammunition, as well as some instruments and documents from the headquarters.

The fire quickly engulfed the entire mountain village, and the U.S. troops in the nearby area who were still holding their positions quickly discovered the situation.

Most of the US military knew that their regimental commander's headquarters was in this small village, and now it had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Originally, the US military was panicked because it was besieged. This further damaged the morale of the US military.


At the same time, Mei Sheng and the remaining soldiers also launched an attack on the US military position.

Under the fierce firepower of the US military, the attack of the Gangqi Regiment was temporarily contained.

on the battlefield

Yu Congrong said: "Political Commissar, the firepower of the American devils is too strong. We are suppressed by them."

Mei Sheng observed the situation and said: "We must find a way to contain the firepower of the US military."

While they were talking, Yu Congrong shouted loudly: "Look over there, the captain and the others have succeeded."

After hearing this, Mei Sheng observed secretly, and sure enough he saw that the village at the foot of the mountain over there had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The soldiers were very excited when they saw this, but the U.S. military's firepower was too strong to suppress them. The Gang [-]th Regiment could not rush up at all. The soldiers kept shooting, but they could not suppress the U.S. military's firepower.

At this time, Yu Congrong said: "Political Commissar, Lei Gong and others will provide us with artillery support soon. We should be able to suppress their firepower by then."

Mei Sheng was also very excited at this moment and said: "The most important thing is that the regiment commander and the others destroyed the US military headquarters, so that the US 65th Regiment no longer has a unified command."

"This way, it will become much easier for us to kill them."

Just then, the mortar finally fired.

Lei Gong's artillery battalion began to bombard the American position opposite.

"Chirp chirp~!"

A harsh whistling sound sounded, and several artillery shells accurately landed on the US military position.


As violent explosions sounded, several firepower points of the US military were instantly blown into the sky.

Mei Sheng saw the opportunity, raised the rocket launcher, and aimed at a US machine gun fire point.


The rockets flew straight towards the US military position with a harsh whistling sound.


A violent explosion sounded, and all the American soldiers and machine guns were blown away.

Meisheng raised his submachine gun, pointed it at the US military position, and fired a burst, shouting: "Comrades, hit me hard!"

Yu Congrong also set up a machine gun, aimed at the US military position and fired wildly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the soldiers aimed at the US military positions and opened fire with all their strength.

Dense bullets fell on the U.S. military's position one after another. The U.S. troops who could not evade them fell instantly.

At this time, the US troops on the position also learned that their headquarters had been seized, and they thought that all the rear positions had been occupied by the volunteers.

As a result, the US military on the position was completely panicked.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Gang Seven Regiments unleashed their firepower and suppressed their firepower.

Yu Congrong saw the opportunity and rushed forward with his soldiers.

The morale of the U.S. military was low and they were already a little panicked and at a loss.

Seeing all the volunteer soldiers rushing forward, they were all frightened and turned around and ran away.

Mei Sheng followed the soldiers of the Gang [-]th Regiment and rushed forward quickly.

After a fierce battle, they finally rushed to the US military position.

There were still some remaining American soldiers on the position, but when they saw all the volunteers rushing up, these guys were so frightened that they all surrendered obediently.

Mei Sheng observed the situation and then ordered: "Those from the seventh regiment, follow me and continue to attack." (End of Chapter)

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