The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 223 The absolute ace unit, fight to the end!

Chapter 223 The absolute ace unit, fight to the end!
  Inside the U.S. military headquarters

Brigadier General Myron pointed to the sand table and said: "This, which is Highland 645, should be the focus of this attack. As long as we open a breakthrough from here, we can quickly break through their defense line."

"So this must be the focus of our attack, concentrate our superior forces, and launch our attack here."

"yes sir!"

A US military officer next to him responded quickly and then said: "However, the terrain here is restricted and our troops cannot be deployed."

Brigadier General Myron said with a serious face: "Then send as many troops as possible and launch the strongest offensive here. This is related to the success or failure of the entire campaign. There must be no mistakes. Do you understand?"

"yes sir!"

The US military officer responded quickly.

At this time, another US military lieutenant colonel said: "General, our artillery unit is currently shelling the blocking position of the Chinese army."

"We are concentrating artillery fire to bombard their defensive positions. This 645 height is also one of our key bombing areas. Now the entire hilltop has been covered by artillery fire."

"I believe that those hateful Chinese troops will definitely be wiped out by us. It won't be long before we can capture these positions."

Brigadier General Myron waved his hand and said: "Everyone, no matter when, do not underestimate us Chinese soldiers."

"Their will is very tenacious. Otherwise, we would have defeated them long ago, and this battle would not have lasted so long."

"Especially this "Gangqi Regiment" is said to be the absolute ace unit of the Chinese Volunteer Army!"

"We must go all out to achieve the final victory."

"yes sir!"

The U.S. military officers present responded quickly.

After some indiscriminate bombing, the U.S. military soon launched a fierce attack again.

Because they are also seizing the time to gradually shrink the encirclement and make the encirclement stronger, so as to prevent the volunteers from escaping.

And once the time delay is too long, the possibility of the volunteers breaking through will be greater.

Therefore, Brigadier General Myron was also very aware of their current situation, so he ordered his troops to launch an attack with all their strength and break through the opposite position as soon as possible.

Under the cover of tanks, a large number of U.S. troops attacked Hill 645 aggressively.

"Commander, the US military has launched an attack!"

Wu Qianli gritted his teeth and said, "Go to the battlefield and knock down the American troops."

Following Wu Qianli's order, the brave soldiers scrambled out of the tunnel and quickly rushed towards the position on the top of the mountain.

After Wu Qianli led the soldiers to the top of the mountain, he found that the position on the top of the mountain had been bombed beyond recognition.

There were still flames burning in many places, the entire ground was hot to the feet, and the air was like a steam oven.

Fortunately, the temperature was gradually decreasing, and Wu Qianli loudly ordered: "Restore the position and prepare to fight."

Yu Congrong couldn't help but cursed: "These dogs, the shells are like free money, the whole mountain is almost flattened."

Although he was scolding like this, Yu Congrong did not delay. He led his soldiers to quickly find favorable terrain and began to prepare to block the attack.

The soldiers were already accustomed to this.

This is not the first time we have faced such a powerful U.S. military in a blocking battle.

The soldiers all know that this battle is difficult to fight, but in the current situation, they can only grit their teeth and fight on, and they must hold back this US military force no matter what.

Wu Qianli hid behind a big rock and secretly observed down the mountain.

I saw a large number of American devils rushing towards the mountain in a menacing manner.

Wu Qianli frowned slightly and guessed that their place had become the focus of the US military's attack.

But Wu Qianli is not afraid, because this highland has a dangerous terrain and is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

With their current strength, there is no problem at all in resisting the US military's attack.

As long as you persist until dark, you will win.

Wu Qianli saw the opportunity, raised his gun, and aimed at a US military officer.

After the U.S. troops approached, Wu Qianli loudly ordered: "Comrades, beat me to death."

Wu Qianli said that he had already pulled the trigger.

A soft gunshot rang out, and a blazing bullet hit the US military officer, sending him directly to hell.

At the same time, soldiers targeted American soldiers and pulled the triggers one after another.

"Da da da~!"

"Bang bang bang~!"

A series of crisp gunshots rang out, and dense bullets were like raindrops, quickly sweeping towards the crowd of American soldiers.

"Puff puff~!"

Bullets hit the crowd of American soldiers, causing a bloody storm.

Amidst the shrill screams, the American soldiers who rushed up fell to the ground in pieces.

The American soldiers who were attacked head-on were so frightened that they all fell to the ground and fired with their guns in an attempt to suppress the firepower of the volunteers.

However, the soldiers of the Gang [-]th Regiment occupied favorable terrain and were condescending, firing bullets at the U.S. troops.

At the same time, Wu Wanli and others pulled out grenades one after another and threw them into the crowd of US troops one after another.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and pieces of fire rose into the sky. All the bombed American soldiers were seen lying on their backs, dead and injured.

Wu Qianli held up the Garand rifle and fired continuously.

Clear gunshots rang out, and each gunshot meant the fall of an American soldier.

And they are all killed with one shot. Wu Qianli's marksmanship has reached the point of perfection. He will not waste bullets at all when dealing with these American troops. It is very easy to kill an American army with one bullet.

So even though Wu Qianli only used a Garand rifle, in terms of enemy-killing efficiency, it was no worse than a submachine gun and a machine gun.

Even higher than them.

Of course, machine guns and submachine guns also have their advantages. Their powerful firepower can build a fire blockade network and have other suppressive effects.

But when it comes to the efficiency of killing enemies, Wu Qianli is much higher than them.

Clear gunshots rang out, and the American troops fell to the muzzle of Wu Qianli's guns one after another.

Moreover, Wu Qianli was also selective in killing enemies, specifically picking out those officers or important targets, especially those who were more proactive and charged harder.

They are all Wu Qianli’s priority. Those who rushed harder are dead. Who else dares to continue charging?

Wu Qianli just wanted these American troops to understand the principle of shooting the first bird, so that they would not dare to be the first bird, so that this war would be easier to fight.

Sure enough, after a fierce battle, the U.S. military retreated in embarrassment, leaving corpses on the ground.

After a fierce battle, the US military offensive was repulsed.

Wu Qianli observed the situation of the US military on the opposite side. Although he repelled the US military, Wu Qianli did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Wu Qianli observed for a while, and then ordered: "Retreat quickly, everyone retreats into the tunnel."

At this time, the soldiers of Gang [-]th Regiment had quickly cleaned up the battlefield.

Following Wu Qianli's order, the soldiers immediately began to withdraw into the tunnel.

Even the bodies of comrades who died on the battlefield were all dragged into the tunnel.

The Gang Seventh Regiment will not give up on any of its comrades. As long as there is breath left, they will do their best to rescue them.

Even if they die, they will protect their remains with all their strength.

Therefore, all these corpses were dragged into the tunnel, because if they were left outside, they would definitely be blown to pieces when the US artillery fire came down.

Wu Qianli had just returned to the tunnel when a soldier ran over and said, "Captain, the commander called."

Wu Qianli quickly walked into the regiment headquarters and picked up the phone.

"Hello! I'm Wu Qianli."

The chief's voice came from the opposite side, saying: "Wu Qianli, how is the fight over there?"

Wu Qianli said: "The US military's offensive has been repelled by us, and the current position is absolutely safe."

The chief said: "Based on the current situation, your 645 Heights is the focus of the US military's attack. You must hold the position for me no matter what."

Wu Qianli said with a slight smile: "Don't worry, the American devils won't be able to survive another ten years of fighting!"

"No matter where you go, no matter how you fight? The Gang Seventh Regiment will always be the well-deserved number one ace!"

The chief smiled and said: " kid, you are so awesome."

"If you, the Seventh Group, didn't really have the capital, I couldn't help but say a few words to you."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. When you win this battle, I'll treat you to a drink."

Wu Qianli smiled and said: "Okay, the weather here is cold. If it is not necessary for fighting, I would like to drink some wine to warm up."

"Just wait for our good news."


The chief said and hung up the phone.

At this time, there was a violent explosion outside, and sure enough, the US military began shelling again.

Artillery shells fell on the position one after another, violent explosions sounded one after another, flames rose into the sky, and the position on the top of the mountain was once again caught in artillery fire.

Wu Qianli listened to the constant noise coming from outside and said with a smile: "The American devils are so rich that they are willing to send out artillery shells for us to hear the sound. Then let them send as many as they can and we will listen."


Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

Wu Qianli said this deliberately just to ease the tense atmosphere.


Brigadier General Myron came to a forward position and observed the situation with a telescope.

A US military staff officer next to him pointed to the hilltop in the distance, which was already under fire, and said, "Sir, that's Heights 645 over there."

Brigadier General Myron observed for a while and said: "This place is indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack. The Chinese army has also deployed a lot of troops on the mountain, right?"

The US military staff officer replied: "The specific strength of the Chinese army is ominous, but they are still resisting very tenaciously."

"We have already launched two attacks, but they were all repulsed."

Upon hearing this, Brigadier General Myron frowned even deeper and said, "Let me just say, these hateful volunteers are not so easy to deal with."

"But we still have to do everything we can to defeat them."

"Highland 645 is the key to defeating the Chinese army's defense line. We must concentrate all our efforts on me and break through Highland 645 at all costs."

"yes sir!"

A US military officer next to him responded quickly.

Brigadier General Myron observed several other battlefields, and then said: "We must also strengthen our offensive in other places, because according to my guess, this Chinese army should be just a small group of remaining rear-end troops."

"That is to say, they won't have too many troops. Now that they need to defend so many positions, their troops will be scattered."

"We need to strengthen our offensive in various positions at the same time, so that they have to disperse their forces in various positions. This will be more conducive for us to break through their defense lines."

A colonel next to him said quickly: "What the general said is true. We have arranged various troops to launch attacks at various positions at the same time, and are extending the front as much as possible to spread their forces."

"I believe that under your wise command, we will soon be able to open a gap and eventually defeat this Chinese army."

When Brigadier General Myron heard this, he nodded slightly and said, "Very good, I also believe that we can definitely do this."

At this time, a US military staff officer walked over quickly and said: "Your Majesty General, there is an urgent message from the headquarters."

As he spoke, he handed a telegram to Brigadier General Myron.

Brigadier General Myron took the telegram, read it carefully, and said with a wry smile: "I knew it would be like this."

An officer next to him asked: "Sir, do you have any new instructions from the headquarters?"

Brigadier General Myron said: "In addition to allowing us to strengthen our offensive and break through the Chinese army's defense line as soon as possible, what else can we do?"

"However, they did send a relatively useful piece of news, that is, according to aircraft reconnaissance, the Chinese army in front of us is only a small force."

"This is consistent with my previous guess, so we need to strengthen our offensive and strive to break through their defense line as soon as possible."

"yes sir!"

Brigadier General Myron continued: "Obviously the Chinese army is leaving a small group of troops to cut off the rear, and wants to use this method of cutting off the tail of a gecko to save itself, to preserve their main force."

"And what we have to do now is to stop them, eliminate their main force, and crush their conspiracy."

"yes sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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