The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 226 A clever trick to make the US military kill each other!

A US military officer explained: "Your Excellency, the general, calmed down, mainly because the Chinese army is too cunning. Lieutenant Colonel Feiqi's troops were careless and fell into their ambush and fell into a passive situation."

Brigadier General Myron asked angrily: "Where have they gone now?"

The US military officer quickly replied: "Reporting to your Excellency, General, they released some of our wounded soldiers. According to their account, the enemy continued to retreat northward."

"We also found traces of their retreat to the north on nearby roads."

Brigadier General Myron gritted his teeth and cursed: "I will never spare these hateful bastards."

"Assemble your troops immediately and pursue them northward with all your strength. No matter what, we must catch up with them and eliminate them all."

"yes sir!"

The U.S. military officers present responded in unison.

Under the personal leadership of Brigadier General Myron, the main force of the US military continued its pursuit all the way northward.

On a hillside, the commander observed the situation in the distance and saw that the main force of the US military had gone far away. He said, "In this way, we finally escaped from the encirclement of the American devils for the time being."

It turned out that the leader listened to Wu Qianli's advice and was caught off guard. He had no intention of continuing to retreat northward.

After ambushing Lieutenant Colonel Fezi's troops, the leader led the troops to retreat north, but not far out, they turned directly to the southeast.

It was with this move that he successfully evaded the U.S. military's pursuers and temporarily escaped from the encirclement.

Because the US military was pursuing them from the south, they never dreamed that the volunteers would have the courage to penetrate southward.

The chief frowned and said, "It's just Wu Qianli and the others that I'm worried about now."

Wu Qianli did not follow the main force. Instead, he led the Gangqi Regiment to escort the prisoners and continue to retreat north. Their purpose was also very clear, which was to lure the US military to the north.

The so-called traces left by the volunteers who went northward discovered by the US military were actually left to them intentionally by Wu Qianli and the soldiers of the Gang [-]th Regiment, as well as the prisoners.

The chief of staff also had a worried look on his face and said: "The main force of the US military is rushing towards them. They only have a few people. If they are exposed and fall into the siege of the US military, then..."

"However, there are advantages to having fewer people, that is, the target is small, making it easier to move and hide. With Wu Qianli's ability, he should be able to lead the soldiers out."

The chief nodded and said: "Now we can only place all our hopes on this boy, but this boy does have some abilities."

"However, our danger is not over yet!"

"The troops continue to move south, look for favorable terrain to rest, and then go north, bypassing the enemy's troops, and return to the north to meet up with the main force."

"Only then will we be truly safe."

Although the leader is very worried about the safety of the Gang [-]th Regiment, he is now the commander, and the lives of thousands of volunteer troops behind him are all on his shoulders.

He must do everything he can to bring the remaining thousands of elite volunteer soldiers back alive.

The chief of staff nodded, sighed helplessly, raised his head and looked into the distance, and could only put aside his worries about the Gangqi Regiment for the time being.

The leader led his troops and continued to move southward under the cover of night. The purpose was to completely avoid the main force of the US military and then look for opportunities to move north.

This unexpected move did play a good role in avoiding the search by the US military.

Brigadier General Myron was sitting on a jeep, slowly moving forward with a team.

At this moment, the sound of a roaring motor came from the front.

I saw a jeep coming towards me and parked in an open space on the side of the road.

Myron frowned slightly and waved his hand, signaling the jeep to stop.

A lieutenant colonel walked over quickly, raised his head, saluted with a military salute, and said, "Sir, I just received news that the Chinese army has abandoned the main road and should take a mountain path and continue to flee northeast."

Brigadier General Myron frowned even more and asked in a deep voice, "Have you not caught up yet?"


The US military officer shook his head and said: "When the Chinese army escaped, they set up some obstacles along the way."

“What obstacles did they put up?”

"Anti-tank mines!"

"Anti-tank mines?"

"Although the number was small, it still delayed us some time, which led to the relatively slow pursuit speed."

"But we should catch up with them soon, and it's almost dawn, so they have nowhere to escape."

Brigadier General Myron frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "You just said that they should have taken a small road?"


"The path is impassable for tanks?"


Brigadier General Myron pondered for a moment, and then said: "Then send the infantry troops to pursue them first. The artillery will choose a suitable location to set up artillery positions and prepare to provide fire support to the infantry."

"In short, no matter what, we must find them all and then eliminate them all. We must not let them escape again."

"yes sir!"

Upon hearing this, the US military officer responded quickly and quickly turned around to convey the order.

Under the order of Brigadier General Myron, the US military sent a large number of infantry and continued the pursuit along a mountain path.

This is a valley with dense forests and large and small stones everywhere. The road is very narrow, only more than one meter wide, making it impossible for vehicles to pass.

This path was originally just a path that could pass at most a few mules and horses, but was absolutely inaccessible to vehicles.

Wu Qianli also knew in advance that there was such a place, so he decided to lure the enemies here and then get rid of them.

Now it seems that Wu Qianli and the others have completed their mission. Their mission is to lure the enemy over and cover the main force's breakout.

Pinghe hid in the distance, watching the enemies gradually searching for him, and suddenly raised his gun and aimed at an American soldier.


A crisp gunshot rang out, and an American soldier wailed, fell to the ground, and died on the spot.

The remaining American soldiers were so frightened that they immediately stopped and hid on the spot. At the same time, they raised their guns and shot at the suspicious location.

After a while, another crisp gunshot rang out. An American soldier who was secretly observing fell to the ground and died on the spot.

After observing for a while, another American soldier discovered the approximate location of Pinghe and immediately shouted: "He is over there, concentrate your firepower and shoot."

"Da da da~!"

"Bang bang bang~!"

The U.S. soldiers fired wildly at the suspicious location.

Dense bullets, like raindrops, flew into the distance one after another.

At this moment, Pinghe had put away his rifle and left cautiously. Seeing that there was no movement on the other side, the US military continued to search forward.

Soon they came to the bottom of a hillside. The leading US military officer looked up and said, "Judging from the traces left here, they must have gone to the mountain."

"Go up the mountain immediately and let me continue the pursuit."

"yes sir!"

A large number of American soldiers walked menacingly toward the mountain with guns in hand.

Wu Qianli hid on the top of the mountain, looking at the approaching American soldiers, and asked softly: "Have the prisoners been placed?"

"They were placed in a valley behind the mountain. They didn't dare to act rashly."

Wu Qianli nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's good, get ready to fight."

Following Wu Qianli's order, the soldiers were all ready for battle.

After the U.S. military approached, Wu Qianli took the lead in targeting an American soldier and then pulled the trigger.

"Hit~! Beat me to death."

As the gunshots rang out in Wu Qianli, other soldiers also aimed at the American soldiers and pulled the triggers.

"Da da da~!"

Suddenly there was a loud sound of gunfire, and dense bullets were like raindrops, sweeping towards the US military.

At the same time, Wu Wanli and several soldiers quickly pulled up the hemp ropes in their hands.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions rang out among the crowd of American soldiers. A large number of American soldiers were immediately turned upside down by the bombing, causing heavy casualties.

At this time, all the American troops were stunned. They did not expect to encounter such a violent counterattack suddenly, and they suffered heavy losses in an instant.

The soldiers rushing in front fell down one by one like wheat being cut down.

The US troops who were overwhelmed could not hold on, and they were completely defeated soon.

By this time, it was getting daylight. Wu Qianli saw that the US military had been repelled, and immediately ordered: "Notify them immediately, and the troops will be transferred immediately according to the original plan."

Under Wu Qianli's order, the soldiers of Gang [-]th Regiment began to retreat quietly.

The soldiers passed through a lush jungle and then entered a valley.

After retreating for a certain distance, Yu Congrong turned his head and took a look and said: "Grandma, those American devils don't know how to play any tricks!"

Wu Qianli smiled slightly and said, "They shouldn't be able to find it in the short term."

It turned out that Wu Qianli and the others had driven all the American prisoners into a mountain recess.

These US military prisoners were all sitting in this ravine, with only one way out.

On the nearby hillside, Wu Qianli had people set up two machine guns to block the exit.

But when they retreated just now, all the soldiers of the seventh regiment had already retreated, leaving only two damaged machine guns standing there!
  In order to confuse the US military, the soldiers of Gang [-]th Regiment prepared several scarecrows and placed them there in advance. Because the distance was too far, the prisoners might not be able to find them as long as they did not get close.

Wu Qianli observed the rear again, then nodded slightly, and then said: "Everyone, please pay attention to concealment and continue to retreat."

After the U.S. military was repulsed, it lost seventy or eighty people, which made the U.S. lieutenant colonel very angry.

After all, they didn't even see the enemy clearly, and they lost dozens of people in vain. This was simply a shame.

In order to clear the blocking force as soon as possible, the US lieutenant colonel immediately ordered to call for air support.

Soon the US military planes flew over the battlefield, and after contacting the ground troops for confirmation, they immediately launched bombings.

As incendiary bombs fell from the sky, the mountains one after another turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. Large areas of mountain forests were directly ignited, and the temperature in the surrounding area instantly soared to thousands of degrees.

At the same time, Lieutenant Colonel Feiqi and others who were hiding in the ravine not far away were so frightened that their faces turned pale when they saw the plane whizzing by.

"They can't drop bombs!"

"One incendiary bomb will drop and we'll all be dead."

At this time, these captured American soldiers finally couldn't sit still anymore. They all stood up one by one, waving their arms, trying to attract the attention of the pilots in the sky.

They shouted loudly, reminding the US pilots in the air not to drop bombs.

But unfortunately, due to their special location, the enemy pilots failed to detect them in time.

Then one after another incendiary bombs landed in the nearby area.

Soon fires broke out in the surrounding area, and the fire was spreading rapidly towards this side.

At this time, the group of American prisoners were all panicked, but they also discovered that the people guarding them with machine guns in the distance were actually scarecrows.

After realizing that there was no one to guard them, the foreign devils cursed the volunteers for being cunning and began to flee crazily into the distance.

At this time, a plane roared past, and the enemy pilot on the plane said with a smile: "I just found someone fleeing in the forest below."

"Then the Chinese army must have been burned out by us!"

"Give them two more incendiary bombs and send them directly to the West."

Then the fighter plane roared and turned around, and dropped a few more incendiary bombs on a mountain forest.

Pieces of fire shot into the sky, and soon the nearby area was completely engulfed in flames.

Those American soldiers who were fleeing frantically never imagined that they would end up like this, being burned alive by incendiary bombs dropped by their own planes.

As a result, there were fires in front and behind, and they were completely trapped.

Feeling that the surrounding temperature was rising extremely, the American soldiers who had not been roasted to death couldn't help but curse.

Especially Feiqi, who cursed at the top of his lungs: "These damn idiots, are you all blind?"

"I didn't expect that we would not die in the hands of the enemy, but in the hands of our own people."

Soon these American prisoners were all burned to ashes.

Hundreds of prisoners were all burned to ashes.

This is undoubtedly a tragedy for them.

But what is even more tragic is that in the end, this group of people can only be classified as missing.

Because the US military found no trace of them, the bodies and identifying items were all burned to ashes.

The US military didn't know what happened to this group of people, so it could only temporarily classify them as missing.

But as the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad. At least as for the US Air Force, they are preparing to report their merits to their superiors and have killed at least several hundred volunteers.

Little did they know that it was Lieutenant Colonel Feiqi and his friends who were actually killed. (End of chapter)

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