Sword life

Chapter 116 My old Zhang is awesome again

Chapter 116 My old Zhang is awesome again

More than a month later, the first regiment and the second regiment of the Ninth Independent Brigade met again, and the comrades reunited, and the chatterbox opened.

"You boy, why are there so many people?" Second Battalion Commander Xu Changsheng looked at Wei Dayong, his eyes staring like copper bells.

Ma Biao also saw it straight: "Good guy, I thought we were more fierce, but I didn't expect you to be more fierce. One regiment is more than the two of us combined."

Wei Dayong laughed loudly: "Where is this? It's not worth mentioning. Besides the Second Regiment, there is also the 176th Regiment of the Guangdong Army. The brigade commander sent an extra regiment back because he was afraid that there would be fewer people on our side."

"The brigade commander can do it?" Zhao Gang walked over and asked.

Wei Dayong immediately saluted: "Report to the political commissar, the brigade commander said that Wulongshan Fortress is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the little devil can't move it."

Everyone laughed together, Zhao Gang continued to ask: "Head Wei, I just saw that your equipment is pretty good."

Wei Dayong grinned and pretended not to care and said: "It's nothing, all the staff are equipped with daily equipment, one company has a mortar, three crooked handles, one battalion has a 42 infantry gun and five MG[-], the regiment belongs to the artillery There are only four ninety-two styles."

Said it was nothing, and talked about his own equipment over and over.

"I said Monk Wei, you made a lot of money this time, no, no, you have to share half of it with everyone. Look at us, what kind of equipment, old sleeves are single-handed, and some don't even have guns. It's too shabby. How can you beat a devil!" Li Yunlong's eyes were hot, and he yelled directly.

"That's right. Let's come here under the banner of the Ninth Independent Brigade. No matter what, we have to give some benefits. I don't want any more. A battalion of Japanese equipment is fine." Kong Jie did not fall behind.

"Well, you are not from the Ninth Independent Brigade. You are just joining in the fun. I said monk, we are brothers who eat together. The Second Battalion does not lack anything else now. It lacks artillery. You give me two [-]-style , When I beat the little devil, I will return it to you after I capture it."

"The third battalion lacks artillery and heavy machine guns. Monk, you can lend me two Type 42s and five MG[-]s. I'll pay you back double."

Wei Dayong clasped his hands on his shoulders, and said with a sneer, "It's all right. I'm short of weapons. I'm going with the little devil. What's the point of fighting abroad on my side? However, the brigade commander has prepared before and brought an extra regiment of equipment , and the political commissar is responsible for the distribution."

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Gang immediately, their gazes were like wolves, and everyone was shining.

"Political Commissar, the Second Battalion is in urgent need of equipment, so don't need too much, just five hundred sets."

"The third battalion also has [-] sets!"

"Old Zhao, the new regiment is also five hundred!"

"The independent group is also five hundred!"

Zhao Gang's head was getting bigger, and he waved his hand immediately, a quarter of each person was allocated evenly.

Xu Changsheng and Ma Biao were immediately dissatisfied, and wanted to fight for more, and the scene suddenly became a little fierce.

Li Yunlong got the benefits and smiled like a child. When he saw Xu Changsheng and Ma Biao arguing fiercely, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "Captain Xu, Commander Ma, please don't worry. If you want me to tell you, you have a chance right now." , can make a lot of money, but I don’t know if everyone is interested?”

"what chance?"

When it comes to gaining benefits, except for Zhao Gang, several other people come together.

"Our current situation is that the Tenth Division and the Benchuan Brigade are to the south, and there are not many little devils in the south of Jinan. The Fifth Division and the Sixth Division have not yet crossed the Yellow River, and Jinan City happens to be an empty city. "

Zhao Gang immediately corrected: "Jinan still has a brigade of little devils, it's not an empty city!"

"Political Commissar Zhao is right. It's not an empty city, but a brigade of little devils is not enough for us. We now have more than 6000 people, and the real strength of the six regiments can't be defeated six to one. My old Li Just find a piece of tofu and kill it!"

"Old Li, we are in the hinterland of the little devils. There is too much commotion. What should we do if the Tenth Division and the Benchuan Brigade surround us?" Zhao Gang asked.

"That's not easy. Let's run to Yimeng Mountain. I don't believe it. Can the little devil follow Yimeng Mountain?"

Zhao Gang thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement: "You can fight, but you have to think of a good way, you can't fight hard, think about how if the brigade commander is here, how will he fight?"

At this time, Zhang Gang was furious.

The Japanese army that besieged the Wulong Mountain Fortress was reduced again. The 18th Division only left the [-]th Brigade in charge of defense, and the Cavalry No.[-] Brigade was in charge of the assault.

The [-]th Brigade, the [-]th Field Artillery Regiment, and all the engineers and supplies followed and left.

"Who do you look down on this bastard? A C-type brigade dares to brag in front of me, Fang Gensheng!" Inside the headquarters, Zhang Gang was furious.

"Here!" Fang Gensheng stepped forward excitedly, preparing for the mission of Sister Yin'e.

"How is the equipment of your two armored battalions?"

"Reporting to the brigade commander, the first armored battalion currently has ten 102 tanks, twenty 95 tanks, and the second armored battalion has twenty tank assault vehicles."

Zhang Gang nodded and asked, "Is the infantry battalion full?"

Fang Gensheng nodded.

Zhang Gang looked at He Xiaowu again: "Regimental Commander He, you have added more than 300 people to your department, which is equivalent to changing it all over again. How much combat power does the third regiment have?"

He Xiaowu stood up, and replied sonorously: "Report to the brigade commander, the combat effectiveness of the third regiment has not been damaged at all, please rest assured, the brigade commander."

"Brigade Commander, the cavalry regiment has never fought, but let the brothers charge forward, please ask the brigade commander to arrange combat missions!" Sun Desheng stood up and asked for a fight.

"That's right, sit down for me, this is a test of the family, what are you excited about?" Zhang Gang waved his hand, and pushed down the several regiment leaders who wanted to invite the battle.

From the morning of the 23rd, the Independent Ninth Brigade had single-handedly resisted the little devils, and lost thousands that day. Since then, although the little devils did not dare to fight on a large scale, the contact battles on the scale of small groups have almost never stopped.

The casualties of the Ninth Independent Brigade were hundreds of people every day. It was not until the 28th, when the little devils evacuated on a large scale, that the casualties dropped to dozens of people every day.

Sticking to Nanjing for ten days, the Ninth Independent Brigade killed and wounded more than 1 little devils, and suffered a lot of losses.

The total force was reduced from 800 to [-], and there were only [-] reserve troops left.

The points also lost a lot, directly dropped from 400 million to 300 million, and the healing bandages alone cost 100 million, and the ammunition also cost hundreds of thousands!

(End of this chapter)

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