Sword life

Chapter 123

Chapter 123
On January 1st, Jinan Governor's Mansion.

This place was originally where Han Fuqu lived, and the pavilions and terraces were extremely exquisite. After Han Fuqu escaped, it became the headquarters of the little devil again.

When the Ninth Independent Brigade came, it became the brigade headquarters of the Ninth Brigade.

At this time, Zhao Gang brought several regiment-level cadres over, and they were having a meeting to discuss the next battle plan.

"Old Zhao, Jinan can't be defended. The little devil has a division and a brigade less than a hundred miles to the south of us, and the fifth and sixth divisions are only a day or two away from us. If we really fight, our strength , it’s not enough for a little devil to stuff his teeth.” Li Yunlong had a loud voice.

"Head Wei, what do you think?" Zhao Gang looked at Wei Dayong.

"I think we can stick to it for a while. The little devil is nothing special. We have no problem with a brigade as a group. Even if the little devil comes with a brigade, we are not afraid."

"What's the opinion of Captain Kong?"

"Political commissar, I think we should be more prudent. Now the little devil has ten times as many troops as me, and the Yellow River is next to him. If one is not good, it will be difficult to run." Kong Jie laughed.

Zhao Gang's eyebrows were twisted into a knot. He was strong in other areas, but he didn't know much about military affairs and had no actual combat experience. More than 6000 lives were pinched in his hands, which was as heavy as Mount Tai, and he couldn't even lift his shoulders. stand up.

Just when he was hesitating, the telegraph operator rushed over and put a telegram on the table.

Zhao Gang picked it up and saw that it was sent by the Fifth War Zone, signed by Li Zongren, asking the Independent Ninth Brigade to stick to Jinan for a week.

Zhao Gang put the telegram on the table for everyone to circulate, and finally asked: "Do you think the requirements of this telegram can be fulfilled?"

"Of course not. In a week, even the Fifth and Sixth Divisions will reach Jinan. Needless to say, if we can't defend Jinan, we still have to put our own troops in. Don't do it, don't do it, resolutely don't do it! "Old Li has always been the one who only takes advantage and does not suffer, and immediately his head shook like a rattle.

"We have to send troops to support us, otherwise we can't fight this battle!" Wei Dayong said.

"That's right, the 8 or [-] people of Han Fuqu's Third Army have run away, why not let them take over!" Xu Changsheng was indignant.

Zhao Gang nodded: "Comrades, Han Fuqu fled without a fight, and I feel angry for leaving such a mess to us. However, if we can persist for a few more days, when the brigade commander returns, we might be able to reverse the situation in Shandong. .”

As soon as this sentence was said, the conference room was suddenly quiet. After a while, Wei Dayong said: "The political commissar, the brigade commander told me at the time that the 3rd will meet at WF. I think at this speed, we only need to stick to it for two days. The brigade commander is here, and when the brigade commander arrives, let alone three divisions, I am not afraid of three more."

"Can Lao Zhang come here in time? This is seven or eight divisions away from the little devil!" Li Yunlong asked back.

"What the brigade commander said can still be false, don't worry about the political commissar, we will definitely wait for the brigade commander."

"Well, I'll trust you once, but political commissar Zhao, we can't help in vain. Li Zongren has to give us some benefits, at least two divisions' equipment, or a heavy artillery regiment, or we won't be able to defend Jinan without weapons."

Zhao Gang nodded: "The report said that there is a lack of equipment for a division and a heavy artillery battalion. If we can send it in time, we can defend Jinan."

After dictating the telegram, Zhao Gang mobilized the masses to prepare for a defensive war.

Shandong is a province with a large population, more than twice as many people as Shanxi. The provincial capital is the most prosperous place in the north, with more than 30 people, and suitable soldiers abound.

In addition, the little devil has gone against the grain and committed many crimes as soon as he occupied Jinan.

As soon as they heard that the nationally famous heroic army was going to recruit soldiers, they immediately signed up enthusiastically. In just one morning, the number of applicants reached 8000.

Also enthusiastic are the leaders of various business groups in Jinan!

These people are all old foxes who have learned the ability to adapt to the wind, and they have been prosperous in the past few decades.

Originally thought that the little devil came to change the ruler, but he didn't want the little devil to directly ask for the secret recipe, buy assets with white papers, and destroy the family if he didn't comply. Only then did he know how ruthless the little devil is.

When Zhao Gang came, they all rushed over immediately, begging General Zhao to point out a way.

It was very easy for Zhao Gang to deal with these people. He directly arranged the manpower to transport the materials out of Jinan and sent them to towns and villages as material reserves for the long-term war of resistance.

After finishing these, Zhao Gang personally called back,

At this time, Zhang Gang was frantically probing at the edge of the firepower of the 104th Wing, and soon pulled the 104th Wing out from along the Jinpu Railway.

"Brigade Commander, I think it's almost time. Commander Hou and the others should pass Jinpu Road."

"Well, don't worry, let's fight this pig again!" Zhang Gang had no intention of retreating, stopped the heavy truck, and the tank assault vehicle did not get off, and fired a round in the northwest direction without looking at the results of the shelling, and the heavy truck went straight away people.

Three hours later, the 104th Regiment was devastated by the bombing. Like a raging wild boar, it frantically attacked in Zhang Gang's direction, but no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't shorten the distance.

The loss is not small, and it is extremely insulting!
The captain had no choice but to put down his airs and ask the other three captains for help. The main reason was that if the bombing continued like this, it might collapse.

In the face of Zhang Gang's kite-flying tactic, the No.13 division had to put away its detour forces and combine a full attack.

Zhang Gang immediately noticed the changes in the No.13 Division and sent a signal in the direction of Pukou.

"The brigade commander has sent a signal!" Pukou station was immediately commotioned, and He Xiaowu led the three regiments onto the first armored train, heading towards Xuzhou.

The second armored train was loaded with [-] workers and hundreds of tons of equipment, and Sun Desheng's cavalry regiment was responsible for providing fire cover.

The third train was loaded with more than 2000 teachers, doctors, and all medical equipment, and the 112th division was responsible for covering it.

The fourth column was loaded with all combatants of the 103rd Division.

The fifth column carried part of the fourth regiment.

Five armored trains started one after another, heading towards Xuzhou.

After most of the day's intense work, the five armored trains were equipped with five [-]-[-] anti-aircraft guns, five [-]-[-] field guns, dozens of machine guns, and abundant martial arts.

These armored behemoths will move towards Xuzhou at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour. If all goes well, they will arrive in Xuzhou in six hours.

This is also the only way to safely send all the belongings of the Ninth Brigade to Shandong.

(End of this chapter)

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