Sword life

Chapter 130 The 122nd division reports victory

Chapter 130 The 122nd division reports victory

"Kill it!" Nagakawa Hideki drew out his command saber, full of remorse. If he had known that he had been spotted, he should have charged earlier, instead of being forced to attack a squad after two rounds of bombing, and his morale was low. attack.

A [-]mm shell landed beside him, and the shrapnel cut off his calf like a knife. Before he could react, he continued to run forward, but his feet were empty and he fell to the ground.

It wasn't until this moment that Chang Chuan Xiuqi realized that he had lost half of his calf, and immediately howled: "Medical soldier, I'm injured, come and save me!"

A soldier came after hearing the news, but was hit by a grenade thrown by a grenade the next moment, his body was embedded with shrapnel, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

In the dark night, no one noticed the captain who fell on the ground. After a few big feet stepped over, Nagakawa Hideki closed his mouth forever.

Without the captain, the little devil's first team did not collapse immediately, but was led by the squadron leader, and attacked the northwest corner with a [-]-type infantry artillery.

Wang Mingzhang's pupils were filled with blood: "Fuck, what kind of battle are you fighting, brothers, fight for me."

At this moment, he felt someone tugging on his cuff, and immediately got angry, and turned his head to want to attack, but after seeing the person clearly, he withdrew his hand: "Commander Zhao, do you have something to do?"

This company commander was specially dispatched by Commander Zhang, saying that it was to prevent sneak attacks by little devils. At that time, Wang Mingzhang didn't take it seriously, thinking it was a bit of a fuss.

However, there were actually two sneak attacks by the little devil cavalry on the road. If Company Commander Zhao hadn't reacted quickly and defeated the sneak attack of the little devil cavalry squadron, the vanguard might have suffered a big loss.

With these credits as a base, Wang Mingzhang can't say too harshly.

"Mr. Wang, we have grenade grenades, so we can blast the little devils first. When we came, the army commander specially approved [-] boxes of grenades for throwing, which is enough for the time being."

Wang Mingzhang slapped his head vigorously: "Oh, why did I forget, the machine gunner goes up to suppress the firepower of the little devil, and the grenadier throws it hard for me!"

A hundred grenades were erected, and after simple calculations, they threw grenades one after another. These grenades were either high or low, and few of them were thrown into the city gate.

However, the few grenades thrown in caused a lot of damage. The shrapnel flew across the city gate and injured many little devils.

There is no danger to defend the city gate, as long as the throw is accurate, staying in the city gate is waiting for death.

A squadron of little devils came out screaming, and greeted their firepower network composed of dozens of light and heavy machine guns. Although they defeated many machine gunners with accurate marksmanship, they also lost more than half of themselves and had to retreat to the city gate.

What's even more tragic is that the grenadier found his aim after several corrections. In each round of shooting, dozens of grenades were thrown into the city gate hole, so shrapnel was everywhere, and the little devils fell to the ground one after another.

The little devils who suffered a double blow suddenly lost their morale, and some little devils started to run away.

"Pistol regiment, come on! Destroy these little devils for me!" Wang Mingzhang was in a good mood, and with an order, the pistol regiment rushed forward, and the little devil, who had been beaten with twenty box cannons with both hands, retreated from the doorway crying and howling.

At this moment, the 74th Division came out from the slanting stab again, cutting off the little devil's retreat.

The sound of guns became more and more intense, and a large group that was flanked by the front and back put up a tenacious resistance.Relying on the last 74 infantry artillery, they built a circular fortification and repelled the two charges of the [-]th Division.

But this also exposed the position of the 74 infantry artillery. With two loud noises, the infantry artillery of the little devil was blown to pieces. The little devil without heavy firepower could no longer stop the [-]th division who came flooding in. knife team.

After a fierce battle, the last little devil was also cut to pieces, and Jining fell into a brief tranquility.

"We won, we won!" Wang Mingzhang looked down at the city and suddenly couldn't continue.

In this battle, the 122nd Division fought very smoothly. From the beginning of the ambush to the battle at the city gate, the little devil's brigade was defeated and defeated.

The 74th Division finally came out to fight. Even if the 74th Division didn't come out to clear the field, with the existing strength, he could still kill this brigade!

He is very clear about how capable the little devil is.

Half a year ago in Songhu, an army of the Sichuan Army fought against a brigade of little devils, and lost a division in less than three days, and had to retreat to recuperate.

How come here, the little devil is like mud? The 122nd Division did not lose a battalion in total, and it killed a brigade of little devils.

The contrast is too big!
At this moment, footsteps sounded next to him. Wang Mingzhang wiped his face and looked up. It was Li Dianzhang, the commander of the 74th Division. He immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Li, why are you here?"

Li Dianzhang was a little embarrassed. Before the 122nd Division took over the city defense, the two quarreled a lot, but now it is difficult to speak.

"Mr. Li, we all served as soldiers and fought in wars. If you have anything to say, just speak up."

Li Dianzhang is also an open-minded person, and immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Wang, you fought this battle really sharply. My old Li underestimated the Sichuan army, and I also underestimated you. I will pay you here."

Wang Mingzhang immediately supported him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, you are too polite."

The two talked, and the atmosphere became more harmonious, before Li Dianzhang asked: "Mr. Wang, I see that your troops are very well equipped. It stands to reason that if the Sichuan Army is equipped with this, I think it will be easy to win the southeast provinces." .”

Wang Mingzhang's eyes lit up, and he immediately explained: "Mr. Li, you don't know something. The 122nd Division didn't have any equipment. Didn't I allocate it to Commander Zhang? Commander Zhang set it up for me."

"This, these are so many, are they all bought by Commander Zhang?" Li Dianzhang was shocked, this is the equipment of a real division, Zhang Jun is too stupid!
"Mr. Wang, to tell you the truth, the 74th Division is now helpless. Brother Wang, can you give me a few words of kindness to Commander Zhang and allocate some weapons to my brother?"

This is what Wang Mingzhang meant when he said so much, and he smiled immediately: "Your brother, you are welcome, but at that time I was directly separated from the Sichuan Army system, and Commander Zhang agreed. If you still have the name of the Third Army, brother, I am afraid inconvenient."

Li Dianzhang immediately expressed his opinion: "Brother Wang, Chairman Han has treated me well, but this time, he ran away with a hundred thousand troops and let me, a half-disabled division, stand on top of the little devil's soldiers. No amount of kindness has been lost. I am willing to serve under Commander Zhang."

"Okay!" The two looked at each other and laughed, without saying anything.

In the early morning of January 1, the 7nd Division and the 122th Division cooperated with each other to eliminate a brigade of little devils who came to attack.

Dongpeng Hoshino, the captain of the 39th Regiment of the Japanese Army, was furious, but felt that his strength was insufficient, so he had to retreat ten miles, waiting for the arrival of the heavy artillery regiment and aviation.

(End of this chapter)

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