Sword life

Chapter 136 Attack

Chapter 136 Attack
At 1:15 pm on January [-]th, seeing that the four Chuxue-class destroyers failed to achieve results, the remaining eight destroyers and eight gunboats all joined the beachhead attack sequence.

The seven heavy patrols carefully moved three nautical miles towards Qingdao, and the seventy 203 naval guns were slowly lowered, aiming at the position on the beach.

boom!Seventy 203 naval guns fired one after another, and the flames spewed out were like blossoming hell flowers.

However, it still didn't have much effect. Facing the soft sandy beach, the 203 shells also fell into the dilemma of being powerless.

Only occasionally would a puff of fireworks prove the destruction of a bunker.

Nobutake Kondo looked at the beach, his eyebrows twitched into a ball: "The beach is too soft. At present, our shell fuzes cannot attack the Chinese army at all."

The chief of staff hesitated for a while, but finally bit the bullet and said, "Your Excellency, we can replace the sensitive fuze."

The sensitive fuze is unique to Japan. It has been used since the Sino-Japanese War, and it will explode even if it touches a cable.

However, this kind of fuze is too sensitive. When there is no war, maintenance and storage become a terrible thing. The number of ships sunk in the Japanese Navy because of the explosion of the fuze is even more than the number of ships sunk in previous sea battles, so it was explicitly ordered by the Ministry of the Navy prohibit.

The ban did not prevent the use of sensitive fuzes, but was used as a sign of bravery and spread among the fleets.

Nobutake Kondo smiled in satisfaction. A good chief of staff is a good chief of staff who can take the blame: "Let the Kaga take off and land the plane, and attack the beachhead together!"

At this moment, a whistle sounded in the distance, and the Kaga slowly drove over. As a half-baked aircraft carrier modified from a treaty ship, the speed of the Kaga was outrageous, with a cruising speed of only 14 knots. The speed is 27 knots, which is far behind the current mainstream aircraft carriers.

So when the Kaohsiung ship arrived for more than half a day, the Kaga ship was long overdue.

However, the arrival of the Kaga, which has 28 fighter jets, [-] attack planes, and [-] reconnaissance planes, immediately greatly enhanced the strength of the Second Fleet.

"Your Excellency, Commander, there is news from the Kaga that there are no Chinese troops stationed in the direction of Shandong Head."

Nobutake Kondo nodded, and was about to say something, when suddenly, there was a scream, and more than a dozen lines of fire crossed the sky and fell hard on the sea.

More than a dozen water jets rose high, and a gunboat was hit, which immediately caused a violent explosion. The hull of the gunboat broke in half and sank to the bottom of the sea.

[Your subordinates killed 32 naval soldiers, reward 6400 points! 】

[Your subordinates killed a Japanese navy major, reward 8000 points! 】

In the Fushan Artillery Field, Zhang Gang was so happy that he couldn't hold his tongue from ear to ear. The little devil's navy is really fat. One gunboat brought him [-] points, which was worth as much as two squadrons of little devils.

Although the navy is small in number, its military rank is high. The captain of a gunboat is a major commander, plus the second lieutenant, lieutenant and captain, the number of officers accounts for a quarter.

"The data observed by the observation post in the east is three in the east and one in the south."

"Adjust the direction and continue shooting!" Zhang Gang adjusted the direction, and the barrels of the twenty [-]mm anti-aircraft guns turned left and right. After the adjustment, they fired together!
bang bang bang!Dozens of shells flew out of the barrel and shot towards the Second Fleet.

This time, a shell hit a Fubuki-class destroyer and blew up a twin 127 turret. The explosion also triggered sensitive fuze bombs piled up around it. After a loud noise, the entire capital of the destroyer was blown up.

Putting cannonballs on the deck during the war is also an old problem of the Japanese navy. It suffered too little loss, so it has not been changed. Today, Zhang Gang taught him a little lesson.

[You killed 140 and three Japanese navies, reward 57200 points]

[You killed a major, reward 8000 points! 】

After one shot, he got [-] points, and Zhang Gang felt at ease.

"Comrades, the little devils are thin-skinned and big-bodied. They shoot one at a time. We can't let them escape. Beat me hard!"

As soon as Zhang Gang's words fell, there was a scream in the air, a shell hit the roof, and a huge explosion sounded, drowning Zhang Gang's words in the loud noise.

The half-meter-thick concrete roof easily withstood the attack of the 203mm sensitive shells, leaving only a small hole less than ten centimeters, and the gun chamber did not even drop any soil.

"The little devil is in a hurry!" Zhang Gang laughed, and didn't go any further. The twenty anti-aircraft guns and the little devil's two hundred cannons were going to die. It's time to start the second move.

"Notify the beachhead, the torpedo is activated!"

Driven by radio waves, four 533 mm torpedo tubes began to inject water into several hidden tunnels on the beach, and four G7a T1 torpedoes were fired.

[G7AT1 electric torpedo: 10000 points! 】


The G7AT1 electric torpedo has low noise and very few wakes, and it rushes towards the Second Fleet like a big fish.

"Adjust the speed to [-] knots, continue to launch!" The sound of water injection came, and another torpedo was loaded into the launch tube and started to launch.

On the destroyer Yukikaze, a lookout was looking north, and the shells hitting his face made him feel a little nervous.

It was just nervous. These shells were not very powerful. After being attacked by the artillery of the Imperial Navy, they quickly fell silent.

These are just some small tricks that don't come to the table. The watchman turned his head and saw a white line at the corner of his eyes. He didn't care, it was just a white line, maybe it was a big fish.

A straight one! ! ! ! !The watchman turned his head and stared at the white line that was approaching rapidly. At this speed, it could not be a big fish, but a torpedo.

As for why there are so few wakes, he couldn't answer. The watchman blew his whistle in despair: "Torpedo, there are torpedo wakes 400 meters ahead!"

A shrill siren rang out on the Yukikaze. Captain Yokoji Heiji hastily picked up the binoculars and looked towards the sea, but only saw a white line disappearing under him in a hurry!
Henglu Heiji put down the binoculars, smiled desperately, it was too late, he didn't even have time to say a word.

More than 7 kilograms of explosives from the G1AT300 explosion department exploded together, directly tearing the bridge of Yukikaze. The stern of the ship is raised high, standing erect and sinking into the sea.

 This is a supplement to which chapter last night, I will continue to code
(End of this chapter)

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