Sword life

Chapter 140

Chapter 140
In late March, spring is already blooming in Jiaodong, and the fields are full of hardworking farmers. Zhang Gang and Zhao Gang are walking together on the path and chatting. No one who sees them can connect the two giants in their Jiaodong base. .

"My fellow, how much is the land rent this year?" Zhao Gang walked to the edge of the ridge and asked.

"It's less this year, as long as 50%." The man farming looks like he is in his [-]s, with a dark face, wearing only a single coat, and still sweating profusely.

"Forty percent!" Zhao Gang was a little dissatisfied, and was about to say something when his elbow was tapped by Zhang Gang. He suddenly realized that this was not an office job, and immediately smiled and said, "My fellow, why didn't you borrow an animal?"

"No, those horses are very stubborn and don't obey their orders. If you whip them, Master Bing's eyes will look fierce and want to eat people, so I dare not borrow them."

Both actions were discounted, Zhao Gang's face was a little dark, Zhang Gang smiled and took over the conversation: "My fellow, how do you feel this year?"

"Well, the rent has changed from [-]% to [-]%, and the government only needs [-]%, and it doesn't let the old and rich fight in and out, life is much better.

The government also arranges labor, and the money earned in one day is equivalent to a month's land, and you can see some meat during the holidays. It's a great day. "

"Then the school run by the government, have you participated?"

"I didn't go, I couldn't read a basket of Dou Da's characters, and my head hurts when I saw the textbooks. I asked the two boys to go and study, and I packed a meal at noon, so I could have a lot of food and drink left."

Zhang Gang asked a few more questions, and looked at Zhao Gang with a smile on his face: "I said, Lao Zhao, you have laid out so many things in two months, you are here!"

Just as he was about to continue asking, a few militiamen ran over from the direction of the village. The leader had a box cannon pinned to his waist, and the one behind took a big knife and spear, and rushed over aggressively.

"What are you doing? Is there a way?" The leading militia captain put his hands on his waist and looked at Zhang Gang and Zhao Gang warily.

Zhang Gang immediately took out the road strip and handed it to the team leader.

"You are." The team leader trembled with excitement, handed the road to Zhang Gang, and saluted.

"Little comrade, you were negligent just now. When you meet a stranger, you must be on guard first. Don't let him touch your waist. Otherwise, you will be in danger. You should let him raise his hand first. If he doesn't immediately Raise your hand, then you must take decisive measures, understand!"

"Understood!" The captain replied loudly.

"Little comrade, what's your name? Why did you join the militia?" Zhao Gang asked kindly.

"Report to the chief, my name is Ma Tiezhu, I joined the militia because I wanted to fight devils and avenge my fellow villagers!"

Zhang Gang patted Ma Tiezhu's shoulder, took away a green bubble, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

【Cannon +1】

Once upon a time, there was also an iron pillar, the Destroyer, who also contributed such a bubble to himself, and time and space overlapped here.

"Is it an iron pillar? I have something here, can you see if you can operate it?" Zhang Gang took out a grenadier with the word "pillar" engraved on it.

Ma Tiezhu brought it over, looked at it a few times, opened the bracket, put it on the ground, and found the grenade for throwing.
"Okay, I have some skills, go back to the Artillery Brigade to report." Zhang Gang stopped Ma Tiezhu, if he didn't stop, the Erhu might have shot the grenade, and whoever blows up the person will be the one.

"Is it really okay?"

"Of course, what I said is false." After Zhang Gang finished speaking, he asked a few more questions and got a satisfactory answer. Then he dragged Zhao Gang out of the village.

"Old Zhao, it's really a good job. If Jiaodong is like this, I'll be relieved." Zhang Gang said with a smile.

Zhao Gang's eyes immediately stood up: "What's the matter, you just want to make trouble after a few days of good life?"

Zhang Gang was startled, how could this Zhao Gang have seen through his mind all of a sudden, as if he had installed a radar?Immediately quibbled: "Nothing, seeing that Xuzhou is about to fight, how could I make trouble?"

Zhao Gang sneered: "Old Zhang, Lao Zhang, do you still remember what you said before you went to Nanjing last time? Relaxed when you said you came, and slapped your ass and left at the end, just like what you said today! "

Zhang Gang laughed loudly: "My political commissar Zhao, I'm convinced you, you can find even a little bit of clues, to tell you the truth, I really plan to take a trip to the north."

"You really want to go. Let me tell you, Lao Zhang, you're going too far. A leader from a base can run out if he wants to. Do you still have some organizational principles?"

"Old Zhao, don't worry, let me tell you, we are living a good life now, but we must be prepared for danger in times of peace, and we must think about the future!"

"Well, let's continue. I'd like to see what kind of medicine you bought in your gourd?"

"The Jiaozhou Peninsula is easy to attack and difficult to defend. At a certain time, it will definitely be attacked by the little devils. If the second battlefield cannot be opened in time, there will be no place to run. In the north of us, it is a treasure land. What is there in the northeast? Yes There is coal, iron, and the largest arsenal in the country, so why don’t we go and have a look, are you embarrassed?”

"You can't go anywhere alone!" Zhao Gang said.

"Of course not. I'll go there alone to find out the way. When I figure it out, I'll take another brigade there. I'll definitely beat the shit out of the little devil."

"In this case, you can go, but there are a few points. We have three chapters in the law. First, don't cause damage, just find out the news. Second, be gentle and don't cause trouble. We still rely on you in our base area. Third, go early Come back early."

"Don't worry, my chief political commissar, I agree to all three points!" Seeing Zhao Gang let go, Zhang Gang immediately agreed with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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