Sword life

Chapter 150

Chapter 150
Dozens of flames exploded together, and the city gate collapsed in front of Takeo Takeo, and at the same time, Takeo's spirit collapsed.

When did the Chinese army become so powerful that they could chase the imperial army? This is not true!
Jinchao Takenan struggled to get up, blood sprayed out immediately, the guard wanted to stop it, but it was too late, a bullet hit Jinchao Takenan's chest, killing him on the spot.

The death of Takeo now announced the end of the war in Fuji County!
[Your subordinates killed 650 three elite little devils, rewarding 65300 points! 】

[Your subordinates killed 470 six elite little devils, rewarding 47600 points! 】

[Your subordinates killed a chief, rewarding 8000 points! 】

[You's subordinates killed a major general and rewarded 16000 points! 】

Outside the Chengguan, Zhang Gang was a little puzzled. A regiment, logically speaking, would not have a major general.

Soon, Zhang Gang got the answer. During the battle at Chengguan, Major General Seya who came to inspect was killed.

"Unexpectedly, I only wanted to kill a wing, but killed a brigade commander, which is a surprise." Zhang Gang smiled lightly, and opened the tactical map.

The head of the Seya brigade was killed. Although the Seya detachment still had more than 4000 people, it lost its command. The largest unit was only 500 people, scattered within a radius of [-] miles from Zouxian County to Teng County.

"Order the new brigade to move towards Dawu and Xiaowu, and annihilate the little devils entrenched there."

"The independent brigade is moving towards the boundary river! Eliminate a large group of the 20th Wing."

"Notify the Armored Brigade that there may be enemy armored units in the direction of Xiangcheng."

The Independent Brigade and the New Brigade left a part to clean up the battlefield, and the main force went out of the city, like two long dragons, rolling towards the southeast and killing them, leaving only black smoke and busy searching soldiers on the battlefield.

Both the New Brigade and the Independent Brigade are used to being poor, and they have to rummage through even the cracks of a brick. Zhang Gang is a little speechless. It's not that there are not enough bullets. As for doing this!
At this moment, Wang Mingzhang and others came over, and Zhang Gang hurried over: "Brother Mingzhang, you are injured, why are you rushing here?"

Seeing that half of Wang Mingzhang's face was bloody and his left bandage was stained red with blood, he immediately patted a serious wound on it and changed it for him himself.

After the bandage was put on, Wang Mingzhang's face immediately recovered a little blood, and his voice became rougher: "Mr. Zhang, let alone anything else, the 122nd Division is willing to fight under your command."

Wang Mingzhang has expressed this meaning before, but this time he said it clearly. Zhang Gang smiled: "Brother Mingzhang, I wish for it. With you here, I have an extra strong general who can fight against the little devil."

Although Zhang Gang only took half a day to destroy the Tenth Regiment, this was a sneak attack on the little devil's heavy artillery position, and then the heavy artillery washed the ground, completely dividing the three brigades of the Tenth Regiment.

Then use three brigades, six times the strength, to attack the scattered enemy forces without solid positions, and only then can we achieve such a record.

Although Wang Mingzhang has a large number of people, his firepower is poor. After being bombarded by heavy artillery for three days, he has not been completely defeated, which is already commendable.

After Wang Mingzhang finished speaking, he turned aside and gave way to the man behind him: "Mr. Zhang, his name is Zhang Xuanwu, the commander of the 727 regiment. He has made great efforts to defend Teng County this time."

Zhang Xuanwu rubbed his hands and gave a military salute: "Humble Zhang Xuanwu, obey the commander's order!"

Zhang Gang patted Zhang Xuanwu on the shoulder and took a bubble.

【Defense +1】

Not bad, able to fight defensive warfare, Zhang Gang said with a smile: "We don't talk about this here, we are usually brothers, and when we are fighting, we are comrades if we are like-minded."

Zhang Xuanwu nodded in agreement.

Zhang Gang asked again: "Regimental Commander Zhang's blocking battle this time is remarkable. Next, Teng County is still a strategically important place. I want to assign you a regiment to continue stationing in Teng County. What do you think? "

Henry Zhang saluted immediately: "Good!"

Zhang Gang nodded, looked behind Zhang Xuanwu again, and said with a smile: "Isn't this Company Commander Zhao? How about it, Mr. Wang, my little Zhao didn't cause you any trouble, right?"

"Where is it, Company Commander Zhao has helped us a lot. If it wasn't for Company Commander Zhao's suggestion, at least two more soldiers from the 122nd Division would have died."

Company Commander Zhao was a little embarrassed: "Not so many..."

Zhang Gang nodded: "Commander Zhao, where do you want to go next? You can be promoted to one level in the 122nd Division. If you return to the original unit, you will be rewarded once."

Before Company Commander Zhao could speak, Wang Mingzhang became anxious: "Commander, Xiao Zhao wants to stay in the 122nd Division. I will bring him the 724th Regiment."

This is a promotion beyond the fourth level. Zhang Gang couldn't help but smile: "Since Mr. Wang said so, they are all from his own family, so Xiao Zhao, you should stay with Mr. Wang and work hard!"


After arranging the 122nd division, Zhang Gang won another general, and he was in a good mood.

At the same time, in the division headquarters of the [-]th Division, Isoya Rensuke was in a very bad mood. The Seya detachment lost contact half an hour ago, and has not been in touch so far.

Based on the analysis of the previous telegram, it was probably more ominous than good.

Isoya Rensuke walked to the map, looked at the marked blue arrows, and a nameless anger rose from his chest.

It's this guy again, every time he takes advantage of his unpreparedness to launch a sneak attack, what kind of hero is he.

If the North China Front Army had not decided to attack Zhengzhou to the west, and then opened up the Ping-Han line, and fought a big battle with the Chinese army in Wuhan, this level of provocation could just arouse the indignation of the North China Front Army and invest heavily in the Jinpu Road.

But now that the North China Front Army has invested three divisions in the direction of Zhengzhou, it is bound to be unable to take into account the direction of Xuzhou. Faced with such arrogant and provocative behavior, it can only be resolved by the Tenth Division and the Fifth Division.

This is where Isoya Rensuke feels powerless. The Tenth Division has already gone to a brigade and lost one-third of its strength.

Against the Tenth Army alone, the Tenth Division would probably lose ugly.

This realization made Rensuke Isotani feel ashamed. When will a Class A division be no match for a Chinese army!
Although the fifth division is strong, it is also responsible for the security of the long front from Dezhou to Dagon, and the strength that can be drawn is limited.

For a while, the Tenth Army couldn't help it.

"Can the other units of the Seya detachment be contacted?"

"Currently, all the troops of the [-]th Regiment in Teng County have lost contact. Perhaps the fighting was too intense and the radio station was damaged." The staff officer couldn't continue talking here.

The telegraph station is strictly protected, and if the telegraph station is damaged, it usually means hopelessness.

Isoya Rensuke was in a worse mood,

"General Isoya, the forward of the Tenth Army is fighting with our light armored squadron!"

 The state was not good last night, the writing was not good, and it was rewritten, which made everyone wait for a long time

(End of this chapter)

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