Sword life

Chapter 160

Chapter 160
Little devil, Xiao Liuzhuang stronghold.

Wei Xin, the company commander of a certain unit of the 55th Brigade, was discussing the attack plan with Liu Shangwu, the captain of the county brigade, and the tone was very soft.

"Later, let's go first, and your county brigade will follow!"

"That can't be done. This time it's the county brigade fighting, and you are responsible for guiding. The guiding is to tell me how to fight!"

"Guiding is to do it first, and then you just follow along."

The two quarreled for a while, and finally decided that the company was responsible for suppressing the firepower of Xiaoliuzhuang, and the county brigade was responsible for the attack.

"Everything!" Three explosive packets the size of a millstone rolled and were thrown into the gun tower. The huge explosion made the gun tower shake twice and collapsed immediately.

"Comrades, rush with me!" Liu Shangwu was the first to jump up and rushed over with the county brigade.

"The formation is spread out, this is not acceptable!" There was a stern shout from behind!

Liu Shangwu hurriedly shouted: "Spread away, run according to the usual training!"

At this moment, the sound of light machine guns came from the ruins, and several county brigades were hit by machine guns and fell to the ground.

Liu Shangwu was also shot in the leg and fell to the ground. He was not far from the machine gun point. He took out a grenade from his arms and threw it directly.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded, blocking the sight of the little devil's machine gunner, and the suppression force was greatly reduced.

"Throw the grenade!" Liu Shangwu cried out in pain.

Next, a few grenades were thrown out, and one hit right at the position of the little devil's machine gun, killing all the main and deputy machine gunners. Without the suppression of the machine gun, the county brigade rushed into the collapsed gun tower and successfully killed all the little devils .

In this battle, the county brigade killed three people and injured seven, and wiped out twice as many Japanese and puppet troops. From the perspective of the first actual battle, the record is acceptable.

The same thing happened continuously along the 3000-kilometer Jinpu Road.The Tenth Army made a strong attack, stripped [-] kilometers of Jinpu Road, killed and wounded more than [-] Japanese and puppet troops, and expanded the Jiaozhou base to the Dezhou area.

The little devil Shandong troops who were hit by the attack dispatched two brigades and began to sweep the Jiaozhou base area under the cover of more than 100 planes. After taking down ZB, they dared not move forward.

[You's subordinates killed nine puppet soldiers and seven little devils, rewarding 5750 points! 】

[Your men killed twelve puppet soldiers and eight little devils, and rewarded you with 7000 points! 】

A long list of reminders showed that Zhang Gang was a little puzzled. It was Lao Zhao who made such a big commotion.

It is not suitable to fight now, it is best to wait until after the Wuhan battle, by then, the little devil has almost no mobile force, and that is the time to show his talents.

However, there is not much difference. If you fight, you will fight. At most, you will endure it for two or three years.

At this time, Zhang Gang had already gathered more than 1000 people, and the more he gathered, the faster he gathered.

Seeing that the time was about the same, Zhang Gang opened the tactical map and found that there was no decent army of little devils in a radius of [-] miles, except for a squadron of little devils. The tiny red dots were connected into a net, and scattered green dots were caught everywhere.

Three thousand little devils hunted down thirty to forty thousand German weapon masters!

This matter is very confusing, where does the little devil get his confidence?Zhang Gang took down the location of the rout and called Wu Youfu over.

"Old Wu, didn't we capture a cavalry squadron of little devils this time? Find someone who can ride a horse and scatter out to find the scattered soldiers. Send more people in these directions."

"Yes!" Wu Youfu looked at Yishui's white oriental horses, his eyes were full of disbelief, more than 100 oriental horses were placed in an abandoned yard, there were no little devils, this was all evil.

More than 100 cavalry roared and rushed in all directions, bringing hope to the scattered soldiers.

Zhang Gang rode on a white horse and headed northwest alone. This was the only direction that could wipe out the squadron-level devils.

On the official road in Wulipu, Yusheng Oda, the leader of the No. 2000 Squadron, rode on a horse and looked forward to Zixiong. In front of his horse, more than 200 prisoners lined up in a line several miles long, staggering forward!More than [-] people from a squadron were scattered on both sides, and the bayonets of Sanba Dagai were shining coldly.

A prisoner was unsteady on his feet and fell to the ground, with a large piece of him falling down.

"Hurry up, if you don't go, you will die!" Several little devils finished speaking, and before the prisoners got up, they stabbed down, stabbing all the prisoners who fell on the ground to death.

The blood stained the whole road red, forming a small puddle of blood. The captives at the back looked numb, and walked forward stepping on the bloody water, forming a bloody road!
At this moment, a horse neighed in the distance, and then a white Oriental horse galloped towards Yusheng Oda in a short while.

"Which unit?" Oda Yusheng looked at the opponent's Dongyang horse, a little envious.

The barrel is snow-white without a single hair, so it should be the son of the high school of the cavalry brigade!
"Military Department of the Tenth Army!" Zhang Gang finished his answer, took out two box cannons, and knocked down Oda Yusheng with one shot.

Zhang Gang held both guns horizontally, and his voice was like thunder: "I am Zhang Gang, brothers, fight the little devils with me!"

After finishing speaking, he double-gunned and knocked down the little devils around him one by one!
"General Zhang is here!"

"It's General Zhang!"

"Fight with the little devil!"

In the eyes of thousands of prisoners, a fierce light burst out at the same time, and thousands of people rushed forward and rushed towards the little devil.

The little devils shot in panic. They didn't understand why the sheep-like captives suddenly turned into tigers. They shot and killed the few people in front of them, and then they were overwhelmed by the crowd behind them.

In less than 10 minutes, a squadron of little devils was completely wiped out. Three thousand rout soldiers looked at Zhang Gang with wild eyes: "Back to Zhengzhou and liberate Lanfeng! We are saved!"

On May 1938, 5, Zhang Gang descended from the sky and led the three verticals to wipe out a squadron of little devils. The news shocked the whole country!
The three divisions of the Japanese 1st Army all reduced their forces, and the division headquarters were even more closely guarded against Zhang Gang's sneak attack, and the offensive was immediately frustrated.

The rout soldiers who fled in the north of Henan and the east of Henan saw hope, and gathered towards Zhang Gang like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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