Sword life

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

"Commander, you are so powerful, you took down the city gate so easily!" Chen Changfeng blushed with excitement.

Zhang Gang smiled: "Small things."

At this moment, gunshots sounded almost simultaneously from the west and north!
Zhang Gang made a decisive decision: "Mr. Chen, to the west is the camp of the Second Temporary Division of the Puppet Army. Now you lead people to rush there. Don't be afraid to disrupt the establishment. Each of them only has five bullets. Isn't it the same as if there is no bullets rounded up! "

"Yes, come on, brothers, let's rush to the battlefield with me!" Chen Changfeng brandished a broadsword, ran in front, and led thousands of people from the Third Division and Third Division into the camp of the Puppet Army's Second Temporary Division.

The Second Temporary Division of the Puppet Army has never seen such a battle. They ran all over the mountains and plains without any rules. They wanted to organize resistance, but found that there were soldiers everywhere, and they couldn't command at all!

"Chinese people don't fight Chinese people, fight devils with me!"

"General Zhang Gang is here, surrender quickly, or your life will be lost!"

"Surrender is the only way to survive!"

"Don't kill with guns!"

Amid the tsunami-like shouts, the morale of the Puppet Second Division, which was originally low, was seriously shaken in its will to fight. At first, they only surrendered individually, but soon turned into a large-scale puppet army consisting of entire rows and companies. Put down your weapons and obediently become a prisoner.

Seeing that the situation has been controlled here, Zhang Gang opened the tactical map again and found that the first and second divisions of the three verticals had surrounded the seventh division of the puppet army.

The number of the temporary Seventh Division of the puppet army has also been reduced to about [-], and it seems that it can't make waves.

Chen Changfeng ran over panting: "Commander, you are so powerful, it's the first time I've seen a chaotic war that can knock down an enemy division!"

Zhang Gang smiled, didn't speak, and tensed up the avatar.

Isn't it that we have just restored the organizational system and have not yet formed combat effectiveness? Then we will completely disrupt the organizational system and everyone will be lowered to the same starting line.

The same weapons and equipment, the same quality of personnel, or in other words, the slightly higher quality of personnel on Zhang Gang's side, can naturally overwhelm the temporarily formed troops of the puppet army. Is there any difficulty in this?

[You's subordinates killed 1000 or 60000 puppet troops, rewarding [-] points! 】

[210000 puppet troops received the call to revolt on the battlefield, rewarding [-] points! 】

It's a pretty good harvest. It's almost like an elite squadron of little devils lacks the points of two squadrons. Zhang Gang looked at the inner city and issued an order: "Clean the battlefield and block the gates of the inner city. You lead a division to charge first. Don't let the little devil escape!"

In the inner city, Shaw Mao was trembling all over, fear seized his heart, the guy who couldn't name came, he was dead.

"Captain, now is not the time to be in a daze, think of a way!" The staff officer couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help reminding.

Shaw Mao steadied his mind, "The first team breaks out from the south gate, the second team breaks out from the north gate, and the wing headquarters and the third team move on camera!"

The staff officer's eyebrows twitched when he heard it. This is the rhythm of not even daring to fight, and he just wanted to run away: "Captain Mao Island, the Chinese army does not have heavy weapons, and the firepower is very weak. We have a chance to win this battle. .”

Shifu Moshima raised his head with fierce eyes: "I know what you want to say, but before that, how is the situation of the Katano Detachment? How is the situation of the 63rd Wing, and what about the 10th Wing? These three Wings are all elites. Type A troops, they were wiped out, how can you be sure that we won't be the fourth wing to be wiped out?"

The staff officer immediately stood up in awe: "Hey, I'm being superficial, and the leader of the Mao Island Alliance is really far-sighted!"

"I can't say that. I've read the battle reports of the three alliances. That guy's grasp of the fighters is so obvious that the reaction of the several alliance leaders can't help but be said to be very old-fashioned, but in the end he was defeated by that People play with it. Rather than saying it is a decision made by oneself, it is more like a puppet manipulated by that guy!"

The staff officer took a breath and stopped doubting: "Fortunately, there is Mao Dao-san, otherwise we will be like the previous regiments and become that person's martial arts."

The two hypnotized each other and began to retreat.

At the same time, Zhang Gang also started to take action, and sent out the two guard regiments that had not been moved. These regiments were not patchwork regiments, but Zhang Gang selected from 2 people and had a complete organizational system. The German weapon regiment's combat effectiveness is similar to that of a brigade of little devils.

"Commander, it's fine for me to go, you still have to take charge of the overall situation, and you can't go to the battlefield!" Peng Yong, the head of the regiment, dissuaded him.

"It's a joke, the whole situation now is to wipe out the little devils' unit, so what if I don't go!" Zhang Gang scolded Peng Yong so badly that he lost his temper.

Just then Zhang Gang led a group of guards to cross diagonally, and rushed to the south gate, just in time to meet the Maodao United Army that broke through in a hurry.

Relying on light and heavy firepower, as well as artillery, the Maodao unit easily gained the upper hand, defeated the defenders at the city gate, fought and retreated, and fled outside the city.

How could Zhang Gang let go of this opportunity, and immediately picked up the double-mounted Oerlikon and started shooting.

bang bang bang!Oerlikon's rate of fire is not fast, but it is extremely domineering. A slap-sized shell hits the past. Wherever it goes, the light and heavy machine guns turn into twists, and the [-]-type gun shield is penetrated, and it is a ball when it hits a person. Blood mist!
The little devil's firepower was immediately suppressed!
"The commander is mighty!"

"Stop talking, move quickly!" Zhang Gang picked up the Oerlikon dual-pack and ran to the edge of a private house. Unsurprisingly, he heard the explosion of a grenade.

The little devil's grenadier is powerful, Zhang Gang took out a bunch of wooden handle bombs, tied them into a bundle, and threw them into a yard with the pull string.

Boom!There was a loud noise, and red blood mist burst out in the yard, and Zhang Gang received at least seven or eight messages in front of him.

[You killed seven little devils, reward 700 points! 】

[You killed five little devils, reward 500 points! 】

It killed more than 30 little devils at once, which was quite cost-effective. Just when Zhang Gang wanted to transfer, his hairs suddenly stood on end, and Zhang Gang got down immediately without even thinking about it.

A [-]mm shell flew past his shoulder, hit the wall and exploded, countless shrapnel roared and flew around.

(End of this chapter)

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