Sword life

Chapter 169 The Last Ring

Chapter 169 The Last Link

Time flies, and ten days passed in a flash. The 23rd to 25th Divisions of the Little Devils joined the Japanese 1st Army and formally formed the North China (Ping-Han) Front Army, continuing to advance towards Wuhan.

Tang Enbo and others disappeared according to the usual practice. A certain ** was furious and wanted to personally find out these defeated generals and shoot them to set the record straight. Can let it go.

When the news came out, I don't know how many people's hearts were chilled. If Chairman Han had a spirit in heaven, he might be so angry that he would come back to life and run again.

Li Zongren, commander of the fifth theater, sent the main force to flank the Little Devil North China (Ping-Han) Front Army in the Zhumadian area of ​​Luohe.

It's just that the little devil's North China Front Army only left a part of its troops lagging behind in the fifth theater, and the main force had already reached Wusheng Pass.

From the point of view of Zhang, who is unwilling to use violence to persuade others, this kind of combat is not up to the level of Chief Li. If he really wants to stop him, he should go to Wushengguan for a generation!

A multiple-choice question was placed in front of Umezu Umejiro, and it seemed that there was no need to think about it.

As long as Wusheng pass is defeated, there will be no fortress pass on the Pinghan line that can stop the iron hooves of the North China front army!
The Chinese army stationed at Wushengguan is just a cobbled together gendarmerie with less than [-] people, and it seems that there is no need to fight at all!

In the headquarters of the North China Front Army, Umezu Umejiro was carefully reading the documents. After reading for a while, he said, "This man participated in the Battle of Nanjing before, so he should not be underestimated." Yes, but it always lingers in the bottom of my heart, disturbing his mood.

The 1st Army went south and swooped down on Wuhan along the Ping-Han line. It was a risky move. There were no supplies. If the Chinese army hadn't really stretched its hips, the 1st Army would have run out of ammunition and food long ago, and fell into a desperate situation.

In fact, the North China Front Army has already consumed [-]% of its ammunition and [-]% of its supplies. If it hadn't been for picking up weapons and equipment, food, grass, and ammunition discarded by the Chinese army, it might be more stable now, and wait until the rear army catches up before continuing. moved on.

However, the opportunity is really rare. As long as we add more strength, we can tear this giant China apart and become the foundation for Japan's rise.

Thinking of this, Umezu Umejiro dictated: "In the current form, if two or three more divisions are dispatched, a large net will be formed, and all the elites of China will be wiped out in one net."

The telegram was sent to Kenkichi Ueda, and Kenkichi Ueda's head got bigger. Da Mao gathered heavy troops on the border, and the 23rd to 25th divisions were transferred away. He now only has seven divisions in his hand. If he is transferred again, Da Mao What should I do if I call?
However, when he saw the back, Kenkichi Ueda was also moved. Japan learned from Germany, and what he said was to invest the most power on the main battlefield to achieve a breakthrough, and then drive the secondary battlefield to victory.

It should be correct to invest the greatest force in the direction of Wuhan and annihilate the main force of the Chinese army in Wuhan.

However, the troops he can use now are very limited, let alone three divisions, it is difficult to mobilize even one division.

The five divisions on the border cannot move. These five divisions are facing Da Mao's hundreds of thousands of troops, one hundred thousand against 30. The disadvantage is already very obvious.

The remaining two divisions are scattered over more than 100 million square kilometers of land in Baishan and Heishui.

After thinking about it again and again, Kenkichi Ueda still couldn't resist the temptation, and dispatched the last two divisions to advance towards Henan, join the North China Front Army, and attack Wuhan.

As for the law and order in the Northeast, Ueda Kenkichi recruited [-] garrison troops and formed five temporary divisions to maintain order.

In his opinion, as long as the war in Wuhan is over within three months, these five temporary divisions are enough to ensure the stability of the Northeast. After three months, when the main force returns, everything will be fine.

On the ground in Shandong, the military training is in full swing, but Zhang Gang came to the shipyard to inspect the progress of the shipbuilding.

"At present, one hundred landing craft have been manufactured, and the speed is about ten knots."

"Well, the speed is still a bit slow. If we work overtime, can we produce [-] ships by the end of the month?" Zhang Gang asked with a frown.

"That's all, it was built with all my life. By the end of the month, there will be up to [-] more boats. With our technology, we can only build some small boats. Boat building is really embarrassing!" Director Wang felt aggrieved .

"Brother Wang, it's my fault. I shouldn't force you to produce this thing, but think about it, make more and you'll have to figure out a way to make more landing craft."

It was hard to talk about it, so he coaxed Director Wang and agreed to continue building landing craft.

Zhang Gang opened the map and started to search. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He didn't expect that there was such a thing. It was much easier now.

On the map, starting from Changdao, passing through Tuoji Town, Xiaoqin Island and extending to North and South Chenghuang Townships, they are strung together like a necklace.

Beichenghuang Island is only 120 miles away from Jinzhou, which is two-thirds shorter than the [-] miles from Yantai to Jinzhou.
After thinking about the last link, Zhang Gang found Zhao Gang: "Old Zhao, I'm about to set off, and I'll leave Shandong to you. Old devil Banyuan may not dare to come out, so don't worry if you come out. Take him around in circles." , Itagaki's troops are not strong enough, he will wither if he drags on."

"Old Zhang, you are going to pick someone up again! No, you have to tell me clearly why you have to take it with you when you go there!"

(End of this chapter)

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