Sword life

Chapter 179

Chapter 179
In the middle of the night, Kojiro looked at the map and fell into deep thought. Why was Zhang Gang caught in the siege, but judging from the results of the battle, the No. 30 and 31 divisions were the ones who were beaten up.

"The Night Demon King is well-deserved! We have dozens of times the strength of the army, but we are running around like a headless giant. We are in a dilemma when we are beaten by General Zhao Gang and hundreds of people."

"General Kojiro, what should we do now?" the chief of staff asked in time.

"To crack this, timely communication is required. Each squadron is equipped with a radio to fix their range of activities. As long as Zhang Gang dares to attack, we can find their position, and the heavy artillery squadron can exert its power!"

"General wise, with this arrangement, that guy will definitely not be able to escape!"

In the dark night, Zhang Gang led his people to the vicinity of the waterworks. The place is spacious and suitable for running after drinking water.

"Commander, I figured it all out. The little devil has a team at the west gate. There are three clear whistles and four or five dark whistles at the east gate. The position of the dark whistle is just blocked by the bright whistle. It is difficult for us to unplug these light and dark whistles at the same time. .” The commander of the reconnaissance company reported the results of the reconnaissance.

"Well, the little devil is much smarter now, and it won't work anymore if he wants to sneak attack like before!" Zhang Gang laughed, and then he went out himself to scout out the enemy's situation.

There are more devils in Ximen, more than 50 people, which is already the limit of the number of the team. These soldiers chatted and chatted, and a few words caught Zhang Gang's attention.

"This time, that guy must be finished!"

"I don't think so, that guy is the devil king, and he won't die just because of this!"

"Baga, what kind of demon king, can you show your magic power!"

Zhang Gang looked intently, but didn't see anything serious. While the little devils were arguing, he swished past the camp of the devil team.

"What is it? Is it a bird?" A little devil rubbed his eyes, and when he looked again, the stars were shining brightly, but he couldn't see anything else.

Zhang Gang touched the squadron headquarters, took a closer look, and was immediately amused, it turned out to be this thing.

In the team headquarters, a slightly chubby little devil captain stood in the middle, next to a radio station with an antenna.

It turns out that the little devil has a radio station. No wonder he is so confident. The little devil who has a radio station can quickly contact him. The originally bloated network of tens of thousands of people has also become flexible and changeable because of the radio station.

There are experts over there, little devil!Zhang Gang sighed and backed out quietly.

Back in the group, Lu Meng asked:
"Commander, how about it? Can you touch this stronghold!"

"I think it's okay, I brought the little devil here." Zhang Gang said with a smile, and quietly turned on the system.

[Small military radio station: [-] points! 】

[Small military radio station] It can receive radio signals within a range of one hundred kilometers, and can send models within a range of ten kilometers.

"What is this thing?" Lu Meng looked at it, it was square and square, and there were two thin and long poles, which looked weak.

"This is a radio station, and radio signals within a radius of a hundred miles can be received. Let's see what the little devil is saying!"

Zhang just turned on the radio, and soon, a voice without cadence came out.

"Nothing has been found in District 12 yet, but a heavy landmine was stepped on while patrolling, killing seven people and injuring [-]!"

"District [-] was attacked by a small group of troops. There are only seven or eight of them. It is judged to be a small group of scattered troops!"

In the little devil's headquarters, Kojiro stood upright, and the staff took turns to mark thousands of red marks on the map.

Things were tedious and monotonous, but at the next moment, Kojiro's eyes shone fiercely: "Wait a minute, why didn't the No. [-] and No. [-] Squadrons respond!"

"Indeed, immediately send power to the No. [-] and No. [-] Squadrons to check the situation. If there is no response, there should be a problem!"


After 3 minutes of writing, the staff officer hurried in, bowed and said, "There is no answer from the No. [-] and No. [-] Squadrons!"

"As expected of General Kojiro, he actually used this method to find the trail of that guy. My God, he has already rushed to the northwest corner. It's unbelievable!" the chief of staff said sincerely.

Gangjiro nodded slightly: "This shows two things. The team in the city center is not where Zhang Gang is, but the northwest corner is where Zhang Gang is. This guy has always advertised that he loves soldiers like sons, and he also cuts off his tail to survive in times of crisis. What a hypocrite. The second point, although we have taken many precautions, General Zhang Gang can still kill a squadron silently!"

"That's very good, although that guy is very powerful, but in front of General Kojiro, he became a monkey grandson, and he couldn't find your palm."

"You can't say that, order the heavy artillery unit to fire at the first and second areas, and make sure that no one alive can escape!"

[-]st and [-]nd squadron area..

"Baga, how could it be missing? Such a big radio station, how could it be missing!" The lungs of the No. [-] and No. [-] Squadrons were about to explode, and they stretched out their hands and slapped the correspondent several times.

The correspondent was shaken from side to side after being beaten, and kept shouting, "Hey, hey, hey!"

"Squadron leader, I just put the radio on the ground. I swear to God, I never exceeded 1 minute. After I died, I found that the radio was gone. Everyone else can testify for me."

"Yes, it is very miraculous. It seems that an invisible hand snatched the radio station away."

"Impossible, ridiculous, our opponent is a normal human being, not a demon king." The squadron leader's voice suddenly trembled.

The faces of the other little devils also changed, and whispers lingered around.

"I heard that last time I stole all the ammunition of a base number!"

"It can still be moved more than ten kilometers away!"

"Are we fighting against such a demon god? It feels like we might die at any moment!"

At this moment, there was a screaming sound in the sky, and the squadron leader looked up, only to see a round of [-] heavy artillery shells falling from the sky!



Cannon fire overwhelmed everything!Blow up the entire squad of Imps to pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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