Sword life

Chapter 181 The Clown Is Actually Myself

Chapter 181 The Clown Is Actually Myself

Next to Zhang Gang, there were seven or eight square radio stations. Lu Meng did not speak, looking at the ground in a daze.

How could the commander be able to swipe and pull a radio station at will? He stared at it for a long time, his eyes were sore, and he didn't see a radio station.

Zhang Gang 'found' four more radio stations, but this time, the little devil didn't fire.

It seems that after being fooled a few times, the little devil also knows that something is wrong, which is a pity.

If a radio station corresponds to a squadron of little devils, only four squadrons of little devils have been killed, which is about equal to a brigade, and the gains are not great.

The key is no points!
The little devil didn't move, so it was his turn to move.

Zhang Gang led a group of guards and continued to dig pits and lay mines, stop and go, and found the power control station.

This is a small three-story western-style building, the doors and windows are closed, and only a few little devils are patrolling outside.

After all, there is nothing good in this place, it is not worth much, and it is not a major traffic route, so just send some people casually.

"Yawn!" A little devil was a little anxious to urinate, and opened the door of the control station. Suddenly, he felt a chill behind him, turned his head to look, but saw nothing.

"Sakata-kun, I feel something is wrong."

"Oh, Mr. Gao Li, go and come back quickly! Don't dawdle."

Sakata muttered, walked into the bathroom cautiously, turned around suddenly, but still saw nothing.

It should be just his own illusion, Sakata felt relieved.

After Sakata left, Zhang Gang turned over from the roof and wiped off his cold sweat.

You really can't underestimate the little devil, some people's intuition is really scary.

After reaching the basement level, Zhang Gang placed a time bomb in the substation. After thinking for a while, he took out another half-ton aerial bomb and hung it on the fuze with a transparent silk thread.

If someone wants to dismantle this time bomb, most of them will hit this transparent line directly, and a small impact will detonate the bomb!

Zhang Gang quietly walked out of the substation, took a ball to the northwest corner, dug with a shovel, and quickly dug out a hole through the city wall.

On the outskirts of the city, the little devil set up searchlights to shine back and forth, and the lampposts were like weaving, illuminating the road leading to the outside of the city.

Zhang Gang calculated that if it was him, he could follow the lamp post with his speed and would not be spotted by the little devils, but as long as the number of people exceeded one hundred, he would not be able to avoid the searchlights.

Zhang Gang didn't move, just waited quietly.

Somewhere, Sakata was a little restless: "I feel like someone is behind me just now!"

"Sakata-kun, don't get crazy, you're sleepy!"

Sakata got up and started to search. Seeing this, several little devils followed suit with a smile.

Soon, they reached the basement level. Sakata gently opened the door, and his face changed drastically: "When I got off work, I remembered that the position of the handle is perpendicular to the ground!"

Everyone was shocked, opened the door and searched carefully, and several beams of flashlight swept the room randomly.

Sakata soon discovered a ticking time bomb with numbers, and ran over immediately. While running, he encountered a little obstacle.

Sakata's hair stood on end!

"Ding!" A fuze was pulled out, and after [-] seconds, an explosion occurred!


A loud noise sounded from behind Zhang Gang. When he turned his head, a fireball more than [-] meters high appeared in the sky. Immediately afterwards, the light beams of the searchlights went out almost at the same time.

In this era, electric lights are still a rarity. A place without lights is frighteningly dark and invisible is not an adjective, but a fact.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Gang and a group of guards quietly crossed the blockade and disappeared into the wilderness outside the city.

In the darkness, Kojiro woke up leisurely, looking at the darkness in front of him, he suddenly became frightened: "Why can't I see, what happened?"

In the darkness, a cluster of flames lit up, and the chief of staff came over with a candle in his hand: "General Kojiro, I heard that there is a problem with the Electric Power Control Bureau. Now the whole city is cut off!"

Kojiro was a little confused, but he immediately realized that the electricity was off, and Zhang Gang had more freedom in this dark night.

"Baga, damn it, why is this guy so cunning!" Kojiro couldn't help becoming irritable.

"Yeah, if it wasn't so hard to deal with, the generals before would not have left the stage sadly! General, we should be on guard against that guy's sneak attack at this time!"

Kojiro broke out in a cold sweat. Only then did he realize that that guy was not a prey, but a super hunter. Two seniors had already died due to negligence, and he didn't want to be the third.

"Immediately organize people to build a defensive circle, release more wolfhounds, and if you see unknown people, shoot and kill them!"

"Hi!" The chief of staff lost control of his expression, but he still tried his best to complete the task.

After a while, the chief of staff came back and replied: "I'm sorry, General Kojiro, the two brigades encountered landmines and cannot return quickly!"

"Baga, a bunch of trash, they are blocked by landmines, what do engineers do for food, don't they know how to clear mines?"

"I asked, many of them are wooden box landmines, and it is difficult for metal detectors to detect all of them!"

"That's your business, what I want now is to come back immediately!" Kojiro roared, all the elegant temperament of the past is gone, it's a matter of life and death, how calm!

There was a talkative master, the chief of staff despised him in his heart, bowed his head in salute, and issued an emergency order. Soon, one and a half brigades rushed back to the headquarters. There were many mines on the way, and half the brigade was lost.

At least two hundred little devils stepped on the wooden box landmines, and their legs were useless. Double the number of people had to be sent to carry the wounded to the hospital.

These losses, which could have been avoided, happened because of Kojiro's cowardice, and the original stalwart and tall image also collapsed.

After a busy night like this, until dawn the next day, the little devils who stayed in Fengtian City were exhausted, all of them had dark circles under their eyes, and had nothing to gain except a lot of wounded.

"Where did that guy go!" Kojiro growled with dark circles under his eyes, he felt as if that guy was playing tricks!

"Report, General Kojiro, that guy must have escaped, and we haven't found any trace of him yet!"

"What, not in Fengtian!" Kojiro felt dizzy. If so, his hard work all night would be in vain. Thousands of heavy artillery shells and the four squadrons buried with him would all become a laughing stock!
After a lot of hard work, it finally became someone else's background board, why bother!
With a plop, Kojiro fell to the ground. This time, the cries for help from the little devils were not so eager.

Can't beat that guy, they're all the same rookies, what's so proud of!
(End of this chapter)

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