Sword life

Chapter 208 Lure the enemy to go deep

Chapter 208 Lure the enemy to go deep
As the little devil's gun towers continued to be built, there were gun towers everywhere in Hei Province, and the activities of the Tenth Army were greatly restricted. Gang led the 55th brigade to continue to deal with the little devil.

From the point of view of the little devil, this is the effect of the gun tower policy. As long as there is more force, Zhang Gang, the guy who has troubled them for a long time, will collapse.

Tenshin Ichiro has begun to look forward to life after promotion.

However, in a place that the little devil couldn't see, a big fire was burning.

At night, in a secret place in Dawan Village, several members of the armed forces team behind the enemy were negotiating.

"What the hell, Wang Mazi dared to be a dog for a little devil. Let's deal with him this time and see who dares to work for the little devil!"

"Everyone is right. If the little devil is here, we have worked so hard to plant crops for a year, but none of them fall into our hands. When the year is good, it is okay. If there is a slight drought or flood, we will sell our sons and daughters."

"Get rid of the little devils, we can eat rice, and meat during the festival!"

A few people talked about good things, blew out the lights, and quietly touched over with weapons.

All of a sudden, the dogs all over the street started barking, but soon, most of the families calmed down their dogs. Only one family's dog was still barking, and the barking was very miserable.

But soon, the dog stopped barking, his mouth was foaming, and his eyes were terrified.

There are some things that you don’t feel happy when you get them. Once you lose them, you will know how precious these things are. After several years of being a subjugated slave, no one wants to lie in the mud and let others trample on them!

That night, the yellow dog in Dawan Village died, and no one cared about it. The little devil was too busy dealing with the guerrilla warfare of the Tenth Army, and he had already run out of resources, and everyone in Dawan Village tacitly forgot about it. .

When the little devil comes, there are still people to deal with it, but when the little devil walks forward, someone will pass the news of the little devil to the top.

Every day, some news came from every village, and it was gathered to the headquarters of the Tenth Army to get a clear grasp of the little devil's movements.

This morning, Zhang Gang led another squad, ambushed by the side of the road, and brought over a guy who had changed his job as a groom.

Two hours passed, and there was still no movement on the road. Zhang Gang was not in a hurry, but Lu Meng was in a hurry: "I said, Commander, is your news accurate? Don't make a mistake."

"I said Lu Meng, it will take at least two hours for you little devil to get here from the county seat. Even if you leave early in the morning, you will have to come here around ten o'clock. Why are you in a hurry?" Zhang Gang took a grass stick in his mouth and lay in ambush in the grass Inside, there were no grasshopper bites around, and they all ran on Lu Meng.

"Commander, don't be in a hurry. I'm just a groom now, not even a big soldier. I just hope that this battle will be over and I'll go back to the barracks. Can I not be in a hurry!" Lu Meng said in a low voice.

"Yes, I know you are impatient, so I brought you out to fight the devils. You haven't seen Monk Wei's 55th Brigade. You can't attack now. You are drooling at the 1000-odd gun towers." Zhang Gang said here, and suddenly heard There was a sound of a motor, and it was immediately attached to the ground.

A clearer voice came through the ground, and Zhang Gang straightened his face immediately: "The little devil will arrive in 10 minutes, everyone pay attention, if anyone has a problem, I can't spare him."

Thirty or so people were silent for a moment, checking their guns and ammunition, and two rocket soldiers paved the track for a simple launch.

After a while, two cars appeared in Zhang Gang's field of vision. There were 30 people in one car, and the total was 60 people, which was just enough to fit his teeth.

"Zhang Youcai, did you see the little devil driving in the second car? Later, kill him with one shot." Zhang Gang ordered in a low voice.

"Yes!" Zhang Youcai picked up the water lianzhu and put the little devil driver on the sight.

Watching the little devil's military vehicle drive to the turning, Zhang Gang waved his hand and shouted: "Hit!"

A bullet was shot out when Zhang Gang shouted, flew over a distance of more than 100 meters, and directly poured into the forehead of the driver of the kid's second car.

The little devil's driver immediately took the blame, threw himself on the steering wheel, and the car started to snake forward, hitting the first car head-on.

Although the speed was not fast, the two military vehicles collided with each other and made a loud noise. The little devil in the vehicle was thrown out of the carriage like a ball, bleeding from the scalp in the mild case, and dead in the severe case.

After Zhang Youcai's gunshot, there was a bean-like gunshot. This time, Zhang Gang brought all the big eights, and the rate of fire was several times faster than that of the Sanba Dagai. Although the number of people was not dominant, the shooting speed was much faster Suppressed the little devil.

Caught off guard, the little devil lost two-thirds of his troops, and more than a dozen remnants hid under the car, intending to resist.

Zhang Gang picked up the quadruple-installed Oerlikon cannon and began to shoot close to the ground. Lines of fire passed under the little devil's military vehicle, and the stubborn little devil was smashed to pieces.

【You killed fifteen elite little devils!Reward 3000 points! 】

[Your subordinates killed 36 elite little devils!Reward 3600 points! 】

Smiling and clicking the message, Zhang Gang waited for a while, and a few minutes later, more than 100 young men dressed in common people's clothes and holding swords and spears rushed over and began to clean the battlefield.

"Captain Liu, I found a rifle, it's still intact!"

"Captain, four bullet boxes, a total of 150 bullets, we made a fortune."

"Captain, crooked, and a thousand rounds of ammunition!"

Captain Liu tensed his face, but couldn't help the smile on his face, and looked up at Zhang Gang: "Commander, this time the shooting was very precise, unlike before, the guns were gone!"

Zhang Gang said with a smile: "It's just a coincidence this time. The fighting should not be too precise. Use more shells, and we will kill fewer people. If we continue to fight like this, we will become stronger and stronger! If we fight for the sake of capture, we will fight with our hands tied. Maybe you can get a few more guns, but the team will have to kill a lot of soldiers, which is not worthwhile."

Soon, the battlefield was cleaned up. There were more than [-] good guns and more than [-] damaged ones. According to the rules set by Zhang Gang, ten good rifles were picked up and handed over to the Dawan Villagers, and the rest were handed over directly to the militiamen. to the district squad.

The Dawan Village Soldier left the battlefield happily. Lu Meng looked at the brand new [-] cover, and his eyes almost popped out: "Commander, why do you have to divide so much? Isn't it good to stay for our main force?"

"Commander Lu, take a long-term view. There are many opportunities to fight and capture a lot. Before long, you will worry about capturing too many guns." Zhang Gang smiled, counting the time, it is almost time to start.

(End of this chapter)

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