Sword life

Chapter 224 Repairing the Railway

Chapter 224 Repairing the Railway
In a flash, more than ten days passed. At the end of October, the first snow in the Northeast finally fell, announcing the official arrival of winter in the Northeast.

The temperature suddenly dropped sharply, and soon dropped to minus [-] degrees. The howling north wind blew up the snow all over the sky, and it hurt people's faces like a small knife.

The winter in the Northeast is terrible, and any idea of ​​launching a large-scale offensive is ridiculous. A few years later, a tough guy proved this with millions of lives.

After issuing the order for the entire army to be repaired and take turns to guard, Zhang Gang temporarily put down the military and began to consider civil affairs.

The housing problem has become the first problem that needs to be solved urgently. The little devils gathered together and burned millions of houses. Now that they move back, these burned houses will have to be rebuilt. The bricks, tiles and stones needed are not small. number.

Zhang Gang had no choice but to find Yang Wanyou, the Minister of Logistics, and ask him to find a way.

"Commander, you can't do anything about it. How can I do anything about it? You can see how many bricks I'm worth, so just sell me." Yang Wanyou said excitedly.

"Lao Yang, don't worry, don't we have sleepers and rails? And the gravel that was removed earlier, can we use these things to build a simple house?" Zhang Gang said with a smile, and said to Wei Dayong and others. If you don't agree, you can punch and kick, but if you meet the big housekeeper, you have to be careful to coax him. If he makes a fuss, you will be the one who is in trouble.

Since crossing the sea, the Tenth Army has been able to gain a firm foothold in a place without foundation until it flexes its muscles. It is inseparable from Yang Wanyou's material support.

If Zhang Gang was in charge of his own house, he would probably be starving.

"Commander, that's not the way to calculate the accounts. The sleepers are very useful. Now that they are used, there will be no way to restore the railway in the future, and they will have to be felled again. It is not a good thing to gather villages and villages, but it takes too much to change the status quo. , and it’s not necessary, when spring comes, you don’t need to say, the farmers will automatically go to build houses, and then we only need to provide cheap bricks and tiles, and it’s easy to get a good deal.” Yang Wanyou explained patiently.

Zhang Gang was caught in the middle of thinking, Yang Wanyou was completely thinking about economics, but he didn't consider the military significance of combining villages and villages.

If you wait until the beginning of spring, the little devils will definitely be able to gather a large-scale army and launch an attack on the Northeast. At that time, it will be too late to move.

"Old Yang, how much grain have we harvested this year?" Zhang Gang didn't continue, but changed the topic.

"With 30 tons of rice and 50 tons of soybeans, the land in Gada in Northeast China is so fat that you can live with a tree branch." A happy smile appeared on Yang Wanyou's face.

"Old Yang, what is our standard? How much grain output has the Northeast produced in previous years?" Zhang Gang is actually very satisfied with this figure. 80 tons of grain is enough for all the people in the Northeast for a year, and enough for the Tenth Army for 30 years. , this time it was a fortune.

Yang Wanyou opened his mouth and said, "The Northeast produces 100 million tons of rice a year, and our side controls two-thirds of it. The little devil stole one-third. The annual soybean output is 200 million tons. The little devil took [-] percent of it. It's all under our control."

With Qian Liang in his heart, Zhang Gang calmed down, thought for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought of a solution: "Old Yang, do you think this will work?"

After Yang Wanyou listened, he covered his pockets with both hands, and was furious: "No, absolutely not, you have wiped out all the wealth you saved so hard, no, no, no, no, unless my old Yang is down, otherwise Absolutely not?"

The next morning, notices were posted in every village, with two big characters written on it, recruiting workers.

Ten quotas per village, all railway repairs, 70 cents a day, food and housing included!If it was a whole winter, I could earn [-] yuan just for the salary.

The money at this time is really valuable. Sixty-seventy yuan can buy two acres of land or half a cow. If you add the saved food money, you can earn more.

Immediately, the number of applicants for road repairs was overwhelmed, and the recruiters had to undergo a preliminary screening. In this way, 30 people passed the primary selection and entered the re-examination.

Li Dachui was one of them. He used to be a blacksmith. After the little devil came, the blacksmith's workshop couldn't continue, so he became a farmer. Now he saw that road construction was making money, so he also came to sign up.

After the initial trial, Li Dachui went through another seven days of military training. Because of his outstanding standing posture and decent shooting results, he was successfully selected and became a railway soldier.

He didn't really understand the meaning of railway soldiers, but 15 yuan a month was real, and it was still cold when he got it, and it would gradually become hot when he kicked it in his arms.

Therefore, every morning, when the bugle sounded, Li Dachui would get up. After washing for 5 minutes, he would put on his military uniform and line up outside. The gravel is transported to the bare railway line, the gravel is spread over the entire line, and after compaction, sleepers are laid, and after the sleepers are compacted, they are nailed to the rails.

This continued until noon, when a cook would come over, with meat and vegetables, steamed buns, pickled vegetables, and rice. When Li Dachui ate ten fist-sized steamed buns for the first time, he almost choked to death. After that, he became normal. More, dinner is relatively poor, but it is one meat and one vegetarian, four steamed buns or two bowls of rice, which are worth two meals at home.

Li Dachui once thought blacksmithing was the most tiring thing, but when he was building the railway, he realized that the most tiring thing was building the railway. It was all physical work, as if he wanted to exhaust his last bit of potential. The first thing he did after eating was to throw himself on the bed and fall asleep soundly.

However, after a period of time, Li Dachui found that his body had become more muscular, and he was not tired from working. He didn't sweat much after running five kilometers, but he felt a little weak.

Life is happy and peaceful, but soon, one thing broke this sense of happiness.

A railway soldier was attacked by bandits. Out of more than 100 people, more than 70 people died in battle, and only 20 people escaped. This made Li Dahui realize again that he still lived in the world where bandits were rampant.

In order to improve the combat effectiveness of the railroad soldiers, each of the above railroad soldiers issued thirty rifles, all of which were old-fashioned things, like the old sleeves that Li Tiehui got, probably older than him, and the rifling was worn out. One can imagine the quasi-head.

However, Li Tiehammer just gripped the gun tightly. He had a premonition that he would be able to use this gun in a short time!

(End of this chapter)

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