Sword life

Chapter 231 Win-win Cooperation

Chapter 231 Win-win Cooperation
In the headquarters, a super-large sand table was placed in the middle, and it was a small and concrete ice city. From time to time, a staff officer pulled down a small red flag and placed it in another place.

Zhang Gang stood beside the sand table and chatted with Lao Fu: "Why are you so free recently, come to my place, didn't you say last time that you will not do business with us anyway?"

Fomin laughed loudly to hide his embarrassment: "Dear Zhang, you really don't look like a hero. How can a great hero care about a small offense?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not a hero, I'm just an ordinary person. The goods you promised me last time were not delivered to me in the end. You caused me to lose an extra regiment of troops." Zhang Gang said He didn't let this passage go because of Fomin's laughter.

Now, the situation is different, you all have to beg me, or you will be the ones who suffer!
Fomin's face was ugly, and finally he forced a smile and said, "I'm sorry, I have brought a thousand M17 diesel engines this time, and I hope to exchange for your friendship."

Zhang Gang's face looked a little better, and suddenly his eyes rolled, and the focal length seemed to fly to a very far away.

[Your subordinates killed two second lieutenants, reward 1000 points! 】

Zhang Gang's hair stood on end immediately. The captain of the little devil was a second lieutenant, but it is doubtful that two lieutenants were killed at the same time. It is unlikely that the two captains were killed by a single shot. A group headquarters or even a wing headquarters.

"120 rockets were fired in the area just now!" Zhang Gang calmly gave the order, and then continued to look at Foming: "Oh, my friend, you are so generous, what else can I say, wait until I finish accepting this batch of rockets!" Diesel engine, I will contact you as soon as possible to continue talking about cooperation."

"No, I still have a little sincerity here. Eight 150 [-]mm heavy guns, I think they are more suitable as hammers for tough battles." Fomin was a little anxious. As a mediation expert, he knew exactly what Zhang Gang said It means that if there is no blood, then what is waiting for him will be shut down.

"Well, I'm more interested in how to manufacture the barrel of the 150 [-]mm heavy gun, and the technology of manufacturing the gun's melting steel." Zhang Gang stated his conditions calmly. Anyway, he asked for a lot of money and paid back the money on the spot. It's what makes you feel comfortable.

Fomin's beard cocked up angrily. If these two technologies were handed over, wouldn't that mean handing over the manufacturing method of the 150 [-]mm heavy artillery?

Just when he was about to refuse, footsteps came from outside the door, and two men, one fat and one thin, one tall and one short walked in. Fomin's eyes immediately stood up: "Okay, no problem, in this case, our friendship is It's not that strong."

"Of course, it has become very solid for the time being." Zhang Gang embraced Fuming warmly, thinking about the next big guy, bah, the next partner's net worth.

"Hello, living legend, your deeds will always be passed down." Before Li Cha could finish speaking, he was forced to stop, with a pistol to his forehead.

"What are you kid doing? You just flatter when you come here. We all know how powerful the army commander is. There is no need for you to flatter!" Lu Meng said angrily.

"Okay, Lu Meng, don't do this, it's not good to scare the guests, tell me, Li Cha, what gift did you prepare for me?" Zhang Gang laughed.

For these uninvited guests, Zhang Gang didn't have a good face.

Li Cha opened his eyes wide, looked at the young and excessive legend in front of him, and forced a smile: "I have everything you want here, what do you want?"

"I need to restore Anshan Iron and Steel, expand the production of Fuxin Open-pit Coal Mine in Fushun, restore the No. [-] Machine Tool Factory, and an aircraft manufacturing factory," Zhang Gang had planned a long time ago, and took this opportunity to talk endlessly.

Li Cha was almost sent away by Zhang Gang's series of quotations. This is to build a factory, which is the foundation of building a powerful manufacturing country. The manpower and material resources invested are far beyond what a factory can cover.

"I'm sorry, I take back my words. I can't provide so much equipment, but I can provide equipment from a medium-sized factory." Li Cha wiped off his sweat, and his tone became much more normal this time.

"Well, I need an aero-engine factory, and if possible, a cable factory. Don't interrupt me. I know that many of your factories are abandoned. I have an idea." Zhang Gang's eyes sparkled, and the corner of his mouth showed smile.

Li Cha shivered, and instinctively wanted to refuse: Your idea is a bit too good, in fact, I am just a small coordinator, and I don't have such great authority. "

"Oh, please don't be so quick to say no, you should listen to my thoughts, unless you have a problem with me."

"Have you ever calculated how much it would cost you to produce an engine at your site?"

"I haven't calculated it, what do you mean?" Li Cha seemed to have captured Zhang Gang's thoughts, and his eyes began to shine.

"For the same job, we only need one-tenth of the salary. If the shipping price is deducted, I think there must be considerable profits." Zhang Gang said with a smile.

Li Cha was lost in thought. There are indeed ten times the price difference, but some of them are beyond his grasp: "What kind of workers can you provide? Have they ever read a book? Can they do basic math calculations? ? Do you know anything about arcs?"

"No problem, don't worry, there are 30 such workers, no matter how big a factory you want to open!" Zhang Gang said decisively without blinking his eyes.

God only knows how many there are, maybe only a few thousand, but that's not a problem, there must be a way to solve it.

"Okay, if this is the case, I will bring the car motor assembly factory. The first batch of assembly tasks is about 12 units. I will give you eight yuan for each unit. If they can be assembled within three months, the second A batch of [-] units will be delivered, and at that time one assembly cost [-] yuan. In addition, there are some assembly tasks, but I am not sure yet." Li Cha said, his face turned red, as if seeing A golden mountain is coming towards me!

"Well, I also have some assembly work here, simple assembly of tractors, one hundred yuan to assemble one." Seeing this situation, Foming couldn't help but join the ranks of gold digging.

He calculated just now that if each tractor is assembled for 150 yuan, each tractor can earn [-] yuan, and the supply exceeds demand. This kind of good thing is simply pie in the sky.

Under Zhang Gang's guidance, these people discovered a golden road, not only can they complete the task, but they can also earn a lot of money!
(End of this chapter)

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