Sword life

Chapter 234

Chapter 234
"Success, call it Zhanying No. [-]!" Zhang Gang waved his hand, and the staff officer next to him came over immediately, put the map on the wall, and quickly arranged it into a war room.

"At present, we have besieged the seventh division of the little devil for more than a month, killing and wounding nearly [-] little devils. The other two divisions of the little devil dare not rescue them. They are trapped in the city of sorrow. The only thing they can do is Send planes to support, if we can kill the little devil's plane, we can not only successfully wipe out the Seventh Division, but also launch a large-scale attack on the little devils entrenched in Chuncheng and Shencheng."

"Commander, just tell me, what do you need me to do?" Wang Zhuo was eager to try, and the scene of flying a mosquito plane to bomb the little devil's aircraft carrier battleship was replayed.

"Okay, just wait for your words!" Zhang Gang laughed loudly, and asked the staff to change a map again.

"This is the little devil's airport, most of which were blown up by our artillery, but there are still two airports that have not been blown up. Most of the little devil's planes are concentrated in these two places. If we can blow up these two airports If you drop it, then the little devil will become a toothless tiger, we can do whatever we want!"

Wang Zhuo stood up and saluted: "Commander, I understand!"

At the same time, in the ice city, Tian Yuan Ichiro drank another bottle of wine. Now his face is full of stubble, his eyes are blood red, and he has no calmness like before.

Tian Yuan Yilang reached out to grab the next bottle, but accidentally grabbed it empty, and suddenly became furious: "Where is the wine! Where is the wine! Baga, they are all a bunch of trash!"

"Your Excellency Tian Yuan, cheer up, listen to the sound of cannons outside!" The chief of staff ran in in a hurry, seeing Tian Yuan Ichiro's decadent appearance, immediately became angry, took a basin of cold water and poured it directly on his face.

"Baga!" Cold water was poured on him, Tian Yuan Ichiro suddenly woke up, looking at the chief of staff, he wanted to draw his sword.

"That's enough, that guy started a big attack, but you want to draw your sword at me, are you still what a division commander should look like!" the chief of staff said with blood red eyes, his heart was very broken.

After besieging the city for a month, the situation of the [-]th Division has reached the point of extreme embarrassment. The loss caused by the shelling exceeds that of a regiment. In terms of morale, the soldiers who are used to crawling forward have become timid even when fighting , without the self-confidence and decisiveness of the past.

The infiltration of small troops that appeared every night made the soldiers in charge of guard exhausted physically and mentally to the extreme.

In the past, it was possible to rely on airplanes to protect the safety during the day, but the air battle that happened just now made the chief of staff's heart fall to the bottom.

Five latest fighter jets fought one-on-one with five ordinary-looking fighter jets, and they were all shot down. Fortunately, the battle area was near the ice city, and the pilots suffered little loss.

In the next period of time, there should be no fighter jets appearing over the ice city. In this case, the guy with superior firepower will attack unscrupulously. The Seventh Division, which was originally at a double disadvantage in terms of strength and firepower, will resist the enemy. What about the attack!

"Sorry, it's my fault!" Tian Yuanichiro, who still had drops of water on his hair, put down his knife and apologized earnestly: "If we break out now, can we go to Chuncheng?"

"Impossible, what that guy hopes most is that we run out of the strong city, and then hunt down and kill us layer by layer, until our blood is shed little by little."

"That's right, it's better to stay in the reinforced concrete than in the ice and snow!" Tian Yuanichiro nodded and said, giving up the idea of ​​escaping.

At this moment, suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the sky, Tian Yuanichiro suddenly regained his energy, and ran out of the command room to look up at the sky.

Several large bombers flew over from the southeast. The distance was still far away, and it was not clear what type it was, but they were flying very low, and it seemed that they might hit the ground at any time.

"Our bombers! You can see that they fly so low, they must be defending against that guy's anti-aircraft guns, and wait until the bombs are dropped before pulling up." Tian Yuanichiro said happily.

There are quite a few little devil soldiers who are as happy as him. Some little devils jumped out of the trenches and cheered with their hands up, welcoming the arrival of the bombers.

"Baga!" The chief of staff grabbed Tian Sonoichiro's arm with a look of fear, and said, "Look clearly, it's not our bomber, our bomber is not so big, it's that guy's bomber that came!"

"Impossible, that guy doesn't have a plane at all." Speaking of this, Tian Yuanichiro was suddenly at a loss for words. Not only did that guy have a plane, but he was also a very powerful plane. At that time, the exchange ratio reached an astonishing four to one. The results of several battles may have to be rewritten.

"That guy doesn't have a bomber. If he had one, why didn't he use it before?" Tanenichiro argued, this is, the bomber just flew over their heads, and the strong wind brought their hats away, along the open cabin Guy can see the aerial bombs one after another!
Ruined!Tian Yuanichiro closed his mouth suddenly, it turned out to be that guy's bomber, it looks like this, it is a heavy bomber that has never been seen before!

The round aerial bombs tilted down from the cabin and landed on the ground, immediately bursting into flames.

Ruined!Tian Yuanichiro collapsed heavily on the ground, he was very aware of the power of aerial bombs, even the seemingly small 250KG aerial bombs were not much different from the [-]mm naval gun shells.

Once an aerial bomb goes down, no matter whether it is reinforced concrete or stone and iron, it will be wiped out!

"Baga!" Tian Yuanichiro could only vent his inner fear with a roar.

"Eagle One, I'm Eagle Three, I've finished throwing, I'm applying to return!"

"Eagle [-], you can return to the voyage. Good luck!" Wang Zhuo ended the call and began to aim at the next target.

This is a typical three-story small western-style building, located at the intersection of three streets. From the dense sandbags on the upper floor, it can be seen that it has been fortified and there are shooting ports everywhere.

If you attack from land, you need to pay a huge price to conquer it, but now what?
Wang Zhuo aimed at the target, and then threw two 500KG aerial bombs down. He was satisfied to see that the three-story fortress was blown into ruins in the scope.

After dropping a ton of bombs, the aircraft fuselage became much lighter, and the roar of the motor became clearer and more powerful.

Compared with the earliest Mosquito aircraft, the newly produced Mosquito aircraft, the Warhawk One, is more powerful, but it does not have the soft driving feeling of the Mosquito, nor is it so friendly to operate.

However, these planes are all produced by themselves, so you don't need to look at other people's faces. Compared with this advantage, don't pay too much attention to some minor problems.

The plane deflected to the left and continued to drop bombs on the little devil's head!
(End of this chapter)

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