Sword life

Chapter 26

Chapter 26
At the beginning of dawn, the city of Taiyuan was illuminated.

Military vehicles drove out of Taiyuan City one after another, and the vehicles were full of heavily armed little devils. In front of the convoy was the little devil's sidecar motorcycle, with a crooked handle on the sidecar, ready to be fired at any time.

The railway station was under martial law, and the transportation of all irrelevant materials including coal was stopped. The trains stopped, the doors opened, and a large number of little devil soldiers poured out.

In the headquarters of the Shanxi First Army, Division Xiang Yueqing received a call from the headquarters.

After hearing only two sentences, Xiangyue Qingji's face turned red, and his voice of defense became louder, but it didn't take long before his voice became surprised, and then his whole body tensed up, hey every time, extremely respectful.

A few minutes later, Xiangyue Qingji put down the phone: "Just now, Your Excellency, **, explained to me the general strategic direction in China. At the end of the month, the war must be ended and the troops should be transferred to the front line in Nanjing.

The Ninth Brigade is being held temporarily, and the first part of the Sixth Division will take the train to join the battle. It is expected to arrive tomorrow. By then, our army's strength in Shanxi will reach 12.

With so many troops, the battle to encircle and wipe out the Ninth Brigade of Chinese Independence must end within three days, so as not to drag down the overall situation. I hope you will work hard! "

The headquarters was full of excitement. Although the base camp said it was dissatisfied with the words, it still allocated many troops, which can be said to have given Commander Xiangyue enough face.

Now, with an army of 12 in hand, it is not a matter of flipping the small independent Ninth Brigade!
A hundred miles outside Taiyuan City, Zhang Gang opened the tactical map, and was startled by the dense red arrows.

'This is when all the little devils in Shanxi are dispatched! '

Zhang Gang's face became serious. The little devils basically searched in small teams. The distance between each team was less than ten miles. As long as the battle started, the little devils on both sides would arrive quickly.

If one is not good, it will be stuck and surrounded by little devils who come continuously.
Zhang Gang thought for a while, looked at the team under his command, and knew what to expect.

"Wei Dayong, Ma Biao, Xu Changsheng, Zhang Dabiao!"

Four people rushed over and formed a circle in front of Zhang Gang

"We stabbed the hornet's nest, the little devils are crazy now, now, we have to face at least two divisions chasing and intercepting, are you afraid!"

"Don't be afraid, it's just that we are short of guns now. If two people use one gun, the combat effectiveness will not be fully displayed."

"Yes, there are no mortars either, it's too difficult to fight!"

"Leader, let's get a vote from the little devil first and make money from him."

Zhang Gang nodded, then looked at Zhang Dabiao, and said with a smile, "Dabiao, I exchanged you with machine guns and mortars, do you have any ideas?"

Zhang Dabiao said: "Let's ambush the little devils, and we'll have everything. We just need to choose the right time to fight. When it's dark, we'll plant some landmines and delay the speed of the little devils. That's all."

Zhang Gang nodded. Among Li Yunlong's subordinates, Zhang Dabiao looked weak, but in fact he was the only one. He could be alone, lead the Death Squad to the death, and connect with the headquarters.

So during the Liberation War, Zhang Dabiao was able to become a division commander, and his military rank was only one level behind Li Yunlong, which was much better than others.

"It's all good, but I just listened to the little devil's telegram. There are a lot of little devils here. At least 8 people in three divisions, plus 10,000+ people in bits and pieces."

The four of them gasped, what is the concept of 10,000+ people? During the Xinkou battle, the little devils added up the east and west, and that was the number.

At that time, more than 10,000 Chinese troops were fighting against the 30+ Japanese troops, but now, the first regiment of the Ninth Brigade of the Independent Brigade has only 700 people at full strength.

"Cut, why, I'm scared. Let me tell you guys, little devils are nothing special. Regardless of the number of people, they are actually loopholes. Come on, let's arrange a combat mission!"

On a dirt road, a team of little devils was searching and advancing. Suddenly, with a bang, all the little devils in the front row fell down.

"Baga, it's another damn wooden box landmine. Don't Chinese soldiers have a little courage, and they need such cowardly weapons!" The team leader was furious, and then sent the messenger back to report.

The wooden box landmines were not born here naturally, they must have been arranged by someone. Although they suffered losses, being able to determine the location of the Chinese army is also a gain.

After a while, the little devils got up to treat the wounded and buried the dead. The wooden box landmine caused one death and three injuries, and at least one-third of the troops were lost.

After scolding the little devil Sergeant Cao for a while, he led the rest of the soldiers to move on. When they reached an intersection, gunshots like popping beans suddenly sounded from behind.

Zhang Gang led a dozen Garland gunmen, shot from behind, and killed all the dozen little devils.

[You killed three elite little devils, you will be rewarded with [-] points]

[Your subordinates killed twelve elite little devils, rewarding 1000 and [-] points]

[Points: [-]]

At this moment, there was a buzzing sound from the sky, and a small black dot jumped out from the skyline and flew towards this side.

"The nose of the little devil's plane is really good. Hurry up, take the guns, ammunition and leather boots, and don't want anything else!"

Old Li is too stingy, and the soldiers who have been replaced even have cloth shoes, and their legs and feet are frozen to death in the icy world.

The boots of the little devil are really good. There are several layers of cowhide on the outside, and the inside is long and soft wool. They are extraordinarily warm to wear. The soles are inlaid with dozens of flat-head non-slip iron nails, and there are horseshoe-shaped iron palms on the heel, which are full of lethality. .

At this time, China is poor and weak, and backward in all aspects. If you want to defeat the invaders who are armed to the teeth, you need to pay ten times and a hundred times more blood.

Perhaps, this is the meaning of my coming, so that more people can survive, so that the motherland can get rid of suffering faster!
At the same time, several ambushes were launched at the same time, and four or five teams of the little devils suffered a devastating blow. Garland's high rate of fire was brought into full play in the encounter.

The little devil who was hit hard suddenly became crazy, and the follow-up troops quickly assembled, but when they rushed to the battlefield, all they saw was a mess on the ground.

"Baga, they are all useless. A team can't hold out for even a minute. Order the 1th and 16th Wings of the Air Force to take off and search for the enemy!"

Planes took off from various airports, searching for traces of the Independent Ninth Brigade.

(End of this chapter)

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