Sword life

Chapter 32 Big Killer!

Chapter 32 Big Killer!
【Escape from Japanese pursuit!Unlimited time! 】

'Too much! Zhang Gang gasped. There are 12 little devils in Shanxi, even in Taiyuan City, there are more than 3000, several times more than his own troops.

If you want to get rid of the superior enemy in the melee, this is really a proper death transfer.

It's not a big problem. With the help of the tactical map, Zhang Gang is not in a panic, and even has time to collect the spoils.

A red bubble melted into his body, and countless battle analyzes poured in, and Zhang Gang's brain suddenly became much more active.

[Strategy +1]

【Points: 328000】

The headquarters is fat, and after a wave, it can directly arm a brigade. Zhang Gang opened his eyes and picked up the general officer's knife. There is only one of this thing in China, and there may be one or two more in the future. It is more face-saving to take it out.

Zhang Gang was not too polite about the other sabers, he took them all and planned to give them as gifts later, then he glanced at the map and suddenly had an idea.

The Sixth Division, which was advancing towards Lijiayu, suddenly received a telegram, and immediately speeded up, preparing to annihilate the independent Ninth Brigade that was "crazy north".

The Itagaki division saw through the fake telegram and headed towards Taiyuan frantically;
The other groups of Japanese troops, some saw through, some were deceived, and transferred to the distance!

Regarding these, Zhang Gang didn't care too much. It would be good to have an effect, and it would reduce a chaser.

After some operations, Zhang Gang opened the tactical map to look for the Japanese army's flaws.

On the map, the red dot representing the garrison had reached the north of the headquarters, and the red dot representing the 35th Regiment was not far from the train station.

After losing the unified command of the headquarters, the two mobile units of the Japanese army in Taiyuan City made completely different choices.

This was also his own opportunity. Zhang Gang looked at the red dot of the garrison he was about to contact with a firm gaze, and turned on the system.

On the long street, Fujisawa Shigeha, the captain of the garrison brigade, had blood-red pupils and tied a white cloth strip on his head. He cut his finger with a knife and dyed the cloth strip red: "Our job is to protect Your Excellency, Commander. Now, Commander Your Excellency is in trouble, and it is time for us to serve our country!"

After speaking, he rushed out first, and behind him, more than 1000 elite little devils also rushed out with shouts.

Fujisawa Shigeha brandished his command knife with a face full of madness. Even if the Ninth Brigade had the same number, they would be overwhelmed by his crazy attack!

Just then, the door opened, and a strange-looking car drove out!
Fujisawa Shigeha's eyes widened. This should be a tank, but why is it so much bigger than the Imperial tanks!

2.38 Tank This tank is 3.54 meters high, the track ground length is 14.3 meters, its own weight is 15 tons, and its combat weight is [-] tons. It is already a shocking killer.

But the tank in front of him is at least five or six meters long and three meters wide, one is equal to two [-] tanks!
Not only big, but also fast!The theoretical speed of the [-] tank is [-] kilometers, but the actual speed is at most [-] kilometers, and it cannot last long. The normal speed is only [-] kilometers, which is similar to the running speed of ordinary people.

And the speed of this tank is far faster than the speed of a person running, and it is almost as fast as a car. What kind of monster is this!

The 'monster' tank kept growing in front of Shigeha Fujisawa, and finally filled the entire field of vision.

"Baga!" Fujisawa Shigeha took out a grenade and threw himself under the tank.

After a muffled sound, the 'monster' tank paused, and continued to move forward, hitting and crushing the little devil in front of it, killing a bloody path.

"Damn it, do you know how to operate Tie Zhu? I've crushed twenty or thirty little devils to death, but you're good, you didn't get out with one shot!" Zhang Gang cursed in the tank room.

There is no operating manual for this thing. Zhang Gang can only drive it by feeling. Fortunately, it is not difficult to drive. It is similar to a tractor. Two levers control the direction and speed.

It's just that I just drove the tank, and the speed was too fast, and I rushed out all of a sudden, and lost touch with Zhang Dabiao.

This is a big taboo for tanks. Only when infantry and tanks work together can they be powerful. If they are separated, a tank surrounded by infantry will die!

"Captain, you can't blame me, I've never seen this thing before, it's different from a mortar." Tie Zhu's face was full of grievances.

"You drive, I'll fire!" Zhang Gang didn't wait for Tie Zhu's objection, grabbed Tie Zhu over, and moved himself to the gunner's position.

"Commander, I don't know how to drive!" Tie Zhu was in a hurry, and he didn't know where he moved. The body of the tank shook, and the speed increased a lot.

"Don't worry, they're all little devils, it doesn't matter if they get killed!"

Zhang Gang moved to the gunner's position, figured it out, and opened the gun door with his memory. He grabbed it in his hand, and a 75mm tank gun popped out of his palm, and then it was stuffed into the gun chamber!
After closing the gun door, Zhang Gang pressed the button, and the 75mm shell was fired suddenly, shocking the entire tank.

The bomb passed through the team of little devils, and after killing several little devils, it suddenly hit the ground, exploded, and a ball of flames with a radius of ten meters rose up.

With this shot, the little devil's assault team fell down by a small group!
[You killed [-] elite Japanese soldiers, and you will be rewarded with [-] points! 】

This point is no longer in my eyes, I just want to have fun!
Zhang Gang smiled slightly, and continued to operate the cannon. The shells weighing more than ten kilograms felt like feathers in his hands. It was almost as if the shells were opened as soon as the gun door was opened, and a shell would be inserted.

Facing the ferocious artillery fire from the tanks, the remaining little devils not only did not fear, but rushed up even more bravely.

However, T34 is far faster than them, and before they pounce, T34 has already crushed to the end of the street.

Fortunately, this street was the Jinwang Mansion back then, and the street was wide enough to accommodate eight carriages in parallel. Although the T34 was huge, it could barely turn around.

"Captain, I'm coming around, this thing is really hard to handle, it's too powerful!" Tie Zhu's face was full of excitement, and he pressed hard with his hand, T34 rumbled and killed back again!
"Good post, the speed is the same as just now, slow down in front of the headquarters, don't hit Da Biao and the others!"

Zhang Gang smiled, then got out of the car cover, manipulated the machine gun and started shooting.

The T34 has two 7.62mm machine guns, and one person can operate two of them at the same time. It is better than artillery shells when facing densely charged little devils.

Watching the T34 go back and forth, the little devils of the Japanese garrison brigade turned red and rushed towards it with explosive packs in their arms.

At this moment, two tongues of flame suddenly appeared on the T34 tank, and the flames rolled up, knocking down the little devils on the charge road one by one!
[You killed 2600 elite Japanese soldiers, and you will be rewarded with [-] points! 】

[You killed nine elite Japanese soldiers, and you will be rewarded with 1800 points! 】

The wheels are rolling, suppress all the little devils!
(End of this chapter)

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