Sword life

Chapter 40 The Brigade Commander Is Here

Chapter 40 The Brigade Commander Is Here
At the same time, in the Yangquan base area, Zhang Gang was lying on the operating table. The surgeon was sweating all over his face. He opened a wound and took out a piece of shrapnel.

With a ding, the shrapnel landed on the operating tray, was picked up by the nurse, and put aside, together with a dozen or so shrapnel.

"Head Zhang, are you really alright?"

"It's okay, don't worry, I can take it! You can move faster!" Zhang Gang looked normal, the pain from the incision wound was really nothing, if I didn't hurry up, my wound would heal.

Having an inhuman physique is also an annoyance.

An hour later, the doctor finished the operation, and the nurse next to him looked at Zhang Gang with admiration and sewed up his wound.

"Teacher Zhang, I haven't seen you snort with so many wounds. You are such a great hero."

"This injury is nothing." Zhang Gang smiled, and suddenly glanced at the nurse.

This girl has picturesque eyebrows, a mask covers most of her face, and the exposed skin can be broken by blows, she is actually a big beauty.

Just as she was about to look down, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. The little nurse suddenly stood up straight and went outside in a hurry.

Then, the door creaked, and a big man of Angzang stepped in.

Zhang Gang took a serious look and immediately understood, isn't this the brigade commander?
Don't watch the landlord who always beat Li Yunlong when he was acting on TV. In fact, he is very powerful, and he doesn't know how to beat his subordinates at all.

"Brigadier, why are you here!"

The brigade commander was taken aback, then narrowed his eyes: "You know me?"

"Of course I do, brigade commander, how amazing you are! You are the one I admire the most. Here is your signature. Please sign it for me." Zhang Gang said with bright eyes, this is a living legend.

The two chatted for a while, and when they talked about the Battle of Taiyuan, Zhang Gang didn't hide it, and talked about it from beginning to end.

"With less than a thousand people, he was able to face 10,000+ little devils upstream, break into the devil's headquarters, and kill the devil's commander. Commander Zhang is really a young hero." The brigade commander changed the subject and asked suddenly:

"I don't know what Captain Zhang is going to do next?"

Zhang Gang's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly said, "Of course I still want to fight devils. I'm the only one left with the Independent Ninth Brigade. I can't let the Ninth Brigade be ruined by me."

"Well, that's a good point. It should be, it should be. The Ninth Independent Brigade is originally a strong team in the Northland. This time, it will naturally be carried forward."

Just have this brand!
"Brigade Commander, there is one more thing. I joined the Communist Party three years ago, but I can't find my introducer. Can you prove it for me?"

The brigade commander's eyes suddenly became kind: "Okay, no problem, but let me tell you that the Communist Party is not popular, have you figured it out?"

"Think about it, brigade commander, I just want to fight the devils and save China."

After Zhang Gang finished speaking, he said with eager eyes: "Brigade Commander, I originally had a brigade of 8000 to [-] people. It's a pity that I fought with the little devils. This is the only man left. Can you make up for me?"

The brigade commander had a half-smile, "Small, I don't know how many people you have, the most there were [-], and you doubled it ten times with just one mouth. This calculation is too shrewd.

"Commander Zhang, our brigade is currently short of troops. I can dispatch a company of troops to you. If there are more troops, we will have to talk to the headquarters!"

Zhang Gang was overjoyed and talked directly with the headquarters, and the brigade-level establishment was stabilized.

As long as the establishment of the Ninth Independent Brigade is established, it will be inconvenient to find people at that time. It is like playing with a brigade within a year.

"Brigade Commander, thank you in advance! I have one more request at the headquarters."

"What request?" The brigade commander smiled a little stiffly.

"Send me a political commissar, young, highly educated, with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, whose first name should be the same as mine or similar, and whose surname must come first, the earlier the better."

The brigade commander had a strange expression: "It's not a big deal. Okay, by the way, Commander Zhang, I heard that you made a fortune by attacking the little devil's arsenal this time?"

Zhang Gang smiled: "Nothing, just dozens of semi-automatics and a few mortars. I want to expand into a brigade here. This weapon is not enough."

"That's true, but Captain Zhang, I don't want it for nothing. Aren't you short of people? Give me a weapon, and I'll find it for you?"

Zhang Gang pondered, to be honest, there are many stragglers and stragglers now, and experienced veterans are worthless, but the favor of the brigade commander is valuable.

The current Eighth Route Army is very poor, and the 386th Brigade, as the main force, cannot even have one gun in hand. At this time, a hundred guns are a timely help.

Three years later, the number of the 386 brigade has expanded to [-] to [-]. At that time, a hundred guns may not be able to enter the eyes of the brigade commander.

"Brigade Commander, I understand your difficulties, and I don't hide them.

You lend me 500 people, and I will arm them for you. When the war is over, I will return half of these people to you, and the remaining half will go back with weapons and equipment. "

The brigade commander’s smile is restrained. The 386 brigade now only has 6000 people, and it takes one-tenth of a mouth, which is too ruthless:''"500 people are too many, I can only give you 100 people at most. Give me [-] people by then. Just a gun."

"Then one rifle for one person, I will exchange for 200 people, and you will return 100 people with guns after the war."

With [-] veterans at the base, Zhang Gang's regiment was in good shape. They replenished as they fought, and when the fighting was over, [-] recruits would come over. The brigade commander couldn't say anything.

The brigade commander calculated that although the 386 brigade had not been stationed in Shanxi, it had gathered a lot of remnants. It should not be difficult to gather two hundred soldiers.

Two hundred new guns are a bit small, but there are only more than 400 people left on Zhang Gang's side, and the demand is too much, and Zhang Gang's side has no guns.

"Give the gun first!"

Zhang Gang thought about it, two hundred rifles, only [-] points, a trivial matter.

"Brigade Commander, no problem, I can give you the gun first! Also, can you change the crooked handle and MG42?"

The brigade commander's eyes lit up. The 386th brigade didn't lack rifles, but it lacked light and heavy machine guns. In many cases, it could only use flesh and blood to fight the little devils.

"Ten veterans for one crooked handle, thirty veterans for one heavy machine gun, how many do you have?"

Zhang Gang smiled and asked someone to come in with an MG42: "Brigade Commander, this is the latest German heavy machine gun with 1 rounds per minute. You can ask Zhang Dabiao. They have personally used it. Compared with this machine gun Get up, the little devil has to throw away those machine guns."

The brigade commander has seen the MG42 a long time ago, and he couldn't put it down because of the weight of this light machine gun and the super fast fire rate of the heavy machine gun. ?”

Zhang Gang's mind suddenly became active, and he has two 10,000+ points in his hand, which can be exchanged for one hundred MG42s and six thousand veterans? ?
"I have fifty sticks!"

Brigadier: ".Fifty!"

The 129th Division is all counted now, do they have fifty heavy machine guns?You have produced so many by yourself, does your family run an arsenal?
"Five, ten, not fifty." Zhang Gang saw the surprised look of the brigade commander, and immediately changed his words. There were two Oerlikon 20mm machine guns.

"Oerlikon cannon!" The brigade commander was shocked!

The commander of the Oerlikon machine gun brigade also knew that Lao Jiang didn't have much of this thing. He took it out in Songhu, and used it on a large plane to attack tanks.

Zhang Gang smiled and asked two Oerlikons to be pushed in. Under the sun, the body of the Oerlikon shone with a gray luster!
"How about this, ten MG42s, ten crooked handles, and the rest of the Oerlikon 20mm cannon for your own use."

"That's 900 people, the kind that don't pay back."

"Okay!" The two looked at each other and shook hands tightly, feeling that they had taken advantage of it.

(End of this chapter)

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