Sword life

Chapter 90 Can't teach in vain, you have to pay tuition

Chapter 90 Can't teach in vain, you have to pay tuition

"I'm also surprised. He doesn't deploy manpower and material resources, but drinks tea and looks at flowers all day long. How can this person be the commander-in-chief of city defense!" Sun Yuanliang scolded first.

"That's right, now that the teaching team has reduced its staff by more than [-]%, there is no one soldier, one shot and one bullet to replenish. It's too shameful!" Gui Yongqing also began to say.

"The 74th Army fought bloody battles for several days. The headquarters did not have any instructions. It was up to them to advance and retreat. They retreated several times without the support of friendly troops. They encountered the little devil several times. This is too outrageous!" Yu Jishi also spoke.

As soon as the three direct descendants spoke, the others followed suit, expressing their dissatisfaction.

When it was the 112th division's turn, Huo Shouyi glanced at Zhang Gang, did not speak, raised his eyebrows, and signaled Zhang Gang to speak first.

Zhang Gang looked at He Zhizhong, then at Xiao Shanling, and saw that both of them were smiling and nodding, and then he said, "Little brother ran into the little devil's camp at night a few days ago and got a map."

Everyone cheered up, Sun Yuanliang laughed and said, "As expected of General Zhang! You can get such a good thing."

Zhang Gang took out the map and hung it on a wall, and everyone was shocked.

This map not only marked the position of the Japanese army, but also marked the position of the Chinese defenders. It was clear and accurate, far surpassing the map of the City Defense Department.

"General Zhang, this map is too detailed! I didn't know until now that there is an abandoned pass between Guanghuamen and Shuiximen. No wonder the little devils have been attacking here today."

"Tsk tsk, the maps of other people's homes are ten times more detailed than those of our own. Even an alley is clearly marked. Compared with this map, the Ministry of National Defense is just a scrap of paper."

Amidst the admiration, more than a dozen mapping staff members walked in and began to copy the map.

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased slightly, Zhang Gang retreated, but was called by Gui Yongqing: "General Zhang, keep talking!"

Zhang Gang shook his head with a smile, saying that there are many mistakes, people here are full of miscellaneous words, and if he said that sentence wrong, he might offend some big boss and bring trouble on himself for no reason.

"General Zhang, the little devil you attacked at night screamed, how did you fight, let us learn too?" Sun Yuanliang followed suit.

The others also laughed and booed together, Zhang Gang laughed: "It's easy to say, generals, but I can't say it for nothing. After I finish speaking, everyone will give me ten soldiers. These soldiers can't be just any soldiers. You have to know how to order them." The ability, machine gunners, artillerymen, and auto soldiers are all good, I don’t choose.”

All the generals laughed together.

"Okay, if it's really good, I'll give you a company." Gui Yongqing said.

"The main purpose of the night attack is not to destroy the little devils' vitality, but to destroy their confidence in combat. The little devils' advantage lies in the aircraft and cannons, but at night, the aircraft and cannons lose their effectiveness. We don't suffer much in terms of firepower. If you fight all day during the day, you must rest at night."

Following Zhang Gang's words, the laughter suddenly disappeared, and the generals became pensive, as if they saw a big road.

"Night attack requires squad level, there are too many people, the lethality is not great, the equipment should be mainly submachine guns, if not, the shell gun can also be used, emphasizing short-distance large firepower output, suppressing the [-] big guns with high accuracy and slow speed ;

In terms of assault preparations, boldly advance behind the little devil's line of defense, you need to get close to observe, make a decision according to the little devil's situation, storm or guide the shelling, or lay mines, in short, focus on preserving yourself, accumulating experience, and looking for the little devil flaws. "

After Zhang Gang finished speaking, there was thunderous applause in the command room. Gui Yongqing was the first to come over and said with a smile: "General Zhang, what you said is incisive. No wonder you can kill the Japanese chieftain. I will give you ten artillery."

After finishing speaking, Gui Yongqing hurriedly returned to the defense zone after handing over, took a map to check it out, and called out the guards one after another.

"Tonight, let's go over to touch a little devil's camp."

The commander of the company had a look of embarrassment on his face, but he didn't dare to disobey the military orders. After looking at the map, he took the soldiers and left.

"Wait!" Gui Yongqing suddenly remembered something, and stopped the first company commander: "Everyone has a shell gun, which is used in close combat. Also, we have to get close to observe the little devil's position, and decide whether to attack by force or guide shelling according to the situation!"

The first company commander was obviously relieved, and left with the commando.

Gui Yongqing stood at the division headquarters for a long time, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, and a company commander ran in covered in gunpowder: "Report to the division commander, our troops raided the 139.2 highland, killed 200 enemies, and recaptured the 139.2 highland!"

Gui Yongqing was overjoyed. This highland was lost during the day. At that time, a battalion was sent to retake the position, but they did not take it back. A squadron of devils.

"Okay, from now on, let's do it this way, what's lost during the day, get it back at night!"

The method taught by General Zhang is really useful!The tuition fee is so worth it!

At this time, Zhang Gang had sorted out the 'tuition fees' paid by the generals one by one.
【Strength +0.1】

【Physical +0.1】

【Cannon +0.1】

After hitting it once, the artillery skill will be increased by at least 3, and the physique and strength will be increased a lot.

"Fang Gensheng, you are the captain of the commando, Chen Chuyu, you are the captain of the first team, Zhao Jiahao, you are the captain of the second team, Liu Dahai, you are the captain of the third team."

After making arrangements, Zhang Gang opened the tactical map and began to analyze the little devil's defense.

Good guy, compared to the previous map, there are more than a dozen green dots on the map, which are pasted on more than a dozen red dots, fighting and entangled with each other.

Taking a closer look, half of them have the upper hand and can wipe out the little devil's troops, and the rest are at worst [-]-[-] with the little devil.

At this time, there was already an uproar in the little devil's headquarters, and the phone rang one after another. It was all about the night attack of the Chinese army and reinforcements were needed.

The weaknesses of the Central China Front Army were also exposed. The troops were mixed, and half of the troops were newcomers who were not familiar with the terrain or other troops.

Usually the offense is fine, as long as you follow the infantry drills to attack, the defenders will be caught blind, and the first reaction to the attack is to countercharge, but they are hit hard by the powerful firepower of the Chinese army. If you want to call for reinforcements, you don't know which army to look for.

"Baga!" General Songruan was very angry: "When there are 10,000+ people, you can gain the upper hand. Why are there two 10,000+ people, but they are suppressed by the Chinese army? Order all the troops to start counterattack!"

(End of this chapter)

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