Chapter 114
On March 1942, 3, the 7th Division traveled day and night to reach Tonggu, the front line of the battle.

Tonggu is a small city on the South Burma Plain, also translated as Toungoo or Donggua, with a population of 11.It is 260 kilometers away from Yangon, choking the hub of roads, railways and waterways. There is also a Yongkegang military airport in the north of the city, and its strategic position is very important.

Especially after the fall of Yangon on March 3, Tonggu's status became even more important.

Stationed in the Tonggu area is the British-Burmese 1st Division.The rustic spirit is extremely low, neither understanding the enemy's situation nor preparing for a battle, but only preparing to choose a safe retreat in order to preserve its strength.

After Master Dai was stationed in Tonggu, he held a meeting with General Du to discuss how to organize the Japanese army's northward march.

The specific combat plan is that the 200th Division will block the 55th Division of the Japanese Army in Tonggu, and the Ying Army will block the 33rd Division of the Japanese Army in Pyme. In addition, two divisions of the 5th Army, one division of the 6th Army, and two divisions of the 66th Army will be used for expeditions. Division, a total of 5 divisions, first encircled and wiped out the 55th Division of the Japanese Army, and then besieged the 33rd Division of the Japanese Army.

Because the main force of the 5th Expeditionary Army failed to be transported to the Tonggu front line in time as scheduled, and the infantry stationed in Yangon was even more pitiful, and retreated with little resistance, giving up Yangon, the throat of the landing.

The combination of the two reasons led to the unfavorable situation when the 200th team arrived at Tonggu.

Liu Shuren, the head of the 599th Regiment, said: "Originally, according to the plan, the infantry army was to fight with the ancients. Now the infantry army is suspending the supply of fuel needed for tanks and vehicles on the grounds that the Japanese aircraft bombed frequently and cannot guarantee transportation safety. , forcing all the heavy equipment of our division to stay east of Lashio, tanks and cannons cannot be transported, how can this battle be fought!"

The head of the 600th Regiment said: "Senior seat, the Yu division in the back has stopped, and the new 22nd division of the main force has not yet arrived. What should we do?"

Master Dai thought for a moment and said: "Tonggu can't be lost. After losing it, the Japanese army will drive northward. Commander Du's order is to let our division hold on for seven days, and wait for the main force and tank troops to arrive before fighting the Japanese army." During this period, the people in the city can be transferred first."

The head of the 598th regiment said worriedly: "The infantry is preparing to retreat with great fanfare. Let us take over their defense in Tonggu. What is this called? Let us cover their retreat?"

Master Dai was also very helpless: "This is an order from the Yingjun side. Tonggu is very important. It is a good thing that we took over their defense. If they are like Yangon, they give up Tonggu again. Isn't it worse?"

Liu Shuren said angrily: "I passed by just now, and I have already visited the city defense. The infant army is completely coping with it. The trench dug is less than half a meter deep, and half of the head is exposed when squatting inside. And even where the enemy's main force is have no idea."

Liu Shuren suggested: "Now that the enemy's situation is unknown, why not send an advance battalion to find out the situation?"

Master Dai nodded: "For the time being, that's all we can do."

Then, he looked at the sand table and said: "Let the three companies of the advance battalion disperse. Especially the third company, which has just been formed and has little experience in reconnaissance. Let them go to the Pew River area for reconnaissance. It is remote, and the enemy probably No priority will be given to snatching."

Liu Shuren saluted and said, "Yes, sir! I'll go down and make arrangements."

Gao Fei quickly received an order from the division headquarters. Together with a motorized cavalry regiment and the first battalion of the 598th infantry regiment, they went to a small town 19 kilometers south of Tonggu and established a defensive position to guard the nearby river section. on the bridge.

Because the town was called Pew, the river was called the Pew River.

After receiving the order, Gao Fei assembled the team: "Go, I will take you to fight and win the first battle!"

The main task of their third company is to scout where the enemy's vanguard has arrived.

Gao Fei led Sanlian into the dense jungle.

The environment here is quite stuffy, with many trees and many poisonous insects.

As a Northeast guy, Mi Long came here from a cold place, which is an old sin.

He was sweating all over, and it was foggy in the jungle, and the leaves were dripping continuously, soaking his military uniform: "You say, what is the little devil trying to do in this dark forest? Aren't you afraid of killing them from the heat?"

Meng Fan limped along and said, "Small Japan is a small country, very poor and has nothing to eat, so I came here to grab food, fuel, and supplies. "

Bula led a squad of soldiers to lead the way: "We didn't have anything to eat before, and we didn't go to Xiao Dongyang's house to grab food. They are a group of robbers."

Yao Ma led a few soldiers to stand guard on the flanks, then turned around and said: "I heard that the little devil uses a method of fighting to support the war. He robs and eats at the same time. Relying on this, he can raise strong soldiers."

Gao Fei took out the map, took a good look at it, and said, "We have reached the position three kilometers south of the Pew River, everyone, be careful and pay attention to vigilance."

At this time, Snake ran over to him in a panic: "Company commander, it's not good, I found a group of little devil's patrol soldiers in the north!"

"How many people are there? Are there other devil infantry besides them?"

Snake Butt put a dead snake in his pocket, and quickly replied: "There is nothing nearby, the fog is so thick, I didn't dare to go far, there are about a dozen devils in this team, it looks like a small team .”

Thick fog filled the entire jungle, and visibility was very low, about ten meters away.

Gao Fei and the group of three companies lay down on a slope that wasn't too high.

A Japanese patrol team is marching forward cautiously with guns in hand.


In addition, a 2-man grenadier team is also configured.

Gao Fei told Milong: "Milong, this side is condescending, and there are some big trees in front of it as a cover. Your machine gun platoon is here. I don't ask you how many devils you can kill, but you must suppress their firepower. .”

Milong set up a Czech light machine gun: "Don't worry, with these new guys in hand, I won't kill these bastards!"

Then he kicked the bean cake next to him: "Smooth the bullet chain quickly, so that it doesn't get stuck."

"Milong, you are now a platoon leader, you must have a pattern, and you can no longer act like a big soldier!"

Mi Long scratched his head: "I forgot, now I'm a platoon leader, and I can't argue with the big soldiers."

"That's right!"

Gao Fei ordered again: "If it's not spicy, you take the first squad to the right side to ambush. If you want to be numb, you take the second squad to the left. Ah Yi, your third row is as support, responsible for support and cover."


A group of people were ordered to go.

Gao Fei turned around and said to Li Liansheng: "Li Wula, you lead the second row to flank from behind, don't fire yet, and quietly touch the devil's buttocks. Once there is a firefight here, you have to kill the opponent's machine gun team as soon as possible , can it be done?!"

Li Wula felt a little uneasy, the company commander entrusted him with the outflanking task, what if he messed up?
Gao Fei patted him on the shoulder at this time: "Li Wula, you can do it, you have to believe in yourself, go, use this action to prove to fans that you are not a coward!"


Li Liansheng, who was still a little nervous at first, looked at the confident company commander, and his flustered mood calmed down a lot.

He held a light machine gun, and then led the second platoon to quietly touch the back of the little devil's butt.

A group of people quickly dispersed and quietly hid in the bushes in ambush.

Ten minutes later, a small Japanese army searched here.

Yang Danzi, who had been following Gao Fei all this time, asked in a low voice: "Company commander, can we really...can we fight?"

Asking such a question shows that Yang Danzi was timid before the battle, and he has already lost half in his heart.

This is because they have been losing battles in the past, and their confidence has long been shattered.

As the saying goes, one bang, another decline, three exhausted.

Morale is invisible, but real.

Today, Gao Fei's first step is to let this group of people rebuild their confidence.

"Little devils don't have three heads and six arms. They all carry a head on one shoulder. There's nothing to be afraid of. You go tell everyone, don't worry, put the little devil into the encirclement, and listen to my gunshots!"

"Yes!" Yang Danzi quickly went to deliver the order.

(End of this chapter)

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