Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 121 The Japanese Army Squad Plays Refugees

Chapter 121 The Japanese Army Squad Plays Refugees
On the position of Yongkegang Airport, soldiers of the Engineer Corps were fighting the Japanese army.

The Japanese army first carried out three rounds of bombing with fierce artillery fire, and then launched an attack with a wing of 3000 people.

An engineering regiment was stationed here, and there was originally a regiment from the 1st Yingmai Division, but it was a pity that it sneaked away last night.

Give up the position on the rear side, so the engineer regiment is now hit in the back.

Seeing the devils charging again, the head of the engineering regiment shouted angrily, "Brothers, you will not surrender to the death, kill me!"

"Da da da... bang bang bang..."

The soldiers shot fiercely at the charging enemies, almost all of them were life-threatening!
Watching the soldiers around him fall down one after another.The commander of the engineer regiment loaded the pistol with the last bullet.

At this time, Liao Yaoxiang arrived with the new 22nd Division, charged from behind the enemy, and rescued him, but Yongkegang Airport fell.

After returning to Tonggu, Dai Anlan looked at the head of the engineering corps and said sternly: "You don't know, Yongkegang Airport is in charge of transporting all the military supplies of our division. If there is no ammunition supply, if Tonggu falls again, we will You will lose everything!"

The head of the engineering regiment said: "Master, please shoot me, I have nothing to say."

So Master Dai waved his hand reluctantly and asked his subordinates to carry out the order to be shot...


Headquarters of the 55th Division of the Japanese Army.

Hiroshi Takeuchi, head of the division.


Hiroshi Takeuchi looked at the sand table on the table and said: "The troops have suffered a lot of casualties in the past few days due to the continuous attack. I didn't expect Huaxia to have such a capable army!"

Kohei Yamamoto, captain of the 112th Regiment, said: "According to reliable information, the opponent is the 200th Division of the Expeditionary Army, an ace unit. They have weapons provided by the people of the United States, with sufficient ammunition and powerful firepower. Therefore, our army has suffered 5000 casualties. "

Doi Motobudao, captain of the 143rd Regiment: "The current situation that is beneficial to us is the Yingguo people. This group of people only care about running, and often give up their positions. Yongkegang Airport has been conquered."

Junsuke Ikeda, captain of the 144th Regiment, said: "General, there is one more thing. The enemy's heavy artillery and tank units have never shown up. Is there any conspiracy by the enemy?"

Doi Mototake said with certainty: "Mr. Ikeda, this is not because the enemy has any conspiracy, but because the enemy's heavy artillery has not yet been transported to the Tonggu front line."

Ikeda Junsuke said in amazement: "Why is this? Is the enemy unwilling to use heavy artillery?"

Doi Yuanwu immediately explained: "This is thanks to the people of Yingguo. I heard that they are responsible for the enemy's railway transportation. It is a pity that the people of Yingguo are only concerned with escaping and have no intention of transporting. Therefore, this has created such a situation that is conducive to our attack. situation."

Hiroshi Takeuchi very much agrees with this view: "Yaoxi, I like to fight against enemies like the Yingguo people. If we are all like them, I'm afraid we will be able to fully occupy this place soon."

Doi Motobu said: "General, Tonggu City must be conquered as soon as possible, otherwise our casualties will be even worse once the enemy's heavy artillery arrives."

Takeuchi Hiroshi asked directly: "Doi-kun, have you thought of any good method?"

"Hey! The general is really wise!" Doi Yuanwu said, pointing to a river on the sand table: "General, look, this is the Xidang River, behind Tonggu City, if we attack the enemy's headquarters directly from here, say It might work in one hit."

Hiroshi Takeuchi thought for a moment: "Although Tonggu's front position attracted more troops, there must be enemy troops defending along both sides of the river, and it is not so easy to attack."

"General, we can form a special team of 100 people, find a guide who can speak Burmese and Chinese, all disguised as refugees, and sneak into the city openly!"

When Hiroshi Takeuchi heard this plan, he was very happy: "Yaoxi! Doi-kun, your plan is very perfect, so I will organize this special team, personnel and team leader, you can choose whatever you want!"


So, at the suggestion of Doi Yuanwu, a special team of 100 people was organized, disguised as refugees fleeing from refugees, and prepared to sneak into Tonggu City from the Xidang River Bridge.


There was no fighting on the Xidang River Bridge, and a group of people from Sanlian sat in the trenches chatting and beating farts.

After several previous battles, Sanlian currently sacrificed four people, leaving 96.

Meng Fan was eating canned beef in his mouth, and kept babbling: "You said, one monk carried water to drink, two monks carried water to drink, and three monks had no water to drink. We, the people from the Mei country and the people from the Ying country, Do you look like these three monks at this time?"

While wiping the Thomson submachine gun, Bula said: "Yongkegang Airport was conquered, and the division commander killed the head of the engineering regiment. According to me, she can't be blamed. It's the people from Yingguo who lost the position." of."

Yao Ma nodded in agreement: "That's right, the people of Yingguo left the ground and ran away without saying a word. Do you want to show your face? Is it a person who can do such a thing?"

Milong began to scold again: "Yingguo people are a bunch of bastards! Abandoning allies, treachery! We did not abandon or give up and took over their defense of Tonggu, but they slipped away."

Ah Yi stopped speaking for the people of Yingguo: "Yes, I used to think that the people of Yingguo were gentlemen, but now it seems that... in fact, they are not as good as pigs and dogs."

Being able to say these four words from Ah Yi's mouth means that he is extremely angry.

Anyone who encounters such a deceitful teammate will itch with hatred.

The veterinarian changed the medicine on Meng Fanle's leg and said, "The little devil is hateful, and the people of Yingguo are even more hateful!"

Meng Fan put up his trousers and said: "In the allied forces, each has its own calculations. The people of Yingguo want to preserve their strength and let us defend instead of them. The people of Meiguo don't want to send a single soldier, but want to destroy the enemy. Only us , there are only 200 divisions, and they are really face-to-face with the devils, head-to-head, and real swords and guns!"

Gao Fei took out a pack of cigarettes and a pack of chewing gum while patrolling the position. If he knew how to smoke, he would give chewing gum.

He specially told Doubing: "Doubing, chew the gum and spit it out, but don't swallow it."

Dou Cake smirked: "Company Commander, Brother Milong told me that if you eat this stuff, it will entangle your intestines."

Milong was holding a Maxim machine gun: "Company commander, my machine gun is almost rusting. Why don't you tell the commander to transfer us to the front line?"

Kang Ya said: "Milong, you can be content, the teacher transferred us here because he loves our company commander, and we followed him to get rich."

In the previous seven or eight days, Gao Fei led them to scout in the jungle without having a warm meal or a peaceful night's sleep.

When I came back, I saw that a group of people were no longer human, which made Mr. Dai very distressed.

It has to be said that now in Dai Anlan's eyes, he is a celebrity.

The total length of the Xidang River is 420 kilometers, and this is only one section of the river. The bridge spans the middle of the river and runs from east to west.

During lunch, Li Liansheng, who was guarding the east bank, reported through the walkie-talkie: "Commander, there is a situation! There are a group of refugees who want to enter Tonggu City through the bridge. But I feel that they are all short and thick, and they don't look like refugees."

In order to facilitate communication, the division seat equipped them with a walkie-talkie for the third company. This communication device looks like a mobile phone, and the transmission distance is about a few kilometers.

"Wait a minute, let me see."

Gao Fei immediately took the binoculars and looked towards the opposite bank.

After watching it, without saying anything, he handed the binoculars to Meng Fan: "Fan, take a look."

Meng Fan looked at it and said, "Our teacher loves the people like a son, and sent out the people in the city and overseas Chinese first. What's more, now that Tonggu is fighting, and the refugees are all running out, who dares to enter the city?"

Gao Fei smiled: "Annoying, you are so smart, I think so too."

Mi Long said: "If you think about it with your butt, this group of people must be pretending to be little devils."

A Yi also pointed out a problem exposed by this group of Japanese soldiers: "This group of devils are quite stupid. The refugees should be dressed in rags, but their faces are clean and their hair is not messy. It is fake at first glance. .”

The eyes of the masses are discerning, and each person pointed out that this group of people is tricky.

Not hot and hey smiled: "That's good, this is a dumpling without meat filling, and the meat is here."

Yao Ma said: "You have to eat the meat that is delivered to your mouth, right, company commander?"

Gao Fei immediately told Li Liansheng through the walkie-talkie: "This is a brat pretending to be. You pretend not to see it and let them go to the bridge."

"Yes!" Li Liansheng immediately understood, and with a wave of his hand, asked the soldiers to remove the fence blocking the bridge.

Gao Fei grabbed the Bobosha on his chest again, and ordered: "Get ready to fight, and fire when they get close!"

(End of this chapter)

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