Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 123 The 200th Division Breaks Out

Chapter 123 The 200th Division Breaks Out

When Gao Fei returned to the station of the Xidang River Bridge, Meng Fan came up, got close enough to bite his ear and asked, "What's the matter, aren't you going to accept the praise, why are your eyes red?"

Mi Long also couldn't see anything wrong: "Did the teacher give some order?"

Gao Fei didn't hide anything, he briefly talked about the current situation in Tonggu, and then conveyed Master Dai's order.

"Now I declare: I died in battle, Meng Faner commanded. Meng Faner died in battle, Mi Long commanded. Mi Long died in battle, Li Liansheng commanded. Li Liansheng died in battle, Lin Yi commanded. Lin Yi died in battle, Li Sifu commanded...in order analogy."

Hearing his order, the group realized how difficult the battle had suddenly become.

Bu La stopped laughing and asked, "Company commander, where are we going to get cannons, and where are we going to get reinforcements?"

Meng got annoyed and said, "The dog knows where they are!"

Milong was not so pessimistic, holding his machine gun to stand firm: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, Grandpa Milong died in battle, and the post-[-]th generation is another hero!"

Ah Yi was so touched that she was on the verge of tears: "After listening to the teacher's words, I would rather be like him, even if I can't do it, I will die without regret~"

Gao Fei said again: "Soldiers die in battle, even though death is an honor. But our family has parents, and some have children. Now I declare, of course, this is not an order. If I die, my parents will ask you to .If you die in battle, your parents will be my parents, and I will raise them, okay?"

"Okay!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

Gao Fei took out a notebook from his pocket: "You all write me your home address. Also, if you want to write a letter, if you can't write, Deputy Company Commander Meng and Platoon Commander Lin can write it for you."

A group of soldiers from the third company gathered around, reporting their names and addresses.

Gao Fei memorized everyone in Sanlian.

Dai Anlan also wrote a letter to his family: "Dear He Xin, Yu was ordered to stick to Tonggu this time. Because the big plans of the top are undecided, the contact with the rear is too far away, and the enemy moves fast. Now I am fighting alone and will definitely fight against everyone. Sacrifice in return for the upbringing of the country. It is an honor to die for the country.

What I remember is that the old mother was not able to serve when she went out, and Duan Gong died before the funeral. The life of your mother and child will be even more painful in the future.But Dongjing Chengli's fourth son is very smart and handsome, and will become a great weapon in the future. You only have to suffer for a few years before you can make your mark.Don't think about me, I want to deploy to kill the enemy, time is too busy, I hope you will respect yourself.And love the children, serve the old mother, the old father is in Anhui, there is no need to tell the news, and the hand will be peace of mind.

——An Lan's hand. "

It was night, and the two divisions of the Japanese army launched a frenzied attack on Tonggucheng from all sides.

The Xidang River Bridge, which had not had any fighting before, has now become the target of competition between the enemy and us.

Because this is the best way to retreat for the 200th Division, the little devil must blow up the bridge to cut off the 200th Division's retreat.

Gao Fei knew the importance of this bridge. With this bridge, the 200th Division could escape, so no matter what, we must defend this bridge!
"Ah Yi, you take three platoons to guard the west bank, and the rest follow me to guard the east bank."

When the Japanese army launched an attack, they would start from the east bank first. He arranged this way to use Ah Yi's third platoon as a reserve team.

Gao Fei hid in the military fortress at the head of the bridge, holding a loudspeaker and shouting: "Brothers, the military seat will not just watch our entire division be wiped out, and will definitely order a retreat. Now we must hold this bridge, because this It's our retreat, do you understand?"


Li Liansheng used the walkie-talkie to report: "Company commander, the little devil has started to attack."

"how many people?"

"Probably a squadron."

Meng Fanle twitched his lips: "The little devil is really willing to spend all his money, blowing up a bridge, and actually mobilized a squadron of 180 people."

Milong set up Maxim, and there was a Czech light machine gun next to him. He occupied one light and one heavy by himself.

Therefore, he didn't hesitate at all: "It's better to come, the more the better, if you come one, I'll kill one, if you come two, I'll kill one pair."

While speaking, the enemy has already launched an attack.

"Dodge the gun!"

Meng Fanle was very familiar with the little devil's tactics.

The people of the third company immediately hid in the artillery holes in the trench.

"Boom boom boom!"

Violent shells bombarded the position at the bridgehead.

The heavy artillery of the Japanese army was sent to attack the Tonggu frontal position, so there are only two 60mm mortars and eight grenade launchers here.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the little devil quickly attacked.

When approaching 50 meters from the bridgehead, Gao Fei had already led the soldiers to re-enter the defensive position and fired first: "Fight!"

Light and heavy machine guns and rifles fired together.

The Japanese army only knew that the enemy's firepower was very fierce, but they didn't expect it to be so fierce, and more than 20 fell down in a short time.

The leading team had more than half of their casualties, so they had to leave their bodies behind and hurriedly retreated.

Then it was the same routine, another round of shelling.

But this time the shell did not explode, but emitted thick black smoke.

Gao Fei was well-informed, so he recognized it at a glance, and shouted: "It's poison, gas, bomb!"

"Wet your clothes with water and cover your mouth and nose! Let me demonstrate first."

He took off his military jacket, unscrewed the lid of the kettle, wet it, and tied it over his face, exposing only a pair of eyes.

Everyone else followed his example and protected their mouth and nose.

Although clothes can't keep up with gas masks, they still have a certain filtering effect on poisonous smoke.

With the help of the black smoke, a Japanese biochemical team rushed up wearing gas masks.

They thought that the enemies on the river bank had been killed by the smoke.

When they rushed out of the black smoke and approached the bridge less than ten meters away, a squad of Bula soldiers suddenly appeared from the trench, all holding Thomson submachine guns in their hands.


No spicy orders.

"Da da da da da..."

The submachine gun sprayed out hot bullets, and in a moment, the devil's team fell down, and the speed was faster than cutting leeks.


The devil squadron leader had to order the retreat again.


Mandalay, 5th Army Command.

"Army seat, the 200th division calls urgently."

Du Yuming received the telegram: "Commander Du, Deputy Commander, the battle between the enemy and us has been fierce since the 19th to the 28th. In more than ten days, I have run out of ammunition and food. The officers and soldiers have no food for two days. , still sticking to the same ancient position. At the beginning of the battle, the enemy's situation was unprecedented. Since the 24th, the enemy planes have continued to bomb, covering their chariots. The artillery used a large number of poison, gas, and bombs to attack our position day and night If no reinforcements arrive, although I will live and die with Tonggu, it will be difficult to stop the ferocious flames of the Japanese pirates, so what is the benefit?"

After thinking for a moment, Du Yuming ordered: "Immediately call the principal: Under this situation, our army can neither concentrate the main force to fight the enemy to break the siege of Tonggu. The 200th Division was annihilated by the enemy. In this case, our expeditionary force will be defeated by the enemy one by one, and the entire army may be wiped out. Therefore, I am determined to let the 200th Division break out on the evening of the 29th, so as to preserve our army's combat power, and prepare to fight in another battle. A decisive battle with the enemy at one time and another place."

After sending the telegram, Liao Yaoxiang arrived and saluted, "Report to the military seat, I'm back!"

"How are you doing?"

"The firepower blocking our division is extremely fierce. Our division is blocking Tonggu City. The troops have to pay a heavy price for every step forward. The speed of advancement is very slow. I am afraid that we will not be able to join Master Dai."

"The Japanese army now has two divisions, four times more people than the 200 division, and is well-equipped. It is not an option to stick to it, but you can pull it from the east or west to take the opportunity to break through."

"Report to the military seat, there is one more thing."


"The British troops on the western front did not stop fleeing, and were still retreating northward."

Du Yuming snorted coldly: "Is it strange? I expected it a long time ago!"

Liao Yaoxiang asked, "Has the principal not called yet?"

"Wait a little longer, it should be soon."

"Junzuo, do you think the headmaster will adopt your suggestion? After all, give up Tonggu..."

"Division 200 is at stake, can the principal just sit back and watch?"

At this time, the operator translated a telegram: "Military seat, Chongqing is calling."

"It's really time!" Du Yuming took the telegram, looked at it quickly, and handed it to Liao Yaoxiang.

Liao Yaoxiang looked at the telegram in his hand and said happily: "The principal really agreed!"

"Send a report to An Lan and order him to break out tonight."

Du Yuming finally had confidence now: "Have someone prepare the car, this time I want to see what Stilwell has to say!"

(End of this chapter)

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