Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 125 The Battle of Tangji

Chapter 125 The Battle of Tangji
Under the guidance of Sanlian, the 200th Division soon came to the vicinity of Tangji.

At this time, Tangji had already become an empty city, and the city wall was bombarded and turned into ruins.

Dai Anlan, the chief of staff, looked at Tangji's frontline position and handed the binoculars to Dai Anlan beside him: "Look, Commander, the Japanese army only left a brigade of troops to defend."

After seeing it, Dai Anlan felt even more worried. If only one brigade of the 56th Division of the Japanese Army was left to guard Tangji, where did the other troops go?
He ordered: "All the personnel in our division who can still hold guns will participate in the battle, and we must take down Tangji as soon as possible!"


Dai Anlan drew his pistol and led the soldiers to join the battle bravely.

The chief of staff and other officers were worried about any mistakes in the division seat, so they guarded closely.

The battle of Tangji started quickly.

The order received by the advance battalion was to launch an attack from the east gate of Tangji City, giving priority to removing the enemy's heavy firepower.

"Milong, cover fire, the rest follow me!"


The 200th Division launched a full-scale attack.

This brigade of the Japanese army was part of the 56th Search Wing. It had just occupied Tangji and was caught off guard.

But facing the attack of the 200th Division, they did not panic, because they had a tank squadron!
A total of ten Type 94 ultralight tanks.

This kind of tank is surprisingly small, with a total length of only 3 meters, a total combat weight of 3.45 tons, and the thinner part of the armor is only 6 mm. It looks very small, so it is also called "Little Bean Tank".

"Company commander, there are tanks!"

Meng got annoyed and roared in fright.

The ten small bean tanks hidden in the bunker started abruptly, and then slowly appeared in front of the officers and soldiers of the 200th Division.

"Da da da……"

The machine guns on the Xiaodou tank began to fire wildly.

The soldiers of the advance battalion rushing to the front were unprepared, and fell down a platoon in an instant.


Gao Fei hid behind the ruins of the half-man-high city wall and yelled.

The third company is a group of veterans, and there is no need for him to shout, they have already found their own bunkers to hide.

"Beancake, where's my bazooka?!"

Goofy yelled at the transport team.

Douban immediately ran over with two bazookas in his arms.

"Annoying, come and reload me."

When training in Baoshan, he once taught how to use the bazooka, so the fighters of the third company can basically use it.

He and Milong each carried one, while Meng Fanle and Douban loaded the rockets behind them.

At this time, the bazooka requires the cooperation of two people to launch, one carrying it in front and the other loading it in the back.

Seeing a small bean tank getting closer, Meng Fan was so nervous that he couldn't even load the rocket into it.

In front of his eyes, the previous nightmare kept appearing!
A whole company faced a small bean tank, but there was nothing they could do!
Gao Fei turned around and saw that Meng Fanle was already frightened, and shouted loudly: "Fanla, don't be afraid! I'm here!"

Hearing his voice, Meng Fanle finally came to his senses.

"It's annoying, listen to me, this kind of tank is thin-skinned, and it will be broken in one shot. Don't look at it, just reload it for me, and see how mine destroys them!"

Meng Fan took a deep breath and stuffed a rocket into the bazooka with trembling hands.

Gao Fei had already aimed at it, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


With a red tail flame, the rocket hit an oncoming Adzuki tank.


The Adzuki Bean Tank was really thin-skinned, and a single rocket pierced a big hole.

Although Milong beside him was not scared, he still hesitated. After seeing the bravery of Bazooka, he immediately slapped Doubing's helmet hard: "Doubing, wake up, reload!"

Dou Cake regained consciousness, numbly reloading like a robot.


Miron also wrecked one.

The two hit each other smoothly because the little devil was arrogant and arrogant. Once on the battlefield of Huaxia, the Xiaodou tank was rampant.

This group of little devils didn't know that Gao Fei had two bazookas, so he lost two tanks in one fell swoop without any precautions.

"Baga! Give it to the rabbit!"

The leader of the Japanese tank squadron sat in the command vehicle and immediately ordered all the tanks to fire in the direction of Gao Fei and Milong.

The fighting compartment of the Adzuki tank is located at the rear of the car body, with a turret on it. Its main weapon is a 1mm machine gun, and a few are equipped with 6.5mm artillery.

Among the ten tanks, only his command vehicle was equipped with artillery, and the rest were all machine guns.

Gao Fei watched the cannon pointing at them, and shouted: "Milong, run!"

"Da da da da da..."


Gao Fei took advantage of the cover of the ruins, and quickly ran to the side with Milong and his gang.

The place where he hid just now was instantly dusty and gravel was flying all over the sky.

"Annoying, reload!"

Gao Fei moved to the flank, looked at the small bean tank with artillery in the middle, and the high antenna above it, and guessed that it must be the enemy's command vehicle.

"It exploded, it really exploded!" Meng Fanle finally believed that the little devil's tank was not invincible, nor was it invincible.

His hands stopped shaking, and he jammed an armor-piercing round into the bazooka.


Gao Fei's aim not only surprised Sanlian, but also surprised Dai Anlan who was watching from a distance.

Two hits, it's simply too powerful!So steady!

Seeing that the company commander destroyed another car, Mi Long became competitive and immediately followed suit and fired a cannonball.

But the cannon went off and missed.

The command vehicle was destroyed, and the squadron leader met the emperor, and all the machine guns were fired in this direction.

Gao Fei and Mi Long were so suppressed that they didn't dare to stand up and shoot again.

After Cao Mengqi saw it, he said loudly: "Did you see that, Sanlian has already destroyed the three tanks of the devil, why don't we just hide behind the bunker and do nothing? The blasting team rushed up to blast! Attract the little devil's attention !"

Under his leadership, the first company and the second company of the advance battalion all rushed towards the enemy's tanks.

Bean tanks are very afraid of close quarters, because a pack of explosives or a bundle of cluster grenades can be completely useless.

Therefore, the little devil had to turn the turret and shoot at the soldiers of the blasting team who rushed over.

"Da da da da da..."

The three soldiers holding the explosive pack fell down 10 meters away from the tank.

One of them was shot in the leg, crawled under a tank, and detonated the charge.


The unknown hero explodes with the devil's chariot!
Now four tanks have been destroyed, leaving six tanks on the battlefield.

Cao Mengqi waved his hand, and three more soldiers charged forward.

At this time, Gao Fei had quickly shifted to another direction and fired a rocket at the same time.

The devil's tank was panicked, afraid of both the rocket launcher in the distance and the explosive package close by, and the machine gun turned back and forth.

"Bagaya Road!"

The commander of the Japanese army slapped the table angrily when he received the enemy's bazooka rocket launcher and the loss of five tanks in the tank squadron.

Relying on having a chariot squadron, he originally wanted to stick to Tangji.

"The 200th Division deserves to be the enemy's trump card, and it really is a strong enemy!"

Now he has to change his plan and break out immediately, otherwise the whole army may be wiped out!
"Order all troops to break out from the north gate!"

An infantry squadron leader asked: "Your Majesty, what about our chariot squadron?"

"Retreat to the city and follow our infantry to break out from the north gate!"

According to his original idea, there would be no problem at all with a tank squadron guarding the east gate, but he miscalculated.

After receiving the order to retreat, the devil's five tanks quickly retreated to Tangji City.

Attacking from the north gate was Liu Shuren's 599 regiment.

The regiment suffered relatively large losses in the defense of Tonggu.

After receiving the news, Dai Anlan knew that the 599th regiment might not be able to stop the enemy, so she drew out her pistol: "Everyone in the division headquarters, follow me to the north gate for support!"

When rushing to 50 meters away from the enemy's position, the devil fired a small hand cannon with a grenade.

"The master seat is dangerous!"

Liu Shuren threw Dai Anlan to the ground at once, and the cannonball exploded beside the two of them!

Dai Anlan yelled, and hurriedly checked Liu Shuren's injuries, only to find that his back was shattered by a shell.

A bloody mess!
Liu Shuren said weakly: "Shuren was able to meet the teacher... It is really a blessing in three lives... This life has been with you on the battlefield... Now dying in battle... is also the place to die..."

After speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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