Chapter 131 Conquest
Among this group of people, only Gao Fei knew that they had come to a famous place - Ren'an Qiang.

Die, die, don't go to the airport where devils are beaten, the security there is heavy, and when you go there, you will be beaten by meat buns and dogs, and you will never return.

Die Die's idea is very simple, as long as he can win a battle, many people will follow him.

Who wouldn't want to follow a regiment leader who can win battles?
Reason is such a reason.

But the actual situation, dead dead dead must conquer this group of people, sincerely follow him to fight devils, in order to win.

After a heated discussion, there was still no conclusion on how to deal with Silaisi, so Mr. Meng kicked the ball to Gao Fei again.

"Company commander, whether it's war or peace, we'll listen to you. Would you please give me a sweet word?"

Gao Fei said: "He said he could take you home, but I'm really not sure about taking you home from here. So, I'm willing to ask him to be your instructor."

He had thought a long time ago that if he wanted to survive in the primeval jungle, it would be difficult to survive without certain experience.

So, he used the false identity to make a deal with Long Wenwen, asking him to train these people in jungle survival skills.

Of course, his condition is that these people will not join the Sichuan Army, let alone the Yu Division, because this is related to the future fate of this group of people.

Gao Fei's words made Mi Long feel a little cowardly: "Let him be our instructor, does he have the ability? Wait for him to come back, and see if I don't kill him!"

Meng annoyed him and provoked him: "Just talk but don't practice fake moves, Milong, are you going to do it?"

Under the urging of Mr. Meng, Mi Long called several people to prepare to fight.

Long Wenwen took a piss and came back.

Looking at the eyes of everyone, he knew that something was wrong.

Milong had already circled behind him with a big stick wrapped in a military uniform.

Dead dead, with good ears, heard the movement behind him, jumped to the left suddenly, let the stick behind him fall into the air, and then ran away without hesitation.

Milong chased after him without hesitation.

"Wow la la... wow la la..."

Dead dead screamed like an aborigine, and ran to those stumbling places, lowered his head and got through the crooked neck tree in the air, jumped over the vines to avoid stumbling on the ground, and walked around the sharp thorns... …

The people chasing after him were not so careless.

Milong ran in a hurry, was knocked down by a tree vine, and threw himself on the ground.

Dead, dead, took the opportunity to turn around and kicked hard.

He struck so hard that Milong was kicked so hard that he clutched his stomach and curled up on the ground.

Then he looked at the group of people chasing after him, and warned: "The Japanese are now like this stupid ass on the ground, thinking that they will win! The people of Yingguo are running crazy, and the Japanese are also chasing crazy. If we broke the front of a brigade, we would be crushed in defeat, and they would be crushed in victory."

He took a breath and kicked Milong again.

"No one has ever shot at them. If they continue to chase, they will even throw their guns away. If you want to win the battle, just kick down like you did to this idiot who chased me so hard that he couldn't even stand..."

But at this moment, Milong slammed into his crotch.


Dead, dead, clutching his crotch, he jumped and fled quickly.

Mi Long got up from the ground: "Go up, cut him to death!"

A group of people started to chase.

Veterinarian Hao murmured: "What are you doing all day long, you're so full that you're so full."

Meng Fanle laughed happily, seeing the company commander beside him remained indifferent, and whispered: "Do you really think he can train Milong?"

"We used to train in Baoshan, and it was all rigorous and formal training. Die, die, is the way of survival summed up after life and death. These experiences are the most practical here."

Meng Fanle gave a thumbs up: "Well, you've been watching the show here all the time! I can see that he's playing with dragons and monkeys, and we are no match for him."

Milong led a group of people to die, and the result was obvious.

Kang Ya knew she couldn't beat her, so she lay down on the ground and pretended to faint.

Milong woke him up and asked Sisi Shila in which direction he ran.

He pointed in the opposite direction, Milong believed it, and chased after him.

Waiting for someone to run far away, dead, dead, got out of the grass, looked at Kang Ya and said, "You are very clever."

"He who understands current affairs is a hero." After Kang Ya finished speaking, she continued to lie on the ground and pretend to be dizzy.

Die Die Re-enter the dense jungle and sneak attack in a different way.

After chasing and chasing, Milong turned his head, good guy, he is the only one left.

At this time, dead dead appeared again.

Milong's stubborn temper also came up, and he put on airs: "Sneak attack is nothing, come on, practice alone!"

Die, die, hooked his hands: "Knock me down in any way you want, and I will not be the leader from now on. I will be your little follower and carry the machine gun for you. But if you lose, you have to be obedient Listen to me!"

Milong readily agreed: "Okay!"

Then he rushed up like a wild bull!
Dead, dead, nimble like a monkey, dodged, and then swung an uppercut.

Milong was much taller than Shila Shila, but this punch just hit his chin, and he was beaten back a few steps.

He wanted to hug Sisisila's waist, as long as he could grab this person, his brute force would be able to throw him down.

But Sisisi is slippery like a loach, always dodging past time and time again.

Milong was extremely angry: "Don't hide, you!"

Dead, dead, stopped: "Okay, I won't hide."

Saying that, he went up to meet him, his head got into Milong's armpit, and his hands hugged Milong's waist.

Gao Fei and the people behind surrounded him, watching the two of them fighting.

Milong got the chance, hugged Shile Shile's waist, and pressed down the weight of his body with all his strength, wanting to push Shile Shile down on the ground.

But Si Si Si bent his knees, put his right shoulder close to Mi Long's front body, squatted with both legs, bowed his waist and lowered his head, suddenly lifted up Mi Long's whole body, and then leaned back. fall!

Milong rolled backwards and fell to the ground, landing on his back first, so he was not injured.

At this moment, he already understood that no matter what tricks he used, he was no match for this one.

Dead, dead, walked towards the group of people, asked Gao Fei for a cigarette and lit it: "Anyone who is still dissatisfied can stand up and practice. What kind of dirty tricks hurt tricks, put medicine in the water, cover it with clothes at night, you guys If you think it’s useful to me, just let it go.”

Bula laughed and said: "You have already mentioned all the tricks you just thought of, so you must have prepared yourself and it won't work."

Yao Ma said: "I don't bother to use the tricks of the third kind."

Gao Fei looked at them: "Who told you to deal with your own people? He was talking about dealing with little devils!"

A group of people suddenly realized, yes, these tricks can be used on little devils.

It was getting dark, and the snake dug up some weeds to satisfy its hunger.

Gao Fei found Shilasila alone: ​​"I have already checked, there is a camp ahead, it is our people."

Die Shila asked, "Where are you now?"

"Ren'an Qiang." Gao Fei asked back in surprise, "Don't you know where you took us?"

Dead dead shook his head: "I only know that all the devils have chased to the front, and the rear must be empty, and maybe they can fight for a while."

Goofy nodded.

Although death and death are all wild ways that I have figured out, sometimes it is really useful.

"Ahead is the Ren'anqiang Oilfield. 7000 Yingguo people were besieged there. The 66th Army sent the New 38th Division to rescue them. There are many devils guarding the periphery. It seems that they haven't done anything yet."

He briefly explained the situation.

Dead, dead, blinking bright eyes in the dark night: "The teacher of the new 38th division is called Sun Liren. I know this person. He has stayed abroad and can speak English. I forgot what school he graduated from. Anyway, he is amazing. Tonight we happened to I can help him."

Gao Fei asked, "How can I help? Make a night attack?"

Die Shili nodded: "The devils are all focused on the new 38th Division who just arrived. They don't know our existence. Let's find a weak point to make an assault, and we will definitely be able to open a gap."

Gao Fei continued to ask: "Would you like to meet with Master Sun and discuss the plan for joint operations? This will allow for better cooperation."

Dead dead dead shook his head immediately: "I don't want it anymore? How should I tell him my identity? He doesn't necessarily know Yu Xiaoqing, but he must know that Master Yu is still living in Wanding."

Gao Fei was still a little puzzled: "If you don't notify in advance, it may be difficult for the two parties to cooperate."

Dead, dead, very sure: "Even if we don't contact, when we fight here, he will definitely not let go of this opportunity and will cooperate with us. If this Master Sun can't seize this opportunity, then it means he is too. A useless idiot!"

(End of this chapter)

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