Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 138 Sun Liren Changes His Westward Advancement Plan

Chapter 138 Sun Liren Changes His Westward Advancement Plan

The order to attack Myitkyina has been given.

Several signal flares hit the air, the artillery of the Fifth Army roared, and countless shells slammed into the Japanese positions.

There is a huge disparity in military strength, and this is a battle without any suspense at all.

As expected, the battle was just as Gao Fei had envisioned, and the Japanese army was defeated by the Fifth Army after a single charge.

In addition to the disproportionate strength of the two sides, another reason is that the soldiers of the Fifth Army fought bravely.

Although many of the soldiers had been hungry for a day, they knew that Myitkyina was the only place where they could survive, so they rushed towards the Japanese army like tigers.

On the other hand, the Japanese army ran for thousands of miles, and neither the artillery nor the tank units could keep up.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and he was killed to the point of disarming his armor.

When the sky was getting brighter, there were piles of corpses of Japanese soldiers everywhere inside and outside the city of Myitkyina.

After Du Yuming settled down in Myitkyina, the first thing he did was to immediately contact Sun Liren's new 38th Division and ask him to transfer to Myitkyina immediately.

When the new 38th Division retreated, they chose a different route. After they set off from Ren'anqiang, they first went to Mandalay, and then went north to Dayingdo.

Du Yuming's previous order was to follow the Fifth Army to destroy the car and enter the mountain, and return to the country via Savage Mountain.

Even Du Yuming could feel Sun Liren's resistance to this order, because after that, he never received a call back from the new 38th Division.

He guessed right. When the order to destroy vehicles and enter the mountains was sent to the division headquarters of the new 38th Division, Sun Liren immediately became angry: "Destroy vehicles and enter the mountains? Who came up with this bad idea?! More than 3 people threw down their equipment Drilling into the deep mountains and old forests, without ammunition supplies and food, I am afraid that even the grass and bark will be eaten up by then!"

His consideration was right. You must know that the Fifth Army has more than 3 people. Not to mention anything else, just eating is a big problem.

In fact, very early on, Sun Liren felt that it was unreliable to go to the Savage Mountain. When he was in Ren'anqiang, he had already decided to part ways with Du Yuming.

Liu Fangwu, the head of the 113th regiment, said: "The military seat has issued an order to the entire army. If we don't obey, I'm afraid we will be charged with disobeying the military order. At that time, the military seat will blame us..."

Sun Liren naturally understood the reason why the military order is like a mountain. After a moment of silence, he continued: "I can't just watch seven or eight thousand brothers disappear like this. I will be responsible for their lives! Today I will go all out! If there is anything wrong, I want to kill you!" Let me bear it!"

Liu Fangwu looked at Sun Liren and said unsurely: "The teacher means..."

Sun Liren replied firmly: "Go to India!"

Liu Fangwu said: "Master, there are devils behind you, and you can't get rid of them at all."

"Then kill back!" Sun Liren waved his fist domineeringly: "Kill the little devil and return the carbine, and then turn towards Yindu!"

Liu Fangwu nodded: "Master Zuo's move is brilliant!"

Sun Liren looked at the map for a while, and ordered: "You should notify the situation immediately, and unite with the 112th regiment on the left wing, so that they can also prepare for battle! Attack from both sides, and eat the devil's vanguard first!"


Seeing that the teacher was so determined to fight, Liu Fangwu didn't say anything more, and immediately conveyed the order.

The devil never expected that the new 38th Division, who was fighting and walking along the way, would suddenly turn around, and was caught off guard and lost the battle.

But when the devils stopped to organize their defenses and waited for the new 38th division to attack again, the new 38th division turned west again and embarked on the road to India.

However, when the new 38th Division arrived in Yingdo, Sun Liren received another telegram from Du Yuming: "Myitkyina has been occupied by our army, and quickly move closer to Myitkyina!"

Seeing this telegram, Sun Liren couldn't help being stunned.

Didn't it mean that Myitkyina has been occupied by devils?How could it be taken down by the Fifth Army? !
Didn't the Fifth Army walk into Savage Mountain?Why are you in Myitkyina again! ?
Sun Liren even wondered if this was a trap that the Japanese army seized our army's radio station and sent a telegram to the new 38th Division under false pretences to lure them into jumping.

But after repeated confirmations and verifications, it became known that what was said in the telegram was true. The Fifth Army had indeed occupied Myitkyina and was resting there.

"Master seat! Look... what should we do now?"

Sun Liren looked at the map and remained silent.

He is also a soldier with backbone. If it weren't for the order "destroy the car and go into the mountain" that there is no way out, he would not easily disobey the order and act on his own.

Facing the map, he could tell at a glance that Myitkyina was a very special place. It was not only strategically located, but also an important transportation hub.

In addition to the Inowady River ahead, there is a road leading from Bhamo to Lashio to the south, and this road is connected to the Burma Highway, and it can go to Menggong and Kameng to the border of Myanmar and India in the west.

Although most of these roads at this time, especially the Burma Road, were occupied by the Japanese army and made it impassable, it also meant that as long as Myitkyina could be defended, it would be able to resist the pursuit of the Japanese army.

Now the expeditionary force's way back home has been cut off, but as long as they rest and recover some energy in Myitkyina, it is possible to stop the Japanese army from continuing to attack.

At present, most of southern Myanmar has been occupied and controlled by the Japanese army. Even if they cannot gain a firm foothold in Myitkyina, they can quickly retreat to India for rest.

If the time is right, maybe a second expedition can be made to open up the Yunnan-Burma Highway again and break the traffic blockade of the Japanese army.

Thinking of this, Sun Liren no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered: "Change the plan of going west, and retreat to Myitkyina first!"


On the other side, after Du Yuming sent the telegram, he sent the new 22nd Division, which had just rested for a while, to the other side of the Inowady River.

Then Yu Shao's 96th Division was sent out of the city to the Kumang Mountains in the northwest.

He couldn't concentrate all the troops of the 5th Army in Myitkyina. The result was to allow the Japanese to surround them and then bombard them indiscriminately with planes.

And the [-] army also needs more room for movement.

Myitkyina is located at a transportation hub, and the two divisions are placed on the two wings, one on the left and one on the right, forming a corner.

The new 38th Division that Xingye rushed to was full of tanks and other armored units, placed on the front.

In this way, a solid line of defense centered on Myitkyina was formed, which blocked the Japanese pursuers.

Especially the Kumang Mountains in the northwest are the most dangerous. According to the familiar Burmese language, this mountain can be said to be almost impossible to find. It is overgrown with grass and difficult to walk. It can be said to be a natural barrier to the west.

After arranging all these, Du Yuming was visibly relieved, and sat back heavily on the chair.

Looking at the map in front of him, thinking about the next action plan.

Since the Fifth Army withdrew from Mandalay, his 3-strong army was like a rootless duckweed, drifting with the current without direction.

Although there are roads ahead, almost every one is a dead end.

Sometimes, he even doubted whether he was unwilling to withdraw to India and insisted on going back to China. Whether this decision was right or wrong.

He was very worried whether this decision would really kill many soldiers who trusted him and obeyed him.

This is also the real reason why Gao Fei was able to convince him that day.

Gao Fei precisely pinpointed his worries and lifelines, and bet [-] soldiers. Even Du Yuming, who is well-informed, would not dare to bet at all. Those are living lives. If it really comes true, who will I can't afford to lose!
At this moment, a big stone in Du Yuming's heart finally fell to the ground.

He is very fortunate to have a warrior under his command who is not afraid of death and dares to speak out!
He not only has a long-term vision and an overall view, but also has extraordinary courage and courage. When he thinks of it, he can't help admiring it.

Now with Myitkyina as a support, and the [-] troops of the Fifth Army in his hand, plus the materials and equipment captured, he is confident that he can persist for a few days.

At the same time, Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief. He saw that the commander of the military seat was dispatching troops, and he knew that Myitkyina's defense would not have any major problems.

He finally saved the lives of 5 soldiers of the [-]th Army and reversed the outcome of their defeat at Savage Mountain.

But Gao Fei also knew that this was just the beginning, and the Japanese army would not allow the 5th Army to gain a firm foothold in Myitkyina and get stuck in the main throat of northern Myanmar.

The Japanese army will definitely send reinforcements to attack Myitkyina.

Where the future road will go, Gao Fei himself doesn't know now!

(End of this chapter)

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