Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 150 If he is guilty, you should shoot him

Chapter 150 If he is guilty, you should shoot him

After the trial of the Long article, it's time for the witness to speak.

Meng Fan stood behind a table. If the court was more formal, this table would be called a witness stand.

Meng Fanle had already planned his speech: "When I was a student, I thought about being a soldier and anti-Japanese war, and the charge scene in my mind was that everyone rushed forward together.

When I became a soldier, I really rushed.Facing the heat from the shells, I felt a burst of cold air coming from the back of my buttocks. I looked back, good guy, in the end only my brother was left, and all the people in the platoon were in the trenches It's so stuffy here. "

Silly and ridiculously pronounced, but terrifying on the battlefield.One shell fell and a platoon was gone.

Hearing this, Director Chen was laughing, and some people were laughing too.

But Meng Anan didn't laugh, Gao Fei didn't laugh, Mi Long and the others didn't laugh either.

Meng Fan continued: "Later I understood - whoever rushes first will be a hero, and whoever rushes second will be a martyr, so I won't rush again.

But someone has to rush. After a few years, I worked as a company deputy. What I do best is to fan the flames for the recruits, let them rush to the forefront, and the veterans follow behind, taking advantage or killing their lives.

The life of a veteran is the most precious, especially the one who has fought a few battles and is still alive, and he will become a buddy if he gets to know you and gets to know you well.

Recruits are usually finished in the first round, you don't know him, those are cannon fodder for death.To be honest, there are more than 100 people who have been incited in my hands. "

This was Meng Fanle's first formal long speech, with a humorous tone, which sounded ridiculous, but anyone who understood it would feel chilling.

Meng Fanlai continued: "After a long time, I felt sorry for them. I thought it would be nice to have such a person leading us, and we rushed forward with him, without so many small thoughts. Later, we I really met such a person…”

So he looked at Gao Fei: "Smart people don't speak secretly, this person is our group seat."

Yu Xiaoqing's face was livid: "These flattering words have nothing to do with this case!"

Meng got annoyed and had to continue: "It was the Tuan Zuo who invited Sisi Sila to be our instructor, to teach us how to live in the jungle and how to deal with little devils, so...he is our instructor."

"Pretending to be the head of the regiment is not enough, but also pretending to be an instructor, fork it!"

Meng got annoyed and got kicked off.

Veterinarian Hao was the next to go up, and the old man first bowed to the three high officials in the trial seat.

"I've been thinking about it, thinking about what he did wrong. They say that fifty knows the destiny, but I'm 56, and I don't know the destiny. I also want to follow your wishes, but he really went to the battlefield, went to the battlefield That's a hero, I saw him kill four devils with my own eyes..."

Yu Xiaoqing shouted: "Fork it down!"

Veterinarian Hao was framed.

Another performer is Snake Butt.

He didn't say anything, and suddenly fell to his knees with a plop without any warning, wailing and howling: "I'm wronged~, Master Qingtian!"

"Fork it down!" Yu Xiaoqing waved angrily.

The next one is not spicy, with a sincere face, "I have always regarded him as a native of Fu (Hunan)."


The non-spicy dialect is very standard: "He is very good, I have always suspected that he is from Fu (Hu) Nan. You know, there is a saying that is quite good-China. Southerners die first!"

"Fork down!"

Not spicy was also forked down.

As soon as Milong went up, he stood there with his neck stuck, and shouted loudly: "I won't go down! I won't go down!"

Tang Ji and Director Chen were in a daze together, because he hadn't said anything yet, and Yu Xiaoqing hadn't said that he would kill him.

Yu Xiaoqing said coldly: "I didn't tell you to go down."

"If you don't cross me down, what can I say?"

"Go ahead."

Milong is indeed the most courageous, and everyone was stunned when he opened his mouth: "A group of bastards...he must be accused of being a bastard...I think that's what...the whole world owes it to death There are more and more goods!"

Yu Xiaoqing shouted: "Fork it down!"

"I told you I won't go down!" When Milong was forked off, he was still holding on to the corner of the table with both hands, and was smashed down by He Shuguang with the butt of his gun.

The next one is Ayi.

The resentful little expression on his face made people feel as if he had been wronged so much.

Ah Yi stood there, trembling all over, looking like she could cry at any time.

Mi Long rubbed the bruise on his waist, pointed at Sang and scolded Huai Huai: "You bastard, don't cry!"

Yu Xiaoqing rubbed her sore temples with her hands.

Director Chen kept coughing, signaling to start quickly.

Tang Ji pretended to be a good person as always: "Lieutenant Colonel Lin, my condolences."

Ah Yi finally squeezed out three words from his choked throat: "He is guilty..."

Director Chen cheered up immediately, which was an astonishing statement no matter what.

Tang Ji smiled and said, "It's not for you to convict him, but for you to state the mistakes he made."

Ah Yi went on to say: "But, if I am lucky in my third life...I mean if...if I can commit the crime he committed, I would rather die!"

Everyone was stunned.

The words "I would rather die" hit everyone's heart fiercely, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, although the voice was small, it was loud!

Yu Xiaoqing didn't ask anyone to cut him off.

Tang Ji couldn't help admiring in a low voice: "You're quite ambitious."

Yu Xiaoqing hurriedly knocked on the table, signaling Lin Yi to go down.

Goofy was the last to play.

His opening remarks were similar to those of Ah Yi: "Long Wenwen, he is indeed guilty."

The audience was in uproar again.

Without any hesitation, Gao Fei said all the words he had thought in his heart in one breath:

"He is guilty. He shouldn't pretend to be the head of the Sichuan Army and teach us how to kill little devils."

"He is guilty. He shouldn't have made his own claims and launched an attack on the enemies of Ren'anqiang."

"He is guilty, he should not come back, because staying in Myitkyina can still kill devils."

In the courtroom, the silence was eerie.

Yu Xiaoqing was expressionless.

Tang Ji turned his head, not daring to look into his eyes.

Director Chen was even more silent.

Gao Fei continued: "If he is guilty, those who retreated are also guilty!"

"If he is guilty, those who don't fire a single shot and watch the mountains and rivers fall are even more guilty!"

"If he's guilty, those who don't even go out of the country, don't go to fight with little devils, but sit here and play tricks, are even more guilty!"

"The sum of these crimes is enough to make this group of damned but not dead bastards pulled out and shot for 5 minutes!"

After speaking, the audience fell silent.

Yu Xiaoqing was speechless, Tang Ji blushed, and Director Chen was sweating profusely!

Gao Fei's eyes sparkled: "I just wanted to know, at that time the whole army was considering retreating, and he wanted to pull up a team to fight the devils, what's wrong with that?!?

Director Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead, knowing that the head of the regiment is a popular person in the eyes of General Du, and he cannot be easily offended, so he said: "I am here today just to interrogate and collect evidence. I have to ask Shangfeng to decide whether he is guilty or not." .”

The trial is over.

In the case file, because there were too many words recorded, Shangfeng finally concluded with only one word—good.

Because the witnesses said he was good.

For this reason, no conviction was possible and no sentence was pronounced.

Without a sentence, you cannot be shot.

The final result was that Long Wenwen continued to be secretly detained.

After the trial, Gao Fei took a rare trip to Chanda, and Gao Fei let the group of people under his command take a walk in Zenda, doing what they should do.

Meng Fanle couldn't wait any longer, kicked four boxes of canned beef and a few pieces of chewing gum, and quickly walked into an alley.

Gao Fei and Mi Long went to the black market and sold some cigars they brought back.

Meng was annoyed and was reluctant to do things, so he delivered the things and came out quickly.

After Gao Fei saw it, he asked in a low voice: "It's annoying, there is no way for her to go on like this."

Meng Fan took a look back: "A girl's family is helpless here, there is nothing I can do."

Gao Fei suddenly asked: "Annoying, do you like her?"

Meng Fan stopped.

"If you like her, you should give her a future and a home instead of running away like you."

Meng Fan shook his head and said: "I'm afraid that one day I will die suddenly on the battlefield. Wouldn't it hurt her?"

"It's annoying, you just think too much, you are a cat, you have nine lives, how can you die so easily? Don't you put her here and let her live alone, can you bear it? Take her away, Let her go to the health team in the regiment."

Meng Fanle was taken aback: "This... can this be done?"

"I'm the head of the advance team, so I still have the right to recruit a health worker. Go, don't make her suffer like this anymore."

Meng Fan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly saluted Gao Fei: "Tuan Zuo, my life is yours from now on!"

Then he limped quickly back down the alley.

(End of this chapter)

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