Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 152 Master Yu prepares to attack Nantianmen

Chapter 152 Master Yu prepares to attack Nantianmen

Time flies by like a fleeting horse, if you don't pay attention, a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

Over the past year, the advance regiment has continued to train, and now the troops are strong and strong. The tank company and the artillery battalion are all equipped with the most advanced firepower, and they have completely become a real trump card.

"Regiment seat, urgent telegram from the military headquarters." Yang Danzi walked into the regiment headquarters with a telegram.

Gao Fei took it over and took a look: "Order: Liu Feihu, the head of the advance regiment, and MacArthur, the liaison officer, please go to the Yu division headquarters for a meeting immediately to discuss the plan to attack Nantianmen."

It's here, it's finally here, Master Yu is ready, and finally he is going to launch a counterattack, attacking Nantianmen.

Gao Fei hurriedly prepared his car, brought Meng Fanle, MacArthur, and Quan Min to assist Yu Shi's division headquarters.

There are more Sentinels around than usual.

Go straight inside and come to the core meeting room of the division headquarters.

After the announcement was made, the locked meeting door suddenly opened, revealing Zhang Lixian's icy face: "The teacher has orders, please come in."

Four people walked in.

He Shuguang walked behind Yu Xiaoqing and said, "Master, they are here", then stood at attention.

At this time, the conference room was already crowded with a group of people.

In addition to the familiar Yu Xiaoqing and Tang Ji, these people also include Zhang Lixian, the battalion commander of the secret service battalion, He Shuguang, the commander of the guard company, Yu Zhi, the commander of the tank company, the chief officer of the artillery battalion, the chief officer of the engineer battalion, the chief officer of the supply battalion, and the chief officer of the search company. , the chief officer of the communication battalion, the chief officer of the transportation battalion, the mold army advisory group, the infant army advisory group, plus the division commanders of the three divisions around the Nujiang defense line, more than 20 pairs of eyes looked at them.

According to the order above, Division Yu will be the main force for this attack, and the rest of the divisions will play as a cover or aid.

The same is true for the advance regiment of the 200th Division, which is a rear reserve regiment, and they all think that he is here to make soy sauce.

That's right, Gao Fei came to watch the show today.

He knew that Long Wenwen must have gone to the Nantian Gate, so Yu Xiaoqing couldn't wait to hold this meeting, wanting to eat the Nantian Gate.

Most of the entire room is occupied by an exquisite sand table. Such a sand table must have been achieved over time. It is probably the first time for most people in Master Yu to see it, except Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang.

The sand table is divided into two by the Nu River, Zenda and Tongcymbal, Nantianmen, Henglan Mountain, and Sacrificial Flag Slope are all displayed on the sand table in great detail.

Today, they will discuss the plan to attack Nantianmen on this sand table.

Gao Fei noticed that the combat units on the sand table were accurate to the company system, and some of the most elite troops were even accurate to the platoon, but there was only one organizational symbol on Jiqipo: the Sichuan Army.

This is probably the status of the Sichuan Army Corps in Yu Xiaoqing's heart, a cannon fodder group that can't be looked down upon.

Yu Xiaoqing heard the chickens dance and tried his best. Now he is waiting for supplies, weapons, artillery and forced crossing equipment.

He also waited for the cooperation of the Chinese people and became familiar with the hydrology and geography of the Nu River.

Ever since Long Wenwen returned from reconnaissance at Nantianmen, Master Yu's chariot could no longer stop.

Yu Xiaoqing couldn't wait to launch an attack, and took down the Nantianmen in one fell swoop, creating a feat of shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods.

However, all of this was broken by Long Wenwen, who rushed in from the outside and brought his messengers.

Gao Fei didn't know this messenger, and he took the place of the once annoying role.

Yu Xiaoqing looked at Long Wenwen who came and the clothes on his body, and was very annoyed, because at this time Long Wenwen's arms were wrapped with bandages, and white cloth strips were tied on his forehead. He looked ragged. In this way, it completely embarrasses Master Yu.

Yu Xiaoqing said angrily, "What are you doing here in such a panic? Did the Japanese fight across the river?"

Long Wenwen replied without hesitation: "Yes, we have crossed the river!"

Yu Xiaoqing asked again: "Whose position did you break?"

"Break your position!"

How harsh this sounded.

Gao Fei could even see Yu Xiaoqing's eyes shrinking suddenly.

"Where is the fight now?" Yu Xiaoqing asked with suppressed anger.

"We've reached this point, just entered Division Yu's headquarters, standing in front of the sand table!"

Then, before Yu Xiaoqing continued to ask questions, Long Wenwen had already shouted: "I am Takeuchi Lianshan, the captain of the Japanese Army Alliance, and I have come here to annihilate your Yu division!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar!

The diehards behind Yu Xiaoqing had already drawn their guns, but they stopped abruptly with Yu Xiaoqing's stop gesture.

"I know where you come from, and I'm a little touched, but this battle is a battle that must be won, and it must be a bloody battle. It cannot be done by one person. Put down the map you drew. I will remember you."

Long Wenwen said: "There is no map, I am here to annihilate your Master Yu!"

Yu Xiaoqing shouted angrily: "He Shuguang!"


Just when He Shuguang was about to reach out for his gun, Yu Xiaoqing yelled again: "Turn around!"

So He Shuguang turned around obediently.

Yu Xiaoqing pulled out a short knife from his back, and the sound of the blade rubbing against the scabbard made teeth sore.

Then he raised his hand, and the short knife was spun and nailed fiercely on the sand table—just in front of the Nantianmen, without leaning to one side or another.

Yu Xiaoqing said angrily: "Okay! Mr. Takeuchi, I'm here to attack the Nantian Gate. If you succeed, I'll cut off your head!"

The audience was in an uproar again.

Tang Ji hurriedly whispered something in his ear, but Yu Xiaoqing immediately drank it back: "Fuck him and shoot him! If he wants to be a devil, I'll cut off the devil's head!"

I am afraid that among the people in the audience, only Gao Fei can understand why Long Wenwen did this, because he saw through Takeuchi's plan and knew that Nantianmen was a big killer, so he used this sand table simulation method to defeat Yu Xiaoqing and let Yu Xiaoqing changed or adopted his attack plan.

Meng who followed was annoyed, because he didn't know much about Nantianmen, so he was a little dazed at this moment, and watched the development of the situation in the field blankly.

Long Wenwen lowered his head, his aura seemed weak but strong, because Yu Xiaoqing had already been tricked.

He raised his head suddenly: "Okay, I will guard the Nantian Gate, if you can't, you will cut off my head!"

Yu Xiaoqing nodded in agreement, and said in one word: "Okay!"

Long Wenwen made another request: "I need to make some changes to the Nantianmen's position, because I found something different from what I investigated."

Yu Xiaoqing still agreed: "Yes!"

Long Wenwen said again: "I'm not alone. My adjutant Ma Rulong and I defend together. Your Master Yu attacks. If you don't defend, it's none of his business. Just cut off my head."

Yu Xiaoqing said contemptuously: "Before the battle, you will lose first?"

Long Wenwen smiled wryly: "I am your best general who will never fail."

"Okay, I'm not interested in that idiot head." Then Yu Xiaoqing made a gesture: "Please!"

Long Wenwen became the focus at this time, and dozens of pairs of eyes in the audience stared at him and walked towards the sand table.

He took his time, and sometimes made some changes to the Nantianmen's position, such as adding various tunnels that were difficult to detect by means of reconnaissance, such as adding a few bunkers behind the boulder in the middle of the mountain, or adding a few bunkers for that Two purely redundant anti-slope defense lines plus some embellishments.

While doing this, I have to explain: "I can't mess around with things that don't exist on Nantianmen. This is a tunnel extending from the first line of defense on the riverside to the second line of defense in the middle of the mountain. The tunnel can lead to the tree castle, which means that the Takeuchi United team has dug through the entire Nantianmen!"

He noticed the whispers around and Yu Xiaoqing's unmoved.

"Hard clay, volcanic rock, we all feel that we can't dig it - they can't dig it either, but they decided to be mice. Just dig a small hole, open up the gasoline tank, connect it, bury it, and pass it through the soil. If the amount of work is reduced sharply, then the digging will be possible.”

Long Wenwen poked two holes in the clear trench on the sand table with his finger: "I don't want to ruin such a beautiful sand table, I just poked two holes to show. You may not believe it, on the Nantianmen, the tunnel extends like a hornet's nest .It's very dark inside, there are ventilation holes, but there is no lighting, and it's unbearable for people to suffer in it, and the smell is bad."

Yu Zhi asked suspiciously: "Have you ever crawled?"

"Well, the posture is not good-looking, but who cares about it in war?"

A lieutenant colonel of the Mild Army Advisory Group said: "I don't believe that a person can crawl in an absolutely dark environment and go crazy."

Long Wenwen said: "I'm not crazy. There are more powerful enemies than us. They are even stationed in gasoline tanks, even eating and sleeping in them. Everyone has experienced many battles. You must have seen more powerful enemies than this." Crazy things. Let me remind you by the way that we are always said to be the most hard-working nation, but I have seen Japanese soldiers who tied themselves to trees, ate, drank and slept, and Japanese soldiers who were exhausted on bicycles, self-proclaimed Merit will kill us!"

The Mild Army Advisory Group had no choice but to shut up obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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