Chapter 155
Everyone is waiting, dead are waiting, Yu Xiaoqing is waiting, Gao Fei is waiting too.

On such a day, the thick fog covered the Nantian Gate, the Sacrificial Flag Slope, and the Nu River.

Around Jiqipo, the soldiers who appeared in the mist were neat and tidy, they were soldiers of the advance regiment, and the position of Jiqipo had been taken over by the advance regiment.

On the banks of the Nu River, the soldiers were like wet ghosts, soaked and heavy by the mist before entering the water.

The cables are reinforced, two, but they will not guarantee the lives of 200 people in this fog anyway.

They split into two columns, submerged, and reached the west bank as quickly as possible before they were swept away, frozen to death, and crushed to death by their equipment.

Regardless of whether you are vigorous or prematurely decaying, cannon fodder or elite, in the end, you will always be tied to your own life by a cable in the Nujiang River as it is now.

There are 60 commandos in total, 140 forwards, and [-] six people in the first echelon. These people are all composed of veterans from the cannon fodder regiment and the secret service battalion.

The second echelon led by Ma Rulong concentrated the entire cannon fodder group after removing the old, weak, sick and disabled as a flanking feint attack force.

It probably won't be used, because the third echelon led by Yu Xiaoqing - the entire Yu division will launch an attack at the same time when it receives the first signal.

There were additional advance regiments on the flanks as reserves.

The soldiers of the infantry battalion of the advance regiment, as the fourth echelon, have already immersed their bodies in the water, with their noses exposed on the water, and their equipment is tied to the small wooden rafts that have been tied in advance, and everyone is tied together with ropes.

The water in the Nu River is so fast that if you are not careful, you will be washed away by the river.

Heavy fog is extremely rare, and the dense visibility is very low.


Nantianmen, Banshan Stone.

The commando led by Long Wenwen had already reached the halfway up the mountain, and the huge rock in front of them blocked the way. Only by blasting the stone, they could enter the eternal tunnel behind.

The first explosive pack has been installed.


Long Wenwen yelled at Man Han: "Has it exploded?!"

Man Han's answer came from the smoke: "No, I need to install another one!"

Several soldiers immediately drilled back with explosive packs and blasting barrels.

"For the sake of the Great Japanese Empire, tear them apart! (Japanese)"

The Japanese army stationed on the mountain discovered that the enemy was blasting behind the rocks in the middle of the mountain, and organized an attack from the surrounding area.

Long Wenwen shouted: "Zhang Lixian!"

Zhang Lixian immediately flashed out from his hiding place, carrying the bazooka rocket launcher he had loaded earlier, and pulled the trigger almost without aiming.

Behind him, a few soldiers got down on the ground quickly, avoiding the fiery wake.

A rocket flew through the air, and with a "boom", it exploded in the group of Japanese troops at the end of the fog.

What Zhang Lixian fired was an incendiary bomb.

The raging flames were burning, and the Japanese soldiers screamed in the burning.

Zhang Lixian hugged the bazooka, seven or eight devils were burned to death by an incendiary bomb, and his hands were shaking.

He Shuguang remained motionless in a corner where bullets could not reach.

Regardless of how long he has been with Yu Xiaoqing, this is actually his first time on the battlefield.

Because the Banshan Stone must be blasted to enter the eternal tunnel inside.

Therefore, they had to provide cover for Manhan's blasting team and provide time to install the explosive package.

Mudan shot left and right, holding two grenades in his hand and threw them out.

The Japanese army responded with an eye for an eye, so they set up a few small hand cannons in the distance and bombarded the blasting team violently.

Man Han knelt at the hole where the explosion came out, pulling the fuse that came out.

As soon as it was lit, a hand cannonball landed not far from him.


Man Han only felt a stabbing pain in his back, he groaned, and lay down on the ground.

At this time, his back was bloody and covered with shrapnel.

His eyes looked at the fire that was burning into the hole, and he grinned: "Commander, I can't go back, take care of my old lady for me!"

The explosive package exploded, and a big hole was blown out on the side of Banshan Rock, and the blasted stones were buried together with Man Han's body!

"Man Han!"

With a loud roar, Mudan plunged into the smoke and dust, pulling it with a shovel.

But apart from the stones, there were only a few bones and fragments of clothes left in that place, and there was a hole that had been blasted out.

Mudan's eyes were red, looking at the dark hole, it was too late to be sad, because he saw a group of little devils rushing out!

He used a Thomson to punch it inside, and shouted eagerly: "Tuan Zuo, the tunnel has been opened!"

Long Wenwen immediately shouted: "He Shuguang, breathe fire into it!"

He Shuguang, who had been forced to stay away from the dangerous place, was at a loss and dared not go forward.

Zhang Lixian pinched him: "Don't be dazed, it's your turn to play!"

He Shuguang came to his senses, took his flamethrower and made a fire-breathing motion towards the entrance of the cave from a very low angle.


The fire is like a fire dragon, sprayed directly from the flamethrower, and the flames are madly rolling in the hole, and the scorching heat can burn everything.

The Japanese soldiers inside only screamed a few times, and then they were scorched and burnt.

Everything is quiet.

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay. None of them had used a flamethrower before, and they didn't expect this thing to be so powerful. !
Long Wenwen patted He Shuguang on the shoulder: "This thing is powerful. The little devil hates the Pyro very much. You should hide behind."

He Shuguang nodded and turned off the fire with satisfaction.

Holding a submachine gun, Long Wenwen shouted, "Everyone else follow me, enter the tunnel, and seize the tree fort!"


On the river bank here, guys from the engineering battalion dipped in the waist-high water on the river beach and laid wooden stakes.

Trucks came and unloaded the equipment they needed on the river beach.

On the river beach, there were rows of pontoons, rubber boats, wooden boats, and even rafts waiting for orders. The soldiers of the main regiment who were about to cross the river were poking in the front trenches and waiting for the order to attack.

The people around have been busy, and the first batch of ferry boats have tried flooding.

The Japanese artillery shells fell through the thick fog and fell into the river, splashing huge water columns.

This kind of blind shooting does not have much lethality, but at least it indicates that the river beach is not safe.

A group of well-trained soldiers set aside a small quiet place in the midst of the busy schedule, where a Maza was placed.

The officers passing by were somewhat surprised that the division seat, which they had never sat in according to the rumors, was actually sitting on the river beach with a carbine and an unused artillery mirror next to it.

He could hear intense machine gunfire and explosions coming from the mountains opposite. Although it seemed distant due to the fog, he listened so intently that he forgot the noise around him.

He has been waiting for the signal from the Sichuan Army Corps on the radio.

But it's been two hours, and he got impatient with waiting, so he rushed to Hai Zheng beside him and asked, "Have they not sent the telegram yet?"

Hai Zhengchong replied immediately: "The liaison officer in front received a message that the commando team of 60 people has all arrived at Banshanshi in Nantianmen, and the first echelon behind is approaching along the oil barrel pipeline."

Yu Xiaoqing was a little unhappy: "Did you see the flare they fired?"

Haizheng shook his head: "With this fog, we can't see any signals, and our artillery has to wait for the coordinates and directions from Jiang's radio station."

Yu Xiaoqing listened to the explosion sound from the mist: "That's not the explosion of the shell, it's that they are in trouble, and they used explosives to blow up the tunnel behind the rocks in the middle of the mountain - this is the signal!"

Haizheng said: "The plan is not arranged like this."

"There is such a thick fog that you can't see anything, and the plan can't keep up with the changes. I order the main force to cross the river!"

Hai Zhengchong hesitated and said, "But..."

Yu Xiaoqing's face turned cold: "I said - cross the river!"

The military order was issued quickly, and the first troops of the main regiment rushed across the tidal flats and flooded the river crossing tools.

Hai Zhengchong, who had just been wronged, looked at his commander worriedly, and reminded: "If you want to cross the river, please at least wait until the main force has established a foothold on the west bank."

Yu Xiaoqing nodded: "I know, I will sit here and watch you board the other side, and I will go over after I get a firm foothold."

But at this moment, Tang Ji came over suddenly, and stuffed a message of "stop attack immediately" into Yu Xiaoqing's hand.

After Yu Xiaoqing saw the telegram, the surprise, shock, and doubts in his heart instantly turned him into a stupid puppet!

Although there were only four short words in the telegram, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. He read it over and over again, and also glanced at Tang Ji again and again.

"I wonder why this is?!"

Tang Ji didn't give any explanation, just said: "This is your father's order, carry it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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