Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 158 Charge to Nantianmen!

Chapter 158 Charge to Nantianmen!

"Regimental Commander, the Division Headquarters called to inquire about the situation of the battle at Nantianmen. He also said that Division Yu was just conducting a firepower scout. Please wait and see what happens, and don't act recklessly."

"Any news from the Commando?" Goofy asked.

"Tuan Zuo, the commando also just called. They have successfully captured the tree fort. But Takeuchi ran away, and the rest of the Japanese army has retreated into the tunnel."

"Okay, I got it. We are the 200th Division, the advance regiment! Leave Division Yu alone, and immediately call back Commander Dai and Commander Long respectively, and our regiment will immediately launch a general attack on Nantianmen."

"Yes!" Yang Danzi quickly sent the report.

Gao Fei said again: "Order: The whole regiment goes out! The chariot company and the artillery battalion will launch shelling at the same time according to the prepared plan to cover the charge of the whole regiment!"


The order came quickly.

Just a few minutes after the order was given, the entire regiment of the advance regiment was in motion.

Krupp's artillery battalion was the first to fire.


Krupp got the instructions from the group this time, and fired as much as he wanted, with enough shells!


Following his shot, other cannons were also fired.

The sound of booming cannons is endless.

"Quick, quick, water!"

Krupp was worried that the gun barrel would be overheated, so he ordered the soldiers in the artillery battalion to water them to cool down.

At this time, the chariot company, which was camouflaged to hide the tank, also started shelling.

The cannon roared, and the special agent battalion of the advance regiment who had crossed over took the lead in charging.

Milong commanded a battalion of soldiers and rushed to the river bank.

Bula shouted to the soldiers of the second battalion: "Throw smoke bombs first to cover the charge! After rushing in, then throw grenades, remember?"


Yao Ma shouted directly: "Three battalion members, charge left with left hand, charge right with right hand, keep a distance from each other, don't mess up!"

The advance group began to launch the first wave of charge.

The enemy's artillery was hidden in the bunker, and the mortar had just been set up, and before it could fire, a shell had already fallen.


The entire mortar exploded into a pile of scrap metal in an instant.

Afterwards, one by one shells seemed to have eyes and landed on the enemy's artillery position, almost hitting every shot, which was so accurate that it was outrageous!
It all depends on the coordinates detected by Long Wenwen, plus Krupp, the god of guns, the cooperation of the two is simply against the sky!

The soldiers of the artillery battalion fought more and more vigorously, and the devil artillery had no chance to fight back at all.

The goal of the Chariot Battalion was to bombard the bunkers and heavy fire points on the Nantianmen.

Although the bunker built on Nantianmen was strong enough that the shells couldn't penetrate it, as long as the shelling continued, the enemy's heavy firepower could be firmly suppressed.

Nantianmen was not only subjected to endless shelling, but also attacks from the tree fort, coupled with the charge from the Sichuan Army and the advance regiment in front, the Japanese army was completely attacked by the enemy at this time!

In a certain anti-blasting hole on the second line of defense of Nantianmen.


Captain Niwa Daisuke was so angry that he slapped Hidekuma Nakajima, the leader of Second Squadron, on the left cheek.

The tree fort was defended by Nakajima Hideokuma, and it only took one round for the opponent to rush in.

In fact, he can't be blamed for this. The outside of the tree fort was built solidly, but Long Wenwen launched the attack from the inside of the tunnel.

The tree fort is the core, and it is the greatest shame for them to let the enemy take it today.

First Squadron Leader Matsuda Zhuo Ye said: "The tree fort is lost, and we are facing enemies. We should take it back as soon as possible."

Standing aside, Hidekuma Nakajima, the leader of the Second Squadron, proposed in fear: "We still have a batch of secret weapons, why don't we... use them?"

Daisuke Niwa knows what these secret weapons are, they are poison.gas.bomb!
"Nakajima, you lead the second squadron to attack the tree fort, and you must take it!"


"Matsuda, you lead a squadron to the first defense to stop the enemy crossing the river."


"The third squadron plus the rest followed me to block the enemy attacking the second defense!"



After the commando occupied the tree fort, Long Wenwen ordered to blow up the permanent passage leading to the tree fort.

Now, the Japanese army can only attack from the main gate of the tree fort.

Hideo Nakajima put on a gas mask and led a team of 150 people to attack the main gate of the tree castle.

Bang bang bang!
The Japanese army first blasted open the main entrance of the tree fort with mountain cannons, and then fired a dozen poison, gas, and bombs at the tree fort with short-range small steel cannons.

The main entrance of the tree castle suddenly emitted thick black smoke.

"It's a gas bomb!"

Long Wenwen was very familiar with these things of the enemy, so he immediately raised his voice to warn.

Muddan yelled, "Wear a gas mask!"

The two hundred soldiers of the commando each had a gas mask.

These masks did not belong to Master Yu, but were lent to them by the advance group.

Nidan put on the mask and said in a low voice, "Head Liu of the advance team is really amazing! I knew the devil had this trick."

Long Wenwen said: "The little devil has a lot of bad moves, but we also have a lot of defensive moves."

A group of people have already put on their gas masks.

"The main entrance has been blasted, the machine gun team, set up all the machine guns and aim at the main entrance!"

"He Shuguang, go to the second floor and prepare to light the fire!"

The poisonous gas gradually diffused into the tree castle, Nakajima Yingxiong put on a gas mask, and rushed up with a group of devils.

Originally thought that the enemies in the tree fort had been poisoned, coughing and slowly fell down, but when they rushed into the gate of the tree fort, they faced a group of people also wearing gas masks.

More importantly, there are a lot of light and heavy machine guns in the tree castle.

A total of ten light machine guns brought by the commando, plus six crooked guns from the Japanese army in the tree fort, made a total of sixteen.

There are also two [-] heavy machines and one Maxim.

Seeing the shadow emerging from the poisonous gas, everyone opened fire together.

"Da da da da da..."

The dense bullets hit the devils' bodies like a gust of wind and rain. Such a powerful firepower net instantly tore apart the bodies of more than 50 devils.

The devil who rushed in from the front fell down, blood stained the open space in front of the tree castle, and the screams were endless.

The second wave that rushed up from behind was directly burned to death by a fire dragon sprayed down from the second floor.

Hideo Nakajima turned pale with fright, and hurriedly shouted, "Retreat!"

He led the remaining fifty people into the cave in a desperate manner.


While the Japanese army was attacking the tree castle, the advance regiment launched a charge against the second defense of Nantianmen.

"The machine gunner suppresses the cover, the assaulter is in front, the rifleman is behind, charge!"

Milong is now commanding like a model, leading his special agent battalion, rushing to the second line of defense of the Japanese army.


The Sichuan Army led by Ma Rulong launched an attack on the right wing of the spy battalion.


Under the suppression of the artillery battalion, the little devil's artillery completely misfired, and Gao Fei led the whole regiment to successfully cross the Nu River.

"The whole regiment assault!"

When Gao Fei gave an order, the morale of the soldiers in the advance group suddenly rose, and they rushed towards the devils bravely.

At this time, the sun rose and the fog gradually dispersed.

Standing on the bank of the river, Yu Xiaoqing could see the advance regiment charging on the opposite bank.

He was the one who could only charge.But now, he could only watch helplessly, watching, anxious in his heart.


Suddenly, in the clear sky, there was a huge roar.

The air defense siren of the Japanese army sounded sternly, and the Japanese army, which was still resisting just now, quickly retreated and burrowed into the hole like a mouse.

Hearing the huge roar, it was McLuhan and the whole people who were most excited to assist.

McLuhan yelled, "Look! The plane! It's an Allied plane!"

The plane hovered in the distant sky, roaring and low-pitched.

This is a formation of five fighters.

Flying from the clouds, flying closer and closer, the shark in front of the nose is clearly visible.

Bura shouted loudly: "It's the Flying Tigers!"

As he shouted, the morale of the soldiers of the advance regiment and the Sichuan Army was even higher.

"Come on!"


The two regiments, one on the left and one on the right, cooperated with each other and continued to charge towards the tree fort.

Long Wenwen led the commando to climb to the highest point of the tree fort, cooperated with the inside and outside, and fired at the rear of the Japanese army.

The Japanese army was pinched from front to back, and kept shrinking their formation. In the end, they could only hide underground, not daring to show their heads again.

At this time, He Shuguang finally realized that something was wrong, because he saw that only the advance regiment and the Sichuan army were charging towards Nantianmen, and their Yu division, the main force, unexpectedly withdrew to the other side.

Zhang Lixian was suspicious: "What's the matter with the division seat? Why hasn't a general attack been launched yet?"

No one could answer. In their hearts, they had already found an answer, that is, Master Yu gave up the attack.

Long Wenwen said: "Don't worry about Master Yu, now hurry up and meet the advance team to join us."

(End of this chapter)

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