Chapter 163 Digging Tunnels

Takeuchi Lianshan said worriedly: "Recently, Division Yu gave up the attack. The new 200th Division has been silent for half a month. I don't think it's normal."

Zuo Zuo asked: "Is it because the enemy felt unable to attack and chose to give up? Or they want to attack other places, or they are gathering troops to prepare for the next attack?"

Takeuchi Lianshan shook his head, he felt that the matter would not be so simple, "Sasa-kun, what do you think is the best weapon to destroy a bunker?"

Zuo Zuo thought for a while and said, "Cannon?"

Takeuchi Lianshan shook his head: "I'm a civil engineering student. The bunker I built has very little damage from the shells. Unless there are thousands of shells bombing together, Lingxiaoding will not be blown up."

Zuo Zuo asked: "So, we can sit back and relax?"

"No, there's one thing I'm terribly afraid of."

"What is it?"

"Dynamite packs! As long as there are enough dynamite packs, let alone our main bunker, the entire mountain can be blown up!"

Hearing this strange and powerful term, Zuo Zuo couldn't help shaking his whole body with fright. His mind was constantly deducing and judging, did the enemy really want to use explosives to blow up the bunker?
Suddenly, Takeuchi Lianshan yelled: "Sasa-kun, hurry up, let the artillery bombard the bottom of the mountain to see if there are enemy troops digging trenches!"


Boom boom boom!
The violent Nine-Five Mountain Cannon suddenly exploded in the distance, which stunned the engineering soldiers who had already dug into the mountain.

Dai Anlan heard the sound of the guns. Now the Japanese artillery fire is only a range test. The trenches are very concealed. The Japanese army has not found it yet. However, the bombardment test shows that the enemy has already noticed the abnormality these days.

He turned around and ordered to the herald: "Immediately send a report to the nearby artillery units, and let them cooperate to fire a few rounds of artillery on Ling Xiaoding, so that the little devils don't find out that we are digging trenches."

"Yes." The herald quickly sent the report.

Boom boom boom!
As if reciprocating courtesy, the artillery battalion immediately launched three rounds of fierce shelling at Ling Xiaoding.

Dust was flying on the top of Ling Xiao.

Listening to the explosion above his head, Takeuchi Lianshan increased his guess in his heart.

"Sasa-kun, I'm pretty sure now, what the enemy wants to do with the explosive kit."

Zuo Zuoming asked suspiciously: "Did the captain find something?"

"The enemy's trick is called trying to cover up. The more the enemy doesn't want me to shell the foot of the mountain, it means that there are hidden secrets hidden there. Combined with our guess, I'm sure that the enemy's conspiracy is to use explosives to cover up the mountain. The mountain was blown up!"


Zuo Zuoming was surprised by the intelligence of the captain, and even more shocked by the whims of the enemy. How many explosives would it take to blow up this mountain?
"Captain, what should we do now?"

"They must be stopped!" Takeuchi Lianshan took out a blueprint.

"I have already calculated that if we want to blow up this mountain, we will undoubtedly need to dig to the center of the mountain. We can dig down vertically from the top of the mountain, stop them from the middle, and blow up the passage dug by the enemy! In this way, Their plan failed."

"Lieutenant Captain, you are really smart! I will let my son study civil engineering in the future." Zuo Zuo Mingci did not forget to flatter him at this time.

Takeuchi Lianshan ordered: "Immediately order the engineers to dig down from the position I marked, and blow up the passage they dug before the enemy!"


Zuo Zuoming bowed once and stepped back.


Gao Fei listened to the sound of cannons fired by both sides, thinking in his heart, he has guessed now, if he didn't fight or launch an attack for half a month, Takeuchi must be suspicious, so the intention of shelling at the foot of the mountain is Test whether they are digging trenches again, and it's okay if they don't fight back. Once they bombard Lingxiaoding, there will be no silver 300 taels here.

He hurried to the division headquarters.

Seeing him coming, Dai Anlan said, "How is it? The artillery fire is still timely. The trenches have not been bombed, have they?"

Gao Fei smiled wryly and said, "Master, you are so clever that you were misunderstood by your cleverness. Isn't this telling the little devil that we have troops active at the foot of the mountain?"

Dai Anlan was taken aback for a moment, he was only focused on protecting the trench and forgot about it. "You mean, the counterattack just now is to tell Takeuchi that we are digging a trench at the foot of the mountain?"


Dai Anlan patted his forehead: "I cared too much about the safety of the trench, and I didn't think it through, which exposed our plan."

Gao Fei shook his head: "Even if Takeuchi guessed our plan to blow up the mountain, it's okay. He might send a small group of Japanese troops down the mountain to harass. As long as we stop these raiders, we won't be able to stop us from continuing to dig."

"This is easy to handle. I'll let the main force go on top."

Meng Fanle also came to the headquarters together, and couldn't help interjecting: "If I were Takeuchi, besides sending troops to harass me, I would have another trick."

Gao Fei asked: "It's annoying, don't be tricky in front of the teacher, what kind of trick did you think of?"

"Dig vertically down from the top of the mountain, find our passage, and then blow it down from the middle, won't it stop our plan?"

Dai Anlan was taken aback: "Takeuchi is a student of civil engineering. This is his old profession. He can definitely find the center of the mountain."

Gao Fei said: "It seems that there is only one way, and that is to hurry up and see who can dig faster!"

According to the measurement and calculation of the engineers, there is still about 50 meters away from the best blasting position. The passage is relatively narrow and can only accommodate one or two people digging in front, and the rest will be filled with soil in sacks at the back to dig out. The soil is transported out one by one. According to this excavation speed, it will take five days.

And if the Japanese army dug down from a relatively shallow place on the top of the mountain, they might be able to dig a passage in five days.

Once the passage was blown up halfway, half a month of hard work by the engineer battalion was in vain, and the plan to blow up the mountain fell through.

"No, we must speed up, and dig through before the little devil!"

Gao Fei hurried out and followed the deep trench outside to the foot of the mountain.

Seeing Gao Fei approaching, Duan Yulong, the battalion commander of the engineering battalion, said with a smile, "Is Commander Liu here to inspect? Don't worry, we can basically finish it in five days."

Gao Fei shook his head: "Takeuchi may have guessed our plan, so we must speed up, please give me a shovel, and let our advance team dig holes instead of our engineering battalion."

Duan Yulong frowned: "Digging holes is the job of the engineer battalion, it's fine if your advance team is only responsible for fighting."

"I know this, but you engineers have been working very hard recently, let's take a break first, and replace us with the advance regiment?"

"How can this work?" Duan Yulong disagreed.

But after all, human physical strength is limited. The soldiers of the engineering battalion worked non-stop around the clock. After half a month of excavation, many soldiers were already exhausted, and now they just gritted their teeth and persisted.

Dai Anlan also knew about this situation. In order to speed up the excavation, he ordered: "All the engineering battalions rest, and the advance regiment is replaced! The main regiment is responsible for the surrounding security tasks!"


When the order was issued, the soldiers of the engineer battalion had to obey obediently.

This is the 200th Division, with strict military discipline.

Gao Fei took a shovel from a soldier of an engineering battalion, and walked into the dug passage.

Now, they are going to compete with the Japanese army to see who can dig to the center first!
Gao Fei undoubtedly had confidence in his advance team. The army he led was not only capable of fighting, but also capable of digging holes!

"Yangdanzi, order the whole regiment to replace the soldiers of the engineer battalion, one by one, follow behind me, and carry out the shoveled soil!"

"Yes." Yang Danzi quickly conveyed the order.

Goofy followed the passage to the end of the excavation.

The inside of the passage is very dark, there is only a small hole dug in the wall, and a kerosene lamp is placed.

With the dim light, Gao Fei's shovel began to dance.

With his movements, all the muscles in his body moved.

The speed of digging with the shovel shocked the soldiers behind.

Gao Fei knows how to exercise very well, and sometimes even runs with the soldiers, so he has a strong physique.

Ah Yi behind was stunned for a moment, quickly filled the soil with a sack, and handed it to Meng Fanle behind.

If Meng gets annoyed, then pass it to Bu Lai, Bu Lai to Yao Ma, Snake Butt, Kang Ya...

one by one.

A day passed, and Gao Fei hardly stopped except for eating and sleeping.

He is like a never-ending engine, and the shovel in his hand keeps digging and digging.

The passageway was extremely hot and sweaty.

The military uniform was soaked, so he simply took it off and continued working shirtless.

One day, two days, three days,
One meter, two meters, three meters...

If you are tired from digging, you can change to Milong, if you are tired from digging, you can change to Mengfan...

The Japanese army sent a small group of troops to harass them, but they were all beaten back by the main force.

As time went by, the advance team completed the five-day workload in only three days.

Watching the soldiers expanding the cave and busy arranging explosives, Gao Fei felt as if his body had been emptied, and said weakly, "Yangdanzi, tell the teacher, I really want to eat meat!"

(End of this chapter)

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