Chapter 166 Poison Attack
Gao Fei took out the letter and handed it to Meng Fan: "Fan, this is a letter from your home. The address on the letter says Tongba."

Meng took an annoyance and grabbed the envelope, quickly ran to a place where no one was there, and then couldn't help crying silently.

Gao Fei walked over: "Die, die, tell me, in this world, the word loyalty is already very watery, and the word filial piety can no longer be sloppy. It's annoying, trust me, I will definitely save them from the copper Yes, don't do stupid things yourself!"

So Meng Fanle didn't run away privately to Tongba to find his parents.Because he believed what the group said.

The next day, Shangfeng was already urging the 200th Division to launch an attack.

Dai Anlan smoked a cigarette and looked at the cold water ditch in front of him through the binoculars. The corpses of the friendly soldiers were still lying there.

The wind was strong on the mountain, and the blowing snowflakes gradually covered them, turning them into white ice sculptures.

Gao Fei came to the forward position with a bulging backpack on his back.

Seeing him, Dai Anlan asked, "How is it? After thinking about it all night, did you come up with a good solution? If not, I will let the main force attack."

Gao Fei opened the backpack, revealing the poison, gas, and bombs with skulls and bones painted inside.

Dai Anlan was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Where did you come from?"

"Long Wenwen gave it to me. It was seized in the cave at Nantianmen last time."

Dai Anlan understood completely: "It seems that Long Wenwen is indeed a talent, but it's a pity that it's just placed in Master Yu."

"Well, he is now in Master Yu to fulfill the kindness of knowing you, and I will poach him in the future."

Dai Anlan smiled: "Okay, don't mention him, tell me about your plan."

"Before we set off, we all looked at the map. If we want to quickly cross Gaoligong Mountain, this road is the shortest, and the terrain of this valley is also the lowest. We can think of this, and the enemy must also think of it. If I am the commander of the Japanese army Officer, the terrain here is dangerous, and we will definitely build a machine gun position on it. Moreover, the cannons cannot be transported up the mountain, and the upward attack is not good for us. If we use poisonous attack instead, it may work."

Dai Anlan praised: "You boy is smart, let's go, go back to the command post, and study the specific attack plan."

The fact that Gao Fei brought poison, gas, and bombs from the Sichuan Army surprised Meng Fanle and the others. Now they not only admire their team members, but also admire them even more.

After entering the headquarters, Dai Anlan went straight to the topic: "Gao Fei, tell me your thinking."

Gao Fei pointed to the map and said, "The mountain peaks on both sides are very dangerous. The fortifications built by the enemy are facing each other, showing crossfire. If you attack any mountain, your back will be exposed to the enemy's heavy firepower. attack."

"In order to reduce casualties, I suggest that we first fire poison, gas, and bombs at the little devils. The devils on the top of the mountain must not think that we will use the things they researched. We have to borrow the gas masks of the nearby friendly forces to form two assaults. Team, after launching the attack, rushed up with gas masks."

Dai Anlan said: "Well, that's it. As for the assault team, the advance regiment will form one, and the main force will form one. The two teams are divided into left and right wings, and attack the mountains on both sides at the same time."

The attack plan was quickly determined, and as for the preparations and order delivery, someone would naturally execute them.

In half a day, the preparations for the attack were all ready.

Milong took the advance group of soldiers equipped with gas masks and formed a commando.

On the other side, the main group also organized a team.

Krupp mounted a Type [-] light mortar and began to predict the distance and find the angle.

Behind his buttocks, followed by a group of artillery.

The [-] Light Mortar, also known as the "Small Steel Cannon", is a small light artillery. It is flexible and light when used, and is suitable for accompanying infantry in activities.

Gao Fei wore a gas mask and asked Krupp: "How does this thing aim? Is it the same as the anti-aircraft artillery, aiming for one shot, aiming for one shot?"

Hearing these words, everyone laughed.

Krupp explained while holding the grenade with his hands: "The shells fired by this mortar are curved and cannot be aimed directly. Adjust the angle of the gun body based on experience."

"Of course, what is being fired now is a poison. gas. bomb. There is no need to aim too precisely, as long as it can be launched into the enemy's position on the top of the mountain."

As he spoke, he quickly pulled out the safety latch of the shell.

Then with a bang, the first poison.gas.bomb was fired.

The poison, gas, and bullets traveled a distance of more than 1000 meters and landed accurately on the enemy's position on the left hill.

A puff of black smoke filled the air in an instant, and the devils on the battlefield suddenly became chaotic, and there were screams.

"(Japanese) enemy attack!"

"(Japanese) is poison.gas.bomb!"

"(Japanese) Ah~ I can't breathe!"

The screams of the little devils and the sound of panic came from afar.

"Bang bang bang!"

One after another, the poison, gas, and bullets were fired at the hills on both sides.

Repay him in his way!

The veterans of the advance group watched silently. Such a scene reminded them of the battlefield where the little devils used these things to kill them.

Feng Shui turns, and now it's the little devil's turn to taste the conscienceless weapon he has developed.

On the hills on both sides, poisonous smoke billowed.

Because many little devils did not have gas masks, most of them coughed violently, then fell to the ground and convulsed, scratching their necks or covering their mouth and nose, but this was meaningless and they could only die slowly in the end.

A small number of veterans, looking for a place where the poisonous fog is thinner, began to flee down the mountain.

Milong shouted: "Go!"

The soldiers behind shouted together: "Come on!"

Stepping on the snowflakes and taking advantage of the thick smoke, the soldiers rushed up bravely.

There was hardly any resistance.

Only a small group of surviving devils covered their mouths and noses with wet cloth strips, and finally escaped from the position and fought bayonets with the commandos.

Yu Xiaoqing stood far away, holding a binoculars, watching this scene began to regret.

Dai Anlan also held the binoculars and ordered the large troops to be ready at all times, once the poisonous fog dissipated, they would immediately rush up for reinforcements.

A big man rushed in front of Milong. This was a newly trained younger brother named Liu Bo, also a Dongbei guy.

Bula yelled to the soldiers behind him: "Bayonet fighting is about skill. First of all, you can't lose in momentum. Don't be afraid. You'll be finished as soon as you coax."

"Look at me, hide for a while, and then stab again!"

Fighting a bayonet with a little devil is not spicy, this is the real combat teaching.

Suddenly Zangmenxing ran over, slashed vertically, and directly grabbed the head.

Bula complained: "Sangmen Xing, why did you kill so fast, didn't you see that I was teaching people?"

Sangmenxing just said: "Brother, if there is another one, I will kill a hundred!"

Meng Fanran picked up the 98k, sniped and killed a kid who was about to fire a grenade, and said to the snipers behind him: "Bayonet fights are only done when there are no bullets. If there are bullets, killing him with a gun is not enough Is it fragrant? Don’t be stupid, training and battlefield are two different things, one word, kill! If you kill too much, you will die!"

The group of snipers at the back understood, and immediately held their sniper rifles to find a location to kill the little devil.

A recruit who has never seen blood will inevitably be dazed and dazed for the first time, not knowing what to do. After seeing more and seeing more, he will gradually become a veteran.

With a generation of veterans leading a generation of recruits, Gao Fei slowly felt that the advance group had finally grown up.

A battle ended without suspense.

The devils on the top of the mountains on both sides consisted of two teams, about 300 people, most of them were killed by poisonous smoke, and a small part were killed.

The 200th Division used a poisonous attack and took Lengshuigou without bloodshed.

After receiving the good news, the general headquarters proposed to reward the 200th Division, and awarded Gao Fei, the hero, 1000 yuan to Xian Dayang.

Milong joked: "Tuan Zuo, you must treat the brothers to a good meal!"

Gao Fei smiled: "When the battle is over and the life is good, I will treat the whole group to dinner and drink celebration wine!"

"it is good!"

The soldiers of the advance group all applauded.

After capturing Lengshuigou, the large forces continued to advance.

Master Yu doesn't intend to go ahead now, and if he does it again and again, he won't be able to afford to lose this person.

Tang Ji stood behind and comforted: "Nephew Yu, don't be discouraged. The road ahead is still long. After passing this mountain, the copper cymbals are the biggest obstacle. These cold water ditches are not worth mentioning."

Having said that, Yu Xiaoqing was full of disappointment, maybe he expected too much from his Master Yu.

Tang Ji continued: "Nephew Yu may not know that the 200th Division's success has been reported frequently recently. Although the general headquarters is very happy, the 200th Division has completely stolen the limelight, and the divisions of the other divisions are very unhappy. We have already quietly met in private to discuss the next battle plan, and nephew Yu can rest assured that the 200th Division will never participate in the attack on the copper cymbals."

(End of this chapter)

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