Chapter 169 Joint Killing

The advance team borrowed Long Wenwen as the captain of the special team. This was the first time everyone encountered such a thing.

However, Gao Fei wrote in the application report that it was a joint reconnaissance operation between the 200th Division and the Yu Division.

Long Wenwen represents Master Yu and is the captain. If this operation is successful, it will be a great contribution to conquering Tongba.

Therefore, Shangfeng also agreed to this "secondment" plan.

Soon a team of 20 people assembled, led by Long Wenwen.

The guerrillas were familiar with the terrain of this area, so in order to hide their whereabouts, they naturally participated in the cooperation and led the way in front.

On the way forward, Meng Fanle began to chatter with Milong and the others again: "Is there anything else the leader can borrow?"

Mi Long said: "Actually, you all know what the team thinks. Although I really want to kill the guy in front, but now he is our captain, it seems to be pretty good."

Yao Ma said: "To tell you the truth, I'm dead in Master Yu...I'm wronged."

Bu Lai chuckled: "Bastard, tell me, don't our group members even want to pay it back?"

Dou Cake could tell: "Needless to say, Sisi is our instructor!"

Gao Fei watched them leave, and ordered Ah Yi: "Immediately send a battalion to meet them at the rope bridge."

"Yes!" Ah Yi found a battalion commander and set off with a battalion.

A day later, Goofy received a telegram from the team.

"Tuan Zuo, the team has safely arrived in Heshun Town and found Meng Fanle's parents."

Gao Fei looked at the telegram and breathed a sigh of relief, "Yangdanzi, call back immediately and ask the team to withdraw immediately after completing the reconnaissance mission!"


As the night passed, Gao Fei was a little worried, and came to the rope bridge to wait.

"What's the matter, haven't you come yet?"

Ah Yi shook her head: "No."

At this moment, there was a burst of intense gunshots ahead.

The special team was about to reach the cable bridge, but they were followed by a group of chasing devils.

Now it is 200 meters away from the bridgehead, and the little devil's grenade is starting to correct the impact point.

But at this moment, there was a bang, and a shell on the side of the bridge was bombarded. The legs of a ghost grenadier were blown off, leaving only the upper body.

Gao Fei immediately said: "Fight!"

The machine guns of the [-]st Battalion immediately began to fire frantically, covering the group across the bridge.

"Cut these bastards to death!"

Milong knew that Tuan Zuo had come to meet them, so he turned his head immediately, and the machine guns also roared.

Several Thompson submachine guns that want to be spicy are fired together, and all the bullets are blocked.

The Japanese army's machine guns gave up on Meng Fanle and Little Bookworm who were running in the forefront, and immediately turned their guns around, firing at each other with the expeditionary army on the other side of the bridge.

And those guerrillas were originally in charge of the rear. After rushing out of the forest, one of them was knocked down by the Japanese machine gun, but they were really not afraid of death, and used all kinds of crude weapons to fight the little devils.

Meng Fanao hid in a position with a wide view, and the 98 in his hand began to exert unprecedented power.

He kept looking for the enemy's machine gunners, grenade launchers, etc. to snipe and kill those with stronger firepower.

Master Shihang shouted: "Go quickly, the little devil's reinforcements will be here soon, and we have half an hour to cross the cable bridge."

Long Wenwen gasped: "The devil's pursuers probably only have one squadron, less than 200 people. The troops sent by the advance group can completely eat them!"

Gao Fei had already ordered the two companies of the first battalion to ambush on the left and right sides of the woods on the opposite bank, first let the chasing devils enter the encirclement, and then gave an order: "Enclose!"

"Da da da……!"

Immediately afterwards, airtight bullets were shot at the devil crazily.

The Japanese army couldn't stop this ferocious attack at all, and the pursuit was immediately stopped.

Of course, this was just an appetizer, what Gao Fei wanted was to eat up the devil's squadron in one bite.

"Krupp, it's time for the artillery battalion to perform!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!" Krupp had already set the artillery battalion in the best position for shelling, and the [-] artillery shells were all in place.

"Three rounds, six rounds, fire!"

One command.

There was a sudden booming sound, and dozens of shells landed among the devils, killing dozens of devils in an instant.

Originally, Gao Fei wanted to transfer the chariot company that had just arrived, but the trees here are tall and dense, and there are many cliffs, it is very inconvenient for the chariot to move, so he gave up.

But the battalion he brought along with the artillery battalion was enough to deal with the devil's squadron.

"Baga! Retreat!"

The devil's squadron leader knew he was in an ambush and wanted to lead his men to retreat.

However, the first advance battalion had already set up a pocket formation, waiting for the devils to drill in.

Because the bite was too tight, the leader of the devil squadron didn't conduct a careful reconnaissance at all, so he fell into the encirclement.

"Destroy them!"

The soldiers of the first battalion in advance began to shrink their formation and work together to kill them.

The devils fell into siege and were attacked from all sides. Under the joint strangling of the first advance battalion and the guerrillas, they were all wiped out in the end.

After quickly cleaning the battlefield, the advance group blew up the cable bridge.

On the way back, Krupp asked Master Shihang: "Monk, why are you so fat?"

Master Shihang replied: "Because I am a vegetarian."

Krupp was full of doubts: "Being a vegetarian makes you fat, so I'd better eat meat in the future."

Milong asked: "Master, don't monks do not kill animals? Just now I saw that you killed more devils than me."

Master Shihang said: "The almsgiver is right. A monk should be merciful. However, the world is full of demons and demons. I can't become a Bodhisattva who saves the world. I have to be an arhat who protects the country! For the sake of this country, I took up the sword and gun."

Sangmen Xing said: "The legend is true, they fought really fiercely!"

Bula said: "I thought the master was bragging. He said that there are thousands of people like this."

Mi Long was shocked and said: "Bragging, with their desperate style of play, hundreds of thousands are not enough to make."

Douban nodded desperately: "Yeah! It's almost a war."

Snake Butt: "Believe it or not? I saw a guy with a bent barrel."

Kang Ya speculated: "Is it possible that the bullets fired will also bend?"

Meng annoyed and said: "Their grenade is just a lump of iron, connected to a tree stick, filled with black powder, and a cotton thread dipped in kerosene. This kind of equipment is worse than ours. I don't know. How many times. I used to think that our Sichuan army was poor, but I didn’t expect them to be even poorer than us.”

Veterinarian Hao said: "They don't have medical kits, they can only stop the bleeding with burnt white ash."

They spoke word by word, and it was impossible to conceal the shock and admiration in their words.

They began to feel that they ate better than others, wore warmer clothing, and had better equipment than others, but they seemed to be inferior to others in terms of courage.

Gao Fei is also the first contact with red armed in the true sense.Looking at their outfits, it's hard to imagine that they won in the end.

There are many reasons for this, but in the end there is only one explanation that is the most appropriate-the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world!

Meng Fanlai came over and whispered: "Tuanzuo, those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. These people are all red, and it is not easy to get too close. Be careful if someone spreads rumors and makes trouble, this matter may be very difficult Explained clearly."

Gao Fei smiled: "Don't worry, I know what's going on. Just keep them for one night, and they will leave tomorrow."

After returning to the station, these people didn't even stay overnight, but just had dinner.

District Captain Zhao Qingsong said: "Thank you brothers for your hospitality. I used your radio to contact the organization and got new orders. Therefore, we had to leave overnight."

Gao Fei said: "Then I won't force you to stay, we will meet later!"

"There will be a period later!"

Gao Fei motioned to Meng Fanyue: "Bring them some food and eat it on the way."


Zhao Qingsong looked at those cans: "This is so embarrassing."

"We have no shortage of canned food. This is also to support you in fighting devils."

"Then I'll thank you on behalf of the district team!" Zhao Qingsong didn't refuse, because they were going to find a large army to meet up, and the journey was far away, and they really needed some food on the way.

After saying goodbye, Gao Fei immediately reported the intelligence he had detected. With the enemy's firepower deployment, Shangfeng once again formulated a plan to attack Tongba.

In addition, after the capture of Songshan, tank units and artillery units can be transported to the front line by road, but some need to be dismantled and transported by truck, so the speed is slower.

(End of this chapter)

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