Chapter 178 Itchy Hands

Meng Fanle's gunshots completely caught the attention of Japanese snipers.

A little devil lay on a double-sloped roof, pointed his gun at Meng Fanle.

Bula next to him also estimated the distance, and placed the bullet at about three centimeters above the scope.


Then the bullet passed through 400 meters of air and hit the sniper in the forehead, killing him with one shot.

The Japanese army seemed to have noticed that the group's marksmanship was very accurate, and temporarily received an order to hide.

There was no obvious target in front of him, so Yu Meng signaled to continue searching forward.

Bu La followed Long Wenwen to advance together, and behind them were two hundred soldiers who were ready to support them.

Some of these people are from the reconnaissance camp, and some are from non-spicy people.

They moved very quickly, rushing all the way to a building about 200 meters to the left of the church, and spread out against the wall in front of the door.

Long Wenwen motioned for a squad with submachine guns to rush in.

There was the sound of firefighting in the building, and then a grenade was heard and thrown into it.

After the grenade exploded, all infantry rushed into the building.

Meng Fanle and several veterans set up guns in the distance and closely monitored several windows, but they did not find the Japanese soldiers jumping out of the windows to escape.

A few minutes later, accompanied by several gunshots and explosions of grenades, Meng Fanle then reported: "Tuan Zuo, there are only about twenty little devils in the building, and there is only one sniper. It seems that many devils are hiding in the city." In the large building in the center, our team is now using this building as a support point before continuing to advance towards the church."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety." Gao Fei instructed.

The soldiers of the sniper team immediately climbed to the third floor.

The mortar group brought by Krupp was set up at the corner of the building, and the bearded heavy machine gun was also set up.

Meng Fanle also found a window on the second floor, loaded the bullet, and was ready to shoot at any time.

He leaned out part of his body cautiously again, observed the church in the distance with the scope, and soon found a target he was looking for.

The enemy sniper hid in the window on the second floor of the church, and the sniper rifle in his hand was equipped with a relatively small scope.

Just as Meng Fanle aimed at him, the Japanese sniper fired first.

Not at him, but at a soldier who peeped out and observed in the distance.

There was no time to remind, the soldier fell down after the gunshot sounded.

Meng Fan stared motionlessly, and saw that the Japanese sniper was pulling the trigger to reload, quickly pulled the trigger, and the bullet passed through the opponent's cheek!

The veterinarian and Xiao Zui immediately went up to save people.

Throughout the day, this process repeated itself over and over again.

Mengfan and a few other veterans shot at any enemy that appeared in the windows of the building, while the front commandos stormed the building and cleared the house of resisters.

At this time in the basement of the church, Cang Shige Kangmei received news that snipers were being shot.

He already knew that in order to deal with them, the expeditionary force also organized a group of veterans with good marksmanship.

"Baga! Get my sniper rifle!"


His guards immediately brought a Mosin Nagant sniper rifle.

This sniper rifle was seized by a friend of his on the battlefield and later given to him as a birthday present.

On this Mosin Nagant sniper rifle, there is a very long scope, which is larger and longer than that used by ordinary soldiers. It is a relatively rare eight-fold scope at that time.

A major commander standing on his left knew that Zang Shige Yasumi would go into battle in person, and persuaded him: "Your Excellency, your safety is more important, and you should stay at the headquarters, please leave this kind of thing to our subordinates to do." !"

Zang Chong Kangmei took the auspicious suit from the guard, put it on meticulously, then picked up his beloved Mosin Nagant sniper rifle, and said: "Now the army is approaching the city, and my regiment is almost wiped out! I am hiding in the What's the use in the headquarters? Waiting to die?"

"Send my order to burn all the telegrams and codebooks, and destroy all important documents. At the same time, let the warriors of the empire leave the last bullet for themselves. This is my last order. If you want to break through, you can Break out, and if you fail, accompany me and bury this city!"

After speaking, he climbed up a staircase to the roof of the church.

On the roof, there is a huge cross.

And below the cross is a hexagonal spire.

Above is a small attic.

He climbed up a wooden ladder inside, found a place near the window and lay down quietly.


The advance group gradually approached the church, and the Japanese soldiers in the church were forced to rush out of it.

At this time, there are firepower points of the expeditionary army all around, how could it be possible for the Japanese army to break through.

All the mortars and heavy machine guns set fire instantly.

A Japanese army team of about 70 people were all killed as soon as they rushed out.

The few remaining Japanese troops did not dare to continue to rush out, so they could only retreat, relying on the strong church to struggle.

Because of his arm injury, Milong put on a thick bandage, and the reconnaissance battalion was handed over to the deputy battalion commander for temporary leadership.

He lay beside Gao Fei and complained: "You, the leader, said that the commander should not take the risk easily. Now you have broken your promise, you won't let me charge into the battle, won't you also target yourself?"

Gao Fei was wearing a steel helmet and lying on a window on the second floor in the distance, explaining in a low voice: "The situation is a little different now. The Japanese snipers have almost wiped out. I came here to boost morale. "

In fact, he was itchy.

"Tuan Zuo, let me have a shot?" Krupp started yelling again.

"One shot for what? Fifty shots! Blow me down that church!"

"Yes, group seat."

After repeated requests, Krupp obtained the right to fifty shells, and the violent artillery fire hit the top of the church, almost blowing down half of the building.

But the church is reinforced with cement and steel, which can be called a bunker.

Especially the hexagonal spire on the top, and three layers of iron plates are added inside. No matter how it is fried, the cement will fall down one after another, and the iron plates inside will not fall.

Kangmei Zangzhong, lying on the top of the tower, remained motionless, patiently observing with an [-]x lens.

He had already guessed that the opponent was able to crack his sniper tactics so quickly, there must be a commander who is proficient in sniping.

For half a day, he was very patient and did not shoot to expose his position.

Mengfan took off his helmet, hung it on the muzzle of the gun, and raised it gently.

From the outside, it looks like a person wearing a helmet wants to peek out.

Kangmei Zangshige found the steel helmet that was slowly rising. He was about to pull the trigger, but then he held back suddenly, because he sensed a hint of conspiracy, so he didn't shoot, but quickly looked at other windows.

Seeing that Meng Fanle failed to lure the enemy, Mi Long smiled and said: "Fanla, your trick is not effective!"

He struggled to sit up, leaned against the window, and slowly moved up with his helmet on his head. He didn't dare to expose all of it, only the top of his hat was exposed. Even if the enemy shot him, he could only knock off his helmet .

However, the other party remained silent.

Mi Long smiled and said, "Perhaps the little devils are already afraid of being beaten by us, so they hide in the church and don't dare to shoot."

Gao Fei frowned slightly, wondering if he had guessed wrong, there were no snipers in the church now?
Under the cover of mortars and heavy machine guns, Long Wenwen had led an assault team through a row of houses to the door of the church.

The same trick, first throw a grenade inside, and then shoot with a submachine gun.

There are less than 50 Japanese soldiers left in the church, unable to withstand such firepower, they all retreated to the second floor.

Meng Fanle stretched out the 98K in his hand out of the window, and slowly turned his head, wanting to check it out.

Just then, there was a pop.

The bullet shot by Zang Chong Kangmei almost hit, and the helmet was knocked away.

The lace on the helmet lifted up and slammed on the cheek with great force, leaving a dark purple welt on Meng Fanle's face.

Meng Fan was so frightened that he and Mi Long quickly lay down on the ground.

Gao Fei asked, "Did you see the gunfire?"

Meng Fanle, Milong and several veterans nearby all shook their heads.

The gunshots just now were very low, and it was almost impossible to judge the exact direction of the shots. This was because the opponent's sniper rifle was equipped with a silencer.

(End of this chapter)

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