Chapter 180 Stilwell Leaves
With the arrival of the rainy season, daily rest and training, watching performances, and flirting with beautiful women are the most common things soldiers do now.

In order to reward the bravery of the Chinese soldiers, Stilwell also specially sent people to raise pigs in Leido, so as to ensure that the troops could get fresh meat supply.

Compared with the difficult country, Myitkyina at this time is a paradise.

However, because Stilwell sympathized with the red armed forces and supported the cause of democracy in the country, he received a cold reception from Peanut.

Before the road was completed, Stilwell was recalled to the country.

At the farewell dinner, Stilwell clinked glasses and drank farewell to every division commander and regimental commander who had fought side by side.

Stilwell was actually a very good international friend, but not a very good diplomat.

Thinking back to the failure of the first expedition, Stilwell ordered the expeditionary force to withdraw to India, wanting to follow his ideas and build the expeditionary force into an American army.

But both the principal and Du Yuming were wary of Stilwell, for fear that Stilwell would escape their control after bringing the army to India.

The expeditionary force was too important to the principal, so Du Yuming was ordered to lead the 200th division back to China.

Finally, Stilwell found Goofy.

The two of them didn't know each other well, but that didn't prevent them from chatting.

The two found a quiet place to sit down.

"Come on." Gao Fei and Stilwell clinked a glass.

Stilwell said: "Actually, I hate this kind of party very much. Some people come to see them off in a hypocritical way."

Gao Fei felt the same way: "Sometimes you can't help yourself. In China, if you don't come, you will give people the impression that you are not sociable. Therefore, such entertainment is inevitable."

"Well, yes." Stilwell nodded, "I'm very interested in your reorganized advance regiment, especially your special operations brigade. We also have such special forces in our country."

"I think future wars will be diversified and three-dimensional. Such troops can perform tasks that go deep behind enemy lines, such as beheading directly."

This advanced concept made Stilwell very interested, and he felt like seeing each other later.

"You are really different, and your ideas are very advanced." Stilwell praised, "But with your current status, it may be difficult to form such an army. Now, you should understand what I mean .”

"I see."

Gao Fei nodded. Stilwell understood so well because he personally took over the logistics of the expeditionary army, and delivered equipment and food to every soldier without going through the hands of the blood-sucking generals of the fruit army.

Stilwell poured the wine, and lightly touched the glass with Gao Fei: "I know how serious the current situation is within you, corruption, negligence, infidelity, waste of soldiers' lives, chaotic economy, heavy taxes, empty talk Without actual operation, hoarding supplies, black market transactions, and even trading with the enemy."

Gao Fei accompanied him for a sip of wine: "The general summed it up very brilliantly. What you said reminded me that the military supplies that Master Yu sent to the Sichuan Army were all a pile of tatters, and there was a sewing machine in it. ridiculous?"

Stilwell looked a little drunk: "I also remember that once, they asked me for [-] US dollars to repair an airport toilet! Also, after the aid materials arrive in the country, they will soon flow into the black market. Afterwards, I was surprised to find that all the equipment in the enemy's hands was our country's equipment, it was ridiculous!"

He became more and more angry, and drank half a bottle of whiskey in one go: "I have never understood your thinking, many people are thieves, sometimes worse than thieves, they steal part of the aid supplies, and then Put it in your own pocket. Those supplies are going to be distributed to the soldiers for fighting, and if they take them away, won’t your conscience hurt?”

Gao Fei listened quietly, these are all ills that have accumulated for a long time.

Stilwell drank another glass of wine: "Peanut is really a wooden head. The road here has not been completed, and the battle in northern Burma has not yet been fought, so they rushed to drive me away... It's a waste of time. Donkey, you're so stupid!"

Gao Fei saw that Stilwell's voice was a little louder, and if he cursed again, he might cause trouble, so he waved for the guards next to him to come over.

"General, you drank too much, why don't I have someone escort you back to rest?"

Stilwell shook his head: "I'm not drunk, I just want to chat with someone. Thank you for listening to me alone tonight. It's much easier to say what's in my heart. I hope to see you again in the future .”

"General, we will meet later!" Gao Fei called the secretary next to him to come over.

Smith's secretary was called Marina, and she showed the advance group what it meant to be a living western blonde.

Big breasts, big buttocks, slender waist, the key is wearing a military uniform, the chest is about to be burst by two balls, making a group of old bachelors get nosebleeds just by looking at it.

What made them envy and hate the most was that ever since Marina took a look at Gao Fei, she immediately fell in love with this young, handsome, elegant and reserved leader.

This can't be completely blamed on Marina. Compared with Gao Fei's handsomeness, the rest of them look crooked, or they are too old.

At the reception, she took the wine glass and told her room number.

This is also the characteristic of the people of the United States, who are enthusiastic and unrestrained.

Gao Fei had to politely refuse. In his heart, he still liked gentle and virtuous Huaxia girls more.


The next day, Stilwell first flew to the country, and then flew back to the country.

Gao Fei has always respected Stilwell in his heart. He built a transportation road and laid an oil pipeline. Although the road was abandoned after only half a year, the materials and fuel delivered solved the problem of the Japanese army. China's blockade.

No matter how messed up Stilwell was in command or diplomacy, such contributions should be respected.

Two months later, the continuous rainy season finally passed.

The troops stationed in India were ordered by the Chinese side to divide the new 1st Army and the new 6th Army into two groups and continue to advance eastward, approaching the Bhamo area.

Regarding the defeat in northern Myanmar, the Japanese army urgently dispatched a part of the 2nd Division from Nankan to support them, and gathered the remnants of the 18th Division that had retreated from Menggong and Myitkyina, as well as a part of the 53rd Division. The 49th Division, with a total of about 5000 people, actively deployed in the Bhamo area, strengthened fortifications, and attempted to continue to resist.


Many Japanese soldiers fled all the way from the front line of the Nujiang River, or the Menggong River Valley was defeated by the Indian troops, and they managed to escape here after a long journey, and then gathered here.

The panic-stricken Japanese army brought a large number of wounded, hungry, depressed, and lacking in supplies, and they were no longer as ferocious as they were when they threatened Nujiang.

At this time, the Japanese army attacking from the domestic direction also expressed that they were unable to do what they wanted, and it was impossible to continue to advance to the west of Yunnan, so as to echo the Japanese army in northern Myanmar.

Although the balance of the war has no choice but to sink to the Chinese side, the Japanese army has not yet despaired, and still has a fluke mentality, and the beast is still fighting.

General Honda Zhengcai set up the army headquarters in Mangyou, and strictly ordered all ministries to fortify the western Yunnan expeditionary force step by step on the way out of Yunnan, and resist every step of the way.

At the same time, he desperately "requested combat guidance" from the Burmese General Army Command, which is what he meant by asking for help in disguise.

In fact, many upper echelons of the Japanese army knew that after the fall of Matsuyama, the situation in northern Myanmar could not be recovered, but they still had a glimmer of hope for the overall situation in Myanmar.

This glimmer of expectation is mainly placed on the Japanese army in southern Myanmar. I hope that southern Myanmar can spare some of its forces to go north to support and revive the war situation in northern Myanmar.

As for how to draw out troops, there is a view in the Japanese army: there is a local Burmese armed force in southern Myanmar. The general is Aung San, who has a very close relationship with the Japanese side. The Japanese army provided help and was a great good citizen.

After the Songshan, Tongba, and Longling battles, the Japanese army, which was short on strength, attempted to reorganize Aung San's troops into the Burma Army, hoping to assist the Japanese army in combat under the guidance of Japanese advisers.

The Japanese army generally believed that the combat effectiveness of the Daying army was not strong. If Aung San’s Southern Burma National Army could take over the defense of the southern Burma from the Japanese army and resist the Daying army, the Japanese army could concentrate its elite troops to go north for reinforcements, so as to continue to cut off the transportation between Yunnan and Burma. line tasks.

It was wishful thinking for the Japanese army to do so. They forgot the disasters brought about by the invasion and the colonial rule they implemented. After receiving the news, Aung San, who aimed to pursue independence, felt resentful in his heart.

So, he was very uncooperative.

They didn't dare to offend the Japanese army too much, so they came up with a way, that is, to catch fish when they send troops, and to run away when they fight.

In this way, the Japanese army could not mobilize many troops in southern Myanmar to go north.

What the Japanese army can count on now is that they have not been willing to use the Bhamo garrison, which was specially reserved to stop the Indian troops.

The commander of the city defense commander is Yuan Haosan. Under his leadership, he has built fortifications in Bhamo for several months, hoping to rely on this ancient city of Bhamo to resist the advance of the expeditionary army.

(End of this chapter)

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