Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 184 Eight Mo Iron Barrel Formation

Chapter 184 Eight Mo Iron Barrel Formation

At this time, all the remnants of the defeated generals gathered in the headquarters of Yuan Haosan, the city defense commander of Bhamo.

In the conference room, there are Lieutenant General Masai Honda of the 33rd Army, Lieutenant General Shinichi Tanaka, Commander of the 18th Division (Jiku), Colonel Yamazaki Shiro of the 55th Infantry Regiment, and Sato Matasaburo of the 56th Infantry Regiment. wait.

Yuan Haosan looked at the group of people in front of him, sneered in his heart, and thought to himself that he still had the face to live after losing the battle. If he failed, he would choose to apologize by cutting open his stomach.

During this period of time, he concentrated on making defensive deployments in Bhamo, completely turning Bhamo into a steel fortress.

The ancient city of Bhamo is not large, with a width of about 3000 meters and a length of about 5000 meters. Yuan Haosan had two-thirds of his second search wing, about 2500 people stationed here.

He overhauled the fortifications, and it has been half a year now.

In order to build his lair, he banned people from entering the city half a year ago.

Many shelters are built with fourteen or five-story trees mixed with reinforced soil. It is estimated that a 150mm heavy artillery shell can only gnaw off a layer of skin if it hits it, and a direct hit by a [-]-pound bomb will not It must be able to blow up all the fortresses.

In front of the core position, anti-tank mines were buried in an area of ​​more than 100 meters, and a five-meter-wide and three-meter-deep trench was dug to prevent tank attacks. Heavy machine guns and other cross-fire networks were also used around the trench It is very difficult for the infantry to approach the blockade, let alone cross it.

Yuan Haosan divided his troops into three lines of defense for deployment: the first line of defense was placed along the Taiping River, a tributary of the Ayeyarwady River, forming a river defense position; the second line was deployed around Momark's airport; the third line was Defensive positions on the fortress.

His plan is to delay the attack of the Chinese army by resisting one by one, so as to make time for the remnants of the Japanese army to rest.

Honda Zhengcai looked at the deployment map of the Bhamo area drawn up by Yuan Haosan, frowned slightly, and asked in doubt: "Yuan Haojun, why did you put all your tanks in the position?"

Yuan Haosan smiled triumphantly: "General Bendo, you don't know something. This is the "iron barrel formation" invented by me. There are three lines of defense and a copper wall. I buried the tank in the position and used it as a support point to block the formation. Enemy armor."

Tanaka Shinichi heard it from the side, and immediately showed an inexplicable expression on his face, and questioned: "Mr. Yuan, I know that you are a top student in the 30th period of the Army School, and I don't know much about the formation of armored troops, but I have always had this question in my mind, if you bury the chariot in the soil, isn’t that completely abandoning the mobility of the chariot? Aren’t you using all chariots as live targets for the enemy?”

Hearing Tanaka Shinichi's doubts, Yuan Haosan suddenly became unhappy: "Tanaka-kun, I received the order from the base camp to stick to Bamianmo and delay the enemy's progress. This iron barrel formation is what I have been through for several months It was designed at the time, did you negate it with one sentence? To put it bluntly, you are a defeated general, so what qualifications do you have to question my plan?"

Tanaka Shinichi yelled angrily: "Baga! Road!"

As a lieutenant general with a bad temper, how could he endure the ridicule of a captain?It's two slaps when you go up.

"You dare to hit me?"

It turned out that San Hao was so angry that he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go up and fight Tanaka Shin.

But Mr. Honda would never allow them to fight at the meeting, what would that look like, so he sternly shouted: "Stop it all!"

As soon as he raised his hand, he slapped Yuan Haosan on the face, and said angrily: "The next crime is the next one, why don't you hurry up and apologize to General Tanaka!"

Although Yuan Haosan was angry in his heart, he had to bow his head and apologize because of Honda's suppression: "General Tanaka, please forgive me for my recklessness just now!"

Tanaka Shinichi snorted coldly: "You tortoise array, I don't agree."

Honda Masai also felt that there was a very big loophole in this plan. To bury the tank in the soil, according to what Tanaka Shinichi said, wouldn't it be a living target for the enemy?
At this time, Hara Haozo said: "General Honda, I have implemented martial law in the whole city very early on, and the military area is even more forbidden for idlers to enter. How could the enemy know about the tanks buried in the soil? My original plan was that when the enemy tanks attacked, our tanks buried in the ground fired unexpectedly, what kind of result would that be?"

Honda Zhengcai felt that if this was the case, the Iron Barrel Formation could really catch the enemy by surprise.

Yuan Haosan said again: "General Tanaka, failure is not terrible, but you need to learn more from the strengths of others, instead of pointing fingers at others' territory."

Tanaka Shinichi was so angry that he wanted to go up and slap him again, but was stopped by the chief of staff beside him.

Honda Zhengcai said: "Okay, since Yuan Haojun is the city defense commander of Bhamo and is in charge of the defense deployment here, I think we should prepare according to this iron barrel formation."

As a result, the Iron Bucket Project continued as usual.


In addition to the main force of the New First Army, the engineering unit also participated in the attack on Bhamo, and many heavy bulldozers were assembled.

The General Command now knows that the Japanese army has wreak havoc on the road from Myitkyina to Bhamo.

To fight, build roads first.

Everyone knew that the battle against Bhamo must be a fortified battle. If heavy weapons could not be transported to the front line, then attacking Bhamo would cost countless lives.

Sun Liren and Liao Yaoxiang have different personalities. Liao Yaoxiang is a fierce general. When fighting, he attacks fiercely, dares to fight, and likes to fight tough battles, but he doesn't pay much attention to the lives of soldiers. Often after a battle, the casualties of soldiers will be relatively large.

Sun Liren once studied abroad, and his way of thinking is the American style of play. He believes that the lives of soldiers are more important. As long as they can be solved with shells, they should be solved with shells as much as possible.

As a result, he also gained a nickname called "take your time".

Therefore, when he commanded the battle, the casualties appeared to be relatively small, which is one of the reasons why Sun Liren is deeply loved by the soldiers under his command.

Gao Fei's personality is more similar to Sun Liren's. If he can use artillery to settle it, he will never use the lives of soldiers to fill it up.

This time the New First Army mainly attacked Bhamo. According to Sun Liren's style of attack, they still had to step by step, and first transport all heavy firepower weapons such as mortars, mountain artillery, and field artillery to the front line of Bhamo.

Now that the road has been destroyed by the Japanese army, it is natural that the engineering troops are required to repair the road first.

Moreover, the Allied Army Headquarters mobilized a lot of bulldozers for this operation to cooperate with this offensive operation.

The news that the New 50th Division had breached Xibao made Sun Liren very happy, but at this time his main force was blocked by the first Japanese defense line along the Taiping River.

This is not the most important thing. What worries Sun Liren the most is intelligence.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles.

The Japanese army implemented a blockade of the whole city a few months ago, and conducted an in-depth investigation of the people who entered the city. Those who had any doubts were arrested and tortured in the city defense prison, and many spies were arrested.

The intelligence network was all but disrupted.

Today, Bhamo's information is bought from the locals of Burma with a lot of money, half-truths and half-false, and there is not much valuable information.

As for the high-altitude reconnaissance of the Allied Forces, first, it was restricted by the rainy season, and second, Yuan Haosan disguised all the military bases, so the detection was very limited.

To launch an attack on Bhamo, it is very important to first figure out the enemy's troop deployment and firepower distribution.

According to the intelligence of the locals, stationed in Bhamo is the Japanese Second Search Wing, with two armored squadrons.

But after several times of high-altitude reconnaissance by the Allied forces, they never found out where this armored force was hiding, which made Sun Liren feel uneasy all the time.

Therefore, he wanted to conduct a reconnaissance operation himself to obtain the exact location of this armored force.

The reconnaissance mission was originally carried out by the 5307th Mairel Commando (also known as Merel Commando, referred to as Mei Detachment or Mai Detachment), which can be said to be the predecessor of the special forces of the United States.

This unit is mainly engaged in the tasks of reconnaissance behind enemy lines, makeup penetration, and cutting off traffic.

It is necessary to airborne to Lashio, Namkan, Mandalay and other areas for infiltration and investigation, but Mairell said that there are not enough manpower to cross the Taiping River to investigate Bhamo.

Sun Liren understood that what he said was a thousand words and ten thousand words, all of which were evasive words of the Mai detachment.

He is too familiar with the working style of the people of the United States, and can only conduct investigations when safety is ensured. A task like this that needs to touch the heart of the enemy is too dangerous, and no one is willing to do it.

Therefore, they can only find ways to engage in intelligence by their expeditionary forces.

(End of this chapter)

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