Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 186 Touching 8 Mo City 3 Meters Down

Chapter 186 Touched 300 meters below Bhamo City

McLuhan looked at the rushing river in front of him, his face turned pale, and he said to Long Wenwen: "The current is a bit fast, we will be in danger if this continues!"

Long Wenwen laughed, turned his head to look at the few people following him, and said to McLuhan with a smile: "What? Are you afraid? I remember that your water skills are quite good! How can you still be afraid of this kind of place?"

McLuhan smiled wryly and shook his head, "Although I'm good at swimming, I never dared to swim in this kind of rapids! In the past, when we swam, we used fixed ropes. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Now you let me swim by myself. It's really scary."

Long Wenwen nodded: "People will be afraid sometimes, it's nothing. But with me here, you don't have to worry, I will hold you!"

McLuhan shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "I think it's both my luck and my misfortune to meet a guy like you. Back then, when you went to drill the Nantian Gate, I thought you were a bunch of lunatics. Now I feel that I am about to become a lunatic like you!"

After Long Wenwen and Meng Fan listened to it, they immediately became happy.

Milong led the few people in front to take off the equipment, took out the raincoat or tarpaulin, wrapped the equipment with these waterproof things, and tied them tightly with ropes, thus forming a floating rucksack.

The radio was heavy and too afraid of water, so McLuhan cut some branches and made a simple raft.

When they were ready, they descended into the water, and the current sent them galloping downstream.

The team members held on to their rucksacks tightly, floating on the water, like a few messy water plants, and swam towards the opposite bank in a diagonal line in the water.

Long Wenwen gave Meng Fan his rucksack, and he swam beside McLuhan, swimming with one hand and pulling McLuhan with the other.

McLuhan pulled the bamboo raft.

Two soldiers who were better at swimming were ordered by Long Wenwen to protect and assist the whole people.

The assistant of the whole people turned pale with fright, and splashed vigorously in the water with his rucksack in his arms. Fortunately, his water skills were not bad. Although he was nervous, he did not make mistakes. After nearly ten minutes of swimming, several people finally managed to climb. to the other side.

Don't look at the short ten minutes, this is a huge physical exertion for them.

After going ashore, everyone is soft-handed.

When they reached the shore, several people collapsed on the ground on their backs, gasping for breath like fish out of water.

McLuhan was lying on the ground, complaining out of breath: "Next time... next time I cross this river, I will never swim like this again! I want to take a boat!"

Long Wenwen was also very tired, but he could still accept it, and said out of breath, "Master Mai, you have to pursue a little higher, next time you will cross the bridge in a truck!"

As long as the Bhamo is attacked, the engineering corps will come here. This is not a dream, so everyone around laughs.


Long Wenwen led the group to rest in the woods overnight, and continued to set off for the next destination at dawn.

Along the way, they first conducted a careful investigation in the predetermined area outside Bhamo, and basically found out the distribution of the Japanese army's strongholds in the outermost area of ​​Bhamo.

The Japanese army had operated Bhamo for two years. After Yuan Haosan arrived with his troops, they stepped up their defense against Bhamo City.

It rained continuously during the rainy season, but the Japanese engineers never stopped construction. They used crude machinery to transport a large amount of cement, and built a large number of permanent and semi-permanent fortifications inside and outside Bhamo City.

In addition, a large number of traps were laid on the outskirts of Bhamo City.

The closer you get to Bhamo, the more cautious you have to be.

Long Wenwen asked the team's scouts to take out the auspicious suit from the backpack and put it on.

The Japanese army also transported a large amount of timber, rails, and steel plates through ships along the Irrawaddy River, and used all the strategic materials they looted to build various fortifications.

Long Wenwen took the mud egg to a half-finished Japanese military fortification.

This is a semi-permanent field fortification on the outskirts of Bhamo City.

The ground was dug to a depth of three to four meters, and logs with a diameter of 20 centimeters were reinforced on the four walls.

A large number of soil bags were piled up around it, and it was covered with log supports with a diameter of more than [-] centimeters.

Three layers were laid vertically and horizontally, forming a nearly one-meter-thick roof.

On top of the top, another half-meter-thick soil was covered, and vegetation was planted on top of the soil layer for camouflage.

The shooting holes are all opened close to the ground. As long as they are covered with some weeds, if you don't climb close, you won't be able to find them at all.

The firing range of the shooting holes is very wide, and basically there is not much obstruction. Once the Indian troops attack here under unknown circumstances, even if the Japanese army does not have heavy artillery, they can easily kill them with these staggered bunkers.

Moreover, these fortifications are very strong, and it is difficult to destroy them even if they approach them only with the 75mm mountain artillery at the regiment level.

If you want to take these positions, you can't completely destroy these bunkers unless you use tanks to cover the infantry's coordinated charge, or directly use tank guns to open the way.

Fortunately, the terrain here is open and relatively flat, which is more suitable for tanks to advance.

In order to train Nidan, Long Wenwen asked Nidan to find out all the Japanese military forts and dark forts in this area.

After exploring this area, they were very close to the core area of ​​Bhamo.

The four groups were divided into four directions, and the distance between each group was gradually widened. In order to prevent monitoring, the radio station remained silent, and they had lost contact with each other.

But the little devil did not carry out a comprehensive martial law and blockade, which means that they are all safe.

The number of Japanese patrols became more and more intensive, and the group could no longer operate during the day.

Taking advantage of the night, Long Wenwen touched the east of Bhamo city, and crawled into a tall bush 400 meters away from the city wall.

Although the Japanese army controlled Bhamo for a long time, and cut down a large number of trees around the city wall.

But even so, due to the humid climate here, as long as it rains, bushes and weeds can grow quickly, which also provides a lot of convenience for Long Wenwen's investigation operations.

The surrounding area of ​​Bhamo City was heavily guarded by the Japanese army, and it was impossible to light a fire for cooking. They could only lie down in the grass and eat some canned biscuits to satisfy their hunger.

Moreover, the load capacity is limited, even if you bring some extra food to carry your hunger, you can only eat sparingly. After a few days, you will almost eat it all.

Although Long Wenwen taught many ways to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes and leeches, but in such an environment, he spent most of his time crawling in muddy water, so there were places where he could not be protected.

Everyone's body was bruised and bruised by leech bites.

The skin on his body was soaked in water for a long time, and it was soaked.

Sometimes stretching out a hand and scratching can peel off a layer of skin.

In such an environment, they endured unbearable pain for ordinary people, and conducted reconnaissance on the Japanese army's positions on the outskirts of Bhamo.

But the Japanese army has never been able to find their traces.

As the number of days increased, Long Wenwen couldn't help but feel a little anxious. When he was about to set off, Sun Liren specifically explained that he must find out where the Japanese armored troops were hiding, but he didn't find a single tank along the way.

Could it be that the Japanese army secretly drove away the armored troops?

This situation is not impossible, but Long Wenwen always feels that things are a little weird.

Now the Japanese army is very strict at the gate of the city, and the locals have issued passes, so it is impossible for strange faces to get in.

The investigation may only end here.

At this time, the mud egg came back.

He scratched his head and said: "The devils below the city are digging a trench 100 meters away from the city wall. The devils have sealed off the entire area. I didn't dare to get too close. I only saw that the trench was about five meters wide. Old deep old deep, what does the devil want to do? Could it be that he wants to dig a moat?"

Long Wenwen immediately picked up the binoculars and took a look.

Many Japanese soldiers were active in some places outside the city wall, and there were also some people in casual clothes or shirtless, who were forced laborers by the Japanese army.

Some of these people are locals, and some are overseas Chinese or prisoners of war.

Long Wenwen carefully observed the wide trench that the Japanese army was digging, and whispered: "The Japanese army is not digging a moat, but an anti-tank trench, which is specially designed to deal with tanks. The little devil should have obtained information and knew that we have tanks. Prepared in advance."

 Thanks to Li Xiang 69218 for the reward, and thanks to the book friends for the monthly and recommendation tickets!There is another one tonight

(End of this chapter)

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