Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 188 A New Plan to Attack Eight Mo

Chapter 188 New Plan to Attack Bhamo
A large group of people had already gathered in the headquarters: Commander-in-Chief Wei Demai, Deputy Commander Zheng Dongguo, New Army Commander Sun Liren, Deputy Commander Jia Youhui;
Tang Shouzhi, commander of the new 30th division, Wen Xiaoshan, deputy commander, and Wu Xingzhong, chief of staff.And the three heads of the 88th, 89th, and 90th regiments;
Li Hong, the commander of the new 38th Division, Chen Mingren, the deputy commander, He Junheng, the chief of staff, and the three regiment leaders of the 112th, 113th, and 114th regiments.

The main regiment of the 200th Division was preparing to return to China, so Dai Anlan and others did not come to the meeting.

In addition, there are Colonel Hunter of the 5307th Unit of the United States, Colonel Brown, the commander of the tank, Zhao Zhenyu, the commander of the first battalion of the tank, Davis, the political consultant, and the captain of the Big Baby Ranger.

Gao Fei and Long Wenwen came to the scene, and all the eyes of the group were fixed on Long Wenwen's face.

Wedemeyer was not like Stilwell, he could not speak Chinese, so he said in English: "General Zheng, you should preside over this meeting."

His personality is not like the grumpy Stilwell, he is a very experienced diplomat, and he almost handed over the command to Zheng Dongguo.

He knew why Stilwell had a stalemate with Huaxia. If the command was delegated, he wouldn't have to worry about anything and just wait for the good news. Wouldn't that be a good thing?
Zheng Dongguo likes to act resolutely, without any nonsense, he cut straight to the point: "Commander Liu, your subordinates obtained the intelligence of the investigation, and no one knows the strength distribution of the Japanese army better than him. Next, let him talk about the eighth attack." Mo's idea."

On the road, Long Wenwen was thinking about how to attack Bhamo. At this time, when asked to tell him his plan to attack Bhamo, he didn't panic at all, and just opened his mouth:

"The Japanese army built 21 large and small strongholds along the Taiping River alone, guarding the dangerous places on the river bank, and the firepower from above could directly cover the river.

I led people to conduct a detailed investigation on the Miao Dike on the other side of the Taiping River. The Japanese army built a large area of ​​fortifications on the Miao Dike.

Although the Miaodi area seems to be more suitable for forced crossing on the surface, in fact, after our investigation, we believe that it is not a good place for forced crossing.

The north bank of the Miaodi area is relatively low-lying. Because of the impact of the flood, there are no trees and the terrain is open.

If our army gathers to cross the river, it will soon be discovered by the Japanese army.

And on the south bank, the terrain is higher, forming a hilly landform.

The Japanese army used the hills on the south bank of Miao Dike to build a large number of bright forts and dark forts on it. If they forced their way across, our army would probably suffer a lot of losses.

In addition, after investigating the water regime, although the rainy season has passed, the flow rate of this section of the river is still very fast.

Therefore, I think that the Miao Dike is not the best location for crossing. "

Zheng Dongguo nodded and asked, "Then do you have a suitable replacement?"

Long Wenwen replied without hesitation: "Yes! I found a chain bridge upstream. The Japanese army has not blown it up yet, so I think it can be used."

With a finger, he marked the location of the Iron Lock Bridge on the map hanging in front of him.

Zheng Dongguo, Sun Liren and others listened with frowns.

Sun Liren said: "If it weren't for this investigation, we would not have known that the Japanese army had made sufficient preparations at Miaodi, and crossing the river there rashly would have caused serious damage to our army.

However, I think there is also a problem with the iron chain bridge mentioned by deputy head Long just now. This iron chain bridge is the only bridge left by the Japanese army on the Taiping River. The Japanese army is well aware of the importance of this bridge.

Therefore, as long as the Japanese army finds out that we are attacking this chain bridge, they will definitely blow it up immediately and prevent us from taking the bridge. At that time, we will face the embarrassing situation of not being able to cross the river! "

Zheng Dongguo also nodded, agreeing with Sun Liren's concern: "If they only attack from the front, the Japanese army will definitely blow up the iron lock bridge first."

Gao Fei interjected: "This time crossing the river, we can't attack by force, we can only resort to outsmart."

Sun Liren immediately asked: "Do you already have a plan to seize the bridge?"

Gao Fei said bluntly: "I have gathered all the information collected by the four teams. About five miles downstream of the Iron Lock Bridge, the current there is barely enough to cross the river. We might as well send a company to sneak across the river first, and Dive near the chain bridge and wait for attack."

"When the main force approached the chain bridge, as soon as it found that the Japanese army was about to blow up the bridge, the company immediately launched an assault to seize the bridge, and then defended the bridge to cover the main force to cross the river!"

Zheng Dongguo and Sun Liren looked at each other again, with smiles on their faces.

Sun Liren smiled at Gao Fei: "You kid has a lot of ideas, and this time you overturned the plan that the War Department worked so hard to make!"

"This can't be blamed on me. According to the real intelligence analysis, I have to change the original plan, because this is the most correct choice!"

The more he said that, the more those people in the war department blush.

Zheng Dongguo said with a smile: "Okay. Your advance team has contributed a lot this time, and I will definitely reward you for your credit!"

"Thank you for the cultivation of Commander-in-Chief and Deputy Commander-in-Chief!"

Sun Liren turned back to the topic again, and said again: "Don't hide it, tell me all the plans for the future, I can't wait."


Gao Fei immediately picked up the baton, pointed to the map and said: "In order to stop our attack and delay our southward pace, the Japanese army laid a lot of traps around Bhamo, including Nanlao, Mabin, and Nanpu. There are iron nail boards, bamboo stick arrays, minefields... the specific locations, deputy head Long has marked on the map.

As for how to crack these traps, you are all masters in combat, so I don't need to go into details.

The most important intelligence gained from this operation was the exact location of the enemy's armored units.

Stationed in Bhamo City is the Japanese Second Search Wing, a special armored force with two motorized infantry squadrons and two tank squadrons.

The military seat has always wanted to listen to their movements, and the planes of the allies of the United States have been searching for their positions through high-altitude reconnaissance, but they have found nothing. "

As he said that, Gao Fei took out the blood-stained note: "When deputy head Long was resting, I analyzed the blueprint.

First of all, the outlying positions in Bhamo are semi-permanent and permanent fortifications. These fortifications are very strong, and I am afraid that only infantry and tanks can cooperate to break through them. However, the enemy dug a deep anti-tank trench, three meters deep and five meters wide. rice.

In addition, the idea of ​​the Japanese army is really weird. They actually thought of digging a pit and burying the tank in the ground, and covering it with vegetation camouflage, leaving only a muzzle, and wanted to strike our tank unexpectedly.

From the formation put out by the Japanese army, it can be seen that the Japanese army buried 100 tanks of different types within a width of 34 meters around the city wall of Bhamo, and intersected with [-] tracked armored vehicles to form a defensive formation. I call it the tortoise array. "

Following Gao Fei's explanation, everyone looked at the markings on the map.

The Japanese army lined up chariots around the Bhamo City Wall and used them as fortresses.

This map is a summary of all information. The enemy's troop deployment, firepower configuration, and fortification direction, including hidden bunkers and buried chariots, are all presented on the map with simple symbols.

Now that the map depicts it so thoroughly, the battle against Bhamo will be easy to fight.

Zheng Dongguo asked, "Maybe tell me about your plan to defeat the enemy?"

Gao Fei had thought about it a long time ago, so he answered easily and freely: "Our army is divided into two left and right columns with the 30th Division and the New 38th Division. The New 38th Division is the right column, and quickly wipe out all the Japanese troops on the north bank of the Taiping River.

The left column can quickly cross the river from the chain bridge on the Taiping River, reach Bulantan, and then divide into two groups to occupy Baihang and Xinlongkaba.

The new 38th Division carried out a feint attack with one part to contain the Japanese army and cut off the rear communication line of the Bhamo Japanese army.

At the same time, let General Pan's 50th Division contain the Japanese reinforcements in Mandalay and Lashio, and our army quickly launched a frontal attack on Bhamo with the main force.

The air force of the Allied Forces is used to bomb first, and at the same time the artillery on the road bombards the marked enemy armor, which is bound to be cleared one by one.

The first tank battalion and the second tank battalion of the New First Army were divided into left and right wings, and coordinated tactics with infantry and vehicles to quickly break through the enemy's front-line fortifications.

As for the anti-tank trenches in front of the city walls, the bulldozers of the engineering corps can hide behind the tanks and advance with the tanks. When they reach the anti-tank trenches, under the cover of the firepower of the tanks, the trenches can be filled with bulldozers.

As for reaching under the city wall, it is enough for the army to launch a general attack with all its strength. "

When Zheng Dongguo heard this, his face was full of joy. Gao Fei pointed out all the key points to defeat the enemy. He couldn't help applauding: "Okay, very good! That's really good!"

The people around also applauded quickly.

Goofy took a breath and saluted.

He just explained the strategy of defeating the enemy in general. As for the detailed deployment of troops, tactical arrangements, and the fire coordination of infantry, artillery, and air force, these are all the affairs of the war department.

(End of this chapter)

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