Chapter 224 Sun Tie
On the reverse slope on the back of the mountain, the backbone of the battalion and company of the advance regiment gathered together.

Gao Fei first said: "How to take down this barren grassland, I haven't thought about it for the time being. This kind of situation has not been encountered many times before, and you can also express your opinions."

At this time, the Japanese army should have known the arrival of the advance group, because when they arrived here, the reconnaissance battalion found an empty post left by the Japanese army at the foot of the mountain.

The Japanese army here did not stop the attack, nor did they build a line of defense. As soon as they saw the arrival of the advance group, they immediately retreated.

Obviously, the commander of the Japanese army is a smart man, and he is very aware of their current strength. Even if they stick to the high ground here, they may not be able to resist the shelling of the New Army.

Therefore, the commander of the Japanese army simply ordered to abandon the high ground here and retreat directly to the wasteland.

Gao Fei let the troops rest temporarily, set up guard posts around the area, and at the same time held a pre-war mobilization meeting for the backbone of the battalion company.

A military map was placed in front of everyone, and everyone put their heads on the map to watch carefully.

As for the environment in the open area, I have observed it with a telescope just now. It is obviously impossible to go around, because the terrain in this area is long and narrow. Investigation, which is contrary to the purpose of this trip.

"If you have any suggestions or ideas, you can talk about them."

Gao Fei let the backbone of these battalions and companies express their opinions and exercise their commanding ability.

Milong pointed at the map with his finger, and said confidently, "I don't think so much. The devils' main defensive areas are probably concentrated on both sides of the road. Although the terrain here is not good for us, But for the little devil, it is not much better. There is no danger in the wild grass, and we can only rely on these weeds to hide."

"Our light machine guns and submachine guns are more suitable for assault than the little devil's [-] big cover. If we encounter a devil in the wild grass and confront him head-on, the little devil is definitely not our opponent!"

"My suggestion is to kill them in one go, there's no need to ink them here!"

As soon as his words fell, Bula next to him immediately said: "I don't agree. Although what Milong said is correct, according to Xiao Dongyang's urine, he will definitely lay an ambush. Due to the barrier of weeds, we can't see the Japanese army at all. where.

Just bumping into it all the way, once it hits a solid bunker, the light and heavy machine guns fire, there are no obstacles to avoid, and it will cause great damage! "

"You can't be so reckless! My suggestion is to find out the situation first!"

After hearing this, Mi Long choked up, thought for a while, and didn't beat Bu Lai like before.

Instead, he nodded: "It's quite reasonable to say that it's not hot."

At this time, Yao Ma said, "I also think it's inappropriate to rush in directly. After all, we don't know anything about the distribution of devils. I think it's better to use a small team to conduct infiltration and investigation. After that, fire suppression will be carried out. In this way, even if you encounter a small group of blocking, you will not suffer too much loss!"

Meng Fanle crouched next to the map, looked at the map, and fell silent for a while after Dang Yaoma finished speaking.

Finally, pointing to the map, he said: "I think what they said is reasonable. The method of losing the dragon is too risky, and it will be a big loss! The method of making numbness is feasible, but there are also flaws. We are afraid that the Japanese army will concentrate their forces. We If the investigation is carried out in groups, it is necessary to prevent the little devils from dividing and encircling us."

Gao Fei listened carefully to each of them expressing their opinions.

Usually these people make suggestions first, and finally wait for the group seat to make up their minds.

In fact, the command ability of these guys is already very powerful.

He really wants to hear what ideas these guys can come up with, and if they can look at the problem from a higher angle and level.

Shila Shila added: "We can adopt the method of multi-point infiltration proposed by Fanla, and use small groups of troops to split up and infiltrate. Even if we encounter resistance, other groups can support each other.

In this way, we can find out the firepower distribution of the Japanese army in this area, and the loss will not be too great.

Another point is that the main force of the Japanese army may be deployed in the center of the barren grassland.The troops in other places will definitely be relatively weak.

There is a small forest on the east side, which is more suitable for large troops to hide.

I also observed on the west side, the terrain is relatively low, with only a few scattered big trees.

The little devil will definitely arrange machine guns and secret whistles on those big trees, which is very convenient to monitor a large area, which is not suitable for us to carry out large-scale operations.

So I figured that while the scouting team was moving forward, the rest of the main force made a detour from the east.

In addition, a surprise soldier was sent from the side and rear, inserted straight into the rear of the Japanese army, and searched for the artillery positions of the Japanese army over there! "

After Gao Fei listened to what he said, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "This method is good, and it is very thoughtful!"

The others nodded after listening.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Fei said again: "Now I order!"

As soon as they heard that the group seat was going to give an order, all the key members of the battalion and company present immediately stood up and puffed out their chests.

"The reconnaissance battalion, weaves through from the east side, enters the forest in the east, and penetrates from the forest to the rear of the Japanese army. It doesn't need to fight hard with the devils. It only needs to touch the rear side of the Japanese army and find the artillery unit of the Japanese army. success!
One battalion, two battalions and three battalions, organize six infiltration teams, the number should not be too many, a group of eight to ten people.

Keep a distance of 500 meters between each group.

Remember, once encountering the Japanese army, the investigation teams don't need to fight the devils head-on, they can retreat quickly or choose to hide on the spot. In short, we must pay attention to our own safety! "


Everyone agrees together.

"In addition, I want to emphasize that this kind of terrain is easy to deploy mines and traps, everyone be careful! Pass my order and start to act in 10 minutes!"

"Yes!" After hearing this, everyone saluted and left.

Yang Danzi put away the map and put it back into a waterproof leather file bag.

After everyone dispersed, they returned to the battalion headquarters or company headquarters and began to prepare.

Two infiltration teams were drawn from each battalion and assigned the best weapons.

Each team has a light machine gun team, a submachine gun, three rifles, a carbine, a sniper rifle, a liaison officer with a walkie-talkie, and an extra grenadier.

Such a combat team already possessed a fairly strong independent combat capability, even if it encountered a small team of the Japanese army, it could completely evacuate.

Ten minutes later, the six infiltration teams were fully dressed, camouflaged with thatch, and put on auspicious suits.

Milong took the brothers from the reconnaissance battalion and walked towards the small woods to the east, preparing to penetrate deeply.

Gao Fei led the rest of the main force and stood by for orders, ready for long-range fire support at any time.

Sun Tie, the leader of the third squad of the second battalion and the first company, held a shotgun and walked in the forefront of the No. [-] team, taking on the task of the vanguard.

He likes to use shotguns, which are perfect for close-range combat, and even have advantages over submachine guns.

Especially in such a thicket of weeds that is as deep as a person, it is very sharp.

Sun Tie has been following Ma, and at first he worked as an orderly for a period of time.

Later, Yao Ma felt that staying with her was a bit of a waste of her abilities.

So I was promoted to monitor.

Sun Tie is a hunter.Before the Japanese came, they often went hunting in the mountains, which allowed him to practice hunting skills and was very familiar with the jungle landscape.

So Gao Fei noticed Sun Tie after a promotion seminar.

Rang Yaoma put him in the second battalion and the first company as the squad leader for special training, and he was in charge of more than a dozen people.

In the past two years, he followed Yao Ma in the South and North Wars, and he has already become a qualified veteran and made a lot of military exploits.

Generally speaking, Yao Ma took good care of Sun Tie.

This time, it was Sun Tie who volunteered to join the investigation team.

(End of this chapter)

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