Chapter 239

The devil's tanks did not dare to get too close to the advance regiment's position, hid on the road 600 meters away, and carried out a round of shelling and machine gun fire towards the advance regiment's position.

The devil underestimated the power of the M heavy machine gun. The effective range of this machine gun can reach a full 800 meters, and the long-range shot can reach 500 meters. Of course, more than 600 meters can effectively penetrate the devil's bean tanks and thin-skinned armored vehicles.

Dead, dead, ran to the position of the heavy machine gun, observed the movement of the Devils tank, determined the model of the tank, and personally instructed the machine gunner to shoot.

"At this distance, the heavy machine gun bullets can't bite the Type [-] tank in the front. So don't hit it, just choose the armored vehicles and light tanks behind. Do you understand?"


The shooters shot over with a few long points, and an armored vehicle was hit with smoke and flames.

A devil officer was so frightened that he quickly ordered the three armored vehicles to retreat, including the two bean chariots, which had obviously been pierced through the armor, and also retreated desperately with their tails between their legs.

One of the devil's [-] tanks saw the blazing flames ejected from this heavy machine gun at this time, so it turned its muzzle and fired a few shots at the position of the heavy machine gun.

Several shells landed near the heavy machine gun bunker one after another, causing shrapnel to fly around the machine gun bunker.

One of the soldiers who was carrying the ammunition box was not injured by shrapnel, screamed in pain, dropped the ammunition box and fell to the ground.

"Being targeted! Go, go, move quickly!"

Die, die, yelled at the machine gunner, waving his hand.

At this time, the barrel of the machine gun became hot after several long bursts, and the soldiers of the machine gun team needed to dismantle the tripod immediately.

Asbestos gloves could have been used to disassemble the hot barrel, but they are no longer bothered to wear them.

In desperation, a soldier grabbed the hot barrel with both hands and lifted the gun body from the gun rack.

The other two soldiers took the opportunity to put on their gloves, lifted the heavy machine gun and ran, while the rest went to carry the tripod and the ammunition box.

Gao Fei saw that the soldiers were struggling to carry the tripod in the command post at the rear, so he hurried over, grabbed the tripod and carried it on his shoulders.


After saying hello, everyone ran with him.

The heavy machine gun team had just escaped from the bunker when a shell fell down.

With a bang, the machine gun bunker collapsed.

If a few people move a little slower, they will be completely reimbursed inside.

Even so, a soldier was hit by a stray bullet in the back and fell to the ground with a cry.

The rest of the people were also disgraced by the kicked up mud.

Gao Fei also hurriedly lay down to avoid it.

The mission of Sangmen Xing is to ensure the safety of the regiment, so he immediately took a few guards to help him up from the ground.

Gao Fei didn't care about his body hurting from the fall, so he turned around and dragged the injured soldier behind a big rock.

The soldier's back was soaked with a large amount of blood, Gao Fei clutched his wound, and shouted hysterically: "Medical soldier!"

The soldier was directly pierced through the chest by the shrapnel, coughed up a mouthful of blood, and said, "Tuan Zuo, I can't go back, please take care of my old lady..."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and swallowed his breath.

Gao Fei placed it flat on the ground with red eyes.

Due to limited conditions, this is the place where the brother is buried.

Suddenly gunshots were heard from the left side of the position, and a squad of devil infantry touched the bottom of the high ground under the cover of trees.

A platoon leader shouted from the left: "Tuan Zuo, the devils are coming from here!"

Gao Fei immediately let go of the sadness in his heart, and hurried to the left side of the position and looked down. He saw figures flickering in the mountains and forests. Sure enough, there were twenty or thirty devils trying to detour to the left side of the position for a sneak attack.

Gao Fei turned his head to look around, and immediately shouted: "Zhang Lixian, you lead a platoon to rush down and kill the devils!"


Zhang Lixian immediately shouted loudly: "Follow me in the third row!"

About thirty or so soldiers immediately agreed and picked up the weapons in their hands.

Zhang Lixian waved his submachine gun, led his men out of the position, and rushed down from the mound on the left.

They ran back and forth in a zig zag pattern, alternately covering, and in a few minutes they charged down the plateau and into the woods to the left.

Suddenly there was a burst of intense gunfire and grenade explosions in the forest.

Although the battle situation could not be seen clearly, judging from the gunshots, the enemy's firepower was relatively fierce.

At this time, Kang Ya had already ordered the chariot company to carry out a round of concentrated fire, blasting away the [-] tank that the devil was walking in the forefront.

Immediately afterwards, a bean tank also exploded into a ball of fire.

"Boom boom boom!"

The tank guns of the tank company continued to attack the remaining armored vehicles.

Oda panicked, and immediately yelled, "Retreat, retreat, retreat!"

But at this time, the road was already in chaos.

The bazooka shooter, who had been on the alert for a long time, had already touched the side of the devil under the cover of firepower.


A rocket was fired quickly, directly hitting a bean tank.

With a bang, a big hole was blown out of the bean tank, and it collapsed on the spot and could no longer move.

The devils lost one armored vehicle and two tanks one after another, and retreated frantically in fright.

The firepower of the advance regiment is very fierce now, and many soldiers are holding their breath, unwilling to fight this kind of defensive battle or blocking battle.

Gao Fei's personality is too similar to Sun Liren's. He cherishes the lives of soldiers very much, and fights steadily in battle, so he got the nickname "Head of Steady".

Bu La asked on the walkie-talkie: "Tuan Zuo, Xiao Dongyang is leaving, should I chase after him?"

Yao Ma also asked on the walkie-talkie: "Tuan Zuo, do you want to chase after me?"

Gao Fei was still hesitating just now, and everyone understands why the poor should not chase after him.

But this time is different. If the devil's armored force is wiped out in one go, the dispatch group can take advantage of the trend and rush to Xinwei, and be caught off guard!
After thinking for a while, Gao Fei finally made up his mind: "Order, the whole regiment goes out and wipes out these devils!"


"Tuan Zuo, is our chariot even chasing?" Kang Ya asked at this time.

"Chasing! Why don't you chase them, you must beat them hard! The chariot company will open the way ahead, and drive the little devil back to Xinwei!"


Kang Ya immediately led the chariot company to start an assault, firing cannons while crushing the retreating devils.

The chariot company rushed down from the high ground.

The terrain on both sides of the road is relatively narrow, and the eight chariots can only be arranged in a line formation.

Although there are a little less chariots, the momentum of the impact must not be less.

Rumbling tracks, mixed with shelling, the chariot company crushed fiercely towards the retreating devils!

"Kill it!"

All the soldiers of the advance regiment followed the chariot company and rushed out of the position, launching a wave of charge from the high ground!
The tanks of the chariot company opened the way in front, and the tracks rolled on the road, making a rattling sound. Coupled with the roar of the engine, it actually produced a feeling of invincibility.

Booming cannons exploded violently.

The tanks of both sides exchanged fire.

Although the Devils had a large number of tanks and armored vehicles, the tanks of the advance group were 16-ton Sherman tanks. After this medium-sized tank faced the Devils' thin-skinned bean tanks and armored vehicles, it was father beating his son.

The road is full of cannons and gunshots, and the bullets fired by various firearms form beams of light, covering the battlefield like a giant net, trying to tear the enemy into pieces!

Cannonballs blasted out one after another, like a poisonous dragon, it rushed straight at a Devil armored vehicle on the road.

The armored vehicle didn't have time to dodge, and suddenly burst into a large group of flames, burning up.

The devils who were suddenly attacked scrambled to retreat backwards, and the chariots also fled backwards in a scramble.

As a result, haste makes waste, and the more anxious you run, the slower you run.Some vehicles collided with each other, and soon the road was blocked into a ball.

According to the plan, Oda Hideaki only wanted to send a few tanks and armored vehicles, acting as if the attack was unfavorable and he was retreating in embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, the charge of the advance group was too ferocious, the acting went wrong, and the fake rout turned into a real rout.

(End of this chapter)

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