Chapter 247 The Brave Wins
The devil found that he couldn't rush up, and the grenadier suddenly fired a few shots.

Several strands of thick black smoke slowly emerged, gradually spreading along the open space in front of the position.

"It's a smoke bomb!"

The line of sight was blocked by the black smoke alone, and the snipers were completely unable to snipe. Meng Fanle immediately ordered the snipers to move their positions.

"Machine gunner cover!" Gao Fei gave an order.

Continuous shooting, the heavy machine guns had run out of bullets, the bearded heavy machine gun team all picked up the rifles on the position and fired.

The light machine gun team still had some magazines and blind-fired at the charging devils in the smoke.

The five tanks had already fired all their shells, and the vehicle-mounted machine guns also stopped.

The tank company can only temporarily retreat to the central position of the position and wait.

The devils had rushed up under the cover of smoke bombs. Although a dozen of them were knocked down by light machine guns, the infantry behind them were scattered, and they had rushed to a distance of less than 50 meters in front of the position.

This position is the best shooting position for the submachine gun.


Shout out loud.

More than 100 submachine guns swept towards the devils, and a devil squad that charged at the front fell down.


Bula knocked a captured melon grenade and threw it out.

"Puff puff..." Dozens of explosions sounded.

The charging devils were blown away by the grenade, and the mud lifted up made the battlefield shrouded in dust and mist.

So far, the soldiers have run out of grenades, shells, and bullets.

All that was left was the bayonet in his hand and the big knife on his back!

This is the best chance for the devils to destroy the advance group. Miyamoto can see that the advance group has no more ammunition. Of course, his soldiers are also out of ammunition and food.

"Pass my order, put bayonets on everyone, launch a round of charge, and have a hand-to-hand combat with the enemy!"


The herald knew that the time for the decisive battle had come.

"Onboard! Onboard!"

Under the orders of the officers at all levels, the devils shouted loudly and launched a round of charge.

Gao Fei's face was serious, and he shouted: "Bayonets on everyone!"

All the soldiers of the advance group loaded their bayonets silently, and threw the submachine guns and light machine guns that had run out of bullets in the trenches. These soldiers picked up the rifles of the dead brothers around them and used them.

Milong reluctantly put the Czech light machine gun in his hand on the ground, and picked up a [-] cap with a bayonet on it.

"Onboard! Onboard!"

The devil yelled, rushed up the hill, and rushed into the advance regiment's position. The two armies quickly fought and stuck together.

Gao Fei held a big knife and rushed towards a devil who was rushing towards him.

Under his leadership, all the soldiers were fearless.

Gao Fei slashed vertically, killing a devil directly.

At this time, more than a dozen devils rushed over from the left.

It seemed that he was a big fish, so many devils rushed this way.

Sangmen Xing stood in front of Gao Fei, forced the three devils back with a big knife, and shouted: "Tuan Zuo, hurry up!"

Bu La and Yao Ma guarded the safety of the flanks in the distance, leading the soldiers to fight the enemy, while paying attention to the situation on Gao Fei's side, and shouted at the same time: "Sangmen Xing, Let's cover, you lead the group to break out from behind!"


Sangmen Xing agreed, and ordered the guards behind to say: "You guys, carry Tuan Zuo away! Even if you die in battle, Tuan Zuo can't die, do you hear me!"


Several guards rushed up immediately, protecting Gao Fei's surroundings with their bodies, trying to fight a bloody path and prepare to break out.

Now that so many brothers are fighting on the top of the mountain, how could Gao Fei leave?

"Don't pull me, I won't go!"

Gao Fei pulled away a guard, and with a single stroke, split a bayonet on the [-] cover.

A guard cooperated from the side, jumped up, and pierced the little devil's heart with a steel knife.

Seeing all the devils rushing towards Gao Fei, Mi Long rushed over with a dozen soldiers: "Tuan Zuo, we are blocking you, you go first!"

Gao Fei shook his head firmly: "No! I won't leave! Even if we die, we will die together!"

He raised his blood-stained sword and shouted loudly: "Brothers, fight to the end! Kill me~!"

He pushed aside the guards in front of him, and rushed forward immediately.

Meng Fanlai followed behind him and shouted: "Come on, go on, go up, Yang Liulang!"

Seeing the regiment take the lead, the soldiers of the advance regiment were encouraged, their morale was high, and they became more determined to fight the devils.

There are no fancy tricks, just block and parry, and then stab the bayonet in your hand desperately!

The charging devils gradually failed, and were pushed back down the mountain by the brave soldiers of the advance regiment!

Seeing this scene, Miyamoto couldn't help sighing: "This leader is really an admirable warrior!"

He slowly drew out the command saber on his waist and walked towards the front position.

A group of Japanese sergeants also protected his side.

A staff officer knew what Miyamoto wanted to do, and couldn't help persuading him: "Commander, please don't come into danger yourself!"

Miyamoto Kazuki didn't stop, and said without turning his head: "Since the enemy's regiment commander dares to take the lead and boost morale, why can't our empire's military commander do the same?"

"Warriors of the Empire, kill them~!"

He raised the command knife in his hand and took the lead in rushing up.

The devils who retreated to the mountainside regained their strength and followed Miyamoto to charge again.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei frowned. Huaxia and Japan had a deep blood feud, and he hated the Japanese very much, but at this moment, Miyamoto's actions made him feel a little admirable in his heart.

"Good come!"

Gao Fei immediately led people to meet him.

It was another fierce fight, all of which were bloody and bloody killing tricks.

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

There is no retreat at all, only fighting, fighting, and fighting.

On the battlefield, the soldiers on both sides started a fierce competition, you stab me once, I stab you once; you cut me twice, I cut you three times.

In the bayonet fighting technique, the devils used to be proud of it, but now they are at a disadvantage.

But the number of devils was 600 more than the advance group. Miyamoto also transferred all the troops stationed in Xinwei, and now Xinwei has become an empty city.

A soldier of the advance regiment who was stabbed in the stomach by a bayonet grabbed the gun barrel of the [-] cover with one hand, and the rifle in the other hand, and stabbed the little devil in the stomach at the same time.

The two stabbed each other in this way, and died together in a stalemate.

There was also a soldier in the guard company who was stabbed by the bayonets of three devils at the same time. Knowing that he would die, he threw the rifle in his hand and grabbed the three guns tightly with both hands.

The three devils couldn't get back their weapons for a long time.

Seeing this, the soldiers nearby went up and stabbed the three devils one after another.

The three little devils were forced to let go of their hands in a hurry, and the soldier was supported by three rifles and bled to death!

When he died, his body stood still while relying on three gun barrels!

There is also a light machine gun shooter from the first battalion. When his left rib was stabbed, he pressed the [-] cap stabbed by the little devil to the ground with one hand, quickly grabbed the little devil's throat with the other hand, and stretched out like an eagle. Claw-like fingers slammed into the little devil's throat!

Then he pulled it hard and brought out his tongue, scaring the ghosts around on the spot!

An astonishing scene was staged on the battlefield. The hand-splitting devil here is not a drama, but a living example, presented right in front of Gao Fei's eyes, so real, so tragic!
Although the soldiers of the advance regiment were brave, they were at a disadvantage in number after all, and sometimes they needed to fight two. In addition, Miyamoto personally led the team to supervise the battle, so the defensive formation of the advance regiment on the hill was once again continuously compressed.

Seeing more and more soldiers sacrificed, Gao Fei couldn't help being shaken and regretted.

These are all living lives. I was talking and laughing with him just now, but suddenly I was stabbed to death by a bayonet or blown to death by a grenade.

The blood on the top of the mountain stained the ground red and seeped into the soil.

Turned into a thin red stream, flowing down the hill!
In less than half an hour, more than 560 brothers from the advance team died one after another!
Because of being unable to attack for a long time, the physical strength of both sides was seriously overdrawn.

The devils also killed or injured 600 people, and the formation was also broken up. Miyamoto had to give up continuing to attack, and led the troops to temporarily retreat to the foot of the mountain for rest.

Seeing the devils retreating, dead, dead, couldn't help persuading: "Tuan Zuo, keep the green hills here, so you don't have to worry about no firewood. If it's really should break out first?"

Gao Fei held a broadsword in one hand and a binoculars in the other, silently observing the movement in the distance. How he wished that the reinforcements would appear soon.

(End of this chapter)

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