Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 254 Assault on the Warehouse

Chapter 254 Assault on the Warehouse
Under the cover of the night, the commando headed towards the west of the city, and they wanted to enter from this direction.

The reason for choosing this place is that the Japanese army's defense in the west of the city is relatively weak, and the second is that the 89th regiment suffered a dark loss in this direction. There may be a tunnel entrance somewhere in the trenches of the outer positions, but the battlefield is too large and the tunnel entrance is too large. It was done in an extremely concealed way, and the soldiers haven't found it yet.

Therefore, the commando needs the support of lurking personnel in the city.

In order to cooperate with the commando's actions, the New First Army mainly launched a fierce attack from the northeast direction, making a gesture of breaking into the city in one fell swoop.

As a result, the Japanese army had to send additional reinforcements to the northeast, and the security force in the southwest region was bound to decrease.

The commando came to one of the outermost trenches, which had been bombarded with deep pits everywhere.

In the evening, the Japanese army shrank its troops into the urban area and had already discarded these outermost positions.

Gao Fei stretched out three fingers and made a gesture.

Seeing his sign language, the group nodded and moved quickly, forming three assault teams.

There are ten people in each group, led by one person, and each group forms three three-person groups.

In this way, the action is flexible and flexible, forming a standard three-three system tactic.

Gao Fei led his own team, and Ni Dan and another deputy company commander each led a team.

Three assault groups quickly approached the front trenches.

An assault team took the lead in turning down the trench and checked that there were no traps or anything like that inside.

Immediately afterwards, they climbed over the trench and advanced slowly. According to the agreement at ten o'clock in the evening, they came to the vicinity of the city wall.

At this time, a light flashed somewhere on the front wall, blinking.

Wu Weiwei took out the flashlight and flashed it three times in that direction.

After the other party took the flashlight and shook it around, indicating that everything was going well, the commando moved towards the direction of the light.

Within a few minutes, a chubby head was exposed in a shallow crater blasted out by shells in front.

Through the thin starlight, Gao Fei could see that this person had a fat head and big ears.

Seeing this person, Wu Weiwei was the first to say: "Heavenly King Gedihu!"

The man whispered back: "Both stewed mushrooms!"

Wu Weiwei heard that the signal was correct, and signaled Gao Fei and other commandos behind to go up.

She was the first to introduce: "This is Gao Fei, the head of the advance team."

When the fat translator heard the name of the advance group, he immediately said: "It turns out that the head of the group is personally leading the group, which is amazing! I have admired your name for a long time!"

For these locals, Gao Fei didn't have much good opinion. It was entirely because of the strength there, so he took refuge there.In the past, some information about the Japanese army could also be bought at high prices from these people.

Gao Fei didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Time is urgent and the task is heavy, so hurry up and lead the way."

"Okay! Come with me."

The fat translator showed his head, and after scanning the surroundings for no movement, he crawled out of the shallow pit and came to a certain part of the bombed-out city wall.

No wonder the entrance of the tunnel is hard to find. It turned out that the Japanese army set the entrance of the tunnel inside the city wall.

An entrance and exit were dug in the middle of the three-meter-thick earthen city wall, covered with wooden boards, and then blocked with soil.

Don't try to find this entrance unless you break it open when you use it.

The fat translator also found this exit along the tunnel from inside the city. Of course, the Japanese army didn't just dig this tunnel.

There are many more in other places.

It is said to be authentic, but in fact it is similar to a mouse hole, and it is very different from the tunnel dug out by the Chinese guerrillas to fight tunnel warfare.

The height of the tunnel is about one meter, and it is unbearable to be aggrieved in it, and it is difficult to walk with the body bent. It may be that the Japanese army is short, and it is probably possible to walk with the waist bent.

The fat translator led the way, his obese body almost filled the entire tunnel, and it was tightly blocked.

The tunnel wasn't too long, but it was tiring to drill through. After twenty minutes, they finally climbed out.

The entrance to the tunnel is also very secret, it is in a grain warehouse.

The fat translator often drinks secretly with the team leader guarding the warehouse, and accidentally finds a wooden board in the corner. He thought it was a basement, but he didn't expect it to be an authentic entrance.

"The main entrance of the warehouse is guarded by several imperial soldiers. I climbed in through the back window." The fat translator pointed to a small ventilation window behind him.

The warehouse was locked from the outside, and they had to climb out through this small window as well.

Gao Fei made a gesture, and several soldiers went to the door to listen for a while, indicating that there was no movement, and nodded.

Muddan pointed to the window and then pointed to a soldier, signaling that soldier to climb out first to observe the situation.

Just when the soldier opened the window and climbed up, something unexpected happened.

Suddenly there was a fierce dog barking outside, followed by the shouts of the Japanese army and the flickering light of the flashlight, rushing towards the warehouse.

The Ganqing Japanese army kept a dog here, because the fat translator often came and threw the leftover bones to the dog, so the dog didn't bite him.

Because of his inexperience, the fat translator forgot to mention the dog, and only said that there were guards and guards outside.

But the commandos were strangers, and when they heard the movement on the window, they immediately barked.

The window was not high from the ground, and the dog could bite people by jumping up. The soldier kicked the dog and had to climb back again, and closed the window.

When the two Japanese soldiers on guard heard the dog barking, they immediately became vigilant and prepared to come over to check.

Nidan was a little panicked at this moment, and didn't know whether to continue to act or choose to retreat.

He couldn't help looking at Gao Fei.

Gao Fei looked at the time. At this time, fierce battles were taking place around the city. If he didn't take the opportunity to rush into the city now and return the same way, the whole plan would definitely be exposed, and there would be no chance in the future.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Nudan, do we still have a way out now?"

The mud egg immediately understood, waved his hand and pointed to the gate position to the leader of an assault team in charge, and ordered: "Zhao Tiezhu, take someone to break the gate!"

The squad leader immediately led his assault team towards the gate.

"Tuan Zuo, you lead someone to take charge of the cover!"

"The rest of the people follow me and take charge of the assault!" Muddan led his assault team to prepare for the assault.

There was no need to continue hiding now. The assault team in front did not hesitate, and immediately fired at the warehouse door with a submachine gun.

The warehouse door is a wooden door, and it was kicked open with one kick.

The warehouses had just been broken open, and the dog had already moved around the door from the back window to the front.

This dog has black and white fur, and it is probably a hybrid. In short, this dog is very fierce, barking and rushing towards several soldiers fiercely.

Seeing the vicious dog rushing towards him, Nidan pointed his submachine gun at the vicious dog and started to fire.

There was only a burst of gunshots.

The vicious dog failed to bite anyone, and a box of bullets from the submachine gun swept it.

There was a shrill scream from the vicious dog's mouth, and it rolled on the ground, struggling desperately on all fours to get up, but failed.

The two guards on duty who rushed over heard the gunshots and saw the enemy's firepower. They knew that the situation was serious, so they retreated desperately and blew their whistles.

The sharp whistle immediately spread throughout the warehouse and its surroundings.

A dozen or so Japanese soldiers guarding the warehouse, who were resting in the outpost, heard the gunshots and the alarm whistle, hurriedly grabbed the [-] cover, and rushed out from the outpost, yelling, asking where it was Shoot and warn.

The two defenders on duty immediately reported the gunshots heard in the grain warehouse.

At this time, the assault team led by Mudan had already broken through the gate of the warehouse and rushed out of the warehouse.

This is a very large military site. In addition to a grain warehouse, there is also a weapons warehouse and an oil warehouse next to it.

When the Japanese defenders arrived at the entrance of the grain warehouse, Ni Dan had already changed the magazine, picked up the submachine gun and rushed out of the door with his men, just in time to see a dozen Japanese soldiers who had just rushed over.

A sergeant who took the lead also found the commando in the warehouse, exclaimed, and hurriedly raised the [-] cover in his hand.

However, for the convenience of movement and enhanced firepower, the commando carried all Thompson submachine guns and shot them with their hands raised.


Seeing that the situation was not good, the sergeant fell down with a groan.

The commando pulled the trigger without hesitation, and hundreds of bullets swept past like a storm.

(End of this chapter)

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