Chapter 260 Infighting
"Everything I've learned has already explained that the Japanese army in Huaxia is preparing to launch a counterattack, and the target is likely to be Zhijiang Airport. This is related to the future fate of both parties."

Sun Liren put the plan document for attacking Lashio on the table: "At present, the Japanese army is stepping up its defense against Lashio. Although our army's advance speed is not slow, we should resolve the war here as soon as possible. I don't plan to Continue to attack Lashio, but go around and directly attack Mandalay and the surrounding Jiaomei (Qiaomei) and Hsipaw area!"

Tang Shouzhi said suspiciously: "The military seat is worried about the situation in China, but the war here is also urgent. My suggestion is to proceed step by step and move forward step by step."

Li Hong asked: "The military commander suddenly changed his offensive deployment, could it be that he thought of a better way to advance?"

"um, yes."

Sun Liren lit a cigarette and continued: "Last night, while I was sleeping, I suddenly remembered something, a tactic was discussed two days ago, called the island hopping tactic.

This tactic must have been heard before, and it was invented by the allies of the country. They did not use the tactics of recovering the islands one by one, but after recovering one island, they skipped the next island and went to capture the next island.

In particular, the islands with relatively strong defenses were skipped and isolated by sea and air blockades to form isolated islands, forcing the Japanese troops on the islands to succumb or starve to death in the end, thus improving the progress of the advance. "

Tang Shouzhi fully understood: "The military seat means that our army can learn from the thinking method of island hopping tactics, skip Lashio, which is relatively stubborn in defense, and attack Mandalay directly?"

Sun Liren nodded and agreed, "Well, that's what I mean."

Jia Youhui immediately raised a question: "Mandalay is an important military town for the Japanese army, and its defenses are even more fortified than Lashio. Why did they directly attack Mandalay and its surrounding areas? Isn't it more difficult?"

Sun Liren shook his head. He didn't like to make detours, and explained directly: "At present, the infantry army is sending a large force to land from the southern coastline and regained a large area in southern Myanmar. According to the estimation of the advancing speed, the two sides will attack front and back. Join Jiaomei and Xibu areas!
When I was talking to the commander last night, he also mentioned one thing. Now that the Japanese army is retreating steadily, General Aung San secretly contacted the Yingjun side, and of course he also contacted us before.I hope to find an appropriate time to fight back and completely escape the control of the Japanese.

In this situation, it is time for Aung San to jump out and let them cooperate with our army to launch an uprising. In this way, the Japanese army will inevitably catch fire in the city and lose ground. "

Tang Shouzhi couldn't help admiring: "This plan of the military seat is really wonderful!"

"Good! That's great!" Jia Youhui and Li Hong also applauded.

Sun Liren smiled and said: "To be honest, the checkers tactic was actually inspired by me by the head of the advance regiment. He said that our army is advancing one by one town. Although the speed is not slow, this style of play seems a bit old-fashioned. It is better to jump." Advance in the same way, first clean up the surrounding small strongholds, and finally surround and isolate the big towns, and this plan of mine was born from this.”

Several people suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Sun Liren suddenly wanted to change the attack plan. It turned out that the head of the advance regiment gave such a reference suggestion.

In the end, Sun Liren said: "Okay, since you guys have agreed, then the matter will be decided like this - our army will first send an armored force to go around from the west of Lashio, and go straight to the small strongholds around Mandalay!

Wait for the army to encircle, and then launch a general attack!

As for the specific combat plan and the arrangement of personnel participating in the battle, the staff department and the combat department will uniformly draw up.

The advance group will withdraw one after another. This is probably the last battle in northern Myanmar. Let them go to the Jiaomei area to join forces with the infantry army. It can be regarded as a happy ending for them! "


Jia Youhui, Li Hong, and Tang Shouzhi all agreed.


High Command of the Japanese Army in Mandalay.

Heitaro Kimura stood in front of a huge map with a grim face. In the evening, he submitted the request for the retreat of the whole army to the base camp, and there was still no reply. Only one day later, the news of Xinwei's fall came.

The pressing force of the expeditionary force brought unprecedented pressure. Whether to continue to defend or retreat with strength, serious disagreements arose among the Japanese generals.

In fact, the cause of the disagreement among the generals of the Japanese army is also very simple, that is, Heitaro Kimura did not clearly give Tanaka Shinichi the power of centralized and unified command, and the so-called leapfrog command came about.

The purpose of his doing this is to make Tanaka Shinichi unable to act independently. Tanaka Shinichi is the nominal commander of northern Myanmar, but in fact he needs to be consulted for all specific matters.

Heitaro Kimura is unwilling to give up this hard-to-get power, not to mention the No.30 Sanyi Army, even an infantry regiment, he is unwilling to give up, so it happened a few days ago that he directly ordered Kazuki Miyamoto to retain his strength .

Otherwise, according to Tsuji Masanobu's order, Miyamoto will fight to the death with the Sichuan Army on the hill until the last soldier is exhausted!
However, it was precisely because of Kimura's tight command that he committed a major malady of suspicion from top to bottom.

Including Tanaka Shinichi, including the No. 30 commander-in-chief Honda Masai, was very disgusted with Kimura's finger-pointing.

At this moment, everyone present understood why these people were arguing.

Honda Zhengcai pointed to the map and said firstly: "Xinwei has fallen, so the Xinyi Army may have accelerated its marching speed. According to yesterday's reconnaissance, an army has bypassed Lashio, and it is less than [-] kilometers away from Mandalay. .

If the prediction is correct, a mechanized force should be in the lead, because only chariots have such a fast assault speed!

There is the Huaxia Army in the north, and the Yingyin Army in the south. The north and the south form a pincer attack. They should arrive in Mandalay and the surrounding Jiaomei at the same time! "

He sighed for a long time, as if he was complaining or feeling something.

Heitaro Kimura stood silently in front of the map. He knew that the time left for the Japanese army in northern Myanmar was running out.

His hand was moving towards Imphal along Banmao, Nandenkun, and Homalin on the map, and the eyes of Tanaka Shinichi and others followed his fingers.

"Retreating and retaining strength is our best choice! It is also our only way out!"

Heintaro Kimura's finger finally landed on Imphal.

Masai Honda glanced at the map, then at the profile of Heutaro Kimura, who was very serious, and almost gasped.

Myanmar is located in the southeast of Asia and the west of the Indochina Peninsula. Its territory is north-south, and the widest point from east to west is only 925 kilometers.

The retreat route pointed out by Kimura Heutaro seems to be very short, but it involves crossing four mountain ranges and crossing six rivers.

The army's supplies and ammunition are now in serious shortage and shortage. Whether to stop the enemy from the north in Mandalay or retreat the whole army now, Honda has no idea now.

The Japanese generals present generally hoped to choose to retreat and temporarily avoid the sharp-edged enemy.

But only Tanaka Shinichi didn't think so, and his violent temper came up again, regardless of whether Kimura was the supreme commander of the entire front army, he directly asked: "General Kimura, Lashio and Mandalay are now in our hands. Do you want to abandon these towns and choose to retreat?"

Faced with Tanaka Shinichi's doubts, Kimura Heutaro said coldly: "That's right, the retreat is to preserve strength for future counterattacks!"

Shinichi Tanaka couldn't hold back immediately, and cursed loudly: "General Kimura, you are a coward through and through! Not only that, but you are also a commander who commanded blindly!"

Immediately, Kimura Heutaro's face turned livid, and he scolded, "Haka! What did you say?"

Tanaka Shinichi didn't show any restraint at all, and angrily said: "I say you are cowards who are afraid of death! You are not worthy of being soldiers of the Empire of Japan! It is a disgrace to the Empire of Japan!"


With a "snap", Kimura Heutaro slapped Tanaka Shinichi hard on the face.

Tanaka Shinichi did not bow his head and shout "Hi", but raised his arms and prepared to fight.

At this moment, Tsuji Masanobu saw that the matter was going to be a big mess, so he immediately went up to hold Tanaka Shinichi, and apologized to Kimura: "General, don't be angry, don't you know Tanaka-kun's violent temper? He is such a person. Irritable, mouth is too smelly, why should you, a general, bother with him?"

Kimura Heutaro didn't take out a second slap, and said coldly: "Tanaka-kun and others are guilty of committing crimes, you really deserve to die!"

Ben Duo Zhengcai couldn't bear to watch such a farce, and hurriedly said: "Generals, the battle is urgent now, and we need to work together to defend against the enemy. If there is internal strife, we are happy to be the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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