As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 101 Victory in the first battle, Abu who loves and hates

Chapter 101 Victory in the first battle, Abu who loves and hates
As for Lin Xiu's special attention, Iboy can only say, don't come here.

"What the hell did labor and management do to insist on playing the position of ADC..."

A prince of pure output.

With the development speed of this prince, it is almost possible to predict how terrible his injuries will be in the end.

I'm afraid that even if my ad takes the half-meat route, it will never be able to stop the prince's extremely domineering offensive.

And when fighting with Lin Xiu, this prince is just a very simple microcosm.

It can be seen that basically when Lin Xiu is on the field, it is impossible for the opponent's ad to live well. .

Look at what the hell he usually plays with.

Either Daomei or Jianji, this kind of pure output top order.

If it weren't for the prince and Kenan, this kind of team battle would be hell, single-handedly singled out heroes who were off the charts.

All in all, beheading the enemy's adc is really like picking something out of a bag, ravaging you a hundred times a hundred times.

The sudden sudden death of Iboy fully shows what kind of situation ad will be in the future.

The version of emotion in this group of single-handed meat, you can be so second to me.

If that day returns to an era similar to s5, then who can cure you? ? ?

But here I have to mention one thing.

Although AD's mid-term combat power is indeed very strong, in the future, everyone in LPL, or rather AD, will soon be very grateful to Lin Xiu.

why. .

Because he has helped all lpl teams preview the correct way to play against the incense burner version in advance.

When you can choose a single belt, team battle, or multiple options for the top laner position, it doesn't matter which one you choose.

But the most critical point is that it must complement your own jungler.

For example, Lin Xiu is the prince. If Xiangguo chooses blind monk Fen and Nightmare, it will be stupid to hit the back.

Because both of them want to do pure output, there is not enough complementarity and cooperation at all.

Once delayed by the opponent, the so-called strong lineup in the early stage will be very easy to survive.

At that time, the front row will be unable to resist, and the back row will not be able to die suddenly, and will be slowly counterattacked.

This is why in the original history, lpl teams were often overturned.

In order to destroy the lck in the early stage, the hero's advantages and damage are overemphasized, but the more they do this, the more loopholes and the greater the probability of mistakes.

This is the biggest shortcoming of lpl at present.

Of course, even though this problem belongs to lpl, other teams may or may not have it, or it may have been overcome.

In this version where operations are still very useful, lck's teams are basically able to withstand lpl's onslaught.

At the same time, they will also pay attention to the very few Xia who has perfect self-protection ability, and the hero Luo who can create miracles.

From this, it is also extended, why the Xialuo combination will become more and more popular.

It can be said that as long as the two heroes of lpl don't play well, don't even think about winning the world championship.

Like now, Iboy is playing Xia, does Lin Xiu's prince still pose such a huge threat to her? ?

Obviously not.

Xia has not been seriously weakened so far, and the cd of the ultimate move is basically the same as the prince's ultimate move.

That's what the prince of the output stream pays attention to.

After that set was avoided by Xia, the prince who could only flatten A was just a younger brother.

It's just a pity that Iboy can't see this scene now.

After killing Iboy, Lin Xiu returned home and continued to update her equipment.

The second piece of Caulfield's warhammer was made, and by the way, I bought a small armor to prepare for the armor shoes behind.

then. .

Lin Xiu glanced at Xiangguozhumei's ultimate move.

Okay, the cooldown is over, so I decisively called my brother to continue staring at the female policeman, and let Xiao Ming, who had already made the eye stone, follow me by the way.

The control of Zhumei + Luo is really too terrifying.

The bull head's skills alone can't defend against it at all, and the prince with overflowing damage, his smooth and simple combos are enough to forcibly force the female policeman to death.

As for the puppies, he just needs to follow behind his third father Nakano to harvest with peace of mind, push the defense tower along the way and it's over.

Then I saw that the next scene became very familiar.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [EDG.Iboy]!!"

"[RNG.Xiaohu] killed [EDG.Iboy]!!!"

"[RNG.Uzi] killed [EDG.Iboy]!!!!"

Ok. . .

Still missing Xiang Guo and Xiao Ming.

If they work harder, then Iboy can be regarded as an achievement, using various methods to die in the canyon.

At the beginning, everyone in EDG wanted to resist.

But look at the more terrifying prince's equipment on the opposite side, and the enchantress who is also drinking porridge and leading in equipment.

In the end, everyone could only look at Iboy silently, with bloodshot eyes.

Really helpless.

Ice Maiden + Verus's stability control.

The super long-distance and strong attack of the prince + demon girl + Luo, even if Xiao Ming's Luo has a strange smell, the operation that should be played can still be played.

With such cooperation, Leng completely tore apart EDG, which was still trying to fight together in the mid-term.

At the same time, regardless of this very, very beast style of play, the effect is absolutely top-notch.

Didn't you EDG expect Iboy to stand up later c?

I'll beat up your policewoman and let's see what you do.

Without the policewoman to create an early rhythm for EDG, Kassadin's development speed alone can't keep up with Xiaohu.

Coupled with the fact that this game is so good that it explodes, the dragon attributes, two soils, one fire.

When the time came to 20 minutes, everyone in RNG directly focused their goals and strategies on competing for the big dragon's vision.

They are squeezing EDG's last time, forcing EDG to fight with themselves.

If it doesn't come, the big dragon will win, and the canyon will even spawn a third earth dragon.

Three earth dragons + big dragon buff.

Almost no defensive tower can withstand Verus' output for a few seconds in front of rng. At that time, with the flexibility and single-band effect of the rng lineup, the 3-way defensive tower line will drag EDG to death.

Therefore, they could only choose to come and fight.

At this time, the two sides were one piece behind in c position, and the equipment was poor, which also killed the game without any suspense.

Rao is that the details of the EDG team battle are well handled, no matter how good it is, it is useless.

After all, I have a 3-piece puppy in advance, and it has been fully formed under the care of my three big daddies.

In the end, through the big dragon team battle, the scene of the lpl summer finals, the first game between RNG and EDG.

RNG, win.


On EDG's side, Iboy just felt disgusted.

Why is it so uncomfortable to play a game, forget it, hurry up and take it easy.

Speaking of which, Iboy briefly greeted his teammates, and then walked towards his lounge in advance, leaving a slightly thin back.

"It seems that EDG is under pressure now."

The commentators looked at the direction of EDG, and their emotions were actually very complicated.

After all, their explanations are based on watching EDG rule LPL for so many years.

But as time goes on, the former king seems to have encountered challenges.

The group of young people owned by RNG today has unknowingly become EDG's biggest opponent.

. . .

the other side.

In the lounge of EDG.

The moment Abramovich saw the EDG players, he sat up from his chair.

He didn't blame anything, but bowed sincerely to all the players.

"Sorry everyone, I didn't think properly about tactics."

"If it weren't for that, everyone wouldn't have been beaten so painfully."

Abu in the audience thought that there was a problem with EDG's thinking at first, but after thinking about it, he realized that this pot is really not something that EDG players can recite.

Because the EDG team is very special, its degree of regularization can be said to be the highest in the LPL, which makes the coach's status in the team extremely high.

As long as it is not a time of life and death, EDG players basically have to unconditionally obey the coach's arrangements for all BP decisions.

Then you look at the EDG and RNG lineups.

There may be a gap in ability, but Abramovich knows that he is not enough in the lineup.

So in this unfavorable start, he doesn't have to stand up to stabilize everyone.

In this regard, it was Ah Guang who responded first.

"Coach, I'm sorry."

Ah Guang seemed to blame himself, "Thinking about it carefully, I still didn't handle the details of the laning well enough, which allowed Lin Xiu to discover the possible moves of the factory director based on my laning."

In fact, when the prince and sister pig played in the last match, Ah Guang had already reacted to the sense of cooperation that Nabo couldn't understand at all.

It's really not necessarily how smart the other person is, but that he has shown too many flaws.

Say it hard.

His laning ability made it impossible for his acting skills to fool Lin Xiu.

If he can have ig, the operation level of the substitute top laner, plus a seasoned and tricky factory manager.

Prince, you must die.

Unfortunately, everything is not if.

The same goes for Nabo Botto.

Neither Meiko nor Iboy had any problems with their judgments. If it were any normal player, the prince would basically be showing off.

However, it was Lin Xiu again.

That stupefied centered on himself, strongly gathering all the ridicule and hatred on himself, and creating enough opportunities for his teammates to develop.

Now, he seems to have really become the most troublesome top laner in LPL.

For this player, Abramovich really loves and hates it.

Love that he really is that good.

What I hate is, why didn't I buy him back then?
Now let Lin Xiu stand opposite him, Abu wants to deal with it now but can't find a suitable way.

As for the introspection of everyone in EDG, Abramovich quickly ended this topic.

"We're running out of time, and we have to make adjustments."

He just made his tone a bit more serious: "Through that game just now, I have basically confirmed one thing."

"I don't think there should be any problem with my speculation."

Coach Abu's eyes revealed confidence: "Lin Xiu is really troublesome."

"His ability to suppress is full, but after all, the version makes him have to guarantee the corresponding respect."

"That is, he can't play with heroes alone."

Hearing this, everyone in EDG's eyes lit up slightly.

In that match just now, Lin Xiu didn't necessarily want to play the prince in terms of breaking through the back row.

Because of the stronger version of the top laner hero, Qinggangying is still there.

For a one-way team fight, Qinggang Shadow will definitely be more violent after cutting, and at the same time, the single-band ability will also be very good.

If Lin Xiu really wants to cut the back row without thinking, he can choose this hero.

Don't say he won't.

Anyone looking at Lin Xiu's ranking records in Hanbok, no one would dare to say such a thing.

But why didn't Lin Xiu choose?
Because that hero's ability to fight in groups is far behind the prince's.

Lin Xiu wanted to win this time.

He can indeed continue to suppress, but he must also take care of teamfights.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to put the pressure on Xiaohu and Xiangguo and expect them to survive until RNG is fully invincible.

"Then based on this key point, I can basically predict the hero that Lin Xiu may choose."

As he spoke, Abu quickly pulled out a blank piece of paper, on which were written the titles of various heroes.

The prince, Kenan, Gnar, and even the plane.

"From here, what did you find out??"

Abu tapped the white paper lightly with the pen in his hand.

Iboy, who has been silent on the sidelines, seems to have realized something, so he asked softly, "These heroes, the key skills for team fighting?"

. . .

. . .

Everyone in EDG froze for a moment, and then reacted together.


Abu nodded, "It can be expected that RNG, especially Lin Xiu, will often choose some unreasonable heroes."

"But his hero will definitely play a key role in small team battles."

"That is to say, he likes the kind of hero that is a wave, which is why he likes to kill AD."

"This guy is really smart."

The current top laner really can't decide everything, but what Lin Xiu can do is to use his own advantages to amplify the advantages of his teammates, or replace the key opponents as much as possible.

After all, there is one less top laner who can play.

But without a C position, team battles will definitely become extremely difficult.

So out of such considerations, how EDG will determine the direction of Lin Xiu.

It is true that Ah Guang will still be suppressed, but Ah Guang's laning has improved a lot compared to before, and it is not easy to be single-killed by Lin Xiu.

Don't you see that the last crocodile was crushed like that, but it didn't die a few times after all.

Then RNG plays a wave, and we play a wave.

Fight big moves to see who is stronger.

"At the same time, don't forget that RNG has always had problems."

I saw Abu flicking his fingers, and quickly wrote the name of another hero under the white paper.

Ni Yu Xia! !

"RNG and the others will ban Xia every game. It shouldn't be just that UZI didn't play so well."

"Let's look at it from another angle."

"Their coach also knows that Xia, the hero, can restrain their style of play."

At first glance, Xayah's ult is the least aggressive of all ADs.

But after sacrificing such aggression, what he got in return is the most imba self-protection ability in current ad.

Short-lived and almost absolute life-saving skills - invincible! !

That is to say, when the user's reaction is fast enough, coupled with the auxiliary protection on the side, theoretically, there is no hero's ultimate move that can kill Xia instantly.

If Xia is not dead, give her some output time, and her burst will not be inferior to any current popular basic attack hero.

"For this reason, we must get this hero in the next round!!"

Abu's tone was extremely firm.

"Getting Xia and pairing it with a team is also a great way to play, so that we can guarantee the later stage and the small-scale team battles in the early stage."

The lineup is starting to be conceived and formed.

"But coach."

Scout has been silently listening to Abu say a lot, but he still couldn't help frowning when he heard this sentence.

"Coach, you should also know that RNG has a very clear purpose for what they want."

"Why can't they knock Xia Ye down from the beginning??"

This problem is very real and very real.

Anyway, this hero is so annoying, just press it from beginning to end.

Of course, Abramovich has already considered this point.

"Naturally, there is a price to exchange."

Abu paused for a few seconds before continuing.

"So, next time, I will give them enough exciting things to let them take the initiative to release Xia."

(End of this chapter)

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