As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 105 Your Emperor Has Arrived Again

Chapter 105 Your Emperor Has Returned
"Fuck, I tm...".
Scout, who usually thinks he is quite refined, saw the flash of what he had handed over for nothing, and he immediately began to breathe out the fragrance.

"Forget it, let's calm down first."

The factory manager is also feeling very uncomfortable now, but he has to stabilize Scout's emotions: "Although this died once, it's not a crash after all."

"This is not a question of whether to die or not!!!"

Scout is very annoyed now: "Anyway, after the revision of the hero Airplane, as long as the combat power is still strong in the late stage of normal development, death is not considered a collapse, but the key..."

The point is, he's really at a loss! !
Just the yuppie kind.

Look at RNG, they only used a flash of the mid laner Xiaohu to kill all EDG's mid field.

If there is any loss, there is really no hair, and even Lin Xiu, the pawn line on the road, can get it smoothly.

Now, Scout can understand after thinking about it for a while, that the only escape space that seems to be near the river is actually a trap specially left by RNG.

Because at that time, Scout was in all directions, and there was the only breakthrough. At this time, Lin Xiu made a little prediction, and Scout would hit it by himself.

"I got an old coin from Lin Xiu, I'll do it!!!"

Scout, in infinite madness.


Ah Guang, who was on the road, seemed very sorry. He said with some shame: "I didn't have the opportunity to make a river eye before, so I don't know Lin Xiu's movements. I'm sorry I didn't have time to support..."

"It's okay, it came too suddenly just now, if you pass it down, I'm afraid you'll have to give it a flash."

Regarding this, Scout and the factory director just shook their heads: "The situation just now, it's okay."

At this time, if you have no brains to blame your own top laner for not supporting, then it is a stupid behavior in itself.

Although Ah Guang himself was not disturbed when he was on the road just now, when the battle in the middle lane just started, EDG clearly had the upper hand, and there was no need for Ah Guang to come down at all.

But who would have thought that there would be a sudden change of attack in the last few seconds.

It was too late for Ah Guang to pass it down.

Then, now the situation on RNG's side suddenly became clear.

After Xiaohu in the middle lane took two heads, he was not too comfortable. After finishing another wave of lines, he took out a pair of magic shoes + lost chapter after returning home.

It can be said that the current rock sparrow has considerable damage and continuous combat ability in the early stage.

The incense pot is also not comfortable.

For a Zac, it is absolutely ideal to successfully gank before the sixth level, and even his flash is in his hands.

Finally, it was Lin Xiu.

With that dogecoin, there is no burden or pawn line loss at all. After getting two assists, I go home and make a lunch box + Dolan ring, and continue to fight in the line.

With this coming and going, EDG fell into a huge disadvantage in the early stage.

"Let's go on, we must be careful."

Iboy looked at Nakano on RNG's side: "The opponent is almost 6, be careful they have 5 packs and 2, Lin Xiu didn't hand in the teleportation."


Meikou nodded after hearing the words, and continued to retreat while covering Iboy. The Xialuo team, which was suppressed by the puppy Verus in the lane, became even more difficult in lane.

Because one of the two heroes Zac and Rock Sparrow has a super long-range gank, and the other can kill directly on the ground.

Once the two of them are not careful, the Xia Luo combination will not be able to escape even if they have a big move.

But this also brought about a problem. EDG's bot lane alignment became very uncomfortable. Xiaogou and Xiaoming just pressed their pawns directly under the opposite defensive tower.

Even if Iboy's basic skills are good, he will inevitably be puppies and consume blood while ensuring the last knife.

In the end, the Xia Luo combination, all half-blooded, could neither return nor fight, and fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

"What the hell are we going to do now?"

It seems that because of such pressure, Mei Kou, who is not experienced, is a little flustered.

To be reasonable, what he usually cares most about is how to line up, how to play a team, and then maximize his operations.

But the current situation is that they can't fight in laning and can't fight in a team. In this case, the assistant who should be the brain of the team will fall into confusion.

"It seems that we can only continue to save the road."

Originally, Ah Guang and the factory manager, now that they are about to reach the sixth level, are still thinking about whether to go on the road and do a wave of Lin Xiu's big bugs.

But this idea was almost instantly given up by
Because from this point of view, even if Lin Xiu can't crush Ah Guang to death, it is not difficult for him to survive the gank of the big tree + wine barrel alone.

If it is at this time, once EDG's middle and wild level [-] opportunities are discovered by RNG's bottom lane, then Xiangguo and Xiaohu's ultra-long-range gank can be easily launched.

In the situation of 4 packs of 2, EDG's bottom lane definitely has no way out. . .

Therefore, even if they don't want to, they can only go down.

At least wait for Iboy's three-piece suit, or the plane's three-piece suit.

The commentators from God's perspective, watching EDG's movements at this time, couldn't help sighing: "Speaking of it, this is really unexpected. EDG, which should have blossomed more, had to forcefully protect the core of the bottom lane."

"The RNG, however, is moving towards multi-point blossoming and fully exerting its strength."

Full flowering and nuclear preservation tactics.

Of these two styles of play, which one is more suitable for the current version is unknown.

But one thing is clear to everyone.

You can play anything in front of RNG.

But if you play 4 guarantees 1, like the current EDG style of play, then they will definitely definitely find a chance to crash you.

Because they are the best team in the world to play the 4 guarantees 1 system, not one of them.

You must know that the four guarantees and one system was originally set up for the puppies back then.

And the current EDG raises Iboy like a puppy.

It is true that Xia's combat power will be very terrifying after the 3-piece suit, but Iboy is not a puppy after all.

In that world ranking, the score was as high as 214 points, and the other was 190 points.

The data difference between the two really shows that there is still a gap between them. To put it bluntly, the benefits and effects brought by the 4 guarantees 1 tactic against Iboy are definitely not as good as the puppy.

Therefore, when everyone in RNG saw EDG playing like this, they knew what to do in the next moment.

Since you want to play 4 guarantees 1, let's continue to grab it.

After all, when everyone knows what your 1 is, then what you have to do is to focus on targeting and destroy your 1.

In this way, even the other 4 people will collapse.

"So, are you ready?"

"Hey, hey, brothers, look at me!!".
Xiangguo, who has reached level 6, is moving down the lane: "I feel that the opponent is about to start doing something."

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Xiaohu, who took the lead in equipment, quickly pushed a wave of lines and went straight down.

With this kind of lead and hero mechanism, don’t expect to be able to perform supernormally in the later stage. You still have to do things in the early stage, otherwise the advantages that RNG played in the front are all fake.

"I think you can do it faster."

The puppy curled his lips: "Because the other side is obviously in a hurry, they should be almost here."

Going back home and updating the equipment and vision with Xiao Ming, RNG's bot lane suppression power not only did not fall behind because of Xia's return home, on the contrary it became even more terrifying.

Moreover, Iboy didn't have any blood-sucking equipment on her body because she was going to use a crit outfit. Once she was consumed, she could only rely on Luo's passive to recover slowly.

The result of this pressure is that the blood volume is always lower than that of the opponent, and the defense tower has been worn down by nearly half.

"Then I'll go and drop the explosive fruit on the opposite side."

Xiao Ming, who was quickly investigating the situation on the map, suddenly saw that there was only a wall away from the river, and the explosive fruit near the red square grass had been refreshed.

Although Xiao Ming has already made a vision of this position, it cannot be guaranteed that it is still safe.

As long as EDG gets stuck in the field of view and then shifts over, the explosive fruit may cause a lot of trouble to the bottom lane at that time.

However. . .

But the puppy shook his head: "No need, save the explosive fruit for them, and wait for them to come."

Xiao Ming: "???"

"Didn't they come down from the incense pot?"

A strange smile appeared on the puppy's face: "In this case, wouldn't it be better to leave them with a thought??"

Xiangguo: "I didn't expect my dog ​​brother to learn to manipulate people's mentality??"


Puppy: "That's necessary. In the past, the opposite party always messed with me all day long. Why don't we make arrangements for this?"

"Also, I didn't expect that I, Ta Meow, would also hit the opponent with 4 guarantees and 1, hahahahaha."

When I thought of being able to press the four guarantees and one hit method, I didn't know why, but I was a little excited.

RNG people: "╮(╯_╰)╭"


I thought that the puppy would give some opinions on the 4 guarantees 1 play, but the result,,,

The feeling of this guy's resentment is so deep, I don't know if it was arranged by my Qijiang before to die or live.

Speaking of this time point is very interesting, because it happens to be the time for the refreshment of the wild area in the second half.

Of course, if you want to talk about Xiangguo, because he is blue-opened, other wild monsters in the lower half of the area have not yet been spawned except for Raptor.

But this is completely different for the factory director on the other side.

A wine barrel, when its development is not good, will definitely make up its own level as soon as possible.

The bot lane is definitely the direction that Jiu Barrel is going to go. On the contrary, they will also take the opportunity to look for opportunities to catch RNG's bot.

After all, the core of the bot lane has been pressed under the tower and cannot get out, so he will not have any emotions.

Besides, as I said before, RNG will be stronger in terms of active gank ability, so if EDG wants to fight back, it must find opportunities as much as possible and then take the initiative to attack.

So from this, the audience who are still in God's perspective can see the movements of both sides very clearly at this time. There is no doubt that these guys will start working on the bottom road again.

"Take a break first, I'll go back to the city."

Lin Xiu glanced at the money on her body and went home directly.

This wave of the finished Rod of Time that he can directly make when he goes back, the revised Rod of Time has considerable combat effectiveness in the early stage.

To sum up the attribute mechanism of the Rod of Time in simple words, if others hit you, you will return to blue, and if you use blue, you will return to blood.

At this point in the early stage, coupled with the innate characteristics of the big bug, Lin Xiu's wave will be very fierce.


Xiangguo had already run to the shadow on the edge of the blue square grass and was about to make a long jump. At the same time, he asked, "Still the same?"

"of course."

Lin Xiu nodded: "When I disappear, call directly, don't waste time."

Why is it waiting for the time to disappear, because this is still the teleportation that has not been cut into a silly dog, or the teleportation that takes 3 seconds to land.

Then relying on Lin Xiu's hand speed and the running-in of RNG people, he can complete all his preparations in 3 seconds and find the best teleportation position.

In this way, he can occupy a favorable position before the big tree.

Then, the scene began to fall into a brief calm, which was the last sign before the storm.

Seeing that Lin Xiu's condition for returning to the city was about to come to an end, almost at the same time, RNG and EDG broke the deadlock.

"It's now!"

"Fuck them!"

He happened to be carrying an explosive pack, and after taking Lan's plane and wine barrel, he pressed the explosive fruit and jumped down. The RNG bot lane duo was surrounded.

But something went wrong here.

Because of RNG's online advantage, there is no eye position for the big tree teleportation on the line, in the grass, including all places behind RNG, so Aguang can only wait for the barrel plane to find a good position before going up.

Then, the symphony that belonged to the team battle confrontation in the bottom lane sounded.

The plane with the explosive pack turned on the enhanced version of W Vakiri dive, which at first glance looked like a Rambo's big move, it just pushed the puppy and Xiao Ming who were already retreating back a little.

With the help of this small repelling, the wine barrel next to him also threw his big move from a long distance, preparing to blow the puppy into the tower.

"Shi Senming!!"


There is no need for the puppy to explain, Xiao Ming, who has been running in the spring and summer seasons, also knows what the puppy is going to say.

At this moment, the big move thrown by the wine barrel fell into slow motion, Xiao Ming's toad w opened and swallowed his own AD, and also pressed the flash.

When the flash is pressed, the big move of the wine barrel and the flying incense pot will undergo completely different changes.

RNG went down the road, not only did not get blown into the tower, they even sent a few points towards their own direction.

"This escaped too?"

The factory manager was slightly surprised: "This is their vision?? Such a quick response!!"

"It's not over yet!! Ah Guang!!"


During Scout's roar, Aguang was already teleporting towards the eye position dropped during the process of strengthening w of the aircraft explosive package.

That is, in the sky that day, for some reason, a sao pink devil bubble suddenly flew over, and at the same time, a wall suddenly popped up, precisely stuck behind the EDG Xialuo combination, forming an encirclement circle with the edge of the map.

"They, are they here too??"

Iboy's pupils shrank slightly, and if he read correctly just now, the rock sparrow just threw something behind them?
That is, eye position? ?And the kind that goes with the light.

"Quick, quick, back to defense, back to defense!!"

Iboy yelled: "We're out of touch, I'm going to die!!"

Want to run? ?

But it doesn't matter, what I have to do is to let Lin Xiu get down safely first.

The Rock Sparrow, who had already stepped on the stone wall, suddenly canceled the R skill by himself, and then let himself fall on the triangle grass on EDG's side.

E was thrown in Lin Xiu's eye position, and the W skill was ready for the last time.

If Luo, the younger sister, wanted to use Knock to fly to control Lin Xiu, then he would be carried over and he would surely die.

So. . .

Looking at the scene of the rock sparrow, the younger sister Luo was scared, and by handing over Xia, who was flashing and continuing to retreat, as a springboard, the q skill displacement was pulled back.

"Unfortunately, you can't escape."

Lin Xiu didn't panic 1, after the fear of the deep purple void came down, it seemed that the entire environment was cold.

"Even though you, Xia Luo, can run very well, if you can't use your skills at all, why are you running?"

So, Iboy. . .Your emperor is here again! !
(End of this chapter)

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