As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 110 There Are Dirty Things, It Disguses Me Here

Chapter 110 There Are Dirty Things, It Disguses Me Here
"This guy is so courageous, this tm dares to turn around!!".
However, scout also knew that for alchemy without displacement, this evasion route was already the best choice.

Scout glanced at the casting range, Lin Xiu had already reached the edge of the w skill.

He didn't hesitate anymore, and he pressed the w skill.

"Although you may not collapse if you catch it once, but now, please die for me!!"

A crisp sound.

Countless ice crystal fragments emerged on the ground.

That's Ice Maiden's w skill Ring of Frost.

"You know you are confident in your skill range."

If you change to a more stable mid laner, you must wait until the position you must hit before releasing your own control skills.

Scout, however, obviously does not.

Now he is still the kind of existence that loves to show off.

Young and confident.

What the hell do you want to be stable?

I feel that the skills are almost ready, so just let it go.

Then there is no more then.

It was this point in time that Lin Xiu was targeting.

The moment he was about to touch the ring of frost, he stopped.

Scout's w fell into the air.

At the same time, there is a problem with scout's r skill.

As a directional skill, the distance between Ice Maiden's ultimate move and Lin Xiu's is just so close that she can't press it to death.

Fuck, is this fucking okay?

"Assi!! I've been shown!"

Scout's eyes widened.

I clearly saw that he had reached the range of the spell.

In other words, he can even grasp such a limit distance.

Is this b a monster? ?

On the contrary, the buffer time of sprinting for 2 seconds has passed.

The speed of alchemy is completely full.

The speed of movement broke through 600.

In this time when there are generally no shoes, the horror is so explosive.

Turning on the poisonous gas, Lin Xiu began to shake violently.

"Wait for me!!"

The factory manager's e-skill is sliding, and he wants to get closer.

But classmate Lin Xiu seems to have run a little far.

"let me!!"

After all, Ike's w skill has a long enough casting distance. He predicted Lin Xiu's walking position and threw a delayed w.


This time Lin Xiu was speechless.

Light sauce, confused.

Everyone knows that you will definitely block the road ahead of me.

However, your highland is so big, won't labor and management take a detour? ?
There is still about 6s of sprinting left, enough for me to show off for a while.

Turning around, Lin Xiu threw w strong glue near the highland tower on the lower road, which slowed down edg and others, and at the same time she was out of the attack range of the defense tower.

Walking up, Alchemy turned around in the open space.

When the duration of Ike w elapses, this continues to walk past.

The factory manager used sliding steps to pass through the wall on the edge of the high ground, wanting to continue the pursuit. .

But, what the hell is Lin Xiu who is almost running to the front tooth tower in a blink of an eye?

The most annoying thing is that Lin Xiu knows the attack range of the front tooth tower and the spring water like the back of his hand.

Shuttle through the extremely narrow gaps with ease.

In the end, when Alchemy slipped to the front of the highland tower on the road, his blood volume was still about 70%.

Sure enough, it is Lang Bilin who likes to abuse springs.

The Highlands were almost as familiar as my own home.

On the other hand, the brave youngsters chasing his footsteps are very "friendly" in terms of blood volume.

Ike is in the best condition, he is still about half blood.

The rest of the people were almost not poisoned to death by alchemy.

In the early stage, three rings were bathed in alchemy gas for nearly ten seconds, not kidding.

The factory director finally gave up the skill flashed to W: "It's useless, I can't catch up!"


Mouse sighed, "This guy runs so fast."


The factory manager's face was slightly sad, but at the same time he was a little happy.

Fortunately, this time only people ran away, and the lives of the three people on my side did not catch up.

Next, the factory manager decided to shift the target.

"Let's fight a water dragon first, using the recovery ability of the water dragon, we can..."

Roar! !

In the sky, there was a faint murmur suddenly.

That's the sound effect when the elemental dragon dies.

"[RNG.MLXG] has killed the ocean dragon."

The factory manager, "..."

Ike, "..."

scout, "..."


We tm worked hard for a long time, but in the end we didn't get any wool.

No one was caught dead.

The dragon was not defeated.

Then he looked half-crippled.

The mentality has collapsed.

Lin Xiu nodded unobtrusively.

"It's okay, the dragon is in hand, and then..."

"Xiu'er, you sell it again, Xiao Hu and I will come right away!!"

I only heard Xiangguo talking excitedly, and at the same time, he and Xiaohu were on their way, "I saw that the other side is in a bad state, kill them!!"

These two guys are more active than me in feelings =, =.

If so, get dry.

Anyway, Lin Xiu didn't intend to let them go.

"Hey, hey, don't be in a daze! Be careful!!"

Scout, who was about to return with regret, said, "Alchemy, he's back again!!"

The factory manager, "!!!"

mouse, "!!!"

How did Lin Xiu, who was able to pass through the high ground tower on the road and slip away directly, come back?
Does this dog Lin Xiu treat us as human beings?

At this point, the three of edg have only one hard control left.

It is the big move of the ice girl.

Before the incense pot and the others come, I have to deal with the hidden danger in the hands of the ice girl.

So the target is locked, the ice girl who is outside the attack range of the defense tower.

"What is this guy pretending to be with us?"

All three of them were full of fire.

The ice girl with one-third of her blood also walked towards Lin Xiu.

Throw a big move in his face.

Alchemy's HP dropped to less than half.

The male gun that almost reached 6, the wq skill was also thrown out.

The blood volume continued to decrease, and there was still 4/1 left.

Freezing effect disappears.

Lin Xiu's alchemy began to activate again.

He started running in the opposite direction.

Of course, according to his current blood volume, it is definitely impossible to leave with the defensive tower on his shoulders.

So he continued to circle around, walking on the edge of death.

"Hehe, still want to show off?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of the director's mouth, and he turned and chased after him.

"Hey, you guys, don't you know that chasing alchemy is one of the famous illusions in the alliance?"

Lin Xiu sighed.

He took the last sip of the 3 layers of corrosive potion that had been kept, and drank it directly.

"He wants to fight back, pay attention to the blood volume.".
mouse kindly reminded me.

"I know."

The factory manager and scout checked the blood volume.

Persistence will be fine.

These few seconds are enough for this alchemist to die here.

To be reasonable, they don't want to waste any more time here, but if they got to this point, it would be even less human to retreat.

This tm is a matter of dignity!
Even if you lose the game, you can't lose the cards.

Gou Linxiu, you biss! !

"That's right, that's right!!"

Through walking, Lin Xiu knew that they were in a hurry.

But there was still a little bit of his sprint time left, so he didn't panic at all.

Even on the way to escape, he pulled all the soldiers from the middle and lower lanes over.

With the elimination of the poisonous gas, the experience of alchemy came to almost level 7.

The movement of ghosts and animals continues.

Under his intentional or unintentional guidance, the three of Edg were brought close to the edge of the high ground by Lin Xiu.

And Xiaohu and Xiangguo have already come here.

Immediately after the clockwork, Lin Xiu can be equipped with the e skill.

"Little Tiger, listen to me, don't worry."

Multitasking Lin Xiu saw the six-level spring, and hurriedly told Xiaohu to calm down.


Lin Xiu's pull, as long as it is done properly, one big move can directly increase to three.

The incense pot is staring at the other side.

Lin Xiu is now a human eye.

As long as the distance is enough, he will immediately fly into the sky in the form of a spider.

Finally, under the oppression of the EDG three.

Lin Xiu seemed to have made a mistake.

"He has brought himself to a dead end!"

From this angle, the three of them can swarm up.

"I'll come first!"

Ike's e skill was released directly, and in the next second he teleported to Lin Xiu on the spot.

If he is close to the face with a set of close-up eaqa, Ike's passive will be played.

Lin Xiu will die.

"Shield big!"

Xiaohu, it's too late to answer.

The operation and the words were carried out almost at the same time. The gray mechanical ball flew from a distance and landed on Lin Xiu's body, bringing out a gray shield at the same time.

Lin Xiu took a few steps forward and released her e skill.

Carry the ice girl who is the second closest to her directly.

"Very good, I'm coming too!"

Once the distance is enough, the spiders in the incense pot start to ascend to the sky.

Using the ice girl who was thrown behind as a landing point, he entered the high ground of EDG.

The mechanical balls around Alchemy suddenly twisted together.

An impact vortex with a radius of 325 appeared in the air. .

That's Clockwork's R skill, command: Shockwave!

Continue w skills.

Seeing that the two consecutive moves dealt damage, Xiaohu also directly handed in the flash.

Why bother so much, he wants to touch q to trigger the thunder!

Outside the wall, the distance is not enough.

When the light blue lightning flashed, with Lin Xiu at the center, scout and mouse died instantly.

"[RNG.xiaohu] killed [EDG.mouse]!!"

"[RNG.xiaohu] killed [EDG.scout]!! Double kill!!"

There is also a factory manager with residual blood! !

rush! !

The clockwork w has a 20% acceleration for teammates, and the spider uses the acceleration to bite the male gun who is fleeing in a hurry.

Then switch to the adult form, and the q skill ends.

"[RNG.MLXG] killed [EDG.Clearlove7]!!"

In the end, EDG found trouble with Lin Xiu, but ended up being replaced by RNG for three.

The alchemist with residual blood can easily leave the high ground with a clockwork shield and a spider anti-tower.

"Crazy, crazy, it's only been 7 minutes, rng went to the middle field, why did he run to the opposite highland to kill people?"

"66666, what makes me even more angry is that none of these people died."

"Wow, this shit, all three are beasts, and edg was blown through by Lin Xiu again."

Don't see that there is only one head on Alchemy now.

But everything that happened on the field was almost related to Lin Xiu.

So this dog thing is simply the root of all evil.


On the road, Iboy hesitated to speak, and finally looked sad.

"Can you give me less? If this goes on, I won't be able to fight anymore."

Played wild, died twice.

In the middle, died once.

Top order, died twice.

Support, died twice.


In just 7 minutes, you guys gave away nine heads?
And look at these headers, more than half of them are in the c position of rng.

Where are you?

I miss you so much. . .

EDG's Ue Nakano looked at each other silently.

"Director, is that Lin Xiu opposite him poisonous?"

Scout looked sad, "Why doesn't any of our tactics work every time we meet him?"

"To be reasonable, haven't we defeated many powerful enemies by relying on this style of play??"

Obviously through the first two games, edg has found a rhythm.

Just changing a top order, rng's style has completely changed.

The factory manager was also very annoyed, "The main reason is that I am also confused, who should I target?"

When letme is around, the factory manager doesn't have to worry about whether the mouse will be blown up.

Moreover, letme's late-stage carry ability has dropped significantly recently, and his positioning is also more and more teamfighting.

So the factory manager can spend time planning the layout of gank.

But it was completely different when Lin Xiu came on stage.

Are you going to catch the puppy?

I'm sorry, but it turns out that a fully developed Lin Xiu is crazier than a puppy.

Are you going to catch Lin Xiu?

Nima, the Nakano on the other side is either trying to find another way for our family, or helping to squat back.

As for the Nakano confrontation.


Forget it, playing rng, not targeting the upper and lower roads, is slow death.


Thinking about it this way, the factory manager became even more angry.

There is no way to target it.

The four words were printed in his mind like this.

"Give it a while."

The factory director's tone was not confident, a bit like self-comfort, "In the later stage, we can still fight, uh, it should be."

Everyone in edg: "..."

If Lin Xiu knew what the factory director was saying now, he would definitely refute on the spot.

Because, there is no later period.

After returning home, Lin Xiu directly made the mercury shoes.

Add another glacier armor to prepare for the synthesis of justice and glory later.

Next, click Send.

The target is the free eye that was lowered by the blue buff wall above when he was surfing on the high ground.

This is a wave of super winding from thousands of miles away.

Looking at Iboy, who was still working hard to replenish troops on the road, Lin Xiu had some sympathy in her eyes.


Everyone in edg has died except you.

Of course you want too.

Otherwise, your teammates will definitely miss you.

Why do I feel a very sinister breath. .
It was as if someone had come all the way to kill me.

Iboy shivered involuntarily.

"But it shouldn't be a problem, after all, my sister and I are both good at flashing, and I still have a big move."

Looking at the current state, Iboy was slightly relieved.

Besides, because there are problems in the rest of the road, he deliberately put the pawn line in.

At this time, he was replenishing soldiers in front of the first tower, which was very "safe".

As for Lin Xiu, she had already sneaked onto the blue side road, in the triangular grass near the first tower.

"Lin Xiu, don't worry, wait for Verus R, otherwise it will be difficult to climb the tower."

While pretending to make up the knife, the puppy kept watching Iboy's movements.

"do not!!"


Lin Xiu hurriedly stopped the puppy's movements, "Your Verus was fierce before level six, but after reaching level six, hehehe... I think it's better to hold down the r button."


The puppy's forehead was covered with black lines, "You're blackmailing me!"

"But, are you Verus superior?"


The little dog looked helpless: "I don't want to, every time there is a flash on the other side of the question, what can I do?"

Let's take iboy as an example, this kid is at the peak of reaction now, not to mention that Verus is so big, even a stone man can react by visual inspection.

"Wow, you people, mess with my mentality, do it, I'll save the r skill until you guys control it for me."

"No, your r just needs to be able to complete the flash on the opposite side."


Nima, my Verus can only go A?

These words are simply insulting me.

Labor and management do not believe it.

The incense pot doesn't care so much, this guy directly took out a five-speed shoe after returning home.

Coupled with the inherent acceleration of the spider form, it can run and fly.

He ran straight to the edge of the grass, his eyes searching for Iboy and Meikou.

Finally, after a second or two,
Xiangguo grabbed a backswing from Dazui Bubing.

right here!

The spider's e skill is shot from a place with no vision at all, like a sharp knife piercing the weakest place with precision.

Dazui, who was replenishing soldiers, was brought under control.

"Not good! The opposite side is overtaking my tower!!"

Only then did Iboy understand what the ominous premonition just now was.

"The other side moves so fast! But there's only one spider that should be fine."

Meikou swallowed the big mouth without saying a word.

"Puppy, big!"


The puppy's gaze was like a torch, and Verus under him was like a willow in the wind, swaying and unrestrained.

On the translucent crystal longbow, the bowstring has snow-white energy gathering, and finally turns into a gorgeous and magnificent Verus long arrow.

Then. . .

empty. . .

Meikou directly dodged this skill by flashing.

Xiangguo immediately pinched the mouse and smiled, "Yes, I am indeed proud!! Successfully let the opposite assistant hand over the flash!"

The rest of rng also nodded in relief.

As expected.


The puppy is a little bit crazy.

This tm is poisonous, my actions should be very secretive, why can the opponent always dodge so easily? ?
The point is that my teammates are still mocking me.

Pride exploded.

"I guess it's too late, I'll give you an acceleration and an assist."

Xiaohu has just walked near the entrance of the blue buff and the river.

He manipulated the clockwork to put a shield on Lin Xiu, and then released a w on the spot to accelerate.

"Okay, I'm going!!"

The next moment, he and Xiangguo appeared at the same time.


Why is Lin Xiu there, and why is the clockwork on his body nearby?
When did you rng know how to play 5 packs of 2?

"I'm teleporting!!"

"Me too!!"

EDG's middle and lower knew that the situation was urgent, so they teleported directly to the first tower.

"There are still 3 seconds before they fall."

"We have to kill the bottom lane first in this little time!"

The cooling time of alchemy's big move is actually not long, the duration is 25s, and the cooling time of level 1 is 2 minutes.

With such ink marks before and after, the big move has turned for the better.

After drinking a mouthful of the crazy potion, the bald man in white clothes and carrying a large trophy soared rapidly.

Even without sprinting, the movement speed has reached more than 500.

So it was just two strides that ran in front of Toad.


Meikou looked at the puddle of unknown glue that suddenly appeared on the ground, and said that she couldn't run at all.

"Iboy, sell me, run away!"


If the toad was carried back by Lin Xiu, it would be worthy of the name, one dead body and two lives.

The toad's mouth was opened by the fingertip girl, and Iboy fell from it, and then handed over a flash forward.

Then he found a problem.

Lin Xiu, a bastard, never planned to be toaded.

He paused in front of Toad, and then walked further forward.

"Fuck, I was calculated. He knew I was going to come out. This distance is too close."

A big mouth without a shoe, running with a hammer and alchemy?

The e skill fell over the shoulder and walked up, and the big mouth was directly raised high.

Then fell hard to the ground.

Verus, Bron, and Spider behind have followed.

"[RNG.UZI] killed [EDG.Iboy]!! Has gone berserk!!"

In the beating, Iboy, suddenly!

"It's not over yet, brothers."

The middle and upper transmission on the opposite side has fallen, and then Xiaohu who rushed over had a friendly meeting with the factory manager in the blue zone.

Everything appeared in Lin Xiu's mind at the same time like a split shot.

He knew very well how to fight the team battle in the next moment.

Lin Xiu spoke clearly and quickly.

"Xiaohu, you and the factory manager have a fight, he was hanged and beaten by you!"

"The rest of the people will go to the two towers first, and the second will be toads. This thing is too annoying."

"Xiao Ming, run slowly, don't let the puppy go last!"

No one had time to reply to Lin Xiu.

But everyone took action the next moment, accurately and efficiently.

It's like a precision machine that moves the whole body with one hair.

From the team battle of jumping a tower in 9 minutes, let's go!
(End of this chapter)

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