Chapter 113 LPL is united?
Then in the following days, RNG will continue to prepare for the battle according to the previously discussed things. .
It is worth mentioning that this year's LPL is quite united.

This year's World Finals, because they are fighting at their own home court, is also the first time that the local host has hosted the LoL World Finals.

As a result, the audience's enthusiasm and expectations were filled almost instantly.

Everyone wants to see their compatriots guard the glory and dignity of last year on their own land, so that people all over the world can see that lpl is not the second child of ten thousand years.

From last year, our region is getting stronger in its own way.

So for this purpose, I put aside all the disturbances between clubs.

At this moment when everyone in lpl should be fighting for collective honor, they don't have the heart to play fan circles with you or anything like that.

As a result, the daily life of the four teams became very tight.

They are constantly training each other and simulating each other to discover their own problems.

It can be noted here that there are four teams, not three.

In addition to the three teams participating in the World Championship, the IG team also joined it.

In the eyes of many people, IG is estimated to be Shi Lezhi.

"What the hell is this IG doing??"

"You are a runner-up, you were obviously defeated by WE, and you gave away your place in the World Championship, but now you want to take the initiative to help the other three teams of LPL? Is this considered helping the enemy?"

"One thing to say, one thing to do, IG is either really good-natured, or it's just a show."

"I hope IG won't harm the other teams, seriously..."

It can be seen that most people can't understand IG's approach. After all, for these people, it seems that moving the keyboard is enough to evaluate others.

However, in Lin Xiu's view, this decision is definitely the smartest decision in the entire s7 season, not one of them.

On the one hand, IG needs to maintain its state and run in, and on the other hand, LPL needs to have a team of sufficient level to accompany it.

Excessive speculation and conspiracy theories really shouldn't appear in lol, which has gradually become a regularized e-sports. Isn't it good that LPL is united for the championship? ?

In addition, don't forget the win-win mentioned above. The so-called win-win means that both parties will benefit.

It is true that the current three lpl teams have no bad intentions, everyone is thinking about how to keep the honor in their home country.

But let these three teams play against each other without reservation, the boss will definitely mind if the players don't say anything, and the coach doesn't say anything.

Because everyone is a club, and the ultimate goal of being a club is to make profits.

If everyone has finished explaining the background, I am afraid that they are not causing trouble for themselves, then it is very necessary for a fourth-party intermediate platform to appear outside the three teams at this time.

IG can play against the three teams as much as they like. Anyway, they don't play in the World Championship, and everyone has no reservations.

Then when IG changes opponents, it can imitate and learn the style of the previous team. In this way, the running-in effect of everyone can be greatly improved.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that the strength of IG itself is not much different from these three teams.

If it is replaced by lgd, maybe the strength on paper is not weak, but the overall combat effectiveness is still a bit worse than this newborn IG.

The most sao is because of the relationship between Rookie, IG and lck teams, such as SKT, have a very good relationship.

They can even imitate SKT's style to help everyone in lpl train.

Since the three teams competing in the World Championship are benefiting, IG itself will benefit even more.

The principal knows very well that the potential of this IG team is absolutely amazing, and in fact history has proved everything.

But if you want to bring out the full potential of these young people now, IG's running-in and training are far from enough. They need a lot of battles to enrich their strength.

Offer to help RNG train them.

This kind of opportunity to play against the three top teams of lpl wantonly and without reservation, IG can say that no amount of profit can be exchanged for it.

And the training during this period can be regarded as establishing the invincible regular season performance of IG in the spring split of the S8 season in the original history.

So now, you still say they are putting on a show? ?
This tm is really really good, Lin Xiu can almost predict that it doesn't matter what the result of this year's LPL in the World Championship will be when next year's spring split.

The strength and reputation of IG will definitely get a qualitative leap.

Although playing in the league is just a job after all, it is quite interesting in this way.

Then, when lck had no idea what lpl was preparing, the time for the official start of the World Championship got closer and closer.

Regarding the previous expedition ceremony, it seemed a bit embarrassing, after all, the so-called expedition dragon robe was really ugly. .

God knows who designed it, it doesn't have the beauty of billions of dots.

On the contrary, the boiling and sincere enthusiasm of the audience infected all the team members.

Perhaps at this time, everyone will find that what they are carrying is not just their own dreams.

And this generation loves lol, all young people dream.

There are also the dreams of those fans who have been silently supporting themselves and never giving up.

Carrying these things, the burden on the shoulders seems to be a bit heavier.

Then soon, the major teams will go to the battlefield they need to fight for - the venue of the group stage and play-in stage, Jiangcheng!
Jiangcheng. .
As the name suggests, this place is where the Yangtze River and the Han River intersect.

In summer, this is a famous stove in the whole country, but when it comes to October, the weather here is a little less hot and a little more cool.

You must know that the Jiangcheng Gymnasium is originally one of the most famous places in the country, coupled with tx and Fist's wealth and wealth, it is amazing to decorate this place where the dream of summoners begins to be beautiful and spectacular.

Whether it's a sculpture with a height of about a few people at the entrance, or the star-studded interior, it gives people a feeling of time travel.

Speaking of which, there are far more than RNG teams present today. To be precise, all the teams including the finalists have come here.

Because here, the opening ceremony of the S7 League of Legends Global Finals will be held soon.

What is the most important and ceremonial thing about the opening ceremony? ?

Immediately, a certain SKT will give the answer.

With a soft sound, the surrounding lights slowly dimmed. At this time, a beam of light quietly fell in the center of the venue. The light in the darkness immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the noisy environment of the venue gradually quieted down.

In the shadows, Brother Li slowly walked out.

What he held in his hand was the Summoner's Cup, a trophy that had been kept by RNG for a year.

This is the rule of the League of Legends, the same tradition as many traditional sports.

There is one and only one Summoner's Cup.

Each champion team owns the ownership of the Summoner's Cup for one year, and when the World Championship restarts after one year, they need to return the trophy in custody.

When the silver light of the Summoner's Cup collided with the base and finally made a faint sound, the breathing of all the players was obviously a little short.

At this time, Brother Li's eyes were shining brightly reflecting the figure of the trophy, and what was burning in his eyes was a raging fighting spirit.

He was very reluctant, but more still eager.

That trophy is what the contestants here have been striving for.

In order to be able to stand on the stage that symbolizes the highest honor, in order to be able to lift this honor with one's own hands, no amount of hard work or sweat is worth it.

Looking at the development of the lol game so far, only SKT has managed to keep the Summoner's Cup for two consecutive years.

Because when a certain team in front reaches the top of the world, he will also become the enemy of the whole world, and all well-prepared challengers will try their best to defeat him.

And now, it's time for SKT to return the championship trophy.

"Speaking of which, I have a very strange question."

Feeling the boiling around, and the fighting spirit of the players who could be felt from far away in the dark, Lin Xiu's thoughts were not here at all.


Everyone was a little puzzled.

But Lin Xiu simply thought of the World Cup, because there is a rule in the World Cup, the first team to win three championships can keep the trophy forever.

At the beginning, Brazil achieved this feat and finally retained the Rimit Cup forever.

It's a pity that it was stolen in the end.

Now that SKT has won three championships, if they win again this time, they are very likely to achieve an unprecedented three consecutive championships + a total of four championships.

At that time, will Riot make an exception for SKT?
Lin Xiu didn't ask this question, but it made everyone nervous.


I mean, if SKT really wins, then according to the league's plan to gradually become more competitive, it is not certain that such a thing will really happen.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is still in the bird's nest.

At the door of my house.

"That kind of thing is scary when you think about it."

For a moment, everyone's eyes were very solemn.

I don't know if they will fight or not, but no matter what, they must try their best to fight hard.

"LCK, stop whatever you say this year."

Then, when this sacred ceremony is over, the next steps seem a bit boring. .
It's just a routine performance, and there are various short interactions.

If there are any bright spots, it is estimated that at the end of the scene, the big screen will be played on the scene, and with the deafening sound, the S7 title track will be produced.

"Legends, never, die" - legends never die!
Listening to the melodious music and the MV elaborately produced by Fist, Lin Xiu had to complain: "This tm, Fist is indeed a music company!!"

I have to say that starting from s7, fist definitely gave lpl enough face.

The production of "Legend Never Extinguished" is absolutely as far as possible, and the handwriting is quite large.

Its melody has flowed through small rivers and once set foot on the tops of mountains.

After the turmoil, it finally returned to calm, leaving only a faint echo.

Above, it recorded various famous scenes in the S6 world competition.

There is Peanut's absolute opportunity, and Li Ge's sadness when the curtain ends.

Then, with the ending of the theme song, the opening ceremony also came to an end. After everyone took a short break, the knockout round began directly.

In the one-week knockout round, the No. [-] seeds in all divisions will continue to fight, and the rules are the same as in the group stage.

The top four finalists will be randomly assigned to the last team pool of each group.

The result of this knockout round was that many people expected a dark horse, but the actual result was basically the same as everyone expected.

Apart from the wild card teams, there are also some low-level teams, and whoever can get in at the end knows exactly what.

In the end, the four teams were divided, they are: C9, FNC, SSG (Samsung), FB.

It can be seen that they are basically old strong teams and permanent residents of the World Championship.

When these four teams are also grouped, the teams that will finally participate in the group stage will also appear.

Group A: RNG, LZ, AHQ, FB
Group B: SKT, EDG, GAM, C9
Group C: G2, MSF, WE, SSG
Group D; FW, IMT, TSM, FNC
When this group came out, the LPL and LCK almost breathed a sigh of relief.

Because, the two teams will basically avoid opponents they don't want to meet in the group stage.

Not to mention RNG, the strongest on paper, and the title of the former champion team.

On WE's side, be careful of G2, but the probability of it appearing is much higher.

On EDG's side, they played steadily and steadily, and it would be no problem to lose to SKT's No. [-] qualifying.

However, Lin Xiu frowned slightly looking at this group: "Sure enough, is some inertia still too strong?"

At first glance, the situation looked good, but he noticed that EDG's team had an opponent—C9. .

This team is a veteran and strong team in North America. Although it has convulsions from time to time, it is hammered by lpl and lck.

But this kind of team has a lot of tricks, and BO1 is very easy to upset.

Back then, EDG left his most humiliating record on him, stopping at the top [-].

God knows how painful the heartbreaking voices of EDG fans were at that time.

"I hope this year's EDG will be more cautious."

If you want to say that EDG is not as good as C9, Lin Xiu must not believe it.

The point is still whether EDG attaches great importance to C9 and whether they are fully prepared. Lin Xiu has quietly reminded Ah Guang and the director of this point.

Hope, can change.

Then, here comes the main event.

As the champion of this year's lpl summer competition, last year's lpl's card - RNG, will soon face the LCK team in the first game on the first day of the group stage, LZ!Dragon Ball Team!
In terms of strength, this team is really not weak at all.

In the final battle of lck, if SKT hadn't been stronger than before and more fully prepared, the summer champion would not belong to this year's skt.

Even so, lck's summer finals were full of BO5, and it took nearly 5 hours in total. It can be called the most exciting summer game of LCK.

Speaking of which, the rise of this team is legendary.

Dragon Ball first took over the bottom lane of ROX, which was disintegrated by RNG, pray+gorilla.

The two elders, Xuan Ming, are as stable as Mount Tai, and they didn't blow it out.

In this version with the bot lane as the core, pray, the experienced veteran, is simply the pinnacle of the sea.

Then, the top laner, khan who had been in lpl's QG team for a while.

The mid laner is the mid laner BDD of the CJ team who just lost the relegation match and was relegated.

Playing wild, pure rookie Cuzz.

It is estimated that no one would have imagined that such a young team could build a team and directly kill here, and even the enhanced version of SKT was almost overturned.

I have to say that the talents of the Dragon Ball players are really high.

"Although we say that there is not much pressure, we must be careful when dealing with this team."

As the time for the start of the game was getting closer, before everything officially started, Brother Feng had already told him many times.

"We must try our best to understand the opponent's weaknesses without revealing our own cards, and at the same time, we must try our best to qualify as the first place."

Everyone knows the advantages of the first name.

If being educated by Dragon Ball because of arrogance and carelessness, it will be very detrimental to RNG's follow-up.

Thinking the same way, there is also Dragon Ball itself.

Their style can be regarded as an alternative in the current lck, it can be said to be the most radical style.

In addition, everyone is young, fearless and fearless.

The smell of gunpowder is already strong, and the war is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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